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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

No definitely not, i would prefer to see the death of 'jingoism'.

Seems like Merkel has already brain-washed you, what is wrong with being patriotic?, not to the extreme, but there is the problem in Britain right there. Are you even British? or just a British passport holder?

If you hold a British passport you are British. I think you probably define being British as born there with white skin. Britain has grown a long way since that definition held, thankfully

Yeah, ok, you win....have a nice day.

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Seems like Merkel has already brain-washed you, what is wrong with being patriotic?, not to the extreme, but there is the problem in Britain right there. Are you even British? or just a British passport holder?

Yes i am British, although i prefer English. I guess there are positives in being patriotic but generally i think patriotism is more of a negative. I support that by saying that it can lead to a false belief that you and your Nation are always right / always the best. Have lived and worked in London virtually all of my life and i think it has benefitted from being multi cultural. I see many negatives in the way a lot of British people are (eg poor work ethics / booze culture / disrespectful / feminist) These are the reasons i am not patriotic, absolutely nothing to do with Merkel !

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Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

No definitely not, i would prefer to see the death of 'jingoism'.

Seems like Merkel has already brain-washed you, what is wrong with being patriotic?, not to the extreme, but there is the problem in Britain right there. Are you even British? or just a British passport holder?

If you hold a British passport you are British. I think you probably define being British as born there with white skin. Britain has grown a long way since that definition held, thankfully

Yeah, ok, you win....have a nice day.

The crusader eh? Explains quite a lot!

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

What tripe!

Merkel allowed her humanity to overrule her economic judgement concerning refugees

What else have you against her?

What have you against Germany?

I tell you this, it's a much nicer society in Germany than in the USA

Try it ?

You are right, nothing wrong with Germans, i agree. I have been to germany many times, but its Merkel i can't like, even the germans are turning on her....by the way, what has the USA got to do with it? I am not American....

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

You appear to have a very selective view. What exactly is British? Those who have white skin and blonde hair? Likely they came from another country a few generations back anyway.

Well, one thing's for sure, you are NOT British, even if it says so on your passport....if you were British, you wouldn't have to ask. anyway, this is a thread about the FUTURE, not what happened centuries ago. You socialists are the only ones who bring colour of skin into everything

Classic bigot!!! I guess if not being a bigot defines me as a socialist then happy to be one

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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555

Oh yes I've seen that and many others like it. Nigel Farage and Daniel Hannan make mincemeat out of Merkel, Juncker and the rest everytime. The people of europe are great, it's just the politicians that are rotten. The whole migration issue is just a red herring and a definite policy that has been enacted to weaken the race and cultural identity of white europeans. It's been happening in the UK and France especially for some time. Thankfully it seems the eastern europeans can spot what's happening and they are resisting Merkel's insanity. People power can still defeat the NWO elitist satanists. The USA is slowly awakening to their enemy within too and thanks to the power of the internet maybe, just maybe good people will be victorious.


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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555

Now we see your true colours: 'we could take over the world again': jingoistic, anti-Semite ' the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU', ill-informed, backward looking 'little Englander' that you are!

Wow, you are having a nice go at me today...do you know what 5555 means? It means hahahaha...meaning i was only joking...jeezus, calm down, sit, take a deep breath, now see the off button on your screen, click on that....there, doesn't that feel better? Have a good day.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .
Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?
Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

You appear to have a very selective view. What exactly is British? Those who have white skin and blonde hair? Likely they came from another country a few generations back anyway.

Well, one thing's for sure, you are NOT British, even if it says so on your passport....if you were British, you wouldn't have to ask. anyway, this is a thread about the FUTURE, not what happened centuries ago. You socialists are the only ones who bring colour of skin into everything

Classic bigot!!! I guess if not being a bigot defines me as a socialist then happy to be one


If calling me a bigot is all you have, then you are deffo a socialist....don't even know where that came from, but hey-ho, if calling names makes you happy....
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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

What tripe!

Merkel allowed her humanity to overrule her economic judgement concerning refugees

What else have you against her?

What have you against Germany?

I tell you this, it's a much nicer society in Germany than in the USA

Try it ?

You are right, nothing wrong with Germans, i agree. I have been to germany many times, but its Merkel i can't like, even the germans are turning on her....by the way, what has the USA got to do with it? I am not American....

Her decision regarding refugees was a mistake I agree. What else has she got wrong

I did not intend to get imply you were American. I just value European social justice over American red in tooth and claw capitalism. European culture is also to be valued!

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .
Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?
Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

You appear to have a very selective view. What exactly is British? Those who have white skin and blonde hair? Likely they came from another country a few generations back anyway.

Well, one thing's for sure, you are NOT British, even if it says so on your passport....if you were British, you wouldn't have to ask. anyway, this is a thread about the FUTURE, not what happened centuries ago. You socialists are the only ones who bring colour of skin into everything

Classic bigot!!! I guess if not being a bigot defines me as a socialist then happy to be one


If calling me a bigot is all you have, then you are deffo a socialist....don't even know where that came from, but hey-ho, if calling names makes you happy....

You call me socialist as if it's a bad thing.....I take it a compliment and thank god that I'm nothing like you
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I don't care about Brexit either way.

I know my president, the honorable Barack Obama, has come out against it.

I wonder if that will help the brexit cause.

I doubt British people appreciate any intended influence on the matter from a nation not even in Europe.

Whatever the choice, I hope the British make the right decision, and wish y'all the best.

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It won't be fixed from the inside, cos the unelected decision makers are happy the way it is. It should have remained a trading block, and let countries run their own affairs. I'm of the opinion the pound as sunk not on fears, but to scare people to vote in.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

100% correct.

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I don't care about Brexit either way.

I know my president, the honorable Barack Obama, has come out against it.

I wonder if that will help the brexit cause.

I doubt British people appreciate any intended influence on the matter from a nation not even in Europe.

Whatever the choice, I hope the British make the right decision, and wish y'all the best.

Another bloody "socialist"

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Contrary to what some believe.

The EU is only for changing in one direction. That is the direction of total monetary and political integration. This is the stated aim of the EU. That is not going to change for anyone.

If you are a UK Citizen and have no wish to see the UK become a Federal State of the EU, there can only be one option. OUT.

That was an original, founding aim. However that has been abandoned as part of the renegotiation by Cameron

It was originally founded as a trading block. This is what the 1975 referendum vote was about, unfortunately the people were deceived.

Great spot.

I would not have seen this post as he joined my ignore list as soon as he started sarcastically banding about the term erudite. To call anyone uneducated and post the above garbage is quite an achievement.

For anyone to compare Cameron's excuse for EU concessions as a renegotiation of the EU's founding principles is beyond comprehension.

Some people commenting on this thread need to educate themselves to what will happen within the EU in 2020. The next phase of monetary and political integration.

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A sinking pound would actually be a bonus for the United Kingdom, as it would benefit incredibly from exports made cheaper

and tourism blossoming (ranked number 8 in the world in 2014 by the UNWTO). These two things alone would be the huge,

perhaps unintended, bonus derived from an exit from the EU.

Those who believe that Brexit would be the kick-start that the United Kingdom needs in order to justify a new go-it-alone

policy may derive comfort from the real and tangible benefits that a cheaper pound will bring.

Any dramatic fall in the pound would be short-lived, however, in my opinion, because full Brexit will not be an event, but a

process, and will take several years to negotiate, whilst the United Kingdom will simultaneously re-position itself in regard

to world trading partnerships and trade agreements. Therefore, expect pound stability, or strength, in a relatively short

period of time.

People are scared of change, and often rightly so, and this is what the in-campaigners are relying on; scare tactics and

fear-mongering. The fear of the unknown! But change can often be so much better than the status quo. It requires a leap

of faith, followed by the guts and commitment to see it through. It is a challenge that should be embraced, not feared.

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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

If you want to be ruled by mad Angela by all means join. She is looking for more warehouses to store her surplus immigrants. All these immigrants just made an EU economic mess much worse. Most of the immigrants are Muslims who do not integrate well. They are also masters at taking advantage of the Social Welfare system. The multiplier aspect of these people is through the roof. They will assimilate you.

Racism is a very unpleasant thing

Since when has muslim become a race?

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There is absolutely no chance of the EU problems being resolved JUST because UK stays inside.

They will be resolved or not, whatever the UK decides.

And . . there is no agreement amongst the member states as to the definition of either the problems or how they could be resolved.

The real conundrum for Brexit voters is . . Are there any competent politicians of adequate conviction, who are capable or governing the country, after so many years of accepting imposed legislation and social direction. ?

( I do know that "competent politicians" is something of an oxymoron) whistling.gif

Edited by attento
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Contrary to what some believe.

The EU is only for changing in one direction. That is the direction of total monetary and political integration. This is the stated aim of the EU. That is not going to change for anyone.

If you are a UK Citizen and have no wish to see the UK become a Federal State of the EU, there can only be one option. OUT.

That was an original, founding aim. However that has been abandoned as part of the renegotiation by Cameron

Would you care to explain the detail of Cameron's renegotiation. The little he says he got is not worth a knats ass and can be overruled by the eu parliament either before or after the referendum, so what was gained?

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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

If you want to be ruled by mad Angela by all means join. She is looking for more warehouses to store her surplus immigrants. All these immigrants just made an EU economic mess much worse. Most of the immigrants are Muslims who do not integrate well. They are also masters at taking advantage of the Social Welfare system. The multiplier aspect of these people is through the roof. They will assimilate you.

Racism is a very unpleasant thing

Yes, racism is an unpleasant thing, but it works both ways. If I were to make any kind of perceived racist remark it would be jumped on with the full force of the law. If an immigrant makes a racist remark against me, it is very often overlooked or ignored. Justice? I think not!

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