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Bangkok: Teenagers set homeless people on fire


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Is modern day culture here coming to the fore. We seem to read lots of this shit every day. Folk here seem to like taking photos of corpses, not just one with a phone camera, a crowd. I have my thoughts about it, and when my Aussy friend died the same stuff. Folk from around the world really are different, sadly.......sad.png

I agree mate, I can't get over the number of seemly normal Thai acquaintances/relatives I'm friends with on facebook who think it's cool to post pics of dead accident victims & worse... Then when you pass a RTA theres a crowd taking pics & vids but no-one actually trying to help the injured, what the <deleted> is that all about? are people here really that heartless???

I've witnessed Thais kind of RTA help before. I'd sooner wait on the ambulance.

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those young thais really dont know how to behave properly , another sad story ... I will start to miss my Bangkok of 25 years ago ....I really dont fit in this 2014 .

You're seriously naïve if you believe that this type of crime is peculiar only to Bangkok.

Similar horrific crimes are occurring every day/night

It doesn't make what happened right but it's not fair to infer Bangkok is some kind of urban nightmare

I feel safer in Bangkok than I do in many cities in the developed world.

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Why does the article only say "teenagers", instead of "teenage boys"? I doubt for one minute that any one of the teenagers were girls, girls don't do such sick things, their to busy studying to get good grades in school.

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A man shot for beeping at a Buddhist shrine, homeless people set on fire for fun, a 70 yr old farang stabbed by a 19 yr old Thai for brushing past him in the street, Thais shooting each other for flashing their lights at them, A farang getting hacked to death with a samurai sword by a taxi driver, 60 yr old farangs getting hit on the head with a sandle by laughing Thais videoing it on their phone, what happened to the smiling peaceful Thais on the brochure?

And more shootings in the news today for 3 locals who asked some girls for their numbers, and ended up shot.

And how many times are booze and/or drugs involved?

Yet, the thread started a couple days ago from the General was met with such contempt on here when he made a request to limit alcohol consumption in society.

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Most parents and a hell of a lot of schools in Thailand beat children, that can also have the affect of making the children grow up to be violent adults. Obviously methods like that can help in disciplining children but it is not as if caning children will end up with a well behaved orderly society necessarily, if only life was that simple eh?

Spare the rod...spoil the child.

Perhaps instead of punishment, these five teenagers just need a big hug, an explanation what the did is wrong and an hour in the "time-out" zone.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Most parents and a hell of a lot of schools in Thailand beat children, that can also have the affect of making the children grow up to be violent adults. Obviously methods like that can help in disciplining children but it is not as if caning children will end up with a well behaved orderly society necessarily, if only life was that simple eh?

Spare the rod...spoil the child.

Perhaps instead of punishment, these five teenagers just need a big hug, an explanation what the did is wrong and an hour in the "time-out" zone.

Unfortunately, there are two ends of the scale here though, especially pertaining to Asian collectivistic ways.

If you saw the video I posted yesterday, of the little boy being whipped to read the book by a member of family, and which was quite sickening, there is hardly any wonder teenagers fight back when big enough to do so.

Anger can be, and indeed is, instilled by abuse at a young age, and it seems rather common here in Asia particularly that sticks, whips and so forth are used to chastise children, instead of explanation as to wrong doing as you hinted at, maybe unknowingly?

If a child is abused, and suffers such pain and anguish, what is there to stop retribution at an older age?

Laws are there for that, as are social services in most developed countries - to protect the child from turning out exactly as some do.

Again, it is lack of law implementation in Thailand that seems to be missing the whole point.

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As it seems thankfully it seems the injuries will heal and were not as bad as they could have been.

I wonder why they did it, I can only think they were trying to impress some people, but that's just a guess.

Maybe it is time for good Thai Buddhists to do some soul searching and understand what is right and what is wrong, time to outcast those who do wrong and hurt other people.

May be time for the leading lights in Thai Buddhism to speak out about the behaviour of those who do things like this as being not acceptable.

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When they catch the perpetrators they should tie them up and do the same whilst laughing at them.

Will there be petitions for the death penalty when they catch the perpetrators???

More likely there will be some self righteous little Dutch bureaucrat from the UN wanting spend millions of baht to give them another chance to go out and try and burn people alive. Maybe with the UN's help, and pleadings from sanctimonious self-righteous dogooders across the globe, these monsters will get it right next time and kill their prey.

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Gangs on motorbikes need stamping on immediately, I see a lot of kids on what they think are souped up bikes trying but failing to pull wheelies on ptt forecourts.

That's right! It has been well proven that from learning to wheelie a motorcycle whilst accompanied by other motorcyclists to dousing people with flammable liquid and burning them alive is just one small step....

Ban motorcycles and problem solved! Why didn't I think of that?...

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These young people really make me wonder where this world is heading.

Id hate to be around in another couple of generations when these little b@stards have children that have children, I mean we are talking about little pr!ckz here with no concern for anyone except themselves.

The world would be a much better place without human beings, pity a couple of super nations will need to nuke em up to eradicate this dirty filthy vile creature & damage the earth beyond repair to get rid of the human.....theres no answer here........ and to think, if only parents could stop and teach their offspring a little respect.

One could argue that the honorable thing to do, at this point, is just to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction, as a species. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

That is a quote from True Detectives. A bleak outlook, but when you look at the youth, it does make you wonder. Why have children at this stage? Why not take the pressure off of society, and the planet, and just say no to children? Or, if you are going to be a parent, take it seriously. Some have children without a second thought here. It's no wonder some grow up to be so mindless. And I do not think this is specific to Thailand. A friend of mine told me that his 13 year old daughter in California told her, that she was the only one in her entire 7th grade, who was not giving BJ's to fellow students. The only one. And she was considered a pariah for not doing so. What is that? I think that society is eroding worldwide. Cultural values are in decline.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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DISGRACED!! I'm so sorry! As if their life wasn't difficult enough, teenagers had to come along and show them how disadvantaged they are.

And I can't say anything being American because not too long ago in Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA, teenagers were caught on CCTV beating homeless with a baseball bat.

It just goes to show you that as a human species we are going to hell in a handbasket... and perhaps we are already in the handbasket.

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Most parents and a hell of a lot of schools in Thailand beat children, that can also have the affect of making the children grow up to be violent adults. Obviously methods like that can help in disciplining children but it is not as if caning children will end up with a well behaved orderly society necessarily, if only life was that simple eh?

Spare the rod...spoil the child.

Perhaps instead of punishment, these five teenagers just need a big hug, an explanation what the did is wrong and an hour in the "time-out" zone.

Unfortunately, there are two ends of the scale here though, especially pertaining to Asian collectivistic ways.

If you saw the video I posted yesterday, of the little boy being whipped to read the book by a member of family, and which was quite sickening, there is hardly any wonder teenagers fight back when big enough to do so.

Anger can be, and indeed is, instilled by abuse at a young age, and it seems rather common here in Asia particularly that sticks, whips and so forth are used to chastise children, instead of explanation as to wrong doing as you hinted at, maybe unknowingly?

If a child is abused, and suffers such pain and anguish, what is there to stop retribution at an older age?

Laws are there for that, as are social services in most developed countries - to protect the child from turning out exactly as some do.

Again, it is lack of law implementation in Thailand that seems to be missing the whole point.

There is a firm approach to discipline and then there is criminal physical abuse.

As for laws in many countries today, the pendulum has swung much too far and a child can be removed by social services for simply being spanked.

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I cant imagine in my wildest nightmare ever thinking of throwing petrol on someone and then setting them on fire.

How can anyone do this to another person, especially one that is disadvantaged as the homeless.

If you are that twisted as a teenager then you need to be locked up and never allowed to see the light of day.

I can't imagine doing such a thing myself either, unless it was to these five little twisted scumbags.

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The world would be a much better place without human beings, pity a couple of super nations will need to nuke em up to eradicate this dirty filthy vile creature & damage the earth beyond repair to get rid of the human.

An easier way is to voluntary stop breeding, it'd only take 100 years. There's a movement out there somewhere to the effect. Let the chickens have a go, they can't do any worse.
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TV Header today........" Survey shows Thai's mental health in good shape"

Scary isn't it if you really get down to the nitty gritty of this message in relation to the above 'incidents'

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Birch the little bastards followed by a long spell of community service , picking up litter or cleaning toilets . Im pretty liberal but I dont see the culture changing , boys in Thailand are spolt rotten and think they have the right to do as they wish. Effectively they are showing off to their mates so the best response is humiliation.

Incidently I remember identical incidents in London a few years back so this horrific behaviour is far from being Thai specific.

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I wonder if this is a copy-cat thing? A few years ago this "prank" of setting homeless guys on fire occurred a few times in America and subsequently the videos did the rounds on the internet. It's a very sick mind that would do this for fun, or would even conceive of it....my guess is they were copying the American teenagers.

On another note..,.the homeless guy has TB. He needs to be sequestered. Out in the public, he is spreading his disease. I'm not sure about Thailand, but in the West TB has strong legal tools for confining a patient, even against his will.

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