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Fund to help Thai rice farmers to shut down


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Fund to help rice farmers to shut down


BANGKOK: -- The fund to help relieve the hardships of rice farmers while they were still waiting to get paid from the government for their crops pledged under the rice pledging scheme will be shut down tomorrow (September 30) ahead of its original timetable on December 31.

The fund was created by the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in February to provide a reprieve for rice farmers who were yet to get paid for their pledged rice.

It is divided into three portions: 30.3 million baht in public donations; 916,000 baht in interest-free refundable contributions and 13.2 billion baht in unlimited refundable contributions with 0.63 percent interest thereon.

BACC general manager Luck Wajananwach said that the first portion of 30.3 million baht would be given to a foundation to help improve the livelihood of rice farmers and public interests as wished by the donors.

Since the bank did not get refund from the government for the other two portions of contributions, Mr Luck said that the bank would send letters to all the contributors expressing thanks for their kind contributions for the good of the rice farmers.

To return favour to these contributors, BAAC has opened a special “Thung Ruangthong” bank account offering interest rate of 3 percent with tax free on interest for a deposit of a minimum of 1,000 baht for a duration of 11 months as of October

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/fund-help-rice-farmers-shut/

-- Thai PBS 2014-09-29

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And this is why the majority support the Junta. They have not forgotten the PTP lied to them 5 times stating they had money to support the scheme. This was before the PDRC protestors even took to the streets in protest.

My favorite lie was on the 13th of September 2013 - The cabinet approved a total budget of 270 billion baht for the government’s rice pledging scheme and said this will support it to March 2014. This contempt for the majority explains why the failed 2014 elections indicated the PTP failing miserably. Unless of course we all still refer to elections 3 years ago as a litmus test of their support?

Quite simply though, the Junta did not lie. They stated they would get the money and they did. A God send to the poor and destitute the PTP purported to supported.

This is why the Junta have overwhelming support. Unless of course we still refer to an election 3 years ago as the litmus test of the PTP's support?

But will they vote for the PTP again, some like BDSM big time.

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Confusing article.

Somehow it seems to suggest that the BAAC will NOT honour the 'refundable contributions' because the government didn't pay them yet?

I assume what is meant that the BAAC will not allow refunding at this moment ? Got something lost in translation or did I miss something ?

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"The fund to help relieve the hardships of rice farmers while they were still waiting to get paid from the government for their crops pledged under the rice pledging scheme will be shut down tomorrow..."

In the rest of the world it is "Fool me twice..."

With Thai rice farmers it's "This time they tell the truth. I vote for them again"

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It is divided into three portions: 30.3 million baht in public donations; 916,000 baht in interest-free refundable contributions and 13.2 billion baht in unlimited refundable contributions with 0.63 percent interest thereon.

BACC general manager Luck Wajananwach said that the first portion of 30.3 million baht would be given to a foundation to help improve the livelihood of rice farmers and public interests as wished by the donors.

Since the bank did not get refund from the government for the other two portions of contributions, Mr Luck said that the bank would send letters to all the contributors expressing thanks for their kind contributions for the good of the rice farmers.

Confusing article...but it sure sounds like some contributors lost out on something....maybe principle and interest....or maybe just interest.

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And this is why the majority support the Junta. They have not forgotten the PTP lied to them 5 times stating they had money to support the scheme. This was before the PDRC protestors even took to the streets in protest.

My favorite lie was on the 13th of September 2013 - The cabinet approved a total budget of 270 billion baht for the governments rice pledging scheme and said this will support it to March 2014. This contempt for the majority explains why the failed 2014 elections indicated the PTP failing miserably. Unless of course we all still refer to elections 3 years ago as a litmus test of their support?

Quite simply though, the Junta did not lie. They stated they would get the money and they did. A God send to the poor and destitute the PTP purported to supported.

This is why the Junta have overwhelming support. Unless of course we still refer to an election 3 years ago as the litmus test of the PTP's support?

They could always test your theory,'oh junta @rse-licking one', by holding an election asp.

Edited by jesimps
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And this is why the majority support the Junta. They have not forgotten the PTP lied to them 5 times stating they had money to support the scheme. This was before the PDRC protestors even took to the streets in protest.

My favorite lie was on the 13th of September 2013 - The cabinet approved a total budget of 270 billion baht for the governments rice pledging scheme and said this will support it to March 2014. This contempt for the majority explains why the failed 2014 elections indicated the PTP failing miserably. Unless of course we all still refer to elections 3 years ago as a litmus test of their support?

Quite simply though, the Junta did not lie. They stated they would get the money and they did. A God send to the poor and destitute the PTP purported to supported.

This is why the Junta have overwhelming support. Unless of course we still refer to an election 3 years ago as the litmus test of the PTP's support?

They could always test your theory,'oh junta @rse-licking one', by holding an election asp.

So no reply on the issues or points that I made?

Like you, the UDD you would rather shun intellectual political debate in favor of condescension and belittling of the opposition?

​No reply regarding the 5 lies the PTP made. Nothing on that? We will ignore that heay? A bit of belittling will solve this issue you have with me and will absolve the inconvenient truths that I highlighted?

Elections? I dare you to describe the PTP without referring to elections. Name the other principles they support?

​If you cannot I will call you garbage. If the Deputy PM of the PTP can call protestors garbage then I can call you that to right? Why not?

If I am wrong you can behead me. If the other deputy PM can threaten to behead himself then I can say that right? Especially post 9/11? Nothing wrong there right?

Elections heay?

​You are an incredulous, two dimensional being that has no concept of what has gone on in Thailand over the past 12 months.

Imagine supporting a terrorist funding group in your country while defending deputy PMs that said the above.

I suspect Suvarnabhumi Airport has a new sign stating "A moral conscious has to be declared" You would never be arrested however because it seems you don't have a moral conscious.

Elections heay?

Tell the white farmers that in Zimbabwe...

Edited by djjamie
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And this is why the majority support the Junta. They have not forgotten the PTP lied to them 5 times stating they had money to support the scheme. This was before the PDRC protestors even took to the streets in protest.

My favorite lie was on the 13th of September 2013 - The cabinet approved a total budget of 270 billion baht for the government’s rice pledging scheme and said this will support it to March 2014. This contempt for the majority explains why the failed 2014 elections indicated the PTP failing miserably. Unless of course we all still refer to elections 3 years ago as a litmus test of their support?

Quite simply though, the Junta did not lie. They stated they would get the money and they did. A God send to the poor and destitute the PTP purported to supported.

This is why the Junta have overwhelming support. Unless of course we still refer to an election 3 years ago as the litmus test of the PTP's support?

The Junta got the money ? then why are we in our village still waiting for payment ? Rumour has it that we will be paid sometime beginning next year !! That means we will have waited over a year for payment

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A lesson to learned here, if you're a farmer farming any crop, and you have failed to make a decent

living out of it year after year, than get out, and od something else, or, better the way you go about

doing things....

So what sort of work had you in mind for a 50 something year old with 5 years of basic schooling? Nobody owes anybody a living,that's true but something must be done. The price for rice, rubber and sugar cane has gone through the floor it is impossible to make a living at these prices. Would they change their crops? yes,gladly but what crop? Go working on the building sites,many do but there is a limit to the number of people the building industry can absorb,we are talking about millions of people not a few thousand. The situation at the moment is hopeless for many.

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What a confusing headline. But good for the farmers they get some money that they were promised by a deceiving former government.

However I would think it would be a great idea to set up a fund to help farmers shut down rice farming and change crops. Or at least help in reducing dependency on chemicals. There was an interesting newspaper story the other day about a guy who had dropped chemicals for his rice farming and he was doing very well indeed.

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And this is why the majority support the Junta. They have not forgotten the PTP lied to them 5 times stating they had money to support the scheme. This was before the PDRC protestors even took to the streets in protest.

My favorite lie was on the 13th of September 2013 - The cabinet approved a total budget of 270 billion baht for the government’s rice pledging scheme and said this will support it to March 2014. This contempt for the majority explains why the failed 2014 elections indicated the PTP failing miserably. Unless of course we all still refer to elections 3 years ago as a litmus test of their support?

Quite simply though, the Junta did not lie. They stated they would get the money and they did. A God send to the poor and destitute the PTP purported to supported.

This is why the Junta have overwhelming support. Unless of course we still refer to an election 3 years ago as the litmus test of the PTP's support?

LOL are you serious? They have almost 0 support with the farmers because it is the Elitists who want ALL support for them to be cut off.

They don't do anything against the Junta because they might be farmers but they aren't stupid, they know that they would have received the same thing they did a few years back from the police, it is easy to kill farmers but not so easy to deal with people who fight back you know like those in the South.

The Junta pledged to get them the money "owed" and they did otherwise their motives would have been known, but what you so simply left out is that they are also the ones who wanted all support to end in the first place. The Elitists don't want the farmers having any money, they never did and they never will, that is why EVERY program geared to help the farmers once the Elitists get into power is cut off. Every problem the farmers face gets put on the back burner, and it has always been that way when the Elitists get power.

Now the financial support from the bank is gone because of who? The government who said they will no longer cover the expenses of future loans.

Yup sure is a God send, I just wonder which God you are referring to.

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I took this headline as helping farmers to shut down production.

Wouldn't that be a godsend. Less rice for a few yearsm

Part of the return happiness to Thai people.

Rephase: Return happiness to Southern rubber growing Thai people.

That happiness has been moved north already. The era of southern rubber production domination is over. the plantations are old, and many will be cut and not replanted since it takes 7 years to mature. the north, north east and laos is the spot.

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LOL are you serious? They have almost 0 support with the farmers because it is the Elitists who want ALL support for them to be cut off.

They don't do anything against the Junta because they might be farmers but they aren't stupid, they know that they would have received the same thing they did a few years back from the police, it is easy to kill farmers but not so easy to deal with people who fight back you know like those in the South.

The Junta pledged to get them the money "owed" and they did otherwise their motives would have been known, but what you so simply left out is that they are also the ones who wanted all support to end in the first place. The Elitists don't want the farmers having any money, they never did and they never will, that is why EVERY program geared to help the farmers once the Elitists get into power is cut off. Every problem the farmers face gets put on the back burner, and it has always been that way when the Elitists get power.

Now the financial support from the bank is gone because of who? The government who said they will no longer cover the expenses of future loans.

Yup sure is a God send, I just wonder which God you are referring to.

Can you please explain to me why farmers (rice or otherwise) are entitled to be given money by the government while other citizens are not?

There are millions of Thais who are NOT farmers (and who are far from elite) who pay tax via VAT. Why should their taxes be given to any uneconomic business owner who is failing because of inefficiency in producing an inherently low value crop?

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LOL are you serious? They have almost 0 support with the farmers because it is the Elitists who want ALL support for them to be cut off.

They don't do anything against the Junta because they might be farmers but they aren't stupid, they know that they would have received the same thing they did a few years back from the police, it is easy to kill farmers but not so easy to deal with people who fight back you know like those in the South.

The Junta pledged to get them the money "owed" and they did otherwise their motives would have been known, but what you so simply left out is that they are also the ones who wanted all support to end in the first place. The Elitists don't want the farmers having any money, they never did and they never will, that is why EVERY program geared to help the farmers once the Elitists get into power is cut off. Every problem the farmers face gets put on the back burner, and it has always been that way when the Elitists get power.

Now the financial support from the bank is gone because of who? The government who said they will no longer cover the expenses of future loans.

Yup sure is a God send, I just wonder which God you are referring to.

Can you please explain to me why farmers (rice or otherwise) are entitled to be given money by the government while other citizens are not?

There are millions of Thais who are NOT farmers (and who are far from elite) who pay tax via VAT. Why should their taxes be given to any uneconomic business owner who is failing because of inefficiency in producing an inherently low value crop?

Farmers are given subsidies in almost every country in the world. They are given these for many reasons but the most compelling to me is they produce something the country absolutely requires: food And food is not "an inherently low value crop". Food is one of the very few products produced that is absolutely necessary to the citizens of any country. If the country cannot produce at least as much food as their citizens require they must import food. If they become dependent upon imported food they are putting their citizens at great risk. If their sources of food dry up because of political or even environmental reasons their country could face famine. Even in these days and times a country needs to be as agriculturally self-sufficient as possible. Thailand can get along without microwaves, TVs, cars, trucks, smart phones, investment notes, etc..., but it cannot survive for long without food.

Think of agricultural subsidies as an insurance policy paid by the country to the farmers to insure an adequate food supply in difficult times. Also farming is a high-risk enterprise. Sure, when times are good and the weather cooperates a farmer might be able to earn a 100% or more return on their investment. But in leaner times that can go down to 25% or less; and every once in a while they will have a complete loss, crops wiped out by drought or infestation. They need to make a generous average return on their investments to get them through the hard times which will inevitably come.

Also I think most of you who are so anti-farm subsidies either don't realize or don't want to hear that the Thai government subsidizes many other industries by offering low-interest or government-guaranteed loans, tax incentives and exemptions, plump government contracts and of course the under-the-table kick backs.

Farmers were certainly not the only ones that were getting public money, but soon they may be the only ones who are not getting public money.

As for whether or not the farmers and the majority of Thais are genuinely enamored of the current government, we'll just have to wait and see when there are once again elections. My prediction is it will be another Red Shirt victory at the polls.

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I took this headline as helping farmers to shut down production.

Wouldn't that be a godsend. Less rice for a few yearsm

Part of the return happiness to Thai people.

Rephase: Return happiness to Southern rubber growing Thai people.

Somehow with all promotion (started by Gen. Chavalit in late 90-ish) it would seem we have more rubber wood acreage in Isaan than down South.

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LOL are you serious? They have almost 0 support with the farmers because it is the Elitists who want ALL support for them to be cut off.

They don't do anything against the Junta because they might be farmers but they aren't stupid, they know that they would have received the same thing they did a few years back from the police, it is easy to kill farmers but not so easy to deal with people who fight back you know like those in the South.

The Junta pledged to get them the money "owed" and they did otherwise their motives would have been known, but what you so simply left out is that they are also the ones who wanted all support to end in the first place. The Elitists don't want the farmers having any money, they never did and they never will, that is why EVERY program geared to help the farmers once the Elitists get into power is cut off. Every problem the farmers face gets put on the back burner, and it has always been that way when the Elitists get power.

Now the financial support from the bank is gone because of who? The government who said they will no longer cover the expenses of future loans.

Yup sure is a God send, I just wonder which God you are referring to.

Can you please explain to me why farmers (rice or otherwise) are entitled to be given money by the government while other citizens are not?

There are millions of Thais who are NOT farmers (and who are far from elite) who pay tax via VAT. Why should their taxes be given to any uneconomic business owner who is failing because of inefficiency in producing an inherently low value crop?

Farmers are given subsidies in almost every country in the world. They are given these for many reasons but the most compelling to me is they produce something the country absolutely requires: food And food is not "an inherently low value crop". Food is one of the very few products produced that is absolutely necessary to the citizens of any country. If the country cannot produce at least as much food as their citizens require they must import food. If they become dependent upon imported food they are putting their citizens at great risk. If their sources of food dry up because of political or even environmental reasons their country could face famine. Even in these days and times a country needs to be as agriculturally self-sufficient as possible. Thailand can get along without microwaves, TVs, cars, trucks, smart phones, investment notes, etc..., but it cannot survive for long without food.

Think of agricultural subsidies as an insurance policy paid by the country to the farmers to insure an adequate food supply in difficult times. Also farming is a high-risk enterprise. Sure, when times are good and the weather cooperates a farmer might be able to earn a 100% or more return on their investment. But in leaner times that can go down to 25% or less; and every once in a while they will have a complete loss, crops wiped out by drought or infestation. They need to make a generous average return on their investments to get them through the hard times which will inevitably come.

Also I think most of you who are so anti-farm subsidies either don't realize or don't want to hear that the Thai government subsidizes many other industries by offering low-interest or government-guaranteed loans, tax incentives and exemptions, plump government contracts and of course the under-the-table kick backs.

Farmers were certainly not the only ones that were getting public money, but soon they may be the only ones who are not getting public money.

As for whether or not the farmers and the majority of Thais are genuinely enamored of the current government, we'll just have to wait and see when there are once again elections. My prediction is it will be another Red Shirt victory at the polls.

Well, the RPPS wasn't a subsidy, but a self-financing scheme, or at least positioned as such by the Yingluck government. furthermore is was supposed to be aimed at poor rice farmers. It weould seem they are still poor. The country as well as a 700++ gap in the BAAC account is guaranteed by the Yingluck government which is gone by now. The NLA has planned the repayment in instalments with a bit more than 100 billion reserve for 2014/2015.

Note the two double track 160 km/h train routes planned will require a similar financing over eight years. Could have used those 700++ billion lost by Yingluck c.s.

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