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SURVEY: What is the greatest drawback to living in Thailand?


SURVEY: What is the biggest drawback to living in Thailand?  

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The biggest drawback to living in Thailand is accepting that we have all chosen to live in a culture / society where the human brain fails to develop past the mental age of around 14 years of age. Once you can accept this immaturity and playground mentality, living here is a piece of cake as everything has more rationale.

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The heat at certain times of the year.

Bangkok traffic

Not understanding the language ... my wifes english is good ... having lived in the UK ... so I never put any effort into learning Thai ... error!

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This poll is useless - the "all of the above" is missing (most likely the majority of clicks).

What pisses me off living here is that we (the "Farangs") are and always will be 2nd class citizens with no, or very limited, rights but a huge pile of responsibilities. As long as we have money to spend, we are welcome, as soon as we run into problems, it's "good bye!" Given the actual social and economic developments in this country, I fear that things will not become better for us but worse, far worse. Forget new foreign investors, Thailand, you managed to either scare them all off or estrange them to such an extend so they would turn away in utter disgust!!!

Edited by MockingJay
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In case it hasnt been mentioned already...

The plethora of farang who constantly whine about how bad things are while projecting their own biases and character flaws on an entire country.
Theyre often the very same people walking around with attitudes of entitlement, thinking they can do whatever they want whenever they want, which often results in physical altercations where they learn things the hard way.
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I find this topic quite amusing. I presume that most of the people who have all this negative remarks about Thailand, actually are people who already stay here and choosen that out of free will.
One simple question is: If so many people are so unhappy with so many things, and also can agree with each other om many of the points mentioned. Why choose to stay in Thailand?
According to me there is a whole eastern seaboard, just waiting to be invaded by people that only have negative remarks. Not to talk about all the rest of the world. Simply just choose another country,
and let the one that likes it here just liv in peace without all the negative thoughts.

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This poll is useless - the "all of the above" is missing (most likely the majority of clicks).

What pisses me off living here is that we (the "Farangs") are and always will be 2nd class citizens with no, or very limited, rights but a huge pile of responsibilities. As long as we have money to spend, we are welcome, as soon as we run into problems, it's "good bye!" Given the actual social and economic developments in this country, I fear that things will not become better for us but worse, far worse. Forget new foreign investors, Thailand, you managed to either scare them all off or estrange them to such an extend so they would turn away in utter disgust!!!

What do you want to happen when we "run into problems"??

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I know someone here who went to a private facility in Bangkok where he had many expensive tests (but never actually got a copy of the results). The doctor told him he had bowel cancer and needed his bowel removed. He went to his home for a second opinion and it turned out to be a benign polyp in his colon which was simply removed.

This is an extreme example of incompetence or gross professional negligence, but I think the lack of educated and trained doctors is a huge drawback here in Thailand. I would be willing to take insurance but why would I pay to see doctors (the ones I have met here) who simply would not be assessed as qualified in the US or EU.

Even the very large and beautiful medical tourist facility located near Nana has some really poor staff medical who don't even take medical histories before giving their diagnosis and treatment from the mouth of god. No discussion of treatment options with the patient. Pitiful really, like the 1950s in the States where the doctor was some sort of god.

I would not want to have any operation here although I do know several people who have been operated on successfully.

The public hospitals here do a pretty good job and are not expensive but I believe that the private hospitals I have been to here here have only one objective and that is to fleece the patient by prescribing the most expensive tests and treatments. They will not use generic medicines and hence the medicines they prescribe are very costly to the patient or payor. I had insurance when I came here but cancelled it because I don't want to be treated by an unqualified doctor who knows less than me about medicine and is only interested in profit.

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For me there are no "drawbacks" and I believe this to be a "troll" topic which will, of course, attract "low class farang" comment.

Having to fill in endless questionaires which ultimaltely make no difference to my stay here.

This is a prime example.

Signed, low class falang.

Not really a prime example, you did not "have" to fill this in. You did this one voluntarily.

But, I am in agreement with you. Most seems to be some idiots good idea, however it is useless information that will never be used by anyone.

I changed my address at my 90 day check in, went back 90 days later and still old address, went back again 90 days later and still old address. No body really seems to care about it. Its just a box to tick.

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For those that feel they have no sense of entitlement here; i hope they haven't totally burned any bridges back to their birth country where they can still claim all that they are entitled to. Spare a thought for the genuine refugee who isn't entitled to anything on either side of the bridge.

Back on topic. As I see it, the greatest drawback isn't listed. It's a non-debatable matter anyway.

The majority of negative experiences I've copped here in the LOS has seen the 'sense of entitlement' as you describe it on the other foot. It certainly wasn't on mine at the time!

If you had have said something along the lines of 'sense of respect' I would've agreed with you, as this implies a two-way attitude from both parties involved.

I can count on one hand the number of times things have gotten filthy on me here though, overwhelmingly my experience in LOS has been a happy and enjoyable one. I'm having a top time here, and long may it continue!

Agree completely on your last point too, more's the pity we can't discuss it. We certainly could in my home country.

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Lack of suitable employment options

Still not treated equal even after married

You think that, if you marry a local, that should entitle you to work freely??

Wouldn't that open the floodgates to every deadbeat foreigner who can't make a go of his life in the West to come here, conveniently marry and then set about competing with the Thais for their jobs?

Can you imagine seeing fat Eddie from Edgbaston driving a pink Bangkok taxi?

I guess there's just a hell of a lot of people who think the world should just let them do whatever the hell they like

I think the rules are fine as they are

The country can't legislate to accommodate every foreign clod's decision to marry on the strength of the fact his bride cheers on his football team on the telly and doesn't feign a headache when he feels amorous

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Solution: Just don´t eat it.

I dont, but the Clothes Peg on my Nose draws unwanted attention when walking through Markets.facepalm.gif

Okey! Sorry I didn´t catch that the first time. My fault, dude! Now I really see the big problem in this, huge!

Gosh, thanks for the enlightenment. ¤lol¤

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the greatest drawback is being a farang.

Why would you be sad about your heritage? You should be proud!

If you not come from one of the world most terrible places, where ever that might be.

Edited by Carson2311
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For all above mentioned reasons (I like to add the generalization 'thainess') I have decided to leave for my home country this month.

Leaving behind a beautiful small paradise (resort) which I have offered for sale.

I like to spend the rest of what is left of my life in peace, and not have to worry of thailand slipping further and further in a swamp, not to talk about the chances I get killed or worse wounded in a traffic accident, attacked by some out of control 18 year old boys, or a dog.

Edited by wabothai
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