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German Kills Pet Dog, The Other Side Of The Story


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What is it with Thais and their dogs. My neighbours, each side, have 4 dogs each. All mingin mongrels. They are untrained, probably unloved, and never allowed out of their small gardens. I just have to open my front or back door, or the gate to our driveway and the barking starts - same when the postman comes or anybody drives past on a motorbike.But worst of all they wake up and start barking as soon as the sun comes up.

If i was as brave as the German they'd all end up knifed.

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Protecting territory, the dogs territory is only inside their chanote area, outside is not dogs territory, like my pitbull terrier do, try to jump inside my gate and you will see,...but if I open the gate he is not interested about dogs outside...maybe is a cleaver dogs not a stupid dog grow up with a...thai dont care family...education 1st! Dog unlock in the strret, ...mean no owner :-)

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and never allowed out of their small gardens.

So they are not on the street, well that is at least something. But they should be exercised. Report the abuse to your city vet. He might be willing to make a call and "teach" the owners what to do.

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I said there were 13000 deaths on Thailands roads every year, I did know that was only people who died at the scene, I am really surprised to hear now there are about 35000 deaths every year on the roads. I would like to know how many of these fatalities are underage children being given the keys for motorbikes by their stupid parents. Only today an obviously underage girl did a u-turn in front of me in front of the police. As an ex teacher, I know the girl was underage because of her haircut.

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Few people in Thailand know the first thing about dogs or other animals . They take no care of them and keep no control .

I have been bitten by dogs when riding my bicycle in the country . I now always carry a stick with which I can beat them off before they bite me .

I agree that fetching a kitchen knife and stabbing the dog multiple times seems excessive , to have carried a walking stick would have made more sense .

In view of the fact that the police had been previously notified of the golden retreaver's attacks , the dog should have securely contained , unable to escape .

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I went to Google and entered a search for "German man attacks" and respectively "Golden Retriever Attacks".

I found some interesting imformation.

There is only one article about a German man attacking in the first 10 pages, and it is this one only.

Regarding the Golden Retriever search, the pages are endless about how Golden Retrievers are being overbred and becoming aggressive.

They are listed as the number 4 biter in Canada. The author of this article states, "I blame most of this on breeding calmness in golden retrievers. Well, wait, how can breeding for calmness lead to aggression? Temple Grandin argues that breeding for calmness in goldens has made them more likely to develop seizure issues, because the fundamental brain chemistry of the dog is messed up. (Read about it here.) Grandin points out how hard it is to breed a dog that is both unafraid of people and unlikely to bite. Both of these temperament issues are a balancing act. If something gets out of sync, you’ll have a biting golden retriever on your hands."

With these things in mind, it is fair logic to take the fact that Thais over breed dogs, and that this dog was probably damaged goods at the point of conception.

Looking at the amount of links on Golden Retrievers attacking and considering that these are in countries where the breeding is somewhat held under control, then I am not surprised that this incident more than likely involves an animal that is not what it seems, nor what it was intended to be as a breed, nor handled as is absolutely necessary for any kind of breed. More than likely it was a toy that was purchased for overly vain wife who always gets her way, and when it grew up and began to act the way its breed acts, these Thais forgot about it and let it exist as they generally do with all their other garbage that sits around and litters up their residences. The dog simply became a nuisance to be ignored, and nothing to be done about it. Avoid avoid avoid!

The requirements for owning a breed of this sort are large amounts of exercise and other care items that this Thai owner clearly did not understand; all of which contributed to the dog being vicious (in addition to it being a product of a puppy mill) and not worth the space it took up.

So, in short, dogs like this are more defective than your average soi dog, and also more apt to turn out bad for human health. Just read on the cons of owning a genuine purebred Golden, and then factor in the additional cons of an over bred animal.

This attack was in the making, and it would have been anyone else had it not been the man or his dog.

So, before that man even took his walk, and years before that, I blame the Thais for allowing this cruelty in dogs being brought into existence, that are problems in the making. The only thing soi dogs have going for them at the moment is they are not overbred since they live by natural selection. Puppy mill dogs have no choice, and are born into this world as ticking time bombs, either going to an early death from medical problems, or waiting to snap and kill someone and then to be put away or saved for another day (so they can attack again) due to oversympathizing, irresponsible <deleted> who do not understand logic and respect for their human neighbors.

Any blame towards this man is irrelevant. Any obsession on his nationality is racist and speaks of a feeble mind.

It is my concensus that this dog was over bred, and its mind was not stable to begin with, as the articles suggest. It is also my concensus that the owner purchased a cute, cuddly puppy without the mental capacity to realize it would grow up and be a big problem on a very small sized lot.

Another funny thing is when you read about most dog attacks in other countries where developed minds exist, you will generally discover that anyone within the vicinity of the attack will lend a hand and try to stop the animal instead of gawping or over stretching the imagination to bring blame against the human being who crosses the path of an animal like this.

As a final thought, the owner illegally pourchased this dog from an illegally ran kennal. No licenses from the purchase to trace the seller -no regiostration papers from City Hall for licensing the dog - no vaccination papers to show the dog is not a carrier. All these things point to the owner owning illegal property.

There are for too many laws that have been broken here before the victim did one wrong thing.

To think that the ass-wipe police have him in their office, and deciding if they are going to press charges makes me think of a bunch of monkeys fuc_king a football. That man should be telling the police they will have a lwasuit bought against them if they do not first go to the source of the problem (the owner) and haul his dumb ass down to their office and make him prove that his aggressive dog was properly purchased from a legal seller, and cared for properly, and that there is no evidence to suggest that the dog did anything wrong and that the man provoked the dog and set it loose on the street so he could act like a victim.

This "questioning the foreigner" crap is typical of backward thinking, undeveloped, arrogant idiots.

And one final thought: All the victim has to say to the police is that the owner has to prove that the dog is his. The victim can say that he killed a street dog and leave it at that. If the owner says it is his dog because he cares for it, then that means the school where my son attends owns my son because they care for him much more than this person cared for this dog; and the dog ran loose a lot more than any time it would spend with the owner. That is stupid logic, and that is how the Thai police think.

I wash my hands of this and my estimate of a lot of posters who dismiss logic and reason has dropped considerably.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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The dog in my next Soi that I HAVE TO PASS to exit the Moo Baan always charges me on my bike like a rabid animal my wife is terrified and scared to take the kids out unless its in the car maybe this dog is NEXT

Somebody, some heavy firecrackers?

A strong-air-soft-gun (plastic bullets) is also worth a try! wink.png

Killing should be the last option!whistling.gif

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Please stay on-topic and remember this is not a thread about bashing Germans.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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A GoldenRetrever is a sweet and caring child loving animal, Rotweilers are known as killers.

You evidently did not read my post. You are ideally describing a purebreed that has not been over bred and has been properly cared for as its breed requires, and all that by a responsible owner who could produce paperwork and evidence of that care. Additionally, all one has to do is look at the small, cramped place where the owner lives and one can immediately tell if the dog is not meant for that kind of living. In most developed countries that really care about dogs, the seller sof this dog would have gone to the man's home and made sure that their dog would go to a good place and have an environment where it could thrive according to its breeding.

I think yo get the point. Too many things have been done wrong before we even got to the man who ended this animal's life.

Your kind comment has nothing to do with what was merely percieved as a Golden Retriever (feeble thinking on many people's part), yet has no papers to prove that it was more than likely overbred and highly unstable. Additionally, it is highly likely that the person who illegally cared for this animal (yet did not bother to get its vaccination, registration, or retain proof of purchase) did not vigorously (as is the word used for how to exercise this breed) exercise and train it and confine it and provide a large enough play area as is required for a breed of this kind.

You are summarily dismissing logic and evidence for reasons that really do make you out to be an unreasonable idealist.

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Often do wonder the reasons anyone would keep a Dog like this .

Above -Cane Corso- has many variations. Above one is really a bit emposing. rolleyes.gif

I have only that similar kind. -Dogue de Bordeoux- Breed is Movie star in Hollywood Movie with Tom Hanks and in a US Tv series.



I grew up with -German Boxers- and had as a child a booklet for Boxers, in which the similar breed of Bordeoux Dogge was pictured

and mentioned.

Fell in love with them as a child and seeing one a dog show 10 years ago, I decided to get one.

And, also the dog is nice and soft, nobody dares to come in the fenced garden without being picked up by the gate by me, Thai or Falang.

Its just the looks, never had an intruder problem either. house a bit outside the Isaan village.

Coincidence, the German, opposite neighbor, who knew the dogs since years well and they him, came sometime (drunk) not without his "knife" no "big wood" in his pocket in my garden to my "bunch" of bigger dogs as a security precaution, as he said. Seems to be a German peculiarity.whistling.gif

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Dont know how many of you posting on this have ever been bitten by a potential rabid dog. I was during military service in Africa and I can tell you that I would not like to go through that experience again.

Also a lot is being made as to the fact that the dog was stabbed 17 times obviously not all were fatal. It is reasonable to me that there could have been many minor wounds during the struggle and equally as plausibil that only the last one was fatal.

Should the animal keep comming you are hardly likely to draw a line in the sand as to how many times you will keep stabbing. If he was still a threat to my well being, I would only stop when the threat was neutralized. Remember the animal did not give up. The dog could have legged it at any time.

Far to many uncontrolled dogs in this country and it is rather aparent that this animal was one of them.

Before this sets off a barrage of responses I would like to add that I am a dog lover and have had such animals all of my life in all shapes and sizes and personalities and all disiplined and in control and not once in the past 50 years have I had a dog that bit or attacked anyone. It may well have barked or growled but then it stood down and If it had attacked someone in an unprovoked manner, then I would be the first one to kick it's ass. It is called taking responsibility. Something strangely lacking in this country.

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

How many Thai people, or even foreigners, do you ever see with their dogs on leashes? The German man killed the golden retriever because he wanted to, and wanted to "teach" the Thai man a "lesson", because you can be sure the Thai will back down and smile and kiss ass, most of the time, to a German, especially if the German is bestowing "fashion"

You can bet the German man said to his docile other domesticated companion that he would one day kill that dog, saying "I kill that dog one day, ja." It's just sad that the Thai people let foreigners get away with this kind of violence because they want to get "fashion"

Nice German bashing going on here, though if you ever look at the news reports the most violent foreigners are obvious drunk Brits. I can't recall Germans being in the news half as much as Brits.

probably because there are many more brits in T/land than Germans!
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A load of dog lovers will chime in here, the owner deserves the stabbing but the dog got it anyway so JOB DONE and if the owner was more responsible NONE of this would have happened. Id have stabbed it to death also. TOO much mai pen rai here by a long way, its taken to the extreme...................... as usual

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I don't know how much idiots write here who just know how a dog looks like but in real know nothing about dogs. In my eyes the german goes the right way. I not believe him want to kill the dog. I think him take the knife and run out to the retriever for make him scare that him run away. But him not run away. Him start bite and the german use the knife. In normaly if you run angry to a dog him run away or not? Try it!!! ;-)

And for all the stupid people who believe "Golden Retrievers" are lovely dogs can read here what happen with this dogs if the owner don't take care and teach his dog a good way: Retriever bites ...

I can say only that this dog must die because his owner are a .... (think what you want)!!!

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I had 2 Bullmastiffs here, both have died, the big dogs do not last long. A german used to walk past my house and let his dog hang at my gate just to annoy my dogs. They would play with any dogs around here, they do not need to show there ability.

When I walked past his house, his dog would go nuts, but never jump over the small fence. My dogs would ignore him and just keep walking.

I would guess that he liked his dog getting a bit tested and kept walking in that direction.

As suggested why would he get a knife. The dog would not even see it, as planned I guess.

But I must say, I am selling my house due to the dogs loose on the street. I can not even go on a bicycle without harrassed.

Same my story, had 2 Bullmastiffs, one died from a cobra bite, just a year young.

Second, just died recently from old age-for a Bullmastiff.

Sale your house? Take a dog aggressive breed and clean up your stretch of road!wink.png

Only beware the possible poisoned food in your garden later.whistling.gif

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This is all very sad. However, I do know some Thais who walk their dogs and seem to take a professional approach to care. My worst hazard when walking my Golden Retriever on a leash is a German man who brandishes a large stick at me and forbids me to walk along the soi past his house because he says his neighbours' dogs will bark. As I said to him, Thank you for being so friendly!

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

Yep have to agree. There are times in the day, usually in the evening, that we cannot even walk down our street because of unfenced dogs. One less aggressive dog in Thailand is a good thing.
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You can see the pictures of the big dangerous one here...nobody scare?!?!


No! tongue.png

Looks like a pure breed -Thai Ridgeback- to me. Good hunting dogs, so they like to run after moving objects same bycicles ect.


I got to know them 20 years ago as -Rhodesian Ridgeback- on St.Lucia-West Indies,

when one adopted me as his caretaker threw my 3 week holiday. He slept in my sleeping room in the rented house.wink.png


Edited by ALFREDO
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You can see the pictures of the big dangerous one here...nobody scare?!?!

No! tongue.png

Ridgebacks - when one adopted me as his caretaker threw my 3 week holiday. He slept in my sleeping room in the rented house.wink.png


IMHO they are stupid and dangerous dogs - I had 2 and had to get rid of them to another home.

Edited by Chopperboy
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I do not believe a single word this man says.

I second that opinion.

And another of my own...Deport him, he's not to be trusted around

any living creatures. Plus a question....Who is the bimbo at the table?

Not the cop lads...the woman.

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The Golden Retreivors in Thailand must be different to those in Oz. I own a GR and they are the most gentle and loving breed you will find. It might cuddle you to death. Mine does not bark ever and is so kind and loving, never aggresive. Whereas every Rottweiller I've seen is fairly aggresive. Maybe it's how dogs in general are treated in Thailand.

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The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

NB: "a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself"

Biased, ill-informed statement. Have a read down this list (retrievers and labradors are well-known for suddenly turning on their own families, especially the kids.) Note especially - "Golden Retriever Attacks Staffordshire Bull Terrier" -


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