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Rice farmers now reliant on 'low' market prices


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The rotten, spoiled, burned, missing rice stock, if this program was above board, would be a god send to the government. They would be reinbursed for the rice at their cost. Of course this would be dependent upon the government requiring storage warehouse bonding/insuranse for those they are paying to store and safeguard the rice.

I have found that the company names on the latest storage of rotten rice seem to be unknown on google. They are noted as mills, and seem to operate under names that are known to the public, but virtually no real info. There are reported to be 2900 of these storage facilities, whose task to inspect same, was deligated to the Attorney General office. (I am sure they have the personal and expertise) to handle this assignment.????? The RTP via the present caretaker Labor Minister were given additional budget of 150 million to ensure all was above board and of course the additional remote camera/monitors budget was another taxpayer expense.

The number of people involved in the corruption of this program, may make the 300 plus MP's who were caught red handed fiddling the system, look like the tip of the iceberg. There may be a real chance to clean up the corrupt political system, ban, jail, take restitution, from the lot of them and those remaining would not number enough to make a football team.

Yeah the paymasters get real rich real quick club.

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Instead of speaking of "low" prices, one should call it "normal" prices. Just take a look at the surrounding countries who deliver the same quality at half the (high) Thai price. Get realistic...

Well then the inevitability is that a massive amount of farmers either get out of rice , or live in basic poverty.

So what to do. Discuss..mm

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Moreover, the price of rice would continue to decrease as the government now holds more than 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles, he claimed.

Good work Yingluck! Has your brother given you any ideas as to how the country gets out of this mess?

Oddly enough, it's been 'All Quiet On The Middle-Eastern Front', since before the scheme started to fall apart so publicly, several months ago. wink.png

No doubt there are still fascinating opportunities in the African coal/gold/diamond-industries, to compensate for the reduced-opportunities in grain-futures as world prices fall in the face of over-supply, for the astute businessman ? whistling.gif

Meanwhile one hopes that, whatever new government emerges from the political mess, settling the previous-government's overdue-debts & establishing a more-modest/affordable less-corrupt/misguided rice-scheme will be high on their agenda. If only for the sake of the poor rice-farmers.

But with such a large overhang, of high-cost government-owned rice-stocks, there will still be plenty of grief to come yet. sad.png

There was sustainable scheme in operation before this abortion of a scheme - Abhisit's government rice mortgage scheme. The rice farmers even admitted it was good!!

If someone convinces you that if you vote for them then you will see riches beyond that they can only dream of, then of course they wanted in. Its a shame that Thaksin is an imbecile that chose to implement a zombie scheme that could never live up to this promise.

It is the same with the health scheme - Thaksin introduced the 30 baht health scheme - Abhisit made it FREE and Yingluck brought back Thaksin's 30 baht version (even though it is more cost effective to NOT to have to collect the 30 baht charges).

Vote buying policies store up disaster in the future if they are not costed or worked out properly, as they are learning now!!!

Yingluck must think her brother is a complete idiot.

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Talking rice blues

I woke up the other day looked at my rice and said hey.

It’s ready to harvest and thought what I should do to get my pay.

Well I aint in this bonus scheme so all I get is the market rate.

I’m standing there thinking this when along comes a guy and says Hi.

Hi says I and he says wait I can get you over the odds it aint no lie.

I’m no fool and told him so.

But he said no so let’s just go.

So we cut the rice then head off to the Millers place.

We got there and I’m looking at the farmers.

They all standing about waving papers and looking keen.

With stamps and seals and other stuff its quite a scene.

Well we weigh my rice and then were down the road.

We stop where we aint seen and count the money and I get my pay.

Its 3 Baht over the market rate so I aint complaining.

Before I leave I look back and see the miller counting

The guy who cut my rice gets his share.

But I don’t care.

I can feed my family pay my bills

Going back home I see the farmers, what a bunch..

I’ve got my money but you’re gonna feel the crunch.

As to the quality of your skills as a “songwriter” – ever considered a career in fruitcarving?

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Hi Thanks for the comment

I know its crap ( my names not woody) but I couldn’t be bothered writing some long winded account of another rice scam that no one seems to have mentioned, at least you read it.

I recon the miller would have made about 40000 by claiming our rice under the scheme, if this a common practice the millers are making money hand over fist and the government is getting screwed.

As far as fruit carving I tried that and I was lucky to come away with all my fingers, I made a point of not shaking the millers hand because I have problems counting up to eight.

Another scam I heard is that some farmers have ballast tanks in the trucks that they empty after dumping the rice prior to being weighed on the way out, although I can’t verify it , may be a myth.

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Where have all the red apologists gone to? They seem to have withdrawn to their rooms. This scam was always going to end badly, I keep thinking the devil in Dubai must have known that, and he is very calculating. I cant help but wondering what his plan is? He plays the poor farmers like chess pieces.

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6 members of my immediate family supplement their rice farming income with secondary work, one in the booming local construction industry, one in security for a top 3 car sales outlet, one has a wife that runs a shop, another runs a local petrol station and noodle shop - just examples diversification guys all came into being bar one in the last couple of years

But do keep letting me know how you feel things ought to be.....

And the occasional insult doesn't cut through anymore, I see it for what it is..but if I could suggest a little more originality please...especially from you Mick, you've been around a long time old boy......years in the provision of power industry too, perhaps you could explain to Rob that the machinery to run wind farms can be set on land at an annual rental, you know the same as power poles are on occasion

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6 members of my immediate family supplement their rice farming income with secondary work, one in the booming local construction industry, one in security for a top 3 car sales outlet, one has a wife that runs a shop, another runs a local petrol station and noodle shop - just examples diversification guys all came into being bar one in the last couple of years

But do keep letting me know how you feel things ought to be.....

And the occasional insult doesn't cut through anymore, I see it for what it is..but if I could suggest a little more originality please...especially from you Mick, you've been around a long time old boy......years in the provision of power industry too, perhaps you could explain to Rob that the machinery to run wind farms can be set on land at an annual rental, you know the same as power poles are on occasion

Seems like rice growing is an expensive hobby to them then!!!

Family will always eat smile.png and of course when the rice is making a profit they can afford to invest more, or as they have done, diversify, so all their eggs are not in one basket, this is the year to upgrade the rice strain I understand, so they do re-invest, for the most part they grow one crop premium rice, I don't eat a lot of rice but it is good fare, even after being stored for a year!

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Hi Thanks for the comment

I know its crap ( my names not woody) but I couldnt be bothered writing some long winded account of another rice scam that no one seems to have mentioned, at least you read it.

I recon the miller would have made about 40000 by claiming our rice under the scheme, if this a common practice the millers are making money hand over fist and the government is getting screwed.

As far as fruit carving I tried that and I was lucky to come away with all my fingers, I made a point of not shaking the millers hand because I have problems counting up to eight.

Another scam I heard is that some farmers have ballast tanks in the trucks that they empty after dumping the rice prior to being weighed on the way out, although I cant verify it , may be a myth.

The only certainty, is that the miller and exporters do very nicely thank you. I used to be an agribusiness exporter, you do ok.

Biggest risk is exchange rates.

Problem is however, that thai rice isn't as special as they claim. It has some special varieties but a lot of it is generic rice that is in direct competition with the rest of the world.

Rice is an odd.commodity because the vast majority isn't traded. It is a commodity with little international trade. 90% is consumed in country so Thailand is an oddity to produce such a surplus.

If thailand was just to grow to be self sufficient it would grow half as much. So how is Thailand going to feed farmers if they stop growing? Big potential social upheaval if a lot stop producing.

There are 10mn rice farmers. Imagine what is going to happen if they can't export? They might not starve, but they are barely above the bread line, but now the international demand for the.product is lessened.

The surest thing is that the middleman ALWAYS gets paid. He just takes the export price and colludes with his mates all the way back to the price to pay the farmer

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6 members of my immediate family supplement their rice farming income with secondary work, one in the booming local construction industry, one in security for a top 3 car sales outlet, one has a wife that runs a shop, another runs a local petrol station and noodle shop - just examples diversification guys all came into being bar one in the last couple of years

But do keep letting me know how you feel things ought to be.....

And the occasional insult doesn't cut through anymore, I see it for what it is..but if I could suggest a little more originality please...especially from you Mick, you've been around a long time old boy......years in the provision of power industry too, perhaps you could explain to Rob that the machinery to run wind farms can be set on land at an annual rental, you know the same as power poles are on occasion

Seems like rice growing is an expensive hobby to them then!!!

Family will always eat smile.png and of course when the rice is making a profit they can afford to invest more, or as they have done, diversify, so all their eggs are not in one basket, this is the year to upgrade the rice strain I understand, so they do re-invest, for the most part they grow one crop premium rice, I don't eat a lot of rice but it is good fare, even after being stored for a year!

Nice to hear a story about a family that is sensible in what it does and seems to make the utmost out of what is available to them - I fear that this might be one of only a few such stories though amongst the millions of farmers who are not so resourceful and have been propelled into a downward spiral which threatens there livelihoods, if not their lives.

They made a big mistake in listening to a serial liar and are paying for it now, unfortunately.

I hope that they have learned the painful truth now and will cast the Shinawatra's into the wilderness and behind them!!!

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6 members of my immediate family supplement their rice farming income with secondary work, one in the booming local construction industry, one in security for a top 3 car sales outlet, one has a wife that runs a shop, another runs a local petrol station and noodle shop - just examples diversification guys all came into being bar one in the last couple of years

But do keep letting me know how you feel things ought to be.....

And the occasional insult doesn't cut through anymore, I see it for what it is..but if I could suggest a little more originality please...especially from you Mick, you've been around a long time old boy......years in the provision of power industry too, perhaps you could explain to Rob that the machinery to run wind farms can be set on land at an annual rental, you know the same as power poles are on occasion

Have you actually seen a wind farm or have any idea of how they work, ? as I said I have.

I have seen how the companies who run the wind farm buy the farm (in NZ) from the farmer and exclude everyone.

The first thing that is needed for a wind farm is wind, there is very little wind in most of the rice growing areas of this country.

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6 members of my immediate family supplement their rice farming income with secondary work, one in the booming local construction industry, one in security for a top 3 car sales outlet, one has a wife that runs a shop, another runs a local petrol station and noodle shop - just examples diversification guys all came into being bar one in the last couple of years

But do keep letting me know how you feel things ought to be.....

And the occasional insult doesn't cut through anymore, I see it for what it is..but if I could suggest a little more originality please...especially from you Mick, you've been around a long time old boy......years in the provision of power industry too, perhaps you could explain to Rob that the machinery to run wind farms can be set on land at an annual rental, you know the same as power poles are on occasion

Seems like rice growing is an expensive hobby to them then!!!

Family will always eat smile.png and of course when the rice is making a profit they can afford to invest more, or as they have done, diversify, so all their eggs are not in one basket, this is the year to upgrade the rice strain I understand, so they do re-invest, for the most part they grow one crop premium rice, I don't eat a lot of rice but it is good fare, even after being stored for a year!

Nice to hear a story about a family that is sensible in what it does and seems to make the utmost out of what is available to them - I fear that this might be one of only a few such stories though amongst the millions of farmers who are not so resourceful and have been propelled into a downward spiral which threatens there livelihoods, if not their lives.

They made a big mistake in listening to a serial liar and are paying for it now, unfortunately.

I hope that they have learned the painful truth now and will cast the Shinawatra's into the wilderness and behind them!!!

Some would say the rural community lived in the economic wilderness for tens of years prior to Thaksin, I wonder how many of the guys posting current day have been 'there' in the agricultural heartlands for the last 20 years and can appreciate the improvement that has taken place in the last couple of years when compared to previously, but undoubtedly there has been steady improvement in the living conditions of many of the poor since Thaksin arrived on the scene, call it how you will, the best bet for the Democrats is that the older generation, who lived through the whole experience slowly disappear!!

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Instead of speaking of "low" prices, one should call it "normal" prices. Just take a look at the surrounding countries who deliver the same quality at half the (high) Thai price. Get realistic...

Well then the inevitability is that a massive amount of farmers either get out of rice , or live in basic poverty.

So what to do. Discuss..mm

Or increase productivity as some other countries have. They can look at VN for example.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Government tried to control the world rice market and failed. Learn from your lessons, and focus on supporting the poor and farmers. How? Focus help at the poorest. Help farmers become more efficient and grow crops in demand. Thailand has been too focused on growing rice, and farmers need to learn how to diversify. They should be supported with cheap seeds, training, fertilizers, and finance to allow them to mechanize more.

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6 members of my immediate family supplement their rice farming income with secondary work, one in the booming local construction industry, one in security for a top 3 car sales outlet, one has a wife that runs a shop, another runs a local petrol station and noodle shop - just examples diversification guys all came into being bar one in the last couple of years

But do keep letting me know how you feel things ought to be.....

And the occasional insult doesn't cut through anymore, I see it for what it is..but if I could suggest a little more originality please...especially from you Mick, you've been around a long time old boy......years in the provision of power industry too, perhaps you could explain to Rob that the machinery to run wind farms can be set on land at an annual rental, you know the same as power poles are on occasion

Have you actually seen a wind farm or have any idea of how they work, ? as I said I have.

I have seen how the companies who run the wind farm buy the farm (in NZ) from the farmer and exclude everyone.

The first thing that is needed for a wind farm is wind, there is very little wind in most of the rice growing areas of this country.

Strange almost every year I hear the complaints of the rice crop lying flat, caused by wind and rain I understand

Apparently it is rumoured there is enough wind in Phetchabun

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Sure there will be 'better ways' to help the farmer, first of course those in 'power' have to discover the inclination, something that was apparently missing prior to the involvement of Thaksin....there is much criticism but some of the farmers will not easiy forget where they were a few years ago compared to where they are now

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Instead of speaking of "low" prices, one should call it "normal" prices. Just take a look at the surrounding countries who deliver the same quality at half the (high) Thai price. Get realistic...

Well then the inevitability is that a massive amount of farmers either get out of rice , or live in basic poverty.

So what to do. Discuss..mm

Or increase productivity as some other countries have. They can look at VN for example.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The problem is the average is skewed.. The most desirable and valuable product hom mali has the lowest yield and is grown in the place with no irrigation.

How to grow rice when u have no water. The whole industry is a nonsense. Hugely wasteful and produces for most very little and yet we are told it should be something for a rural family but in reality a family growing rice will make little money and have rice to eat.

It cannot support the millions it has to.

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Sure there will be 'better ways' to help the farmer, first of course those in 'power' have to discover the inclination, something that was apparently missing prior to the involvement of Thaksin....there is much criticism but some of the farmers will not easiy forget where they were a few years ago compared to where they are now

You mean those hazy days when they were debt free?

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Another big problem is that the farmers have become conditioned to want more.

They have adjusted away from relying on market prices for their income and have gone into more expensive means to take advantage of the unrealistic price offered.

They will now be ready to jump at any offer of assistance by any political party whether it be in the form of subsidies or price guarantees, in other words they are now even more open to vote buying.

If there is to be any assistance in the future it should be in a diminishing form with the intention of promoting efficiency to the stage where the farmers can make a profit from market prices.

We see from stats that the Thai farmers are not only the least efficient in the region producing less rice per rai than their competitors in other countries but that Thailand also has the highest processing and handling costs.

These are the things that really need to be addressed along with quality of product which has also declined.

You're right but it's worse. I think farmers of other crops like corn etc wants the same deal. Then rubber plantations, just go on. Populist policies may work for awhile but eventually you'll have to pay and you hit a wall,

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Instead of speaking of "low" prices, one should call it "normal" prices. Just take a look at the surrounding countries who deliver the same quality at half the (high) Thai price. Get realistic...

Well then the inevitability is that a massive amount of farmers either get out of rice , or live in basic poverty.

So what to do. Discuss..mm

Or increase productivity as some other countries have. They can look at VN for example.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The problem is the average is skewed.. The most desirable and valuable product hom mali has the lowest yield and is grown in the place with no irrigation.

How to grow rice when u have no water. The whole industry is a nonsense. Hugely wasteful and produces for most very little and yet we are told it should be something for a rural family but in reality a family growing rice will make little money and have rice to eat.

It cannot support the millions it has to.

I didn't know there wasn't any irrigation for hom mali. Isn't there any way to get water in?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Sure there will be 'better ways' to help the farmer, first of course those in 'power' have to discover the inclination, something that was apparently missing prior to the involvement of Thaksin....there is much criticism but some of the farmers will not easiy forget where they were a few years ago compared to where they are now

You mean those hazy days when they were debt free?

I remember the young son of one of my friends asking what he would get for his birthday

The reply "You can eat rice"

Kind of brough it home at the time, and makes your comment look rather glib

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Another big problem is that the farmers have become conditioned to want more.

They have adjusted away from relying on market prices for their income and have gone into more expensive means to take advantage of the unrealistic price offered.

They will now be ready to jump at any offer of assistance by any political party whether it be in the form of subsidies or price guarantees, in other words they are now even more open to vote buying.

If there is to be any assistance in the future it should be in a diminishing form with the intention of promoting efficiency to the stage where the farmers can make a profit from market prices.

We see from stats that the Thai farmers are not only the least efficient in the region producing less rice per rai than their competitors in other countries but that Thailand also has the highest processing and handling costs.

These are the things that really need to be addressed along with quality of product which has also declined.

You're right but it's worse. I think farmers of other crops like corn etc wants the same deal. Then rubber plantations, just go on. Populist policies may work for awhile but eventually you'll have to pay and you hit a wall,

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Then the rubber plantations"?

Subsidy doubled in 2013!

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Instead of speaking of "low" prices, one should call it "normal" prices. Just take a look at the surrounding countries who deliver the same quality at half the (high) Thai price. Get realistic...

Well then the inevitability is that a massive amount of farmers either get out of rice , or live in basic poverty.

So what to do. Discuss..mm

Or increase productivity as some other countries have. They can look at VN for example.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The problem is the average is skewed.. The most desirable and valuable product hom mali has the lowest yield and is grown in the place with no irrigation.

How to grow rice when u have no water. The whole industry is a nonsense. Hugely wasteful and produces for most very little and yet we are told it should be something for a rural family but in reality a family growing rice will make little money and have rice to eat.

It cannot support the millions it has to.

I didn't know there wasn't any irrigation for hom mali. Isn't there any way to get water in?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Just what the farmers can pump in. Very different from the central areas where they have manmade irrigation. Hom Mali is for the most part, one crop per year. Thing is, industry people know this, but NO ONE really explains this to somchai average in bangkok.

All they imagine is that a hom Mali farmer is rolling in 3 crops of rice per year. Nothing like it.

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