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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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A significant part of the Left's loss of votes in those states critical to the election has been its historic migration from putting class politics to the forefront to that of elevating identity politics as that which most interests them. The so-called rainbow coalition may play well on the east and west coast but failed miserably in rust-belt states. Nature abhors a vacuum and so it is in politics. Donald Trump spotted an opening, marched right in and hoovered up the necessary votes.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

.......imagine how the hard core racist trumpists would have reacted if trump won the popular vote and lost the presidency? 


I would straight away put everyone on my ignore list and flounce around like a constipated pink  flamingo.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


I would straight away put everyone on my ignore list and flounce around like a constipated pink  flamingo.


I would do all those things AND talk incoherently about forming a "Resistance" and I would put Princess Liea in command.

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Trump's message to the ding dongs who voted for him, plus everyone else:


"THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD"   (see the video I posted above, which quotes him saying that)


Yup, he said it, repeatedly.  That's who Trumpsters voted for, now they can stick it up where the sun don't shine.  I haven't resided in the US for 20 years, but I love my country, and every time I see and speak with young Americans, I'm reminded that THE AMERICAN DREAM ISN'T DEAD.  


Trump fans can follow Trump down the ugly trail to dive into the cesspool of negativity, but I'll take the high road, and will feel better for it.   



Edited by boomerangutang
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23 hours ago, Morch said:


There will be no wall. At least no the way Trump described on his campaign trail. Making it sound like an easy undertaking is just cheap talk, nothing more. Building a hotel, or a Casino is not quite the same thing as a cross state mega project. And no, I do not believe that you actually got the construction schedule details. The elections are over. Trump won. Time to drop the campaign trail talk and get real.


The Great Wall of China did not save the Chinese. May want to look for another example. But then, irrelevant historical references will not get the wall built.

Bad example to use. The Chinese wall was started in the 7th century BC and ended in 1644 when a General had the gates opened to allow the Manchus in to defeat the rebels in China. However they took over and the wall was no longer necessary as Mongolia became part of China.

Seems to me that the wall worked for a very long time.


Building a hotel, or a Casino is not quite the same thing as a cross state mega project

Yes it is. Get congressional approval, assemble a project team, secure the funding, lay the bricks or whatever. If congress doesn't approve it he can say it's their fault.

The Israelis already did it. He is pals with the Israelis- they will help him.


"Can we fix it?", "Yes we can!"  ( Bob the builder ).



Edited by thaibeachlovers
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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


All nonsense. You have NO IDEA how many racists supported him and he is surrounded by Jews in his family, friends and business. That is another blatant falsehood.

It's also worth remembering that Clinton was pals with countries that hate homosexuals and kill them, never mind what they want to do with Israel. Apparently that doesn't count with a certain poster that hates the candidate that actually supports Israel and opposes countries that want to kill homosexuals. Very strange, isn't it?

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump's message to the ding dongs who voted for him, plus everyone else:


"THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD"   (see the video I posted above, which quotes him saying that)


Yup, he said it, repeatedly.  That's who Trumpsters voted for, now they can stick it up where the sun don't shine.  I haven't resided in the US for 20 years, but I love my country, and every time I see and speak with young Americans, I'm reminded that THE AMERICAN DREAM ISN'T DEAD.  


Trump fans can follow Trump down the ugly trail to dive into the cesspool of negativity, but I'll take the high road, and will feel better for it.   



It's refreshing to see you going high when many others are going low. :coffee1:

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13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

How about we talk about the Donald's signature pre-campaign issue in the early going (remember back anyone?) that President Obama was/is not really an American citizen and thus not legally entitled to be President.


Donald was on that for ages, and then in the end, he seemed to realize it just wasn't going to go anywhere and entirely gave it up. I guess that's the kind of wisdom we can expect from our future "President."





Liberals are sometimes portrayed as "progressive". It appears that ain't so anymore. So busy living in the past that they can't wait till the man is president before trying to tear him down.


It's entirely sour grapes. Donald WON. All the bitchin' in the world ain't gonna change that.


Perhaps there should be a dedicated thread for those unable to face reality to whinge with each other, while the rest of us get on with reality.

If he messes up the press haven't gone away and they will tell us if he does, but let's at least wait till he has the opportunity to do so.


Seems to me that there are many Americans that want him to fail, even if it means that America goes down the gurgler along with him. That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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23 hours ago, tropo said:

Thanks for your opinion...


It's not about what the building of the Great Wall of China achieved. It's a demonstration of what great nations could build 2000 years ago.


There's no point arguing if it gets built or not. Let's wait and see. 

It's far more fun to speculate as if one knows the unknowable. Waiting is boring.

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

So disingenuous. Can you at least be honest and imagine how the hard core racist trumpists would have reacted if trump won the popular vote and lost the presidency? If you actually assert they would have accepted it, wow, how could anyone believe that? trump himself would have led a violent overthrow attempt. He threatened as much. The current protests aren't really about questioning the legality of the result. They're about the beginning of a resistance movement to American fascism and to telegraph to the world, we are NOT united over this horrific mistake of President trump. 




Fairly obvious,  where the "rigging" is coming from.     Esp. now that Scalia repealed  voting rights in the south 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's entirely sour grapes. Donald WON. All the bitchin' in the world ain't gonna change that.


Perhaps there should be a dedicated thread for those unable to face reality to whinge with each other, while the rest of us get on with reality. If he messes up the press haven't gone away and they will tell us if he does, but let's at least wait till he has the opportunity to do so.


Seems to me that there are many Americans that want him to fail, even if it means that America goes down the gurgler along with him. That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Yes, but Obama won also, by a larger margin that Trump. Yet that didn't stop the entire Republican establishment from spending years doing everything in their power to attack his administration and attempt to block any opportunity for progress on almost any legislative issue. Their entire reason for being was to obstruct. And I didn't hear you complaining about Republican "whinging" back then.


So wake up and take off your political blinders. If the Democrats try to stop Trump and the Republican majority in Congress from sending the U.S. down the toilet with right-wing zealotry, they'll not be doing anything different than what they got from the Republicans in past years.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


I would straight away put everyone on my ignore list and flounce around like a constipated pink  flamingo.


6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I would wear a feather boa and put on Abba's Dancing Queen .... And dance till my heels broke. 


You've been spending too much time at Alcatraz.

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1 hour ago, pattayalover said:

I would not like to be a president at this time. look at all the problems we have. this world is a total fiasco.
Trump will soon regret his new position.


You obviously don't study history. Imagine, for example, being president in the 1910's to 1950's, covering 2 World Wars and a great recession.


Was there any point in history when everything was great and being a president would be easy?


I don't believe Trump's job is any more difficult than any presidents before him. It could be a vacation for him compared to his campaigning over the last 18 months... and best of all, he doesn't have to spend his own money. 

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Yes, but Obama won also, by a larger margin that Trump. Yet that didn't stop the entire Republican establishment from spending years doing everything in their power to attack his administration and attempt to block any opportunity for progress on almost any legislative issue. Their entire reason for being was to obstruct. And I didn't hear you complaining about Republican "whinging" back then.


So wake up and take off your political blinders. If the Democrats try to stop Trump and the Republican majority in Congress from sending the U.S. down the toilet with right-wing zealotry, they'll not be doing anything different than what they got from the Republicans in past years.

Of course you didn't hear me complaining, because I opposed almost all if not everything that he wanted to do. The Dems can't stop anything for at least the next two years, unless the GOP agree that Trump has tried to do something stupid.


Obama couldn't get anything done because he refused to compromise or work with the GOP in congress.

Bill Clinton worked with the GOP and is remembered favourably as one that got a lot done.

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15 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Dems were livid when a wall was going to be built and now their foaming that the wall may not be built. 


What do they want Tropo? Any ideas? It appears they don't even know what they want except to be angry and emotional.





The point made was that the wall thing was ever a populist empty promise. Same as the nonsense about making Mexico pay for it. And as the poster you replied to suggested, lets not rehash all them attempts to explain Trumps words away. When it was asserted, even back then, that these were nonsense statements, Trump supporters insisted they weren't, and that went well with the Trump-says-it-like-it-is bit. Or the Trump-isn't-a-politician bit. Those opposing Trump aren't foaming that the wall will not be built, simply pointing out that the original take on Trump's promises was correct. It is Trump supporters which are having a rough time accepting Trump is no different than other politicians on the empty promises front.


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2 minutes ago, Morch said:




The point made was that the wall thing was ever a populist empty promise. Same as the nonsense about making Mexico pay for it. And as the poster you replied to suggested, lets not rehash all them attempts to explain Trumps words away. When it was asserted, even back then, that these were nonsense statements, Trump supporters insisted they weren't, and that went well with the Trump-says-it-like-it-is bit. Or the Trump-isn't-a-politician bit. Those opposing Trump aren't foaming that the wall will not be built, simply pointing out that the original take on Trump's promises was correct. It is Trump supporters which are having a rough time accepting Trump is no different than other politicians on the empty promises front.


Trumps opponents have been wrong every time. They said he wouldn't win the nomination and they said he wouldn't win the election. WRONG.

No doubt those that say he won't build it will probably be looking silly.

However, if a better solution came up I think he would be pragmatic enough to change his mind. Technology may make a physical wall unnecessary.

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15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Any excuse at all to disparage the winner. They lost and refuse to get over it. Expect a lot more dishonest hype from the same old crew.


The fact that Trump won the elections does not imply that those opposed need to praise him or his policies. There is nothing dishonest about ongoing criticism, especially with regard to assertions made during the campaign seemingly coming true - for example, the wall. This doesn't have much to do with not accepting the results. Sounds like some are simply trying to dismiss any criticism, on the grounds that "Trump won".

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15 hours ago, SimpleChap said:

I'm not misinformed at all, I read several statements from Trump and his family BEFORE the elections, that Trump would accept the outcome of the election.


His statements about rigged elections and not accepting the results was just another of his amazing publicity stunts. Not everyone has to threaten national security to get in the news.








His statements about rigged elections and not accepting the results was just another of his amazing publicity stunts.


He made similar claims, of the "rigged" verity, with regard to not winning media awards and such. It really is funny to see how Trump supporters fall over themselves to explain away his statements, while previously hailing him as a straight shooter. 

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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I would do all those things AND talk incoherently about forming a "Resistance" and I would put Princess Liea in command.


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Reminiscent of Thais using the Hunger Games salute.

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