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Warning When Paying With A 1000 THB Bill


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Simple solution to this.  Whenever paying with a 1,000 note, especially in a bar or restaurant, I make eye contact with the server as I hand them the bill, glance down at the bill, and say (in Thai, of course!), "1,000 baht bill!"...and wait for them to acknowledge it before letting go of the bill.  Never had a problem.

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5 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

Come and live in Isaan.. I never have a problem with change... ..touch wood!   Several times over the years I have dropped money.. small amounts.. 20 or 100 Bt while shopping... I get a tap on the shoulder.. you dropped this...  love it here...


I dropped 100 at a 7Eleven last week. The staff member came outside to give it to me.


Where was this? Surprise, surprise: Pattaya!

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4 hours ago, jim cortesos said:

Go to a bank and break it into 100 thb notes.

No problem 

Flashing 1000 thb is a hassle. 

End of story. 


You seriously go to a bank to change 1000 baht notes? That's a hassle.


7Elevens never break a sweat changing them at any time of day or night.

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Can't remember this ever happening to me in over 25 years. But then, I stay away from neighbourhoods like Bronx (Pattaya) or other tourist holes


Mistakes happen of course but that's a totally different matter. It happens because Thai's generally are bad at mathematics and there is no ill intent behind it. I have never had any problems when I in a friendly way point out a mistake


Where on earth are you people who have these problems?


Edited by MikeyIdea
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12 hours ago, Pib said:

Been in Thailand over 8  years...live in Bangkok.   Only one time have I been shorted a 100 baht note when paying with a 1000 baht note and that was at a McDonald's drive-through.   The person at the window handled me the change, then she immediately left the window.  I always "glance/count" the change I get....immediately spotted I was shorted 100 baht.  The Thai wife was with me and noted the situation.   It took a good minute of getting someone to come back to the pay window and when a person came it was another employee.  Explained the situation....about 2 minutes later they gave me back another 100 baht.


And one time I was shorted 50 baht at McDonalds when ordering/paying on the inside.  And once again the Thai wife is with me to see the short-changing and once again the person taking the order and giving the change disappeared immediately in instead of completing the order herself.  This time we had to get the manager involved who fixed things.    


So, if at McDonalds and the person who takes your order or payment then immediately leaves from your sight then you might want to check your change again....maybe the reason for them leaving Triple ASAP is hopefully to avoid a discussion on incorrect change.




Serves you right for eating at McDonalds. 

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55 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

Can't remember this ever happening to me in over 25 years. But then, I stay away from neighbourhoods like Bronx (Pattaya) or other tourist holes


Mistakes happen of course but that's a totally different matter. It happens because Thai's generally are bad at mathematics and there is no ill intent behind it. I have never had any problems when I in a friendly way point out a mistake


Where on earth are you people who have these problems?



As I said, I live in Pattaya and DON'T have these problems.


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I remember my first trip to Thailand I had a couple of beers in a bar paid then went to get a curry. Got the curry and realised I didn't have enough money in m pocket to pay for it !! The curry shop man came with me to my hotel to get the money needed to settle the bill which was a couple of minutes walk away. I then realised I must have made a mistake when I paid for my beer at the bar I was in.

I went back a good 30 minutes to an hour later and asked the manager if the girl who had served me was still there.

Lucky for me she was and had my 2 thousand baht notes in her hand. I had given her 2500 baht instead of 700 which would have been 500 for 2 drinks and 200 baht tip. Yes far to much to tip but it was my first time and I didn't 'get' the money.

She told me she had come back from the bar area to give me the 2000 back but I had already left.

She could have made some excuse and gone home early and I would never have got it back, but she was a good girl and got another tip for being honest.


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NEVER been short changed.


I have lived in Pattaya over 13+ years, which according to many is THE bad city.

Any supermarket, they count and recount the change for themselves and you can count along.

I am NOT a restaurant guy, but when paying the bill they come back with change and from that you decide to give a tip (or not), so why would you notice a short change afterwards if you give a tip? Yes, not paying attention, trusting the poor low paid Thai people.


In my book a story like this says more about you then the Thais.



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I was in an Agogo and my change for a 500Thb was given to someone else. I had to tell the server several times. The customer didn't want to give the money back. This was inadvertent.  


But I have had a server take my money then walk into a back room and never return w change. Then I had to try to explain who I gave my money to. Yeah right. Luckily I had been talking to a BG girl and she explained to the manager. The server gave me my money back w a sour look and said I had told her to keep the change. I think they count on you being a little (or a lot) wonked.


You must remain vigilant!

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I was shopping in Tops supermarket @ Robinson in Bangrak where every 3rd or 4th customer is a tourist,I handed over a 1K note and the male check out weasel counted the notes once handed them to me shut the till and walked off, I was immediately suspicious because the staff always double count the change,I stood there and counted it noticed I was 100 short and shouted out hey and he returned opened the till took out 100 and gave it to me, no words were spoken he knew exactly what went down.Whenever I return he always remembers me.

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Yes I got short changed in Thailand only the other day, that case was just a missing 100 baht.  It has also happened to me in the UK though. You need to check your change here, and try to use smaller notes. When I go to the ATM I always tag 900 onto a round amount to help me have change.


The amusing thing is how they try to make it seem like your fault when caught at it.

Edited by jacko45k
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13 hours ago, TGIR said:

I don't know how many times I have confused my 1,000 notes with my 100 notes and handed over money without even noticing my error.......invariably the clerk immediately hands me back everything I gave her and indicates the error.  I get really tired of the constant chatter on this forum about Thais being dishonest, lazy, incompetent etc. Some people should take a look at themselves and rethink the way they interact with people they seem to feel are beneath them. The easiest thing in the world to do is put a pleasant look on your face and be nice to everyone you meet. the reward is always there if you are ready to receive it.

Absolutely... and avoid the tourist traps..

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We had the same thing about four months ago while we were holidaying in Koh Phangan. We handed money to our parents and children to buy a bag, a belt, and a pair of shorts at three different shops. On each occasion when THB1000 were used, they got shorted THB500 each time and we realised it only after they handed the change back to us. My parents offered to give me back the missing THB500 as they felt it was their oversight. When we went back to the shop to confront the culprits, they feigned ignorance and one elderly shopowner even threatened my mum with the police. Those doing the shorting are between the ages of 18 to 80 which is something quite surprising. Beware of the smiling old lady is like something out of a Roald Dahl tale but it is fact in Thailand.


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First of all, the NEW 100 baht bank notes look very similar to the 1000 baht bank notes.
People at the counter who are under stress makes the mistake often to think you paid them with a 100 baht bill where in fact you paid them with a 1000 baht bill.

Second, I ALWAYS put my short signature in all my bank notes (100/500/1000).
When a discussion arise, I make the cashier attent that I mark all my bills.
It's up to her/him to chose if he/she wants to see the police or not.
Never had any problem with giving the exact return.
Only an eggface from the cashier.

Apart from this, I go mostly buy my daily needs at Big-C (it's nearby).
But I noticed the last few months that the note at the cashier was higher than I thought.
I read the bill, and there was nothing extra what could imply the higher cost.
So, I tried something else.
When I see (example) "3 bottles Pepsi 1.25l for 40 Baht" I pay them separately at the cashier.
And the cashier charged me the regulare price (20 baht per bottle) instead of the marked price.
Called the Headmaster and she started a discussion that the cheaper offer was not valid anymore.
It was a "1 day offer" and they forgot to take the board away.
Not acceptable explanation, so I didn't took the bottles and left without paying.
But the same happened with a few other things.
Finally I went 1 day to Big-C with a Policeman (dressed as a civilian) and at the cashier I got the higher bill.
The Policeman called the Headmaster and showed his badge.
Some Thai discussion (bla bla bla) and after a few minutes I left with the 3 bottles Pepsi WITHOUT paying, a big excuse from Big-C and the guarantee that they will not overcharge me again.

Sometimes it pays off to "have hair on the teeth".

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I have had the same woman at the same 7 /11 short change me 3 times now and caught her out each time while last time I raised my voice a little pointing out this was the 3rd time "YOU"...Yeah "YOU"...short changed me ...all the while I stared her in the eyes....with a Fxxk You Bixch.....I know what your up to and don't pull that "sorrly, sorrly" BS on me.

Now when I go to that 7 /11 I will not give HER my money rather the other employees while I give her the stare down if she is there at the till.

Same 7 /11 where I have told the girls there to keep the dog(s) away from the door entrance....but the same dogs are back again everyday...1 or 2 or 3 of them lying about, right in the middle of the door way and basically having to step over them or inconveniently maneuvering around them all the while being on guard and hoping they do not snap at you or bite you.

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It's no wonder that quite a few Thais do not like farangs, with the attitude of some of the posters on this thread, (mostly jumping on the bandwagon).

I have never been short changed, but any other problem I have had, I have used a bit of diplomacy, not aggression.

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My husband lived here many years never been given wrong change.

We were in London 3 weeks ago I (thai) went into WH smiths to buy a book ccost11.95 pounds ,  gave £20 she gave me change for 15 pounds 3 pounds 5 pence. Told her she need give me 5 pounds more. Tried to tell me Ionly gave 15 pounds. Told her iIddidn'tknow there was a 15 pound note!!! Asked for cctv over till to be looked at. 5 pounds given straight back. 

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6 hours ago, wigan said:

How about taking phone photo of bill and 1000 note next to it showing serial number, do this in front of person taking money, may deter light fingers


Foreigners are frowned upon as it is - please don't.:sad:


Just count your change. In most stores you can count along with staff members and save having to do it again in front of them. If I have to count the change I try not to make it too obvious. Not everyone who serves you here is dishonest, so give them the benefit of the doubt.


At all times try to behave like mature adults.

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23 hours ago, bamukloy said:

They obviously think you look sillier than the average farang.


With i get change from 1000 they usually only try to slip out a sneaky 100 .

For 500 baht change it is usually 50 or forget a 20


man you are getting overshafted on the shafting.lol

That's a very rude post!


You look silly by not reading the entire post.


I posted that  I lived here for 11 years and this short changing just recently started.  If I look silly, why would it start now?


If you are going to be rude, you should scan over your content for errors before posting it so you don't look silly.


Have you ever admitted to anyone you were an ass---e?   

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