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Pattaya to be rebranded as World sport destination


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You think the Thai people read our post? You think they take us serious? I wonder if its worth to make comments on this site if our words don't and won't make a difference? All I want is to be left alone and stop being <deleted> with soo much for being White? I could care less what they do in Pattaya... Let me go back to my Thai massage... 5555

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How many times I have heard similar empty announcements on Pattaya over the years. Whatever color is the government, elected or not, it is the same stupid statements. Besides announcements, nothing is effectively done to make things better. It's only getting worse. Thailand, the hub of failed governments.

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"The Minister of Tourism and Sport, Ms. Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul is confident in Pattaya's potential to be developed into a ‘World Sport Destination’ due to its readiness in terms of training camps, accommodations and restaurants."

What planet is she on?

Can't see it happening unless the Thai authorities especially the RTP clean up their act instead of ignoring the fact how tainted this country has become where sleaze and corruption are concerned.

Having said that the UK and US are pretty much on a par when it comes to corruption but they do have some semblance of credibility something which Thailand doesn't have right now in the eyes of the world.

Sooner or later they will have to drag themselves into the 21st century if they want to survive.

Thailand is a beautiful country with some wonderful people apart from a few exceptions but it needs fixing and only they can do that.

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Pretty sure they are already setup for some international sports. TAT is onto a good thing.

I wonder who would come first in the 100m stroke or we also have the balcony hurdles. Weight lifting would be perfect there.. Would be world class. Many times I have seen the 40-50 kilo snatch there followed by the Clean & Jerk.

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I apologize if people have already made suggestions like this, but...

Pattaya can have its own unique sports;

The Jet-Ski Scam Dash: This is where you run for life after a jet-ski scammer tries to hit you up for a BS 20,000 baht repair bill.

Lady Boy Wrestling: In this one, you have to wrestle off two or more lady boys who try to embrace and pickpocket you on Beach Road.

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The bicycle lanes would be built with a budget of the Department of Physical Education; however, the best location of bicycle lanes will be discussed with local residents and provincial chambers of commerce before the construction starts.

That's rich.

Clear the sidewalks first!

Agreed. At some point in time enforcement will have to engage if a pipe dream like this has even a gopher's chance in a rock quarry.

What the automaton lady did not mention is that Thais, at the grass roots level, somehow feel entitled to squat in any open space they can find as long as no one complains, and if someone does tell them to move a centimeter, they go into a long tirade of lies and excuses and threats why they can't, or won't, or worse.

So unless the PM is ready to engage military bulldozers, then forget the bicycle tracks.

"...will be discussed with local residents and provincial chambers of commerce before the construction starts." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Discussion? It takes these people three hours to discuss what normally takes a westerner only 30 seconds (sans any grudges or embarrassment).

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The bicycle lanes would be built with a budget of the Department of Physical Education; however, the best location of bicycle lanes will be discussed with local residents and provincial chambers of commerce before the construction starts.

That's rich.

Clear the sidewalks first!

That's hilarious. No point putting lanes in, Thai's don't know what they are. 90% of the time they are on the wrong side of the road, cutting corners etc. Putting bicycle lanes in will just mean another line on the road which nobody understands.

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I think the Misses needs to travel outside Thailand, world sport, drug test.Bicycle paths Kingdom wide, please! Who are these people with government jobs. Sorry, they said here no Thai negative remarks but what <deleted>%^&*ing planet do you live in.

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What the <deleted> are they talking about now??? Pattya + world sport destination just do NOT go together . . .

Not true. I, myself, have indeed made sport with many a fine lady in that town.

Perhaps I am doing them an injustice ... it's Thailand so everything must have a Thai twist to it, so perhaps it will be something along the lines of 100 meter sprint (but at 3am, on Beach Road, with ladies of the 3rd sex chasing after them to get a date or pick their pockets).

Of course, drug testing could be problematic cos you have no &lt;deleted&gt; idea what shit they put in your drinks ...

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