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I find it strange that when looking at new cars in thailand in 2014 ABS brakes and even in some cases airbags are not standard. So forget about other security features.

In many brands those features only come as standard in top model cars and luxury cars. As I have been buying and selling some secondhand cars here I'm now realizing why there are so many accidents and deaths here in traffic.

Recently I bought a couple of izusu pickups that didn't have either so before selling them I equipped the cars with both airbags,ABS brakes and as these where x-cab I also equipped the rear seats with safety belts and and slim neckrest before selling them on as I find it irresponsible to sell cars without these features.

I had not considered this before and am suprised this is not a concern that is discussed more considering the amount of deaths in traffic in thaiand or is it just me that have missed those discussions.

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Which new car in Thailand does not have ABS or an airbag?

I'm sure there are others but the Mitsu Triton only has drivers side airbag.


I dont like ABS, it increases ones breaking distance.O.K for Novice Drivers.

It also prevents skidding on wet roads, or one wheel in the gravel and the others on the tarmac. Hardly just for the novice.

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You retro-fitted airbag systems into secondhand non-airbag vehicles? Really?

And apparently into a vehicle that was not designed for this.

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If every car had ABS and Airbags, it still wouldn't make much of an impact on the road death stats, as around 85% of them are motorcycles.


I dont like ABS, it increases ones breaking distance.O.K for Novice Drivers.

It also prevents skidding on wet roads, or one wheel in the gravel and the others on the tarmac. Hardly just for the novice.

It enables a Novice Driver to Steer whilst panicking nothing more.Wet Road distance increased in st line emergecy.


I dont like ABS, it increases ones breaking distance.O.K for Novice Drivers.

It also prevents skidding on wet roads, or one wheel in the gravel and the others on the tarmac. Hardly just for the novice.

It enables a Novice Driver to Steer whilst panicking nothing more.Wet Road distance increased in st line emergecy.

Yeah, well not every licenced driver does an advanced driving course, but if it bothers you so much have it disconnected.

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Which new car in Thailand does not have ABS or an airbag?

Lots here [to name them all would be a very long list]......... Cars, Pickups, SUV'S, PPV's...... Most makes and Brand New within the last couple of year Do NOT have ABS and many NO airbags or just one... to have both in a New car you need to buy a top model. Sadly many buy the basic model with No safety at all

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You retro-fitted airbag systems into secondhand non-airbag vehicles? Really?

And where's your work permit for doing so? I don't get it, as it must be really expensive. So why would you do that?

Is it really true that there're people out there who think about others' safety? Just curious....


I find it perfectly OK that additional safety comes at an optional premium.

The 14 passengers at the back of the pcikup won't benefit from airbags anyway.

Also, airbags need maintenance and have a good by date, I am very doubtful the new owners will see to proper maintenance.

(I also know many cars in Thailand have their Airbags disabled to avoid having to replace them incase of minor impact, LOL)

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It's all to say ...and facile....to blame "Thai drivers" for the poor road safety situation in Thailand - there are MANY other factors and one of them is undoubtedly the poor safety standards required of vehicles on the road - both old and new.


I dont like ABS, it increases ones breaking distance.O.K for Novice Drivers.

Not entirely true - in fact quite misleading. ABS increases braking distances on snow or loose surfaces. on normal road s it reduces it as wheels are only slowing the car effectively when they are not locked.

Extra technology used now also helps directional control. there has been considerable research into how ABS affects the course of accidents and in general it is hugely beneficial.

Any idea that it makes drivers go faster is totally unsupported by the evidence - most drivers don't even know what it is.

I don't know if they still do but it was permitted in certain classes of solon car racing in Germany and the results were dramatic.


I dont like ABS, it increases ones breaking distance.O.K for Novice Drivers.

Some people panic under pressure, even if they know how to correctly brake they may still lock the wheels without ABS. Statistically, ABS vehicles are far safer than non-ABS vehicles.

I dont dispute they are generally safer, im saying for some drivers like myself they dont fit in with my/ our driving style, i find that clatter un nerving, miss the initial whack of first pressure, and driving on loose tracks they operate like a "bug in a fit". Stats prove rightly they do work for most drivers.coffee1.gif


I dont like ABS, it increases ones breaking distance.O.K for Novice Drivers.

If you hit something it will still break.


My benz sclass has all ! but not sure it is made in thailand though :-)

You should be able to tell by the service booklet, it will have a slip inside the last page with the build number on it.

A few yers ago I opted for the German built car (E Class) and the price was just under 9% higher than if I was to buy the Thai built model.


You can remove "cars made in" from the title of your post to cover the wider image of the situation...

Then you have to question the price... how can Toyota justify there price ?

Most base models have No Airbags or ABS, other makes that are same size + cost less have both..

Even goes for something like the Altis top model has 2 airbags + ABS, just off hand comes to mind same class size Proton cost over 400,000 baht less and come with ABS, 2 Airbags, curtian Airbags and side airbags [total 10]

Look at another way the top model Preve has 10 Airbags and ABS, or for the same price = base model Altis = NO Airbags or ABS

This is just 2 makes of cars, but same on many Chevy Sonic No Airbags and No ABS for the same price you get a Suzuki Swift with Airbags and ABS and so the list is endless..

What get me Thailand exports many cars and Pickups every model MUST have ABS and Airbags......

In 2005 [cannot remember the extra] and 2008 when I bought a new SLX D-Max, if cost 30,000 baht extra to have the model with ABS and 2 Airbags.... that is NOT a huge difference but most save this money as not important and go without,

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