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Would you have paid the 4 Baht?


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Once a month I visit a friend who lives near Wat Lam Poon train station (I live near Hualumpong). I always buy my 4 Baht ticket at Hualumpong. Spend the night at my friend's take the trsin back in the morning. 


Wat Lam Poon is a tiny station east of Bangkok between Airport Rail Stations Baan Tab Chang and Latkrabang. There are no ticket machines nor is there an office where to buy tickets. Just a train platform where trains stop. That's it!


This morning I got on the 7.14 am train just like I always do every month without a ticket. I wear my headphones, music is on I hear nothing. 40 minutes into the journey  I notice the ticket collector looking at me whilst chatting with a Thai lady in her late forties seated behind me. This went on for 5 minutes until I decided to take off my headphones and ask if there's a problem in Thai. The ticket collector politely asks where did you get on. I reply that I got on at Wat Lam Poon. He says oh ok mai pen rai. Next thing I know the Thai lady passenger starts yelling at me in fluent English that I should have a ticket and that trains originating in the suburbs are free for Thais only not for farangs. Next, she gets out of her seat and start telling the ticket collector that I should have a 4-Baht ticket or else he should fine me. The ticket collector not knowing what to do goes, ok mee ID mai? I say yes, and at the same time re-explain that there isnt an office nor a ticket machine at Wat Lam Poon. At this point I tell the lady in English to mind her own business and sit down and I put my headphones back on when I hear the mai pen from the ticket collector once again (and yes I was politely dressed in black). This imo was a clear and obvious racist full of hatred against farangs (probably works for a foreign boss or had an ex who was a farang) god knows.


To sum up. I didnt pay the 4 Baht  out of principle as the ticket collector or whoever he was in uniform didnt mind at all, everyone riding the train for free. Why not this one farang...


Would you have paid the 4 Baht simply because a Thai racist fellow passenger demanded you did or would you have done the same as me?



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As soon as I heard the word 'farang' to start to pour outta her mouth I would have called her every ethnic name I could think of till she shut up, told her she was butt ugly, had a big mouth, and then told her she could FO as well.  Not yelling mind you but at whatever volume level she was at and I would have done it standing up.  They cower to power and fold in a heartbeat.   I would have made a big show of shaking hands with the conductor with a pat on the back as well just to show everyone else in the car that everything was just fine.  And when she started back again (and there is little doubt that she was not going to) I would have stood up and started all over as well. 

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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Not sure I followed it correctly, but if you owed the 4 baht and there was an opportunity to pay it, I would pay it.

If the offer to pay was turned down, I would have done nothing more.


3 hours ago, Flow said:

I notice the ticket collector looking at me whilst chatting with a Thai lady in her late forties seated behind me.

Hard to notice what's going on behind you unless you turn around and stare. She probably thought you were overly interested in something that was none of your business and that you were fearing loss of face, which is very traumatic to many farang.


Pay the four baht, don't pay the four baht.  Probably best not to turn around in your seat and stare at people.

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If there's no ticket machines there and this is the way things are coming from the suburbs then no, I wouldn't. If the inspector also didn't have an issue with it then I definetely wouldn't.


I think you did the right thing, told her to mind her own business (politely, of course!) and went about your day.


No idea why she was so angry, leave her to it, mate

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Some of you suggested to buy the 4-Baht ticket. Well, there were none offered. In fact, I couldnt see what or how she got hold of the conductor, he wasnt checking anybodys as it was a free train. But yes, I should have filmed this racist cow. She spoke fluent English, though. Ummmm may be mental issues.....a bitter divorce to a foreign husband could have triggered her racist and very weird behaviour? Been in Thailand for years, never experienced this type of nastiness, most Thais are very welcoming and kind to foreigners....


Well, mai pen rai, I guess.

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You are letting a person with doubtful insight and limited intellect define you. Just the fact that you made the effort to write the post means she got to you. Next time take out a B 100 note and pay for your ticket, when the conductor wants to give you your change back just say mai phen rai and continue with listening to your music. She will then be the one steaming for the whole day and you will have a great day.

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1 hour ago, Razzler1973 said:

If there's no ticket machines there and this is the way things are coming from the suburbs then no, I wouldn't. If the inspector also didn't have an issue with it then I definetely wouldn't.


I think you did the right thing, told her to mind her own business (politely, of course!) and went about your day.


No idea why she was so angry, leave her to it, mate

What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a terrorist? You can negotiate with a terrorist.

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And I would have a few choice words for that lady in Spanish.  


I'm sure she would get the gist of it without understanding a single word.


Spanish is my go-to language for insulting people in Thailand. Never insult anyone in English.  Innocent schoolchildren might understand certain key words ?

Edited by SiSePuede419
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I'd have handed over 1000 baht, and when asked "do you have smaller?" I'd say no, my change is for a different purpose, so do you want to stop somewhere to change the money or let it drop?


Then some of the change I'd put in the womans hand and thank her for being a good corrupt citizen (and throw in the odd jai dam comment without using any expletives).


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1 hour ago, ThaiWai said:

You handled it better than I would have.  I would have punched the busy body in the center of her face until there was nothing but a skull donut left.  But that's just me.

You should really sober up before you post. But that's just me :jap:

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4 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

I would have beaten them both to a bloody pulp and let them decide was it worth the 4 baht


Tempting as that may sound, I keep an informal tally from several news sources of foreigners beaten into the hospital and killed by locals (and their friends) vs the number of locals beaten to a pulp by lone foreigners.


My rough numbers say the odds aren't good.  Of course, I can only go with what's published.



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