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21-year-old man arrested for assaulting 51-year-old man to death


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One can only hope that within a week of his time in jail, this dog will do something minor to upset his fellow inmates and receive the same treatment and end to his life...hopefully..slower, more painful and a few days suffering....what a waste of life

Edited by Unky Dozer
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I recently witnessed an old man and his wife in our soi. The man appeared to be very drunk and a group of thai guys in their 20's came riding down making a lot of noise in the soi get off their bikes and started screaming beating and kicking, pieces of wood, bottles, their helmets smashed over his head. From what I understood he didn't pay for his drinks.

That was the lowest shocking act I've seen in this country, normally it's a pack fight. Don't know if he lived through it he had huge head injuries.

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All the land of smiles drivel that TAT would like to promote

is complete nonsense. Thais are some of the most violent and hot

tempered people I have ever seen. Some sort of repressed rage that

I cannot begin to fathom. The kicking of the head of the unconscious

man is a nice touch. I have said it before and I will say it again. If you

end up in a fight with a Thai man, you are in a fight for your life. As this

poor guy found out too late. So be prepared to go nuclear at the very

beginning unless you want your head to be used as a foot ball.

All completely true.

As for the last part, remember the Iranian shot dead in a mainly farang nightclub last year. Got in a fight with a Thai, Thai was losing, Thai pulled out his gun and shot him dead. The reason he gave the police: "I was losing the fight, so had to shoot him to win".

If one can, avoid being around Thais that were raised in Thailand. You'll be safer.

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I have never witnessed spite like I have seen in some Thai men when they lose face. It's not really hate - just spite like a nasty 6 year old schoolboy.

Despicable, isn't it.

The behavior of a Thai that feels aggrieved. A disgusting thing to witness.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

At the very bottom of the screen in the video footage if you look carefully you can see the heads of at least two onlookers as well of course as the female who is passively trying to stop him and another who nonchalantly walks away? In England or America they could also be tried for depraved indifference. What is wrong with these people?

Makes me wonder how many Thais are seething with this level of anger under the surface.

most of them

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Another video of "Thainess" at it's finest..

This sort of crap happens all over the world, nutters everywhere.

These days wherever you are, get into a road dispute and likely that someone will take out a knife or a gun or end up getting your head kicked in like that tragic victim.

When I am out and about on the road and some pri-k places me in a life threatening situation by negligent or uncaring driving, I intend to let it go and try to keep them in front of me in my view, rather than confronting them just to prove a point. Unless you are built like a brick sh-thouse or kung &lt;deleted&gt; champion of the world, than better to continue without incident and live life for another day.

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At the very bottom of the screen in the video footage if you look carefully you can see the heads of at least two onlookers as well of course as the female who is passively trying to stop him and another who nonchalantly walks away? In England or America they could also be tried for depraved indifference. What is wrong with these people?

Makes me wonder how many Thais are seething with this level of anger under the surface.

Nice thought, but I have a friend in the UK stop an assault ended up with a 3 month suspended ABH charge because he was a martial arts instructor and the judge said he should of known better and shown restraint.

In Thailand if the force you defend yourself inflicts harm on another it's an assault worthy of a charge. So if attacked in the street hope no cameras and no one is watching and ended it.

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I'm not condoning the behavior. It was despicable.

But here is one more data point that tells me I'm better off staying off the streets during the wee hours (between 03:00 and 04:00 in this case)

We should be able to go out any time we want, 24/7/365. But we should also be able to leave our home doors unlocked, leave fistfuls of money hanging out of our pockets, and leave the car running when we're inside eating a meal. It just doesn't work that way in real life.

The sad reality is that some of our actions increase our risk. An informal recollection of the vast majority of these stories tells me the wee hours are for sleeping.

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RIP Mr Wichai Chaitrakul.

What a disgusting piece of cowardly scum that Krissana bloke is but this kind of violence doesn't only happen here.

Perhaps it happens more often because of the lack of emotional intelligence and therefore empathy.

If they lose the plot here, they lose it completely because they have been taught all their lives not to show any emotions.

Does anyone here remember the murder over at Erawan Shrine several years back?

A mentally ill man by the name of Thanakorn Pakdeepol was beaten to death by worshippers after he took a hammer to a stone statue of Brahma.

The religious crowd became so enraged that they couldn't be stopped.

Once rage takes hold of Thais they can't be stopped and they become like rabid dogs.

Maybe that is one of the reasons so many people pack a gun here wink.png

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I say turn the little punk over to the family of the victim and then let them all do the same thing to him. Now, that would be justice.

A little over 3 years ago I was coming back to Chiang Mai from Phayao on my CBR 250. Darkness falling. Someone from the opposite direction was coming towards me with Xenon headlights on high beam. I briefly flashed mine at him to let him know he was blinding me. This jerk actually stomped on his breaks and pulled a u-turn with his pick up to come after me. That section of road has a lot of curves, and no way a big pick-up is going to catch an experienced rider on a 250cc bike. I hauled ass, weaving in and out of traffic when need be, leaving him behind, and didn't stop till I was safely in my driveway. When I told my wife, she panicked and turned off all the lights. When I asked her why, she said crazy men like that usually have a gun and will kill you if they can. So, we sat in the darkness for about half an hour, just to calm her down.

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A little over 3 years ago I was coming back to Chiang Mai from Phayao on my CBR 250. Darkness falling. Someone from the opposite direction was coming towards me with Xenon headlights on high beam. I briefly flashed mine at him to let him know he was blinding me. This jerk actually stomped on his breaks and pulled a u-turn with his pick up to come after me. That section of road has a lot of curves, and no way a big pick-up is going to catch an experienced rider on a 250cc bike. I hauled ass, weaving in and out of traffic when need be, leaving him behind, and didn't stop till I was safely in my driveway. When I told my wife, she panicked and turned off all the lights. When I asked her why, she said crazy men like that usually have a gun and will kill you if they can.


Na khraap.

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And now that we've got the violent Thais sorted, here are just 2 links to illustrate how civilized things are in the paradise we left behind when we moved to Thailand.

This assault was hard to watch but gratuitous violence isn't just a Thai thing, it's a human thing and happens all over the world.

But hey, let's bash the Thais for a minute or two.. They are not all bad..



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That is the worst video I have ever seen.

TAT needs to broadcast that one.

I hope they broadcast it to his cell-mates in jail/prison. They'll know how to treat him.


Most will treat him with great respect. He's earned Face.

EDIT: Sell checker

Edited by HeijoshinCool
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Stupid airhead girlfriend gets back on the bike with this animal. It must have been clear to both of them that the poor man was dead, but they went home and slept like babies.

" but they went home and slept like babies"

Talking about babies, let’s not forget the video that was all over social media just last month showing 28-year-old Anon Phimnu viciously attacking his 2 year old stepson in the stairwell which resulted in the kids death.

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

I think you are correct. A few years back Thailand had 2X the number of homicides per capita as the gun-crazy USA. And that was just the number of homicides reported by authorities and did not include all the amazing suicides that happen in Thailand, such as people putting themselves in bags and throwing themselves off bridges, people hanging themselves with their hands tied behind their backs, people endlessly leaping from tall buildings, people drowning themselves in 55-gallon barrels, etc. One wonders what toll all the repressed emotions take.

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And now that we've got the violent Thais sorted, here are just 2 links to illustrate how civilized things are in the paradise we left behind when we moved to Thailand.

This assault was hard to watch but gratuitous violence isn't just a Thai thing, it's a human thing and happens all over the world.

But hey, let's bash the Thais for a minute or two.. They are not all bad..



The homicide rate here is still much higher than in most European countries. This is quite an interesting list:

It can only be viewed when downloaded, sadly enough it's too long wink.png


Edited by DaveinAsia
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Assault? Come on, this not a slap on the face, this is deliberate intent to kill someone out of rage which happen too many time here in Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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And now that we've got the violent Thais sorted, here are just 2 links to illustrate how civilized things are in the paradise we left behind when we moved to Thailand.

This assault was hard to watch but gratuitous violence isn't just a Thai thing, it's a human thing and happens all over the world.

But hey, let's bash the Thais for a minute or two.. They are not all bad..



I don't think anyone believes all Thais are bad. But arguing in their defense that the same types of things happen elsewhere is like trying to argue that two wrongs somehow make a right. They don't. For many of us, this is our home. So this is where we must try to exert our influence to create a more civil and peaceful society. We can certainly hope that other people in other parts of the world are trying to do the same thing where they live. But we can't really expect them to help us here, any more than we can do much to help them, there.

When there appears to be a culture of violence, such as there is with gun violence in the USA, it deserves to have a bright light shown on it. A society cannot hope to fix or improve a problem until it first acknowledges that it exists. Dismissing things just because something similar happens somewhere else is a form of denial through deflection. And one cannot hope to fix or change something that you deny exists.

So, no, not all Thais are bad. Like all of us, they are humans. And as with all groups of humans, there are a few hero's and a few criminals, with the vast majority falling somewhere in between and trying to do the best they can. Many of us are married to Thais, and we have Thai families and communities that we love and cherish. But that doesn't mean there are not urgent and pressing problems here that need and deserve the light of day. Needless, indiscriminate violence is one of them.

I do agree with you that 'Thai-bashing' gets us nowhere, just as 'group-bashing' of any group gets us nowhere. We must keep our indignation focused on the crime and the criminals until such things become socially and culturally unacceptable. I just don't think that deflection and denial gets us any closer to a solution--or even towards improvement.

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And now that we've got the violent Thais sorted, here are just 2 links to illustrate how civilized things are in the paradise we left behind when we moved to Thailand.

This assault was hard to watch but gratuitous violence isn't just a Thai thing, it's a human thing and happens all over the world.

But hey, let's bash the Thais for a minute or two.. They are not all bad..



UK, Aussie, US - all over, same the world over, sadly.

Times have got more violent yet the governments do little to really protect citizens, punish offenders but a lot to stop you defending yourself.

There was a case last year where a thug got an incredibly light sentence for killing a disabled guy with a king punch. The Crown prosecution were appealing, don't know the outcome.

Few years ago a martial arts instructor in his 50's was attacked by muggers as he parked his car in his driveway. He had a practice sword with him, drew it and chased them. The police prosecuted him.

In your first link, the assault in Birmingham was a mugging, but one was into violence, maybe racially motivated. But many cars simply drove by. People won't get involved anywhere - chances are you'll be prosecuted for assaulting the robbers, get seriously assaulted yourself, or even killed.

I've seen less violence in Thailand than I did in the UK - street fights, nightclub dust ups, gang fights, muggers, etc.

I do see a reluctance here to get involved and try to stop it - they seem to prefer watching, and taking photos/videos on their Apps.

I've never felt as nervous here (yet) as in some cities in the UK - but two Thai ladies gave me a lift part way home from functions. In each case they were really nervous about just dropping me off so I could get a taxi. One insisted we get her mobaan security to call for a taxi, the other did a U-turn as she didn't want me to walk over the bridge at night. So I guess Thais see more than we do.

But this is a particularly nasty and vicious assault. After the first couple of kicks went in, the intent was to kill him. No excuse. This thug should be prosecuted and if, as is likely given the cctv evidence, convicted be sentenced to death, which if commuted to life in prison should be life, with no chance of parole or pardon.

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