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Trump decides to skip White House press dinner


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1 hour ago, dundas said:

I agree. It's really just a ritual. There are better ways of spending his time.  Like answering questions from the press about the Russian connection, maybe ...

Or like spending his weekends and holidays golfing, dining at +star restaurants, tweeting at 3am.

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1 hour ago, Ken Khomdee said:

Smart man. he probably wants to eat with these people as much as I would want to eat with many of the people on here. Press on Mr. President, there are far better ways to spend your time!

If you really think he is a smart man, than my friend you need some help. This clown is nothing more than a coward! He will keep running away from everything and everybody that doesn't agree with his lying BS!

He doesn't understand anything, the constitution, being honest, respect, etc. All this clown does is only for his own wellbeing and not for the people that supported him.

By not going to this event, he only shows again what a -/;:(€& he is!

he like to give sh*t to everybody, but omg, he can not take it!

I'm sure he will watch it on the television, than start tweeting his insane responds. I can read them already; everything is a lie and it's all fake news.

And the trumpeteers swallow his BS. 

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I am a mere retired Englishman, who is also lucky enough to be very happy with my lot


I have lived and worked and been retired in the USA for some considerable periods, one of my many wives was even American, got married at UN in Manhattan 


I have many good American Friends


I find it very hard reading some of the views and vitriolic opinions by some on this forum on Donald Trump, a man I may not necessarily like but the more I see the more I admire the Gentleman


Remember anger will generally eat at the hearts and souls of those expelling it, what goes around comes around

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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Trump is eviscerating US traditions - should resign or at the very least fire Bannon.


Why? That's at least one of the few fronts on which he's still in line with campaign rhetoric. Not saying I like it, think it's a wise course of action or anything of the sort - just that he was (partially, at least) voted in on a ticket which included (or alluded) to these bits.

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14 minutes ago, al007 said:

I am a mere retired Englishman, who is also lucky enough to be very happy with my lot


I have lived and worked and been retired in the USA for some considerable periods, one of my many wives was even American, got married at UN in Manhattan 


I have many good American Friends


I find it very hard reading some of the views and vitriolic opinions by some on this forum on Donald Trump, a man I may not necessarily like but the more I see the more I admire the Gentleman


Remember anger will generally eat at the hearts and souls of those expelling it, what goes around comes around

Calling trump a gentleman. Now I've heard it all! :coffee1:

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31 minutes ago, bumling said:

He is better than everyone,thats why he is the president.(google democracy)

Actually the trump regime is much more about KAKISTOCRACY than democracy.





noun  kak·is·toc·ra·cy \ˌkakə̇ˈstäkrəsē\

:  government by the worst people




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4 hours ago, al007 said:

Give the man a break, if he was out to fleece the US why does he NOT take the salary that goes with the job


Unlike many countries he was voted in by a democratic election, and a system that has been in place for a very long time

Anything to do with my statement?


I don't think he is out to fleece the US BTW.

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Just now, Skywalker69 said:

Zach Braff suggests Alec Baldwin fill in for Trump at WH Correspondents' dinner



Please make it so! But I don't envy Baldwin if he does it. Not sure how he would play it. Imagine if trump had really had the cajones to show. It would have been very UGLY. 

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Please make it so! But I don't envy Baldwin if he does it. Not sure how he would play it. Imagine if trump had really had the cajones to show. It would have been very UGLY. 

Jingthing this time you are wrong. If this clown had the cajones to show up, he would be standing at the door and tell most reporterters they can't come in. 

It would be the clown, all by him self in a big room.

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About the question of whether trump deserves respect, alluded to with the absurd labeling of him as a gentleman. 

Well, the OFFICE of the presidency deserves respect, but when a human being that is so utterly deplorable and irredeemable as trump finds a way to occupy that great office ... does he really deserve respect?

I've heard many times that when you meet him personally, he's very charming, and I believe that, he's a CON MAN so of course he is. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, dutchisaan said:

Jingthing this time you are wrong. If this clown had the cajones to show up, he would be standing at the door and tell most reporterters they can't come in. 

It would be the clown, all by him self in a big room.

That's funny but if he had shown, that wouldn't have happened. I do understand from his POV that there is no way he could show. 

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45 minutes ago, Morch said:


Why? That's at least one of the few fronts on which he's still in line with campaign rhetoric. Not saying I like it, think it's a wise course of action or anything of the sort - just that he was (partially, at least) voted in on a ticket which included (or alluded) to these bits.

Could be wrong, but I don't recall Trump calling out the media "as the enemy of the people' during his campaign for election. However, the thoughts driving my POV are better articulated in the article below.




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35 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Could be wrong, but I don't recall Trump calling out the media "as the enemy of the people' during his campaign for election. However, the thoughts driving my POV are better articulated in the article below.





Bannon's agenda was pretty much out there, for those interested. Most weren't, hence some of the outrage expressed. While it can be argued (and I, for one, will agree) that Trump is probably less of a "true believer" in any ideology, a segment of those voting for him did so not necessarily due to his qualities as a candidate, but because he represented a change. Any kind of change. Even one which would wreck havoc on anything and everything. Perhaps, for some, this was even the main selling point. Such positions and views were aired on this forum as well. As far as this segment goes, that's one thing Trump's administration is doing pretty well - namely, destabilizing the established order of things (often referred to as the "status quo"). Inciting the people against the media, putting its integrity under question, limiting access and public snubs are all part of that. You, me and others may not like it - but I'm sure it plays well for many of Trump's supporters.

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3 hours ago, JulesMad said:

Arrogant coward! He thinks he is better than everyone.....


Even for presidents there are rules and conventions/traditions; everyone has to attend events sometimes against their will (e.g. family-in-law visits, certain parties, work-related obligations, etc)


The sooner he disappears, the better it is for usa, the World and humanity...

In fairness, media have been pulling out already.

This is Trump doing his usual, where he sees that he'd end up looking foolish, pulls out, and then claims that he did it first   #trumplies



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's an ironic, though predictable, twist considering the credible theories that the reason trump ran for president in the first place was because Obama HUMILIATED trump at a press correspondent's dinner. It's well understood trump hates being humiliated more than anything else, but bully in chief that he is, REVELS in humiliating others. (Ask Chris Christie.)



I think that's why Trump decided to run.  This mess is Obama's fault.  :sad:

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6 hours ago, al007 said:

Give the man a break, if he was out to fleece the US why does he NOT take the salary that goes with the job


Unlike many countries he was voted in by a democratic election, and a system that has been in place for a very long time

the very fact that he could get voted in show something for the country. wonder if one day a poor person could get voted in.

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President George Bush did not like broccolli , and Donald Trump does not like some of the press, guess everyone has their own opinions of what they do not like.    Maybe shunning this tradition will save some money, after all the secret service won't have to send so many members.


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38 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

President Goerge Bush did not like broccolli , and Donald Trump does nlt like

some of the press, guess everyone has their own opinions of what they do not like.

  Maybe shunning this tradition will save some money, after all the secret service won't have to

send so many members.


Did George Bush's dislike of Broccoli pose a threat to Democracy in the USA?


I am sure the secret service will be at Mara lago anyway. Trump has already spent in one month more than Obama spent in one year on security. I doubt a one evening engagement is going to make a blind bit of difference.


It looks like a post put together at the height of Sunday happy hour :wink:

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23 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I hope he is taking care of more important things, rather than having a bunch of writers make funny stories for him to tell.

You mean like he does on a day to day basis? The breakdown of his work load in the last 4 weeks has the majority of his time either watching TV or playing Golf. He is a geriatric conman (no disrespect meant to 'geriatrikid' ).

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Actually, I've always thought that this dinner was a bad idea.  Anything that encourages the press and the president to be chummy is not a good thing. And we had a clear demonstration of how chummy they were when Steven Colbert hosted the event. He roasted both the president and the press.  And both clearly were not pleased.


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7 minutes ago, rijb said:

I've learned many Trump slurs from Jingthing.  But, what does Snowflake-in-Chief mean?  And how do you know why he won't attend?

Interesting to see when tattletales choose to tattle.  Maybe he feels it will be boring.  

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump has already spent in one month more than Obama spent in one year on security.


That's because he has a whole bunch of adorables from his own country who mean him physical harm….apart from the usual international threats.


If hillarys mad dogs in the populace calm down, he might be able to lead a more normal life.


I love the message he's sending to the media….they have behaved like dirt for the large par and they need a wake up call.


Anyone who wants to give trump a chance tunes out their nonsense anyways.

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