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Cambodians feasting on Pattaya strays anger local dog lovers


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I would not want my loved ones to be reincarnated as a Soi dog. Let a hungry man kill and eat the Soi dog so that they may be reincarnated as a Panda bear or unicorn or something other than a Soi dog.

What is the thinking gonna be when the Rottweiler and Pit Bull DNA starts showing up in these Soi Dogs? There is a for sure health hazard breading in a Soi near you.

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1 hour ago, Colabamumbai said:

They do eat them in the North and their skins are used on the insides of shoes.

They'll eat anything that can walk, crawl, fly, or swim.  Or anything that can't.

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If Thai people believe the street dogs are reincarnated sinful dead Thai people, then I would think they should be happy if people were eating them... because that miserable dog would get reincarnated into a better life... so its actually doing them a good service to help them on their way to the next life.


Is there a law saying people can not kill and eat feral dogs here, or is it just socially taboo?


I personally would not eat one, not because of moral reasons, but because they look like they are full of diseases and parasites... and they eat disgusting stuff off the streets. 





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2 hours ago, flyingdoc said:

I never realised that there were so many dog haters on Thai Visa.  Of course there is a problem !  There is everywhere in Thailand.  Dogs need to be neutered and that takes time and money, but a way has got to be found to do it !

I have been here nearly 30 years, so far there has been no solution, the problem is if anything worsening! So just what is the solution? it's fine for the so called dog lovers to sit back and preach & get righteous! do something and make a difference if you are so concerned!

I don't "hate" dogs, we have three, but I have no time for stray dogs, they tend to be nasty, malicious & rabid pack creatures!

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2 hours ago, flyingdoc said:

I never realised that there were so many dog haters on Thai Visa.  Of course there is a problem !  There is everywhere in Thailand.  Dogs need to be neutered and that takes time and money, but a way has got to be found to do it !

There is no doubt that there is a major stray dogs problem in Thailand.  You have of course highlighted the ideal solution to the problem but this will never happen in a country which believes that useless submarines are far more important than spending money on any social issues.


The main point here is not that the stray dogs are being killed but the method used to kill them.   Providing that they are killed humanely, I would have to say, as a former dog owner, who thinks they make loving and faithful pets, that the Cambodians are doing Thailand a big favour, seing that the officials here will not take any remedial action unless there is money in it for them.  These dogs belong to nobody and are allowed to run around wild, sometimes attacking passers-by and also causing accidents on the road, for which the car owner has to pick up the bill. 

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5 hours ago, balo said:

Great way to reduce the soidog population. Is dog meat really that good? I guess anything goes with a bit of chilli .....

I found it a little sweet and stringy.

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Better than having the Soi dogs feeding off the locals,

remember hearing in Singapore,a gang of Thai construction

workers had the local area devoid of dogs and cats, then they

went after some large very expensive Koi,in a park lake.

regards worgeordie

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The army are not going to kick up a stink about eating dog. Speak to any Thai soldier, it is fairly common to eat dog, especially on survival drills. 


A few posters here feel it ok to kill a Soi dog because they take a dump in the street. If you live in Pattaya you have contributed to the sewerage in Pattaya Bay, so a bit hypocritical.

i have no problem with killing a dog for food. But killing them because they annoy you?


Pattaya Soi dogs aren't exactly grain fed or Waygu.

But I suppose they are free range, and probably more hygienic than many battery farmed animals that we buy in the supermarket that have spent their miserable lives locked up wallowing in their own shit.



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A kid on our Soi was excited to get a new puppy.  She showed it to her friend.  Her friend said the dog looked nice and healthy.  And that it would make a nice, juicy BBQ.  She wasn't joking.

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Did you know there are 11 countries which legally eat dog meat and 1 of those is Switzerland ( in 2 cantons).  Bet you get some damn good steaks out of a St Bernard plus of course it comes with brandy to drink after.


Found this little snippet also on the net.


"Ever wondered what to do with your pet dog or cat when you just get tired of it?
Perhaps you need to put it to sleep because, it's getting on in years.

Maybe your dog barks too much or your cat rips up your furniture.

Well, now you can solve that problem and love your pet to death in a delicious way.

CookYourPet.com offers a host of sumptuous recipes of dog and cat meat and also a variety of weapons to humanely end your pet's life, from garrots to clubs, from electrocution baths to hangman's ropes.

We even offer a variety of chocolate poisons that are only toxic to dogs.

Make Muffin or Stew a permanent part of your life.

Garnish your tasty companion with celery, carrots and peas.

Turn man's or girl's best friend into a feast you and your children will remember for years.

After all, you are what you eat, and eating your pet is the greatest sign of love you can show."

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Only good. Let them eat all the stray dogs. If people love their dogs, then they take care of them, and not at all let then run around uncontrolled.
Just don´t come say I love dogs, and they can not eat them. If you love dogs, them take all of the strays and make a living with them in the countryside somewhere inside a big fence.

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Classic. Cambodians working for the Thai military, half of whom probably with no work permits, getting paid so badly, they have to chase Soi dogs to eat.

Anyone still think we have a good temporary administration?

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In the journal s of Lewis and Clark dog meat was preferred over all the other choices.  Bison, elk, deer, antelope.  In my 6 weeks in Thailand I saw a big dog problem. And one off leash fog dashed out to bite our feet and caused a crash of a scooter I was on.  Yes my female driver hurt her foot and leg pretty badly.  I say change the rule and let stray dogs be fair game.  What kind of dog lover is ok with rabies outbreaks?

What's next dengue fever?



PS how many beach resorts have these resident dog pack problem that they can't do anything about?  It sure wasn't the highlight of my visit.   I am sure I would enjoy BBQ dog from street vendors more than the insects I've tried.  And yes I've had dogs as pets.   

Edited by Elkski
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2 things come to mind:


- Thai soi dogs can't be very smart, otherwise they would be seeking asylum in Europe (preferrably Germany), trying to qualify as "refugees".


- Every year some Farangs living in Pattaya dissappear into thin air. Never to be seen again. Have some of them been living near major construction sites ?



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