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Fried chicken takeaway called 'Hitler' opens in Thailand


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Something else to consider (not the Nazi thing) is that old Adolf pulled Germany out of a pretty serious recession in the 20's and gave the world the beetle.

I don't think he was elected (initially) on a policy of hatred...that came later and as a true politician sold this idea to the populace

He got the country working again..people found jobs

Great point! He also gave Germany the Autobahn

Only one tiny little flaw in that: the "jobs" he created were mostly such excellent things like weapon- factories and the Autobahn was not meant for speedy driving in fancy Porsches.

They were made, so tanks could drive on them.

War always is a great business- opportunity , isn't it!

Oh Adolf...you economic genius...

I wish some of you people would at least sometimes know, what they are talking about!

Hitler reconstructed the German economy my nationalizing the banks.

The tanks you speak of we're used to "invade" neighboring states that the Allies had forced Germany to relinquish after WWII

Your jive@$$ autobahn thing is propaganda.

Tanks are transported by rail :-)

The autobahn is graded and its curves are banked for driving ease.

You are just spouting propaganda.

What states did Germany relinquish after WW1? The Austro-Hungarian empire disintegrated after WW1 and led to a lot of states gaining their freedom. Germans were left in these states but the lands themselves were never part of Germany, settled by Germans in the centuries beforehand, but never actually German. You are right about the autobahns not being built for tanks but they were intended to make troop movements easier in case of war. As for the Versailles treaty which did impose harsh measures on Germany after WW1, yes that was wrong and in no small part contributed to WW2, unfortunately by the time the allies realised it needed revoking there was a deluded, deranged lunatic in power in Germany.

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Bluespunk said

Wrong. I can and do criticise all acts of genocide. What country have you decided I come from by the way? You clearly have made a decision. However that is not the point. I condemn all acts of genocide regardless of who commits them. Where I am from and my country's history is irrelevant.

Oh good.

So you're with me on that Gaza thingie, then.

If you bothered to read all the posts on this topic you would see that I have said I condemn all genocide, though to be honest if you just bothered to read the replies I made to you would show that. I think you just have a thing about Israel.

You have been doing such incredible bobs, weaves and slaloms I was simply clarifying your position for you and any others who may have been confused by your

But now that you mention it, how dare you suggest I have some (irrational) "thing" about Israel.

I spent six wonderful months there which I will never forget. Made some lifelong friends as well.

It was well-heeled Jewish kids from US, South Africa, Montreal and Paris who educated me about Israel, Chomsky

and the Nakkba.

Some of my best friends are Semites actually; Moroccans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians.

The entire planet is completely disgusted with Israel's ethnic cleansing and apartheid of its indigenous Semitic Palestinian men, women and children. And you know it.

BTW, I don't care where you are from. It's what you have said and implied in this thread and others that I and several other TV guys are taking issue with.

Now run to "sir".

My position has been clear and straight at all times, Genocide is evil, I have not deviated from that point at any time. Where you get the idea I support the Israeli position in gaza is something only you can answer, however my thinking on genocide needs no help from you and your own agenda, it is quite clear despite your snide attempts to turn it into something else.

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No it's not about those things at all, if you think it is then how would it go down in the US if someone were to open an Bin Laden Burgers joint in New York and start advertising 9/11 burgers!

Good comparison thumbsup.gif

The US /UK /EU are the New World facist Nazi regime. Truth is hard to swallow.

So is your quote!

The EU are the new Pharoaohs, one of the worst examples of economic mismanagement the world has ever seen, the US are the new Soviets, completely paranoid and spying on everybody even their friends and the new UK is certainly not capable of world domination any more.

Edited by bigbamboo
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A post just ro remember:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation

A post and an answer deleted

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Something else to consider (not the Nazi thing) is that old Adolf pulled Germany out of a pretty serious recession in the 20's and gave the world the beetle.

I don't think he was elected (initially) on a policy of hatred...that came later and as a true politician sold this idea to the populace

He got the country working again..people found jobs

Great point! He also gave Germany the Autobahn

Only one tiny little flaw in that: the "jobs" he created were mostly such excellent things like weapon- factories and the Autobahn was not meant for speedy driving in fancy Porsches.

They were made, so tanks could drive on them.

War always is a great business- opportunity , isn't it!

Oh Adolf...you economic genius...

I wish some of you people would at least sometimes know, what they are talking about!

Hitler reconstructed the German economy my nationalizing the banks.

The tanks you speak of we're used to "invade" neighboring states that the Allies had forced Germany to relinquish after WWII

Your jive@$$ autobahn thing is propaganda.

Tanks are transported by rail :-)

The autobahn is graded and its curves are banked for driving ease.

You are just spouting propaganda.

The Nazis followed the Roman model of road building to facilitate troop movements. I doubt Porsche's Volkswagens ever needed banked roads as they could be pushed quicker than driven.

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It's near Khao San Road and is very cheap. The Israeli back packers are in a terrible dilemma.

Stupid and idiotic remarks like that are just antisemitism with a little disguise.

You mean like yours:

It would have been impossible to carry out the holocaust without the blessing & help of the German people.

Hitlers Willing Executioners, by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, lays it all out brilliantly.

So you are saying that all Germans were culpable? Jonah Goldhagen . . . now there's an unbiased view. You do know his nickname, don't you? 'The Peddler of Hate'.

Here's a quote by him:

wanted to take the blame for the Holocaust off Hitler and his lieutenants and put it where Goldhagen felt it belonged: on ALL Germans. They loved killing Jews in the Holocaust, Goldhagen argued. Being Christian and all, they had internalized virulent “eliminationist anti-Semitism.”

You call that 'brilliant'?

Any time you wish to debate Goldhagen - I'd be happy to oblige.

He is as bad as holocoaust apologists on the opposite extreme . . . and you call that brilliant

Albert Lindemann, among many scholars describes Goldhagen's poison as :

Goldhagen “lack penetration in striking ways. A large number might best be described as cries of pain or expressions of indignation rather than efforts to understand.” Further, he called the book “questionable and simplistic; [Goldhagen] typically ignores, or is ignorant of, evidence that contradicts his by no means original reading of German history.” In sum, Goldhagen’s thesis about pan-German responsibility for the Holocaust “might be termed a twentieth-centurypsogos, a tirade that is motivated by goals other than the impartial search for truth.”

Yet no response from you . . . I agree that anti-Semitism is a terrible thing, but you calling intense bigotry 'brilliant' just reeks of utter hypocrisy

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My grandparent's generation suffered greatly during WW2, many Americans gave their lives also. Please, have some decency by acknowledging their sacrifice and bravery. Lest We Forget.

So what your saying only Americans were killed in WWII ?....now that is offensive...BTW "Lest We forget" comes from the British...

so we should we only acknowlege the Americans sacrifice and bravery and screw everyone else....your post is just as bad as the topic being discussed..

The post didn't say that. I'm a Brit and I do not feel that bashing Yanks is warranted in this case.

Actually, I believe the post did say that - but I don't see how Soutpeel's post can be seen as Yank-bashing.

Lemonjelly was sharing with us how his grandparent's generation suffered in the US and how US soldiers died . . . and how we should have 'some decency' (seriously?) by acknowledging Americans' sacrifice and bravery . . .

So, because of the Americans' suffering (clearly this is an exclusive club) we should become apoplectic at some moron's opening of a fried chicken shop in Thailand.

Sure, mate . . . thumbsup.gif Nothing better than a self-aggrandizing and prosletysing Seppo . . . and I count Americans among my close friends, but they're nothing like this Lemonjelly guy

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Never, ever forget. I hope that The American Legion puts out a contract on you. Many of my generation made the ultimate sacrifice to give you your freedoms and they must turn in their graves, many of them unmarked, to know you abuse their efforts. You, and anybody holding similar views, should be ashamed but then you are so wrapped up in your pathetic little self contained worlds, that you would never, ever, experience such an emotion.

Wow . . . nice. I am guessing that the Legion fought for freedom, which includes freedom of expression and the freedom to hold a differing point of view.

Utter Fail, bagwan! clap2.gif

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"The post didn't say that. I'm a Brit and I do not feel that bashing Yanks is warranted in this case.".........................

And you will let us know when Yank bashing is warranted, won't you ? biggrin.png

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Sadly, the best counter-argument lemoncake can come up with is some half-baked *ad hominem* , faked incredulity that AOA might have the effrontery to use recently released documentation to mall make his point.

Indeed, the revised historical account has FDR and the military manipulating and goading Japan into WWII.

There's plenty of documented testimony and corporation on that issue.

Either lemoncake likely knows that recently released information paints quite another story or worse he is just ignorant of it.

But he insulted AnotherOneAmerican anyway. He crafts his rebuttal tone to suggest that rather than AnotherOneAmerican being familiar with the updated historic record that he is poorly educated.

Quite the opposite on this issue lemoncake.

You do lots of talking, now how about some evidence to back up the rubbish you like to talk?rolleyes.gif

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Looked up The American Legion and read up about the organisation, among other things it said :

"The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans."

Did not say they were into "wacking" people, but then again I did not think they were.

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Bluespunk said

Wrong. I can and do criticise all acts of genocide. What country have you decided I come from by the way? You clearly have made a decision. However that is not the point. I condemn all acts of genocide regardless of who commits them. Where I am from and my country's history is irrelevant.

Oh good.

So you're with me on that Gaza thingie, then.

If you bothered to read all the posts on this topic you would see that I have said I condemn all genocide, though to be honest if you just bothered to read the replies I made to you would show that. I think you just have a thing about Israel.

Not to mention lack of comprehension thumbsup.gif

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It could be in retaliation to the German Buddha art display that started last week. On the other hand it could be just in bad taste. sad.png

At least it is not in danger of bringing the image of Thailand into disrepute, so the TAT can breathe easy.....

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History is written by the victors. How many Brits know today about the Bengal Famine of India in 1943? The famine they caused, killing three million people by diverting all food to already well fed troops in Europe. Churchill's only response to the catastrophic situation there was, "Has Gandhi died yet?".

That was not even the first one there. During 1769-1773 about ten million killed by starvation. India was back then ruled by the British East India Company, taxing literally the peasants to death. The Brits got some explaining to do!

The point of this thread is not who did what killings, but about glorifying men who ordered ruthless murders.

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Yes, but the Irish soon sorted them out.

you lost me possem who did the irish sort out,,given that they were spineles 39-45 by being neutral incase britain lost and germany might look kindly on the irish,,please do tell,,,,

Google the war of independence.

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Remind me, what's this thread about any more!blink.png

I tried reminding YOU and a few others many times. it is about a crass fast food joint and a picture of Hitlers face on a Col Saunders Logo. It is NOT about Global recent or historical genocide or those who partake in such. Nor is it about 1 line by 1 poster that seems to have generated an enormous amount of irrelevant rhetoric.

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They obviously forgot to tell my Father he was spineless winstonc, as he spent the entire war fighting for England and the allies. He was not the only Irishman who fought under the Union Jack. Perhaps you would remember that before posting such rotten, derogatory opinions in future.

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The point of this thread is not who did what killings, but about glorifying men who ordered ruthless murders.

For most Thais the Nazi swastika is just another exotic, colorful farang symbol. Hitler for them is just a farang army strong man. Army is quite respected institution in many Asian countries, much more than in the West.

Remember also, in many places in Asia the bad guys were actually the British (Opium Wars in China, India occupation for hundreds of years etc etc). In Eastern Europe the opinions are divided about 50-50 who was the worst badass, Stalin or Hitler.

Edited by Timwin
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lemmoncake and Bluespunk

I do not propose to tutor you two on debate tactics and/or the diction you so freely fling about.

Here's some friendly TV bro' advice; I assume you wish to be taken seriously.

You guys need to review your responses for the rampant logical fallacies they contain.

Ad hominem argument, your appeals to various sacred cows (or the bovine excrement therefrom), argumenteum ad logica (your insistence on restating your opponent's position to make it appear weak . . . . and then attacking it make you sound like Bill O'Reilly or Shawn Hannity or their lower profile cohorts in journalistic blowhardism.

You do neither yourselves nor you positions any favors by stating them in flawed terms and barking back that this or that is BS.

Prepare your responses with credibly structured information and you will get civil responses.

Just saying someone is ill-educated or calling him an anti-Semite (whatever THAT is) is extremely unhelpful to moving these discussions along.

Pass the chicken.

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lemmoncake and Bluespunk

I do not propose to tutor you two on debate tactics and/or the diction you so freely fling about.

Here's some friendly TV bro' advice; I assume you wish to be taken seriously.

You guys need to review your responses for the rampant logical fallacies they contain.

Ad hominem argument, your appeals to various sacred cows (or the bovine excrement therefrom), argumenteum ad logica (your insistence on restating your opponent's position to make it appear weak . . . . and then attacking it make you sound like Bill O'Reilly or Shawn Hannity or their lower profile cohorts in journalistic blowhardism.

You do neither yourselves nor you positions any favors by stating them in flawed terms and barking back that this or that is BS.

Prepare your responses with credibly structured information and you will get civil responses.

Just saying someone is ill-educated or calling him an anti-Semite (whatever THAT is) is extremely unhelpful to moving these discussions along.

Pass the chicken.

again just lots of unrelated , off topic rubbish with no evidence or support of any kind to support anything you postblink.png

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History is written by the victors. How many Brits know today about the Bengal Famine of India in 1943? The famine they caused, killing three million people by diverting all food to already well fed troops in Europe. Churchill's only response to the catastrophic situation there was, "Has Gandhi died yet?".

That was not even the first one there. During 1769-1773 about ten million killed by starvation. India was back then ruled by the British East India Company, taxing literally the peasants to death. The Brits got some explaining to do!

The point of this thread is not who did what killings, but about glorifying men who ordered ruthless murders.

I must be missing something but sticking someones head atop a Col Saunders logo and selling fried chicken in a one off shop in Bangkok doesn't qualify as glorifying someone in particular a ruthless dictator. I am sure any wannabe world Dictator would be quite ashamed if that was the level of notoriety they achieved. The fact that very few people in this country would even know what said Dictator was infamous for would even add to the shame. So in short the thread was not about glorifying men who ordered ruthless murders, the thread was about :-

Fried chicken takeaway called 'Hitler' opens in Thailand
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History is written by the victors. How many Brits know today about the Bengal Famine of India in 1943? The famine they caused, killing three million people by diverting all food to already well fed troops in Europe. Churchill's only response to the catastrophic situation there was, "Has Gandhi died yet?".

That was not even the first one there. During 1769-1773 about ten million killed by starvation. India was back then ruled by the British East India Company, taxing literally the peasants to death. The Brits got some explaining to do!

The point of this thread is not who did what killings, but about glorifying men who ordered ruthless murders.

I must be missing something but sticking someones head atop a Col Saunders logo and selling fried chicken in a one off shop in Bangkok doesn't qualify as glorifying someone in particular a ruthless dictator. I am sure any wannabe world Dictator would be quite ashamed if that was the level of notoriety they achieved. The fact that very few people in this country would even know what said Dictator was infamous for would even add to the shame. So in short the thread was not about glorifying men who ordered ruthless murders, the thread was about :-

Fried chicken takeaway called 'Hitler' opens in Thailand

You are entitled to your opinion and how you see things, thumbsup.gif

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Some of you need to get a room and spare us the infighting

Does anyone know if this place sells waffles also?whistling.gif

and a review of its chicken would be greatly appreciated.

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lemmoncake and Bluespunk

I do not propose to tutor you two on debate tactics and/or the diction you so freely fling about.

Here's some friendly TV bro' audvice; I assume you wish to be taken seriously.

You guys need to review your responses for the rampant logical fallacies they contain.

Ad hominem argument, your appeals to various sacred cows (or the bovine excrement therefrom), argumenteum ad logica (your insistence on restating your opponent's position to make it appear weak . . . . and then attacking it make you sound like Bill O'Reilly or Shawn Hannity or their lower profile cohorts in journalistic blowhardism.

You do neither yourselves nor you positions any favors by stating them in flawed terms and barking back that this or that is BS.

Prepare your responses with credibly structured information and you will get civil responses.

Just saying someone is ill-educated or calling him an anti-Semite (whatever THAT is) is extremely unhelpful to moving these discussions along.

Pass the chicken.

Sorry you find it hard to follow my argument Donnie, thought it was fairly clear. Genocide, no matter who commits it, is evil. To be fair I don't know how to make it any clearer. I never called anyone anti-Semitic and think my responses were well constructed. Not always civil, but then again I'm not alone in that. Edited by Bluespunk
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Some of you need to get a room and spare us the infighting

Does anyone know if this place sells waffles also?whistling.gif

and a review of its chicken would be greatly appreciated.

I could be wrong, but is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to read?

You could always spare few baht from your next pension and visit the place to get a taste

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For anyone to use the word ''Hitler'' knew what they were doing. To me looks like ''yeh, we are tough and rebellious'' so come on kids, eat a burger in a tough and rebellious joint. sad.png

Most in LOS have never heard of Hitler BUT someone with cash has and will use it. SS T-shirts to follow know doubt.

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