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Parents of Adam Pickles attacked in Pattaya appeal decision to acquit his attacker


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sounds to me like a very hard case to prove in court unless there are witnesses or other evidence

Pickles will be denying the charges against him or pleading self defence and the other person involved (the victim) is incapacitated, hardly an open and shut case

Get facts and names right please.

Sean Tinsley is the alleged attacker NOT Pickles who is still in a coma after nearly 3 years.

This morbid speck of crap is sure to get his punishment if karma exists.

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sounds to me like a very hard case to prove in court unless there are witnesses or other evidence

Pickles will be denying the charges against him or pleading self defence and the other person involved (the victim) is incapacitated, hardly an open and shut case

Did you even bother to read the story or even glance at the headline? Adam Pickles is the guy in the coma. He is the victim not the other guy

yeh too early in the morning for me, too late for an edit, I think people will get the point either way

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So a cowardly thug is going to get away with it ? These are the people testicular cancer was designed for - sadly nature doesnt always answer my prayers.

Normally i agree with your comments,but i am a survivor of testicular cancer,and i think you could have worded that better.Have a think before you put things into print.

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here here.... this whole place is rife with cowardly violent behavior.......obviously some havent seen that side of Thailand, which is a good thing i guess..... unfortunately for me, i have seen it go on for many years and 99% without any ramifications!

So a cowardly thug is going to get away with it ? These are the people testicular cancer was designed for - sadly nature doesnt always answer my prayers.

who si this cowardly son of a bitch tinsley and where does he come from? bringing his violent cowardly behavior to thailand is a no no. luckly he was not shot! go back home you bastard,

While I wholehearyedly agree with your sentiment, bringing cowardly, violent behaviour to Thailand would make Tinsley fit in quite well.

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Some years ago when I first arrived there was a case in Phuket where British and American men, both Moi Thai students had a fight. The American won but the Brit went followed him home with a knife and killed the America, or at least that was the story in the paper. The Brit ran for the border. There were several reports on efforts to extradite the British man back to Thailand for trial. I would love to see BKK Post and/or ThaiVisa do follow up stories on this kind of well known case in the pattern of "Where are they now?" I'd like to know the bad guys are sitting in a jail somewhere. I would be comforted by knowing that. I often feel greater fear of hopped up farangs I see at times than I do Thais.

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Money would be better spent on old-fashioned justice. An eye for an eye.

There are situations and circumstances where the courts seem absolutely impotent with regard to meting out justice. That applies about 90% of this time, in this country, which has a fabulously weak judiciary and a prosecutor system that is equally compromised. So, yes sometimes one needs to consider alternate means to hand out justice. It sounds like it is warranted in this case.

Years ago, my sister in law was involved with a British punk. Kind of a low level Liverpool gangster type. When she finally told him to take a walk, he was infuriated, and burned down the bungalow she was staying in, with four other gals, at 4am, assuming they would all be inside, and that they would all burn to death. Fortunately nobody was home. But all their possessions, cash, etc was destroyed. The police caught him with the cctv cameras nearby, fleeing the scene. There was an arrangement made for each of the gals to get 150,000 baht, and then he was ordered out of the country. I assume a similar arrangement was made to pay for the property damage. The money was paid to the police. Did the gals ever see any of it? The answer is no. Who knows what he actually paid? The police here are a pale shadow of their counterparts in other countries, and I suspect the same applies to the judiciary and the prosecutors office. A deep and profound shame hangs over the country, when it comes to the successive governments refusal to address any of this. The present government is most certainly included, as part of that shame.

Since when does a "British"punk with "Liverpool"connections get ordered out of the country.Also how long have police been receiving compensation payments on behalf of victims?I think your "story"needs a edit and tidy up.British police sound exactly the same as here by your telling.

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sounds to me like a very hard case to prove in court unless there are witnesses or other evidence

Pickles will be denying the charges against him or pleading self defence and the other person involved (the victim) is incapacitated, hardly an open and shut case

Did you even bother to read the story or even glance at the headline? Adam Pickles is the guy in the coma. He is the victim not the other guy

yeh too early in the morning for me, too late for an edit, I think people will get the point either way

We get the point that you should stop dieting.

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So a cowardly thug is going to get away with it ? These are the people testicular cancer was designed for - sadly nature doesnt always answer my prayers.

Normally i agree with your comments,but i am a survivor of testicular cancer,and i think you could have worded that better.Have a think before you put things into print.

I apologise unreservedly to anyone who was offended by my comment - I believe you know it wasnt aimed at the people who have cancer or any other illness. I stopped going in for a checkup (prostate etc) when I was diagnosed with early stage Parkinson's - having seen what it did to my father I wont be hanging around for the 'palliative care' discussed in this Wikipedia entry. Well done on beating the big C.


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Money would be better spent on old-fashioned justice. An eye for an eye.

There are situations and circumstances where the courts seem absolutely impotent with regard to meting out justice. That applies about 90% of this time, in this country, which has a fabulously weak judiciary and a prosecutor system that is equally compromised. So, yes sometimes one needs to consider alternate means to hand out justice. It sounds like it is warranted in this case.

Years ago, my sister in law was involved with a British punk. Kind of a low level Liverpool gangster type. When she finally told him to take a walk, he was infuriated, and burned down the bungalow she was staying in, with four other gals, at 4am, assuming they would all be inside, and that they would all burn to death. Fortunately nobody was home. But all their possessions, cash, etc was destroyed. The police caught him with the cctv cameras nearby, fleeing the scene. There was an arrangement made for each of the gals to get 150,000 baht, and then he was ordered out of the country. I assume a similar arrangement was made to pay for the property damage. The money was paid to the police. Did the gals ever see any of it? The answer is no. Who knows what he actually paid? The police here are a pale shadow of their counterparts in other countries, and I suspect the same applies to the judiciary and the prosecutors office. A deep and profound shame hangs over the country, when it comes to the successive governments refusal to address any of this. The present government is most certainly included, as part of that shame.

Since when does a "British"punk with "Liverpool"connections get ordered out of the country.Also how long have police been receiving compensation payments on behalf of victims?I think your "story"needs a edit and tidy up.British police sound exactly the same as here by your telling.
I am telling the facts as told to me by the victim, without embellishment of any sort. The fact that you are unwilling to believe it means little to me. And if you think the attempted murder of five Thai nationals and the destruction of a bungalow is not enough to get one deported, I suggest you brush up on your immigration law expertise. Edited by spidermike007
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The bottom line is that there is no justice in the legal system in Thailand. The assumption is that everybody is expected to survive as best they can, buying off officials is the system. If every law in the land were applied, the government would have to support all those who progress their lives by breaking the law, the whole population to a greater or lesser degree. If you break the law and can afford to pay officialdom you are free, if you can't buy your way out then you go down.

Nobody can know the facts of anything reported in the papers, who knows perhaps that is the case everywhere in the world, but it seems undisputed that the defendant in this case hit someone on the head with a piece of metal (a weapon) resulting in serious injury. The fact that this was not considered a crime in this case is frustrating and somewhat unsettling for every peace loving person, including many Thais I imagine, but there it is.

I don't think that the appeal will achieve anything.

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Just Google'd the guys name and there are a few things for him out there. Here is a sample "Sean Henry Tinsley, charged with the attempted murder of Adam Pickles (Head of English at Regents International School) was let out on bail last Friday after "paying to get out of the back door" on his 3rd attempt at bail."

And another "He got deported for selling one year visa from his company easy visa but came back on a false name."

Edited by gandalf12
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The problem here in Thailand there is a load of low life trash like him walking about....

He probably left the UK as he was wanted by the police or other people like himself and realised that Thailand is an easy number. He must have bought an illegal passport in another name as any change of name would I am sure be registered on the passport with a "previously known as......".

Thailand needs to check people entering the country by using police databases available to them. Then Thailand wont have so many of the worlds scum coming here

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Sean Henry Tinsley...... Not exactly the actions of an English teacher, probably turn out to be either a telephone tea leaf, or a dope dealer, hence the money under the table decision in the land of the ridiculous..... I must agree with many others though, "An eye for an eye" i'm sure the BIB could accomodate there, after all, they're getting a bit skint these days.........

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As both the victim and his alleged attacker are both British why do the relatives of the victim not persue his attacker through the British justice system in a civil case rather than rely on the deeply flawed Thai Justice System (an oxymoron if there ever was one). The relatives of OJ Simpsons murderous attack did so successfully, albeit that was America where things may be different.

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Money would be better spent on old-fashioned justice. An eye for an eye.

Are you advocating Sharia law?

Old-fashioned justice was the original justice... It is still the "court of last resort" in many parts of the world. Admittedly the parts with less-developed justice systems..(hint, hint)

State justice is designed (theoretically) to ensure fair trials and standardized punishments, as well as access to justice for people who are disadvantaged financially.

Edited by Rimmer
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Money would be better spent on old-fashioned justice. An eye for an eye.

I know this is not the UK, but back there, If a crime has been committed against you, and the police or the courts do nothing about it, then you do it yourself, or if you are not up to that, then pay someone else to do it. Back then I would take the first option, but now as I am older, it would have to be the second.

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Wow...a whole 1,590 pounds...they must have been some act in their day.

you are some piece of work, your momma must be proud :-)

Correct, "a nasty piece of work" indeed, and like all Thai apologists will only bash farangs.

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So a cowardly thug is going to get away with it ? These are the people testicular cancer was designed for - sadly nature doesnt always answer my prayers.

As a person who has testicuar cancer I am offended by your thoughtless and foolish post. Please think before posting in future. This should not be a pissing contest to see who can demonstrate the greatest moral indignation.

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I wonder how the sick <deleted> explained it away? "I didn't notice the iron bar in me hand m'lud"? "Oh yes m'lud, it's quite normal where I come from to walk about with an iron bar in your hand". Let's hope this Karma stuff works.

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...still better than the Michael Jackson fiasco where everyone in that courtroom knew he was guilty but he still walked out a free man.

Everyone? All 13 jurors were unanimous and the only supposed witness admitted he 'lied in a deposition for a civil lawsuit against J.C. Penney and Tower Records in which the family received a settlement of $152,000'.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So a cowardly thug is going to get away with it ? These are the people testicular cancer was designed for - sadly nature doesnt always answer my prayers.

Maybe it does and you will get it?

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