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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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  Poor, poor snowflakes.....boo hoo:


"The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)

 The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.

 Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.


Edited by metisdead
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6 hours ago, Diplomatico said:

  Poor, poor snowflakes.....boo hoo:


"The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)

 The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.

 Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.




This would be the funniest news story if it wer not so incredibly sad.


This is America's future? 


I prefer the illegal Mexicans.  

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40 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Okay, if the protests are peacefull and organised with the police, fine.
But if they block traffic, well, I really do think the demonstrators should be removed.

And burning the American flag should be illegal, they must be punished if they do this.


Sorry, dude, but flag burning has been deemed legal as that's a CONSTITUTIONAL matter as it's seen as free speech. Of course everyone agrees it's highly inflammatory  (that's the point I guess) but again it is fully protected speech. No, I don't personally approve of it and would never do it myself. 

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On 11/11/2016 at 5:53 PM, Jingthing said:

True dat, but trump isn't even president YET.


You'd think President Obama would do something about these sort of riots that are disgraceful. But we all know how limp he is at enforcing law and order, American's must feel really happy they have democratically elected a person who won't be afraid to bring law and order back to this unruly society.

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10 minutes ago, uptheos said:


You'd think President Obama would do something about these sort of riots that are disgraceful. But we all know how limp he is at enforcing law and order, American's must feel really happy they have democratically elected a person who won't be afraid to bring law and order back to this unruly society.


Amen to that.


This played a real part in my decision to support the GOP....obama inciting BLM rioters.

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On 11/10/2016 at 4:38 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm lovin it.

Poor spoilt little darlings that can't accept when life doesn't go their way.

What the **** are they going to do when they have to leave mummy and daddy and go find a job in the real world!!!!!!!


I wonder who they will replace crooked Hillary with, maybe that crazy Warren woman, she will give the girls new hope.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Sorry, dude, but flag burning has been deemed legal as that's a CONSTITUTIONAL matter as it's seen as free speech. Of course everyone agrees it's highly inflammatory  (that's the point I guess) but again it is fully protected speech. No, I don't personally approve of it and would never do it myself. 


Rioting in a manner that can cause serious injury and even death, is not in the constitution either, but I bet you don't mind that at the moment?

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Soros-Funded Orgs Behind Violent Anti-Trump Protests Across America

Washington CAN! is a far left group leading the protests against Donald Trump in Seattle.

The far left group is paying protesters to attend their rally.
Here is one of their ads on Craigslist.


Soros-funded groups are behind many of these violent demonstrations.
Russia Today reported:

Some of the anti-Trump protests in the US have been organized by groups that were sponsored by Clinton sympathizer and billionaire George Soros.

Among Wikileaks’ Podesta emails was a strategy document involving the Soros-supported MoveOn.org and grassroots organizing and funding.

MoveOn.org issued a press release on Wednesday afternoon about the protests where they wrote “hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.”

More here:  
Even Ronald Maximus didn''t have to deal with all these commies and evil-doers! [emoji185]

Surely far more efficient than tackling the rioters just cut the head of the snake and prosecute whoever is funding them.

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4 hours ago, uptheos said:


You'd think President Obama would do something about these sort of riots that are disgraceful. But we all know how limp he is at enforcing law and order, American's must feel really happy they have democratically elected a person who won't be afraid to bring law and order back to this unruly society.


Potus institutionally and Constitutionally is not in charge of law and order in the streets of the country, as it is a state's rights matter. Washington provides training and other assistance to the states to include certain funds, but civil action in the streets is Constitutionally a state matter.


Each state is the sovereign authority in law and order issues, not Potus. The laws and law enforcement agencies of each state have the duty, the right, the specific capability, to deal with public demonstrations of protest in its communities right on up to the level of insurrection.


This includes a governor activating and ordering out the National Guard military forces of the state, each state, that the governor alone commands in the state. Ordering up the state's militia in part or in whole. Otherwise civilian local, area and state police in the state do the law enforcement work, to include the state's courts system.


The Constitution would be directly applied if a party involved in the protest demonstrations petitioned a U.S. District Court in the state.


So in these matters of civil rights and Constitutional guarantees, Potus and Washington are largely bystanders. Potus can put certain federal law enforcement to work, but only to assist and only consistent with federal statutes. Potus can for instance send the FBI to investigate, or U.S. marshals to protect federal property or personnel. However, Potus has institutional and statutory authority, under the Constitution, in limited ways, or only in extraordinary circumstances, or at the request of a governor(s).


Let's hope we don't have too many angry winners who have delusions of Potus Obama declaring a nationwide martial law, nullifying the election and declaring himself el Duche' of America so he can either rule for life as a dictator or just go ahead to appoint HRC as the new Potus. 


I'm confident however that very few posters would be such unmitigated crackpots as to believe any such madness much less to be so far gone as to state it publicly, openly, for all to see and hear.  

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


Potus institutionally and Constitutionally is not in charge of law and order in the streets of the country, as it is a state's rights matter. Washington provides training and other assistance to the states to include certain funds, but civil action in the streets is Constitutionally a state matter.


Each state is the sovereign authority in law and order issues, not Potus. The laws and law enforcement agencies of each state have the duty, the right, the specific capability, to deal with public demonstrations of protest in its communities right on up to the level of insurrection.


This includes a governor activating and ordering out the National Guard military forces of the state, each state, that the governor alone commands in the state. Ordering up the state's militia in part or in whole. Otherwise civilian local, area and state police in the state do the law enforcement work, to include the state's courts system.


The Constitution would be directly applied if a party involved in the protest demonstrations petitioned a U.S. District Court in the state.


So in these matters of civil rights and Constitutional guarantees, Potus and Washington are largely bystanders. Potus can put certain federal law enforcement to work, but only to assist and only consistent with federal statutes. Potus can for instance send the FBI to investigate, or U.S. marshals to protect federal property or personnel. However, Potus has institutional and statutory authority, under the Constitution, in limited ways, or only in extraordinary circumstances, or at the request of a governor(s).


Let's hope we don't have too many angry winners who have delusions of Potus Obama declaring a nationwide martial law, nullifying the election and declaring himself el Duche' of America so he can either rule for life as a dictator or just go ahead to appoint HRC as the new Potus. 


I'm confident however that very few posters would be such unmitigated crackpots as to believe any such madness much less to be so far gone as to state it publicly, openly, for all to see and hear.  


  TLDR.  Yawn.

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On 11/10/2016 at 3:46 PM, Publicus said:


Trump is being put on notice. As Trump needs to be.


With no power in Washington, the Democratic Party voters will need to take to the streets and to also utilize the independent U.S. courts system against Trump and the wild proposals he's been presenting in impolite and even crude ways each day, the past 16 months. 


Hillary Clinton received the majority of the national Popular Vote. The right ignores the fact as they prepare to start pumping power in their absolute control of Washington, to include especially FBI, and the many cyber intelligence agencies.  


The potential abuse of absolute power in Washington by a Potus Trump in charge of the executive branch, and the Republican Party in complete control of the House and the Senate, are unmistakably foreseeable and they are absolutely predictable.


Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate leader, spoke to this today:


However, he hinted that they would avoid doing so, saying that majorities should not “overreach” after a big election win. “I think it’s always a mistake to misread your mandate,” Mr. McConnell said. “I don’t think we should act as if we’re going to be in power forever.”




(Sounds like Mitch didn't get the Trump-Breitbart Memo about being in power forever.)

Your opinions are good for the forum. You do great research and present your various arguments in a professional and extremely organized manner. I just can't get over how often you are completely wrong. With that having been said, do not quit posting, I for one enjoy the discourse and this forum would not be as enjoyable without you.

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53 minutes ago, Pakboong said:

Your opinions are good for the forum. You do great research and present your various arguments in a professional and extremely organized manner. I just can't get over how often you are completely wrong. With that having been said, do not quit posting, I for one enjoy the discourse and this forum would not be as enjoyable without you.


I think you can see this poster is not quitting posting so you can relax on creating your own individual concern thx. (Nor will he be tricked or provoked into disqualifying himself.)


Botching the election call was a national marathon affecting people, institutions, organisations of all kinds at all levels of the society. It was widespread, the conventional wisdom if you will.


Educated and experienced professionals in all walks of life got it wrong. If this poster were the only or lone one in the country, or anywhere in the world, then he would be isolated in the error. 


If the rest of what you said in the post might be true, or even reasonably applicable, then there is nothing to be concerned over. Nor would the poster's posts be canceled out as invalid. True of other posters as well.


The Right Sector over there does in fact dismiss and invalidate the existing order that they want to burn to the ground. The Mad Max stuff. To attempt the opportunistic and glib seizing of the moment to specifically target any single poster would directly serve the radical extremist campaign to dismantle America while ignoring the Constitution. Or, more to the point, to be included in it.


So I reiterate, Trump is Potus the next four years because Ma and Pa Kettle put him in the office. The issue before all of us is how to deal with the fact the shitkickers have given us their long saved up piece by piece sack of shit. (Ted Cruz during the campaign got nowhere with his "New York values" bent because Trump transcends New York, i.e., it is about being completely whacked out and nothing much of anything else.)


I look forward as always to replying to your Right Sector and off center posts thx.

Edited by Publicus
Reduce text.
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2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I think you can see this poster is not quitting posting, so you can relax on that one thx.


Botching the election call was a national stroll affecting people, institutions, organisations of all kinds at all levels of the society. It was widespread, the conventional wisdom if you will.


The screwup included people who supported Trump while simultaneously believing HRC would be the winner. Educated and experienced people in all walks of life got it wrong. If this poster were the only or lone one in the country, or anywhere in the world, then he would be isolated in the error. 


Even the Trump Fanboyz restricted themselves to statements such as 'Trump will win' or other platitutes such as 'Trump in a landslide' among other empty and glib partisan remarks. And they did it only occasionally.


This poster had a huge and widespread company in his belief. If the rest of what you said in the post might be true, or even reasonably applicable, then there is nothing to be concerned over. Nor would the poster's posts be canceled out as invalid. 


Moreover, all other posters would need to be invalidated across the board too.


The Right Sector over there does in fact dismiss and invalidate the existing order that they want to burn to the ground. The Mad Max stuff. To attempt the opportunistic and glib seizing of the moment to specifically target any single poster would directly serve the radical extremist campaign to dismantle America while ignoring the Constitution. Or, more to the point, to be included in it.


So I reiterate, Trump is Potus the next four years because Ma and Pa Kettle put him in the office. The issue before all of us is how to deal with the fact the shitkickers have given us their long saved up piece by piece sack of shit. (Ted Cruz during the campaign got nowhere with his "New York values" bent because Trump transcends New York, i.e., it is about being completely out of whack and nothing much of anything else.)


So I look forward as always to replying to your Right Sector and off center posts thx.

It is what it is. I wasn't simply referring to the election. I preferred neither candidate simply because I didn't like either one. I am trying to figure out if you are strict party line politics to include a fallback to Cold War stuff or you religiously follow the mainstream media. But, please don't think for a second I don't appreciate your opinion even when it is different than mine.


For example, there were never any Russian maneuver units in the Ukraine simply because there was no reason for Russian troops to be in the Ukraine. If all of your opinions are attached to the idea that Russia is always cheating and the MSM never miss manages the truth,  we will have a lot of differences of opinion.


I would like to have your writing skills, I do envy those a bunch.

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27 minutes ago, Pakboong said:

It is what it is. I wasn't simply referring to the election. I preferred neither candidate simply because I didn't like either one. I am trying to figure out if you are strict party line politics to include a fallback to Cold War stuff or you religiously follow the mainstream media. But, please don't think for a second I don't appreciate your opinion even when it is different than mine.


For example, there were never any Russian maneuver units in the Ukraine simply because there was no reason for Russian troops to be in the Ukraine. If all of your opinions are attached to the idea that Russia is always cheating and the MSM never miss manages the truth,  we will have a lot of differences of opinion.


I would like to have your writing skills, I do envy those a bunch.


I reduced the post you quote by editing it subsequently but the substance remains.


This poster never said there were Russian maneuver units in Ukraine. You and I knowingly refer of course (among some others here) to brigade or division sized large unit forces that are strategic, in contrast to small units the size of a squad, platoon, perhaps in this instance a company of several platoons, that are tactical forces.


The Pentagon has recently identified Russia as the number one strategic adversary of the United States (CCP #2, Iran #3). Department of Homeland Security has identified domestic rightwing groups, to include private militia units, as more of a threat than domestic terrorism.


The Americans in the streets protest and demonstrate against the ignoranus radical wildman Donald Trump and the Republican Party of 2016. I'd be comfortable to say most of 'em haven't ever done this kind of thing before the present time and circumstance. Expect more of 'em and for protest demonstrations to be organic in their size, development, frequency, impact on public opinion which will be mostly postive.


Some few violent types have attached themselves to the demonstrations as per normal occurrence. So those who condemn them all are either in error or they have an agenda. Your post does not speak specifically to this, however, it is the topic of the thread.

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11 hours ago, uptheos said:


You'd think President Obama would do something about these sort of riots that are disgraceful. But we all know how limp he is at enforcing law and order, American's must feel really happy they have democratically elected a person who won't be afraid to bring law and order back to this unruly society.

What is not surprising is they riot and trash their own streets.

Of course where these places are is telling also.

But yes Obama is just showing on exit why he will be remembered as he will.


Also the officials of these cities are not much better but of course we know how these cities lean politically.


They threaten to also do this at the inauguration  will be funny to see them try as there they would not be tolerated...at all...by neither law enforcement or spectators

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Notice that he has a lot less to say now than prior to the election. I'm surprised he even has the lack of embarrassment to post at all.


The key to a sustainable democracy is knowing how to win and knowing how to lose. Each side gets its turn so we all get a lot of practice and preparation. 


Knowing how to lose when you're not prepared is a matter of temperament, perspective, maturity. The loser side of an election always looks even better when he's up against the winning side that has no clue of how to win. 


Sorehead winners find it impossible to recognise how the game is played. The obvious reason is that they are out at the fringe of normal and ordinary society and politics. Culturally deficient. Personally angry no matter what. 

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18 hours ago, Basil B said:

Pointless exercise as they will not change the result nor stop Trump taking office.


Maybe if some of them who had not bothered to vote had done so things would have been different. 


Four state were close Florida, Mitchigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all were less than 1.5% of being a Demarcate win with 75 Electoral Collage votes.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but seems like they are mainly protesting in areas where HRC won?

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18 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Pretty much everything the lefties have posted here for months has been  proven to be absolute nonsense by the results of the election. Is anyone still paying attention to it?


Winning an election does not nullify all the losing side's views. Same goes for not predicting the election results.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Winning an election does not nullify all the losing side's views. Same goes for not predicting the election results.

Would anyone except a Democrat hire a pollster who has been proven wrong on many important issues in a recent period of time?  No.  Of course not.  Protesting Trumps election is like protesting the sun coming up tomorrow.  Only a deranged person or Democrat would do it.  

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


The key to a sustainable democracy is knowing how to win and knowing how to lose. Each side gets its turn so we all get a lot of practice and preparation. 


Knowing how to lose when you're not prepared is a matter of temperament, perspective, maturity. The loser side of an election always looks even better when he's up against the winning side that has no clue of how to win. 


Sorehead winners find it impossible to recognise how the game is played. The obvious reason is that they are out at the fringe of normal and ordinary society and politics. Culturally deficient. Personally angry no matter what. 

Good point so stop posting about the popular vote.  The law is not going to be changed for the Clinton's.

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