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Why do so many farang buy property in their wifes name?

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I'm not intending to judge here but I'm constantly meeting farang that have purchased houses and land in their 'wifes' name. Recently, one guy purchased 10mill house and a few weeks ago I met a guy who has 20mill of his money in the wifes name- in land and house.

Divorce rates are high. Sometimes love can be short term.Trying to sell house or land in Thailand is not easy. Why would anyone do it when one can rent quite cheaply in Thailand. Please explain.

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In general, individual foreigners can not own a house or land in thailand. So they have the wife buy it. I believe there was a bit of an issue or crackdown with the thai authorities checking on legitimate thai wives, so that they were not just fronts and a back door to let foreigners get money into the country and into a house. Foreigners can buy condos, with some restrictions.

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People are mistaken when they say foreigners can't own property in Thailand - they can. A foreigner can 100% own a house in his own name, he just can't own the land it is built on.

Like the comment above says, maybe it is about security and leaving their wife something once they're gone. Maybe a lot of foreigners don't give it so much thought/don't care until they come into problems.

And as also mentioned above, divorce rates are high almost everywhere, not only in Thailand!

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One reason, its easier to get your Wife/Partner a Tourist Visa for visiting other countries, as this is one of the stipulations that other Countries ask...

So, its easier, if the wife/partner has property means that she/he has a good reason to come back to ''Thailand''...

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One reason, its easier to get your Wife/Partner a Tourist Visa for visiting other countries, as this is one of the stipulations that other Countries ask...

So, its easier, if the wife/partner has property means that she/he has a good reason to come back to ''Thailand''...

So you not only give her money and property in Thailand,

But you empower her to claim your assets in your home country.

Brilliant, completely brilliant!

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Because they can't be bothered doing the planning, the research, the difficult conversation ("Why you no buy hou in my name?") and the leg work with the lawyer so they take the short-term quick and easy way route.

You need to remember a lot of these guys have done jobs like a machine operator in the same factory for the last 30 years. They retired, sold the house and they have way over 10 million baht to spend. Not knocking machine operators but if you have spent your life in a non-decision making, non-planning role with safeguards from the state ever present, you may not be the best person to wander around Thailand with 10 million Baht in your pocket.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are the oil guys or the mining CUB's from Australia (finished now) with so much cash, they don't care.

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One reason, its easier to get your Wife/Partner a Tourist Visa for visiting other countries, as this is one of the stipulations that other Countries ask...

So, its easier, if the wife/partner has property means that she/he has a good reason to come back to ''Thailand''...

So you not only give her money and property in Thailand,

But you empower her to claim your assets in your home country.

Brilliant, completely brilliant!

Thats like a candle burning itself from both ends..eh?

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Maybe they want to leave their Wife a home and a bit of security when they kick the bucket rather than being kicked out on the street because they have not paid the rent.

Seems logical to me.

Or kicked out on the street after they bought her a house.......?

Security for the wife..but not for themselves...?

I don't see the logic.

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Maybe they want to leave their Wife a home and a bit of security when they kick the bucket rather than being kicked out on the street because they have not paid the rent.

Seems logical to me.

Or kicked out on the street after they bought her a house.......?

Security for the wife..but not for themselves...?

I don't see the logic.

Maybe you should take more care when choosing a Wife. rolleyes.gif

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Maybe they want to leave their Wife a home and a bit of security when they kick the bucket rather than being kicked out on the street because they have not paid the rent.

Seems logical to me.

Or kicked out on the street after they bought her a house.......?

Security for the wife..but not for themselves...?

I don't see the logic.

I want my wife's time with me to be remembered as a sort of golden age of leisure, luxury and prosperity.

When I'm dead she gets nothing, will be out on the street, and poor as a church mouse.

Give her too much,

and she will be glad for you to go ASAP, whining about how you lived far too long, and shacked up with a younger Thai guy the day after they burn you. (seen this scenario play out twice in Doi Saket, and I only lived there a year)

This I call LOGIC!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Maybe they want to leave their Wife a home and a bit of security when they kick the bucket rather than being kicked out on the street because they have not paid the rent.

Seems logical to me.

Or kicked out on the street after they bought her a house.......?

Security for the wife..but not for themselves...?

I don't see the logic.

I want my wife's time with me to be remembered as a sort of golden age of leisure, luxury and prosperity.

When I'm dead she gets nothing, will be out on the street, and poor as a church mouse.

Give her too much,

and she will be glad for you to go ASAP, whining about how you lived far too long, and shacked up with a younger Thai guy the day after they burn you. (seen this scenario play out twice in Doi Saket, and I only lived there a year)

This I call LOGIC!

If they're dumb enuf to call themselves 'farangs' what do u expect ,,, respectful women .


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Maybe they want to leave their Wife a home and a bit of security when they kick the bucket rather than being kicked out on the street because they have not paid the rent.

Seems logical to me.

Or kicked out on the street after they bought her a house.......?

Security for the wife..but not for themselves...?

I don't see the logic.

Maybe you should take more care when choosing a Wife. rolleyes.gif

Not choosing right now....

but, without further explanation...i think the term is C.Y.A.: something most of us do poorly here.

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whistling.gif It may seem strange to you....but if you are married and have offspring with your Thai wife you may want them to have a future after you pass away.

Some people may have lived with a Thai wife for 30 or 40 years.... and actually care for and love her and their children.

As strange as that may seem to you it actually happens.

You may someday come to an age where you realize that whatever you do, you are mortal, and if you intend to have any useful purpose in his life it will only be those who remember you with affection that are that purpose.

A million Baht providing for them a place to live after you pass away is a good choice....the money will mean absolutely nothing to you once you pass away anyhow.

You came into this world naked, without a procession to your name, and covered in slime....you will probably go out of this world the same way.

It is only in between those two ends that what you do has any real meaning.

That is how it has always been and will always be.

Really a shame if you haven't realized that fact yet.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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whistling.gif It may seem strange to you....but if you are married and have offspring with your Thai wife you may want them to have a future after you pass away.

Some people may have lived with a Thai wife for 30 or 40 years.... and actually care for and love her and their children.

A million Baht providing for them a place to live after you pass away is a good choice....the money will mean absolutely nothing to you once you pass away anyhow.

You came into this world naked, without a procession to your name, and covered in slime....you will probably go out of this world the same way.

Caring for someone, doesn't mean they care for you.

No matter how much you delude yourself.

A million bhat? good luck finding a woman that will settle for a house worth that little these days.

Not to mention, I would like to ensure I don't leave this world early, shortly after spending 10Mbht on a house for a woman.

I love and care about ME.

And I know that love is true!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Difficult one, I can see it from both sides, I knew a Thai woman that was with a Farang for years, her youthful years, he rented, left her for some young girl he met in a bar, she had nothing but the rent to pay and was 40 years old, then again I also have known Farang to build houses and it has been a set up from the start, he was only ever going to build the house, that was his job, the family moved in and he eventually was driven out, but not in a bad way where he could divorce her on some grounds, he left, wasn't kicked out, but he was living such a bad existence he walked away from everything, then her brother moved in with her the rest of the family went back to their shacks.

Then again, when you meet a girl in a bar 30 years your junior, she ain't after your body, and most Farangs meet girls in a bar, yes I know, like drink driving, ThaiVisa members are different, but the truth is they are not, unless you came here a young man, the chances are you met in a bar and she is considerably younger than you.

All you had to offer her was security, she took it, nothing wrong with that, Rod Stewart, Hugh Hefner, Mel Gibson Mick Jagger etc etc....do the same type of thing with young white girls, not much difference really.

Edited by Broken Record
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Divorce rates are high. Sometimes love can be short term.-----OP

Which bar did you get your official figures from ghworker2010......????

Was it from the same bar that you made your last prediction of the Oz $ dropping to 50 cents----I must go there & get some tips one day.

The official divorce rate for Thailand is very low on average and much lower than the US or even Australia for that matter. The official divorce rate for Thailand is 0.058 per 10,000 people. This is low compared to the US with 53 per 10,000 people or 2.5 per 10,000 people in Australia---http://gam-legalalliance.com/

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Beyond the 400k marriage visa under 50 years old, (and love etc), are there really any advantages at all, financial or otherwise, to marrying a Thai?

I have known some farang who have had good marriages to Thai ladies, one currently living in the UK, must be a 14 year marriage & 2 kids. However, I would think that the failed marriage rate is higher for farangs in Thailand than in their home country.

I have often mused that although it is so much easier to find a wife in Thailand, that is like a double-edged sword. It also means that if it doesn't

work-out/ends in divorce, it is going to be much easier to find another, than it would be in our home countries, (also obviously easier to screw-around generally).

Edited by Andrew65
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People are mistaken when they say foreigners can't own property in Thailand - they can. A foreigner can 100% own a house in his own name, he just can't own the land it is built on.

Like the comment above says, maybe it is about security and leaving their wife something once they're gone. Maybe a lot of foreigners don't give it so much thought/don't care until they come into problems.

And as also mentioned above, divorce rates are high almost everywhere, not only in Thailand!

Imagine you own the house, and the wife (or her family) the land.

You divorce

To access your house you need to cross the wifes(family's) land.

What if they refuse and have you arrested for trespass!

Forget the hassle - just put everything in the wifes name, BUT have a mortgage contract with you supplying the mortgage and have it noted on the Chanote. (land title document)

I did and it worked wonders! She sold and I was guaranteed to get back the amount of the mortgage loan (minimum) as I had to sign at the land office. I actually received 50% of the sale price

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Pretty simple really

1.) To give wife and kids security

2.) If divorce does happen husband is entitled to 50% of marital assets and vice versa

I rented for 7 years before I bought my wife a house I got kids and they will never worry about a nice place to live and whatever happens they are welcome to the house and anything else I have.

My wife stayed with me when we did not have 2 baht to rub together now I have some money she and her family are welcome to it they proved it not always just about money.

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A kick or street after him ILS Have Bought a house .......?
Security not pour wife..but There for Themselves ...?
I do not see the logic.
The problem is easy to adjust by establishing a lease of the land for 30 years renewable backed by a deposit equivalent to the amount invested in the house.
Simple, and for more security we must validate the act under private deed by a lawyer (cost about 10000 cool.png
On the bottom imagine how your wife get used to a comfortable life with you and returning at misery and poverty after?
Moreover I think not to be the only one to see the weakening many previous links because of our chosen remoteness.
Edited by happy Joe
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Divorce rates are high. Sometimes love can be short term.-----OP

Which bar did you get your official figures from ghworker2010......????

Was it from the same bar that you made your last prediction of the Oz $ dropping to 50 cents----I must go there & get some tips one day.

The official divorce rate for Thailand is very low on average and much lower than the US or even Australia for that matter. The official divorce rate for Thailand is 0.058 per 10,000 people. This is low compared to the US with 53 per 10,000 people or 2.5 per 10,000 people in Australia---http://gam-legalalliance.com/

I wonder if your stats take into account that there are two types of marriage in Thailand?

Perhaps your stats refer to divorce rates based on formal Amphur marriages.

I know from personal contacts in Thailand that many Thais have the informal Buddhist marriage, may have children and then walk away with another partner and giving no financial help to their former "wife" or children.

However, having said this, I think that the OP is referring to the divorce rate within the Farang community.

I feel sorry for the chaps that are so uncertain of their gf's that they would not commit to a long term caring, sharing, trusting relationship.

Perhaps some thinking with the large head is in order?

However, there are those Farang women who can teach the Thai ladies a thing or two about how best to rip their man off!

I know, I was that sucker in a previous life!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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