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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but it's worth pointing out that only a 1% billionaire could afford to become president without being controlled by the people that finance normal candidates.

As long as campaigns are financed by vested interests, they require to be repaid after the winner becomes president. Trump isn't beholden to any vested interest.


Trump isn't beholden to any vested interest.


Claiming this without knowledge of his finances and business connections reads like blind faith.

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26 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I could care less what the "markets" think or do, as with Brexit, the people's choice is priceless.


I doubt this is more than an off the cuff rebuttal.

The markets responses effect the economy. The economy effects most everyone. Even those who voted for Trump.

Again, now that it's over, may want to ease on the election campaign slogans.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


I doubt this is more than an off the cuff rebuttal.

The markets responses effect the economy. The economy effects most everyone. Even those who voted for Trump.

Again, now that it's over, may want to ease on the election campaign slogans.


If that's so that markets affect the economy then that's a problem. Reflect the economy maybe. Reflect the near future economy better still.

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Sine the Congress is now Republican- Donald Trump is in a very unique position to actually fix many things if he so desires.  I don't see him as a person who will make a decision because he doesn't like someone. I believe this persona was what he used to make people wary of him and gain an advantage for a negotiation. You don't become a billionaire anywhere by fighting with people. You find ways to give a little to get a lot. 

There is no doubt that the whole political system is run by the 1% and I really think Trump has that figured out because almost the whole establishment was against him and from that aspect his win is dramatic. As a former rabid doubter of his ability- I am starting to actually think he might be able to pull off some dramatic changes that will benefit people and reform the economy.  Both the Democrats and Republicans now know that Donald Trump is no fool and will be driven to succeed. His victory speech was filled with hope so let's give the man a chance.

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Does anyone else find it interesting to read in so much of the post-election commentary the writers bemoaning the fact that rural and suburban whites had the temerity to actually exercise their franchise and vote thus tipping the election to Trump. While at the same time, high levels of black, Hispanic, women's, LGBT, etc. voter turnout is uniformly praised. What accounts for this...anti-white racism by the SJWs in the mainstream press?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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21 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Any official bookies running odds of assassination?

I have been thinking of this possibility (assassination not placing a bet! LOL), but then that would give us Mike Pence, and then Paul Ryan. Not sure any of the above would satisfy the hunger for power that some seem to have.

Then again if it were to happen prior to the Electoral College vote, I understand the Electors would then vote for a new team. This would certainly present the opportunity to inject a new Potus/VPotus - elect that is more acceptable to the establishment!

Can we say Constitutional Crisis and possible full-on Civil War anyone?

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If you are lamenting Trump I have some reasons that Hillary may have ended up being worse.


All the lamenting of Trump being elected seems to be in stark contrast to the almost non-existence of criticism and complaints regarding The DNC and Clinton's horrifically dishonest and catastrophic election campaign and its contempt for the electorate, the rigging and obstruction of voting in many states not to mention rampant mass media collusion to stop Bernie Sanders. Seems the press is back to being a little more honest now that they aren't sending their articles to edited by the Clinton campaign. So, as we found out in the Wikileaks, that type of corruption of the media by Clinton Inc. will at least stand a chance of abating for now under Uncle Donald. 


We also found from Wikileaks that Clinton has known and withheld knowledge that Saudi Arabia and Quatar are the primary funders of ISIS while at the same time these two governments are major donors to the Clinton Foundation. What has also been unraveling is more and more evidence of the Clinton Foundations role in helping Russia with their control over U.S. Uranium which now stands at around 20 percent, while the Clinton goes on a red scare rampage during her campaign. The destruction of Libya has much to do with Clinton which in turn has opened the flood gates of refugees to the rest of the world. And we would have been asked to let someone like this lead us through the quagmire developing in Syria.


Recent Wikileaks have shown the Clinton campaign edited articles for the New York Times, the WAshington Post and other media outlets. In light of the disclosure she made at a Goldman Sachs speech that she has a private and public position on most everything as part of her modus operandi, we would have seen, I think a completely opaque government come into power with greater and greater levels of propaganda in the mass media. This public and private face aspect that Hillary advertizes to her big bank supporters almost surely means that Clinton would have done an about face on the Trans Pacific Trade partnership which essentially ushers in a complete and open multi-national corporate take over of national sovreignty. The horrific nature of this agreement and all it entails would be no less than if America were taken over by a hostile foreign nation, you can Google TPP and read all about it if you don't know what it is. The record anyway stands at Clinton having shown support for the partnership 45 times prior to her suddenly announcing during her campaign that she would not support the TPP wholesale, whatever that meant. Trump has so far registered nothing but opposition to this agreement. At least under Donald we may all dodge the TPP for awhile.


We now know that half of a million dollars was given by a Democrat congressman active in Hillary's election campaign  to the wife of a top level FBI official involved in the investigation of Hillary's email scandal. So, there is evidence that Clinton Inc. has corrupted the FBI and would continue that relationship to likely even greater damage.


What we are dodging here is essentially a globalist pedal to the metal take over of the most influential government in the world via a Clinton Foundation White house. I am not optimistic about Trump but it is certainly nothing to bemoan given what we would have had under Hillary. Essentially, Hillary has given us Donald Trump by rigging the primary election to put herself the less popular candidate in the driver seat. If Bernie Sanders had run against Trump it was clear Sanders would have likely won. They stole the election from Bernie and now Trump is what we get. They knew that and ignored it.

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Lots of talk among Dem losers online and in the media about impeaching President Elect Trump when he gets in office fof this and that...do they realize Repubs control both the House and Senate now too ?

Just a lot of talk from the usual suspects:



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Good Lord-  posts of assassination and impeachment.  the man hasn't had one day yet in office. He doesn't officially start until 20 Jan 17. Can't we even wait to see his cabinet choices; legislative agenda; and  projected timetable?  We got to accept it- Hillary blew it- Trump's the man

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30 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Just a lot of talk from the usual suspects:

< snip photo>

I can tell that you're not a big Chicago Cubs fan but this is the only Trump rally photo I could find in Philadelphia post election http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20161110_More_than_1_000_rally_and_march_in_protest_Trump_s_victory.html

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He won, she lost, he's going to be president.

No sane leader is going to treat the leader of the world's superpower as you suggest.

Few people now care about those court cases or any of the other muck that got dredged up during the campaign. The campaign is over. Even HRC and Obama have accepted it and called for people to unite behind him for the benefit of the country.


Then what's Trump going to do when he's dejected and angry?  Bomb them?   Probably.

Anyone that would seriously advance that sort of theory ( being polite ) isn't going to get a response from me anymore. Bye.


From the above-opinion: "Few people now care about those court cases"

Not so.  Justice doesn't give up because someone gets elected to office.  If he wronged and cheated people when he split from Atlantic City during four bankrupcies, he doesn't get a clean slate because he was elected to office.  Cheating is cheating.  There are contractors who went out of business because Trump didn't pay them what was promised.  If you or your brother or father was one of those contractors, you'd probably have a different view.    


For 16 months he kept promising to release his tax statements.  Is that yet another of the hundreds of broken promises Trump tosses around like gum paper?   

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


From the above-opinion: "Few people now care about those court cases"

Not so.  Justice doesn't give up because someone gets elected to office.  If he wronged and cheated people when he split from Atlantic City during four bankrupcies, he doesn't get a clean slate because he was elected to office.  Cheating is cheating.  There are contractors who went out of business because Trump didn't pay them what was promised.  If you or your brother or father was one of those contractors, you'd probably have a different view.    


For 16 months he kept promising to release his tax statements.  Is that yet another of the hundreds of broken promises Trump tosses around like gum paper?   

When are we next going to hear "Dissent is the most sincere form of Patriotism" or some such from the whiners on the Left? :passifier:

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No, the court cases regarding Trump will not go away. However, these cases are against the Trump Corporation a corporate entity- he will either win or lose them-  If he loses he pays up. The simple truth is that all corporations hide behind the bankruptcy laws; eminent domain laws and tax laws which favor the rich. Trump basically admitted it. I want to see if he will change these laws which foavor the wealthy and put the average person at a disadvanage. Time will tell..

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Does anyone else find it interesting to read in so much of the post-election commentary the writers bemoaning the fact that rural and suburban whites had the temerity to actually exercise their franchise and vote thus tipping the election to Trump. While at the same time, high levels of black, Hispanic, women's, LGBT, etc. voter turnout is uniformly praised. What accounts for this...anti-white racism by the SJWs in the mainstream press?

It's just the way of the PC world. THe white western male is the lowest of the low.

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20 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I wonder where he stays between now and the inauguration….new york is particularly hostile to him….I won't be surprised if his security has been tripled.


Florida might be more conducive for now.

Doesn't matter. He has protection. Bigly. 

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I doubt that you, or anyone, can assert that Putin respects Trump. That Putin says one thing or another is not an indication of anything much. Not until the first sit down with Trump as president. That's not to say the Putin seemed to have a whole lot of respect toward Obama, so no need to go there.


As for Trump being "used to dealing with world leaders" - given Trump's business affairs are not public, how would we know? We do not even know all of the economic ties in question.


The US is not, and was not, on the verge of war with Russia over Syria. That's plain scaremongering. Supporting different factions of an armed conflict is not quite the same.

According to the highest ranking military officer in the American armed forces General Dunford you are wrong. He testified before Congress that Hillary's no-fly zone over Syria would mean war with Syria and Russia. Perhaps he is better informed on the risk involved than you are?

Sent from my SM-A510F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Your "tweet wars" is a new form of direct campaign communications technology for the social media era. President Elect Trump understood this and took advantage of it...Hillary Clinton chose to sleep instead.

did you notice during the debates "his tweets" were still going out,  hint duh,  trumpster has never sent an email in his life, it is his Breitbart AM hate radio friends  in control of "his tweets",   can't believe how stupid people are 

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Good Lord-  posts of assassination and impeachment.  the man hasn't had one day yet in office. He doesn't officially start until 20 Jan 17. Can't we even wait to see his cabinet choices; legislative agenda; and  projected timetable?  We got to accept it- Hillary blew it- Trump's the man

His plans for the first 100 days are listed here:

Trump...first 100 days agenda:


Sent from my SM-A510F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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Just to get the sobering up process rolling….


With Trump's proposed massive tax cuts, and deficit (and national debt busting) spending for infrastructure, the Mexican border wall, and defense buildup, your social security and medicare coverages just got a whole lot less secure. But not to worry, trickle-down economics and an expanding tax base will save the day. :whistling:

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14 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Just to help speed up the sobering up process….


With Trump's proposed massive tax cuts, and deficit (and national debt busting) spending for infrastructure, the Mexican border wall, and defense buildup, your social security and medicare coverages just got a whole lot less secure. 

Social Security is not an entitlement program.  Workers pay into it when working and take out when retired.

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On 11/9/2016 at 2:41 AM, Boon Mee said:

One of the best takeaways from Trumps historic win over Crooked Hillary:


"Senate control means Trump will have great leeway in appointing Supreme Court justices, which could mean a major change to the right that would last for decades"

This is serious and scary shit. These idiots serve their religions and subjective silly beliefs instead of The Constitution which they are sworn to uphold. Possibly GRIM days ahead for US freedom, personal liberties, free speech and separation of State and Church. :post-4641-1156693976:

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

No, the court cases regarding Trump will not go away. However, these cases are against the Trump Corporation a corporate entity- he will either win or lose them-  If he loses he pays up. The simple truth is that all corporations hide behind the bankruptcy laws; eminent domain laws and tax laws which favor the rich. Trump basically admitted it. I want to see if he will change these laws which foavor the wealthy and put the average person at a disadvanage. Time will tell..


....and there are some cases against Trump personally, such as the cases involving rape.  I've been told by some hard-core Trump defenders that the rape case has been dropped, but am not sure whether that's true.  Either way, a lot of Trump fans are determined to thwart that case going forward, even if they have to physically threaten the plaintiff and her attorney. That could explain why it was dropped, if it was.   In sum, it's not a good way to conduct legal cases:  to physically threaten plaintiffs.  What it translates to is: rule by mob instead of rule of law.  


       If it was your daughter/g.f./dear friend who was raped at 13 (allegedly four times roughly sexually abused by two elder men, physical attacks, with threats,) with another victim assaulted, as well as a 3rd woman as witness, ......then you'd likely want justice served.  I sure would.


        You're probably right, that most lawsuits against Trump are able to be deflected by his corporations.  However, there can be some inconveniences.  For example:  a Mechanic's Lien.  Any worker on a construction site can file a mechanic's lien.  Even the woman installing soap dispensers in bathrooms.  If she wins a case for non-payment, she can put a lien on the property.  In essence, she will legally own a portion of Trump's property and if that property is ever sold, that lien must be paid before the title is cleared.  With 4,000 construction-related cases currently tied up in legal hassles (and how many thousands have already been settled?)  Trump's properties could have hundreds of liens clouding their titles.  Those liens lessen the value of the properties.  Not sure whether those liens accrue interest.

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On 11/9/2016 at 3:49 AM, Jingthing said:

Sure it's "great" for far right wing extremist BIGOTS.

What this means, and much more --

Abortion will be made illegal

Recognition of same sex marriages killed at federal level, probably allowed state by state, but almost worthless legally without federal recognition. People already married ... taken away.

Citizens United, corporate corruption personified ... KEPT

Minority voting rights ... degraded even more

Gun ownership rights ... beefed up even more, if that is even possible

Exactly and frighteningly furthermore Trump said...

“I am pro-life, and I will appoint pro-life justices on the court.” This regressive said, in response to blasphemy laws, “No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.”

no more freedom of speech. try to institute blasphemy laws. try to make it a Christian Theocracy. The idiot VP Pence believes in Creation, the earth 6000 years old, Adam & Eve...and DENIES evolutionary FACT!


and so much for the Constitution and Separation of State and Church. Trump...

  • He pledged to repeal the law that prevents tax-exempt houses of worship from becoming political action committees that endorse and oppose candidates.
  • He vowed to push for a $20 billion nationwide private school voucher plan - money that would likely be siphoned out of existing public school programs.
  • He promised to sign a law that will allow people to use religion as a basis for discrimination.
  • He released a list of far-right judges he’d consider nominating for the Supreme Court.


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5 hours ago, tropo said:

Was Hillary going to fix all that?


You're going to see solutions you never even thought of, once you stop thinking everything is impossible.


Somehow, I'm not going to be holding my breath for the Donald to come up with solutions to problems that have frustrated world leaders for years.


I've never said a word here in these threads about HRC, because I wasn't much impressed with her as a candidate. But at least, for all her faults, the woman could think and bring an intellectual temperament to the job.


Trump is nothing more than a political charlatan, and probably one with the attention span of a gnat for anything other than his own personality and what others are saying about him.


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NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the American public!:crazy: I do believe we've just witnessed the greatest CON in the history of the USA. :sick:


The only possible positive now after electing this colossal clown and con-man is that nearly everything he says is either a lie or incorrect. So...based on his ignorant and lying ways he won't actually go through with much or any of what he's proposed. Granted, there are a few reasonable things too, but can't believe he's sincere or knowledgeable or capable about those either. :bah:  

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