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Udon man's hand severed during horrific knife attack by 10 youths


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Udon man's hand severed during horrific knife attack by 10 youths



Image: Thairath


KHON KAEN: -- A 29 year old Udon farmer took matters into his own hands after he was attacked by a gang on the way home from a concert on Monday night.


Somchai Khiawthong was riding his motorbike when he was attacked by ten youths in the middle of the street at an intersection. They had clubs and knives, reports Thairath.


One of the gang took a swing with a sword at his head and he raised his left hand to protect himself from the blow.


His left hand was sliced clean off at the wrist.


The gang fled leaving Somchai alone. He gritted his teeth and picked up his left hand with his right hand and drove to Nong Preu Hospital 


Police who were called by the doctor treating Somchai rushed to the hospital to get a lead in the case and the victim was able to tell them information before he was transferred to Sri Nakharin Hospital in Khon Kaen to have his hand sewn back on.


The hand was packed in ice and went with him in the ambulance.


Somchai had told police that he had been to a "mor lam" show at the Niyom market and was on his way home when he was confronted by about ten youths for no reason. He said he had never had trouble with anyone and had no enemies and had no idea why they had decided to attack him.



Police said that it was probably the work of Nong Preu neighborhood trouble makers. They are searching the area to find those responsible for the attack.


The report did not give an update on the success or otherwise of the reattachment of Somchai's left hand.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-10-05
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Possibly the same youths that are the Sons of policemen,, let out of custody early from the OTHER un-prevoked sword/machete murder of a Thai man?,,  just wondering since there has been NO news as to their punishment,,,,  

Edited by Adeeos
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More Thainess in the news. It will be interesting to see what happens to these guys if we ever find out.


What would happen to me if I chopped some guys hand off with an sword for no other reason than I felt like doing it.

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Yes , all the lovely innocent kids around ... They could never do any harm to nobody ...

Just yesterday there was a story about a teacher assaulting a 16 year old . He said he never did it . But nobody believed him , because all the kids are innocent just because they are kids ...

Come on , wake up to the real world .

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Lucky that he made it to the hospital. A friend of mine was attacked and attempted to ride to the hospital. He passed out on the way and suffered far more serious injury from the accident than the attack.

OTOH hard to imagine much more serious than a severed hand.

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56 minutes ago, ukrules said:

More Thainess in the news. It will be interesting to see what happens to these guys if we ever find out.


What would happen to me if I chopped some guys hand off with an sword for no other reason than I felt like doing it.

why will it be interesting?    by general outcomes from the past     that will be the last you hear about it  in a positive way by positive i mean the legal side of things  it is highly unlikely the perp will see jail time 

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

Lovely boys...soon all to be novice monks.


What do we expect from a country that can not remove mangy rabies infested soi dogs from the streets.

The Lord Buddha would not want these dogs continually biting innocent people with good merit.

I think also that the combination of methamphetamine and alcohol combined with the non stop supply of idiotic violent soap opera sets a stage for these young Thais who cant work even as builders labourer's because the government brings in Burmese to work cheap

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

No,  this time in Khon Kaen. 

KHON KAEN: -- A 29 year old Udon farmer

No, Udon.

The news was published in Khon Kaen.

The deed was done in Udon.

The man was first brought to a hospital in Udon and from there to the university hospital in Khon Kaen.

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1 minute ago, hansnl said:

No, Udon.

The news was published in Khon Kaen.

The deed was done in Udon.

The man was first brought to a hospital in Udon and from there to the university hospital in Khon Kaen.

Thanks for the clarification, and my apologies to FlorC for my original incorrect "correction"


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Well when we have a "police"that only wants money and don't now shit about policing,well then this happen.

And then we have parents who don't know first thing about beeing a good parent..I've been here now for 15 years,we been running a Restaurant for 8 years,never have i heard my wife talking about feeling unsecure,don't trust ANYONE..if we could we would move,but to were..The world is in a CRICIS.

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The obvious dangers of riding on bikes with no protection are depicted in this content. Especially, in known gang invested areas.


Everyone should be aware of the dangers of swarms of youth gangs, angry, pressured by doing violence, even murder for gang initiation and delusional from prolonged drug and alcohol use.


It's a slippery slope for them with little parental guidance, little money and little hope for the future.


We are on the edge of losing our younger generation's minds from all the drugs, rap music control, excessive alcohol, some, violent, deviant porn , prolonged negative main stream news and social media.


Many are now committing suicide from bullies in the schools and on the Internet.


A sad and disgusting situation.


I really miss common sense and looking forward to a better future for all worldwide.


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13 minutes ago, Kabula said:

The obvious dangers of riding on bikes with no protection are depicted in this content. Especially, in known gang invested areas.


Everyone should be aware of the dangers of swarms of youth gangs, angry, pressured by doing violence, even murder for gang initiation and delusional from prolonged drug and alcohol use.


It's a slippery slope for them with little parental guidance, little money and little hope for the future.


We are on the edge of losing our younger generation's minds from all the drugs, rap music control, excessive alcohol, some, violent, deviant porn , prolonged negative main stream news and social media.


Many are now committing suicide from bullies in the schools and on the Internet.


A sad and disgusting situation.


I really miss common sense and looking forward to a better future for all worldwide.


Foolish of me I know, but I often ride without wearing a vambrace (lower arm armour) even in "gang infected areas". Can you recommend an armour supplier in Surat area?

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27 minutes ago, Kabula said:

The obvious dangers of riding on bikes with no protection are depicted in this content. Especially, in known gang invested areas.


Everyone should be aware of the dangers of swarms of youth gangs, angry, pressured by doing violence, even murder for gang initiation and delusional from prolonged drug and alcohol use.


It's a slippery slope for them with little parental guidance, little money and little hope for the future.


We are on the edge of losing our younger generation's minds from all the drugs, rap music control, excessive alcohol, some, violent, deviant porn , prolonged negative main stream news and social media.


Many are now committing suicide from bullies in the schools and on the Internet.


A sad and disgusting situation.


I really miss common sense and looking forward to a better future for all worldwide.



27 minutes ago, Kabula said:

The obvious dangers of riding on bikes with no protection are depicted in this content. Especially, in known gang invested areas.


Everyone should be aware of the dangers of swarms of youth gangs, angry, pressured by doing violence, even murder for gang initiation and delusional from prolonged drug and alcohol use.


It's a slippery slope for them with little parental guidance, little money and little hope for the future.


We are on the edge of losing our younger generation's minds from all the drugs, rap music control, excessive alcohol, some, violent, deviant porn , prolonged negative main stream news and social media.


Many are now committing suicide from bullies in the schools and on the Internet.


A sad and disgusting situation.


I really miss common sense and looking forward to a better future for all worldwide.


Not the dreaded rap music control!!


These kids had better check themselves before, dare i say it - and i think i dare, before they wrickety wreck themselves.

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It could be a case of mistaken identity. These youth have nothing to look forward to. Little education, no money, no job, they feel that the government has abandoned them. These problems will only get worse. If you look around who has time to deal with these sort of problems? Everybody is busy getting on with life.

They are paid peanuts when they do manual works, and even after being trained as carpenter, electrician or plumber the pay they get will show that their workmanship is not being appreciated.. They are in a very desperate state. Nothing will improve in the foreseeable future.

Buddha was very disappointed with the society in his time,  he knew ultimately he would fail miserably except for a small gathering of his devoted disciples. Corruption was just as bad in Buddha's time. It's not a new problem you know.

People who talk about fighting corruption often dream in their sleep. When corruption becomes an institution like in my country (not Thailand) people no longer think it is a bad thing.

While on holiday in a foreign country I went to see a dentist, the dentist asked why I don't see dentist in my own country , I said to him , "The government in my country wouldn't allow me to open my mouth, they threaten to put me in prison if I open my mouth".

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4 hours ago, Adeeos said:

Possibly the same youths that are the Sons of policemen,, let out of custody early from the OTHER un-prevoked sword/machete murder of a Thai man?,,  just wondering since there has been NO news as to their punishment,,,,  

I highly doubt that they are roaming around Thailand in a little pack randomly attacking people.

But you obviously just wanted to bring up that previous incident despite having no idea what the actual outcome has been.

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3 hours ago, halloween said:

Lucky that he made it to the hospital. A friend of mine was attacked and attempted to ride to the hospital. He passed out on the way and suffered far more serious injury from the accident than the attack.

OTOH hard to imagine much more serious than a severed hand.


A testament to the toughness of these Esarn farmers.  That he did not go into shock is hard to comprehend

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"Police said that it was probably the work of Nong Preu neighborhood trouble makers."


Troublemakers? Troublemakers graffiti and put a flaming dog turd outside your front door. We are a little bit past "troublemakers" here.

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5 hours ago, Adeeos said:

Possibly the same youths that are the Sons of policemen,, let out of custody early from the OTHER un-prevoked sword/machete murder of a Thai man?,,  just wondering since there has been NO news as to their punishment,,,,  


Their court case stared about 7 days ago.

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5 hours ago, Adeeos said:

Possibly the same youths that are the Sons of policemen,, let out of custody early from the OTHER un-prevoked sword/machete murder of a Thai man?,,  just wondering since there has been NO news as to their punishment,,,,  

No News as to their punishment?


On the 20th of September they pled not guilty and the next hearing is scheduled for the 19th of December.


I got this information from an obscure website called thaivisa or something like that.




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