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Tollway Crash Teenager Gets Two-Year Suspended Sentence

Lite Beer

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Her surname is;

"Na Ayudhya

The children and subsequent descendants of a male Mom Luang do not hold any title. However, they append the words "Na Ayudhya" (ณ อยุธยา) to their surname, signifying they are descended from a royal blood line."


Did anyone seriously expect anything else ?

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That's justice in the Land of Smiles. I feel awful for the families of those killed by the little wench. I can take comfort in the fact that this particular family just lost major 'face'. She will always be the little rich girl that got away with killing people. Thais love gossip. She may have been slapped on the wrist by the courts, but the society at large will not forget who she is and what she's done. They'll be whispering behind her back wherever she goes.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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wonder what sentence would be dished out to a EU/USA tourist causing the death of 9 thais ?????.....even if they were old enough to drive and had a REAL driving license !!!!!!

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If the surviving members do nothing, then why should I care. It wasn't my loved one or child slaughtered?

They accept this half completed form of justice, and that is good enough for me if it is good enough for them.

If they do not accept this half completed form of justice, then it should be their responsibility to use the very same laws of the land that got the girl justice to get their own justice. When one considers the law of this land (as it is clear that money buys justice), then it becomes clear what one must do. One must pursue the purchase of justice until justice can be accomplished completely. Otherwise, leave it be.

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It is good to see that Thailand protects children and adhere's to the treaty on the rights of the child. Especially regarding youngsters the aim of the law is not to punish, but to correct wrong behaviour.

Let's not forget this isn't murder, as some seem to want to make out of it. It was a very, very tragic accident. And don't forget that driving by minors is not exactly rare in Thailand and it are often the adults who fail to act against it.

she was 16 not a child so i disagree.. so its ok to kill 9 ppl and be unpunished.. What world are you living in

I think Thailand is the same as Australia and any person under the age of 18 at the time of the offence is heard in the Children's Court ie they are children.

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What punishment would be fair for a young girl of her age? Should she be put in prison for the rest of her life as an example for the other underage drivers around or should the one that gave the keys to that Civic go to jail?

Sorry to say that this sentence doesn't come as a surprise, just a confirmation.

It would most probably be a good sign to punish the parents for their lack of responibility! I see 8 and 10 year old kids driving on motorbikes every day and their parents dont give a s%#*t.

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It is good to see that Thailand protects children and adhere's to the treaty on the rights of the child. Especially regarding youngsters the aim of the law is not to punish, but to correct wrong behaviour.

Let's not forget this isn't murder, as some seem to want to make out of it. It was a very, very tragic accident. And don't forget that driving by minors is not exactly rare in Thailand and it are often the adults who fail to act against it.

Finally a poster that talks like a mature adult. The nasty vendictive, negative posters that want blood and executions should just disappear. It is amazing they have something negative and angry to say about almost every single news article posted on TV. If you want to know whats happening in the world between countires, just listen to the people talk.

Nobody is calling for blood, just justice!! She is 16, she knows the consequences of her actions. When somebody drives a car drunk they dont go out with the intention to kill someone but they understand the risks involved.

Its not murder but it is manslaughter. The sentence is a disgrace and anyone who disagree's needs to seriously question their own mindset! How would you react if the victims were in your family??

Quite frankly, its time that expats living in this host country let the Thais take care of their affairs and country (including the politics) without the help of all the foreign experts on everything that happens. When something directly involves you and your family, then give your opinions with the proper people.

I am not defending what she did, but her punishment is not our business, or does it deserve the kind of comments that are made public on this public blog. This is a very different culture here, and either we can enjoy being here or we have a choice to find a cculture that causes a more enjoyable experience.

I'm not sure what is pissing me off more, the thought of the nine lives wasted or the vitriolic outpourings from the countless expats who have been personally injured in this sad affair. I am reminded of the morons in the Monty Python movie screaming ... 'it's a witch, it's a witch'. Justice is a strange animal, in some parts of the world it is 'just' to behead a woman because she was seen with a man other than her husband. Not that long ago it was justice to transport a starving person who stole a lump of bread to Australia. There are so many victims here, obviously the people who died and their families but also the girl and by extension Thailand too. They are all victims of an underdevelped justice system we don't understand. I hate to say it but, if you are so terribly offended, stop prostituting your morals and go back to where you came from, where there is a justice system you understand.

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It is good to see that Thailand protects children and adhere's to the treaty on the rights of the child. Especially regarding youngsters the aim of the law is not to punish, but to correct wrong behaviour.

Let's not forget this isn't murder, as some seem to want to make out of it. It was a very, very tragic accident. And don't forget that driving by minors is not exactly rare in Thailand and it are often the adults who fail to act against it.

she was 16 not a child so i disagree.. so its ok to kill 9 ppl and be unpunished.. What world are you living in

I think Thailand is the same as Australia and any person under the age of 18 at the time of the offence is heard in the Children's Court ie they are children.

And I repeat my question. In Australia if parents bought a 16yo a car and consented to her driving it on public roads;a car which then caused an accident killing 9 people, do you think that they would/should not be charged?

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The penalty was suspended for three years and the teenager is banned from driving until she is 25 years old.

This means no penalty at all.

She can drive anytime she wants, and pay the 300 bahts fine if stopped, and then continue driving in the next breath.

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What concerns me about this sentence is not the fact that a 16 year old girl has been handed the sentence of that of a minor - thats fair enough.

No responsibility or blame has been laid at the hands of those who were in her charge and permitted her to drive the car in the first place.

If a parent allows an 8 year old to play with a live gun and the 8 year old kills 9 people in the process who is really to blame ?

IF a 16 year old child is being tried as a minor, someone is then responsible for allowing her to drive the car illegally.

What is really concerning is that there appears to be no learning. No message to other parents that by allowing their child to drive a vehicle underage they themselves are accountable and are breaking the law.

I couldn't agree more.

At age 16 she is still a child and the question has to be asked about parenting! I feel that the parents of the 16 year old should be judged along with the child and share the sentence, jail time, a mental institution or what ever.

Then parents would take responsibility and teach their children proper values OR risk prosecution and penalties!

When I was a child and did something wrong the words "I am going to make an example of you",still ring in my ears!

No pain, no gain. Lessons are only learned by Hard Knocks,

However, I do recall reading an earlier report that suggested this might all go away if the bereaved accepted an out of court settlement.

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wonder what sentence would be dished out to a EU/USA tourist causing the death of 9 thais ?????.....even if they were old enough to drive and had a REAL driving license !!!!!!

How about a more parallel comparison: What would happen if a 16 year old Western Girl (both Parents Western) drove on the expressway and had an accident tragically killing 9 people?...... I suspect the out come would be very similar.

It was an accident, we don't know what happened or who caused it. BUT, what we do know is that a girl of 16 years old should not have been driving a car. This fact alone has not been addressed by the courts. The punishment has leapfrogged a critical issue which could prevent further similar occurrences.

My Wife says she was driving on the roads of Bangkok at 15 years old and didn't know any better. My logic tells me her parents were not responsible enough for her and should be held accountable in the event of an accident or police stop. Fortunately her life was not destroyed by dangers her lack of maturity and experience at 15 years old failed to foresee. Nevertheless it still shows how completely irresponsible some parents are.

If Parents cannot understand the dangers then at least force society to become familiar with accountability when something goes wrong or a car is stopped at a Police check.

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I hate to say it but, if you are so terribly offended, stop prostituting your morals and go back to where you came from, where there is a justice system you understand.

I hate to say it, but, if you don't like what you read don't read the forum.... See my point ? The 'If you don't like it go home' argument is so fundamentally flawed yet overused it only presents its users lack of brain function.

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I wonder why the hi-so people act as if they can get away with anything. Because they can?

A suspended sentence. Forty eight hours of community service. Outrageous and disgusting, even for Thailand's judicial system! Jail time and many millions of baht in compensation was a realististic sentence.

Yes, because they can . . . as has been shown over and over again. "Hi-so" Thai's, those that are better off, politicians, government officials, police etc etc . . . all can do whatever they want to do. That's what "privelege" has been and still is all about it here in the LoS.

Until such time as the rest of the population in Thailand get off their arse's and choose to do something about it, people will continue to get walked over, get taken advantage of, screwed left, right and centre, and nothing will change.

dam_n, I'm getting cynical in my old age! lol

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I wonder why the hi-so people act as if they can get away with anything. Because they can?

A suspended sentence. Forty eight hours of community service. Outrageous and disgusting, even for Thailand's judicial system! Jail time and many millions of baht in compensation was a realististic sentence.

Yes, because they can . . . as has been shown over and over again. "Hi-so" Thai's, those that are better off, politicians, government officials, police etc etc . . . all can do whatever they want to do. That's what "privelege" has been and still is all about it here in the LoS.

Until such time as the rest of the population in Thailand get off their arse's and choose to do something about it, people will continue to get walked over, get taken advantage of, screwed left, right and centre, and nothing will change.

dam_n, I'm getting cynical in my old age! lol

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wonder what sentence would be dished out to a EU/USA tourist causing the death of 9 thais ?????.....even if they were old enough to drive and had a REAL driving license !!!!!!

How about a more parallel comparison: What would happen if a 16 year old Western Girl (both Parents Western) drove on the expressway and had an accident tragically killing 9 people?...... I suspect the out come would be very similar.

It was an accident, we don't know what happened or who caused it. BUT, what we do know is that a girl of 16 years old should not have been driving a car. This fact alone has not been addressed by the courts. The punishment has leapfrogged a critical issue which could prevent further similar occurrences.

My Wife says she was driving on the roads of Bangkok at 15 years old and didn't know any better. My logic tells me her parents were not responsible enough for her and should be held accountable in the event of an accident or police stop. Fortunately her life was not destroyed by dangers her lack of maturity and experience at 15 years old failed to foresee. Nevertheless it still shows how completely irresponsible some parents are.

If Parents cannot understand the dangers then at least force society to become familiar with accountability when something goes wrong or a car is stopped at a Police check.

Where I come from a 16 year old that has no drivers license and has an accident in the car that kills 9 people gets charged with involuntary manslaughter. If guilty that's 2 to 5 years 9 times.
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If the surviving members do nothing, then why should I care. It wasn't my loved one or child slaughtered?

They accept this half completed form of justice, and that is good enough for me if it is good enough for them.

If they do not accept this half completed form of justice, then it should be their responsibility to use the very same laws of the land that got the girl justice to get their own justice. When one considers the law of this land (as it is clear that money buys justice), then it becomes clear what one must do. One must pursue the purchase of justice until justice can be accomplished completely. Otherwise, leave it be.

Sounds reasonable at first.

But who could afford to pursue the purchase of justice?

One must just accept that this is the way it is in Thailand.

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It is good to see that Thailand protects children and adhere's to the treaty on the rights of the child. Especially regarding youngsters the aim of the law is not to punish, but to correct wrong behaviour.

Let's not forget this isn't murder, as some seem to want to make out of it. It was a very, very tragic accident. And don't forget that driving by minors is not exactly rare in Thailand and it are often the adults who fail to act against it.

she was 16 not a child so i disagree.. so its ok to kill 9 ppl and be unpunished.. What world are you living in

I think Thailand is the same as Australia and any person under the age of 18 at the time of the offence is heard in the Children's Court ie they are children.

And I repeat my question. In Australia if parents bought a 16yo a car and consented to her driving it on public roads;a car which then caused an accident killing 9 people, do you think that they would/should not be charged?

Would the parents be charged? The answer is no. Should they be charged, if so with what? There is currently no legislation that would allow a parent to be charged unless the vehicle was a company registered vehicle and a parent was a registered director of the company then they may be charged with allowing an unregistered person to drive that vehicle. You would still need admissions from the parent saying that they permitted the child to drive if the child was not driving in the course of employment. Should there be a law that holds parents responsible? That is a hard question because proving they gave permission would be difficult without admissions and I doubt they would admit.

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I wonder why the hi-so people act as if they can get away with anything. Because they can?

A suspended sentence. Forty eight hours of community service. Outrageous and disgusting, even for Thailand's judicial system! Jail time and many millions of baht in compensation was a realististic sentence.

Emm, Clearly someone was compensated many millions of baht....Just not the victims families.

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I wonder why the hi-so people act as if they can get away with anything. Because they can?

A suspended sentence. Forty eight hours of community service. Outrageous and disgusting, even for Thailand's judicial system! Jail time and many millions of baht in compensation was a realististic sentence.

You can bet the many millions of baht bit happened already or she would not of got this sentence!

Yeah, but who got the money? Victims or officials.

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How anyone could live with knowing that you caused the deaths of nine people but knowing the raw arrogance of many wealthy people in Thailand I am sure she has forgotten about it already the worst inconvenience this whole incident has cause is she will have to pop abroad to purchase the next driving licence until she is 25.

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