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Back on the campaign trail already, Trump touts promises kept


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Back on the campaign trail already, Trump touts promises kept

By Jeff Mason and Irene Klotz


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U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during his "Make America Great Again" rally at Orlando Melbourne International Airport in Melbourne, Florida, U.S. February 18, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


MELBOURNE, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, after a rocky first month in office, returned to the campaign trail on Saturday to deliver another attack on the media and tout his White House accomplishments in the friendly and familiar atmosphere of a rally with supporters.

Landing on Air Force One as the sun set near a hangar filled with thousands of people, Trump revelled in the crowd and listed promises he had kept, including starting the process of building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, deporting immigrants, and pulling the country out of a trade agreement with Asian nations.

"Life is a campaign. Making our country great again is a campaign," he told reporters on Air Force One when asked about criticism that he was starting to campaign so early.

The rally marks an especially early start to the 2020 election campaign. Trump filed re-election papers with the Federal Election Commission five hours after he was sworn in as president on Jan. 20.

The businessman-turned-politican told the crowd he wanted to speak to them without the filter of "fake news," his standard critique of the journalists and media organizations that cover him. The White House has been unhappy with stories portraying Trump's first weeks as chaotic.

His short tenure has been marked by turmoil over a contentious executive order limiting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries and the resignation of his national security adviser.

The abrupt departure of Michael Flynn followed revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations.

“I want him to know that we support him," said Carmela Rocheleau, 33, a registered nurse from Port St. Lucie, Florida, who attended Trump's rally.

"Everybody is going against him and I want him to know that we care about all the hard work that he’s doing because it seems like everybody attacks him for anything and nobody shows him any good credit," she said."

Gene Huber, 47, a car salesman from West Palm Beach, Florida, had been waiting in line to see Trump since 4 a.m. "His excitement and the love that he shows us, the people, that’s why each day brought me stronger and closer to him," Huber said.

In an unusual move, Trump allowed Huber to join him on stage and address the crowd during the rally. He acknowledged later that the move probably did not please the Secret Service.

At one point, Trump also read aloud the federal statute at issue in the litigation challenging his immigration executive order, while again criticizing the appellate panel that blocked its enforcement.

He pledged a revised order would come in a matter of days. "We don't give up," Trump said. "We never give up."

Trump also heavily criticized Senate Democrats for holding up confirmation of his cabinet nominees. "They're doing the wrong thing for the American people," he said.

He decried public-opinion polls that show him with a high disapproval rating as "phony" and urged his supporters to pay no attention to them. But after a speech filled with attacks on the media and his opponents, the president tried to close on a unifying note.

"Let us move past the differences of party and find a new loyalty rooted deeply in our country," Trump told the crowd.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-19
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As usual, not telling the truth.  Worth reading if you are interested:


Fact-checking President Donald Trump's Florida rally



Trump takes Jefferson out of context

Trump misleads on saving the F-35 contract

Trump wrong on vetting refugees

Trump spins polls on optimism

Trump spins immigration ban ties to Obama



Can't believe a word he says any more.  Really sad.

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15 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Trump takes Jefferson out of context


Maybe he was quoting George Jefferson? 


(who probably wouldn't have been able to get a place in a Trump building back in the day)

Nope, Thomas Jefferson.  Here's what Trump said:



Trump used the words of President Thomas Jefferson to make the case that the media, and newspapers, are illegitimate.


"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper," Trump quoted Jefferson as saying on June 14, 1807. That quote checks out. But it’s not the whole story on Jefferson.


And here's the full quote from Thomas Jefferson:


"The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right," Jefferson wrote. "And were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them."


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So what is the doofus's new campaign slogan?


Make America Great Again...not quite there yet.

Make America Even Greater!

Four more years and then American will be Great!

Four more years...Greatness take time.

Four more years...Why the Heck not?

Four more years...Maybe then I will get it right.


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So were there 50,000 people inside this hangar?


The fake news/press, and airport authorities, are reporting a somewhat smaller figure.



So what is the doofus's new campaign slogan?


America First.


or maybe America Fist?

Edited by mtls2005
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Trump returns to raucous campaign style at Florida rally


Donald Trump has closed out the first month of his presidency by returning to his raucous campaign style and lashing out at the media as an agenda-bearing component of a corrupt system determined to undermine his time in office. 





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quote by Alfred Montapert:


“Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps
moving but does not make any progress.


A rocking horse rocks back and forth but goes nowhere.

So what had Trump accomplished so far? aside from confusion and controversy???

I guess  after the beginning he had,The campaigner in Chief's ego needed a boost 

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Swedes scratch heads at Trump's suggestion of major incident


"During a rally in Florida on Saturday, Trump said "look what's happening last night in Sweden" as he alluded to past terror attacks in Europe."


"At the rally, Trump told his followers to look what was happening in Germany, and also mentioned Paris, Brussels and Nice,

in apparent reference to the terror attacks there."


"He didn't specify what was supposed to have happened in Sweden, simply saying "Sweden, who would believe this, Sweden."




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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Staggering.  He clearly cannot cope with reality and so retreats to the fantasy world of campaigning, surrounding himself with the gullible mob that still see him as the messiah.  Trump is so mentally unstable he really needs help now.

Yeah, and I missed the "promise" where the failing donald trump pledged to start his 2020 campaign ONE MONTH after being inaugurated because he's already bored and frustrated with the ACTUAL WORK of being president. It's really really hard and really really REAL and not as much fun as being a "reality" t.v. star and that nuclear football is scary. Please help him (RESIGN!). 

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump can't tell the truth and the only way to control the narrative is to have the podium to himself and he can rant and rave all he wants.   


He needs to stay out of Washington and his disastrous, inept administration.   

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21 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

As usual, not telling the truth.  Worth reading if you are interested:


Fact-checking President Donald Trump's Florida rally


Can't believe a word he says any more.  Really sad.

One more, a false claim by Trump of a terror attack in Sweden the previous night. Really don't know how Trump can claim to be a creditable person on the World stage; how come his supporters ignore his lies / misinformation.




EDIT: Just noticed iReason's post - apologies for duplication

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7 hours ago, Credo said:

Trump can't tell the truth and the only way to control the narrative is to have the podium to himself and he can rant and rave all he wants.   


He needs to stay out of Washington and his disastrous, inept administration.   

Being born rich and knowing how to harangue the crowds, these are the new skills necessary to lead a country . Trump has surely come to understand his best way to last in this position, is to play the seller.

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7 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Was he born rich.?

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His father gave him a million dollars to get started with (back in the '70's when a million really meant something).  He later co-signed multi-million dollar loans for Trump and finally, left him about 1/2 a BILLION dollars when he died.  This inheritance came just in time, as Trump had somehow managed to go broke owning a casino (remember "the house always wins", well, Trump managed to lose).


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