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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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18 hours ago, iReason said:


Sheesh... you are so woefully uninformed (and lazy, given the fact that you have access to the internet.)

it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


Intelligence Chiefs 'Stand More Resolutely' Behind Finding Of Russia Election Hacking


"Director of National Intelligence James Clapper affirmed an Oct. 7 joint statement from 17 intelligence agencies that the Russian government directed the election interference — and went further".


"We stand more resolutely on that statement," Clapper said during a Senate Armed Services hearing with the intelligence chiefs into the politically charged issue."



The same James Clapper that lied to a congressional investigation panel.

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Former President Barack Hussein Obama and some of his top officials may be in serious trouble, analysts suggested, as it appears increasingly likely that they played a key role in illegal surveillance of Donald Trump and his team for the apparent purpose of sabotaging his presidency. 



Your off-topic nonsense is just that.

You've posted an alt-right speculative article that was proven wrong.

The same day.


Nunes Backs Down From Assertion Trump Was Monitored

"Nunes himself said he wasn't making that claim — he said the surveillance was legal and there was no wiretap of Trump Tower."



Your desperate attempts at deflection and misdirection are obvious.


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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Former President Barack Hussein Obama and some of his top officials may be in serious trouble, analysts suggested, as it appears increasingly likely that they played a key role in illegal surveillance of Donald Trump and his team for the apparent purpose of sabotaging his presidency. 



Google has more examples.

So, the publication of the John Birch Society is your go to news source?

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Monica Crowly summed up the current storm in a teacup over not much at all when 

Just now, ilostmypassword said:

I wouldn't trust Clapper by himself either. But are you saying that he lied about what the 17 agencies believe and that none of them pushed back on that?

I'm just saying the man lied in public to a congressional panel. Is he trustworthy? OTY.


Monica Crowly said it best- to paraphrase- Trump is a virus put into the US political system by the voters to sort it out. The mainstream media and the establishment have colluded to remove the virus before he can destroy their cosy system by which they have ruled and exploited the populace for decades. The current meltdown by establishment cronies is part of that attack.


The clip isn't on U tube yet as was only on a few hours ago, so can't link to it. If interested, it was on Hannity Thursday night US time.

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As I forcast way back on this thread, it has been taken over by the Trump haters. There is no point for me to continue contributing to this thread as no one wants to debate anything ( as seen by the response to my just posted reply about illegal spying ). It's just a tirade of anti Trump abuse now, pages and pages of it. So I'm off this thread now, and you can all share your Trump hatred without me.


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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Monica Crowly said it best- to paraphrase- Trump is a virus put into the US political system by the voters to sort it out.

Ok, so at least you have made it clear. You support a virus. Can we classify him the sam as HIV? - He will kill everything he touches? Well he seems to be doing a good job of that with the US, it's reputation and it's democracy.


"virus is a microscopic parasite which can infect living organisms and cause disease."   - sounds about right. Thanks for clarifying your position.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As I forcast way back on this thread, it has been taken over by the Trump haters. There is no point for me to continue contributing to this thread as no one wants to debate anything ( as seen by the response to my just posted reply about illegal spying ). It's just a tirade of anti Trump abuse now, pages and pages of it. So I'm off this thread now, and you can all share your Trump hatred without me.


Translation: I keep on getting called out on my falsehoods and I've had enough humiliation.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As I forcast way back on this thread, it has been taken over by the Trump haters. There is no point for me to continue contributing to this thread as no one wants to debate anything ( as seen by the response to my just posted reply about illegal spying ). It's just a tirade of anti Trump abuse now, pages and pages of it. So I'm off this thread now, and you can all share your Trump hatred without me.


:cheesy:  You are saying this so often it is becoming a joke!! Please have it as your signature. What do you expect as the response to your claims of illegal spying when you are using an alt right website as reference. It is better you take your own advice and stay off. And yes many of us ARE Trump haters. He deserves nothing less, he is destroying America.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There is no point for me to continue contributing to this thread as no one wants to debate anything ( as seen by the response to my just posted reply about illegal spying ). So I'm off this thread now...


I suppose facts can get one down especially when one refuses to even research them...


Perhaps it's as simple as this:




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2 minutes ago, keeniau96 said:

FBI director is appointed for 10 years, to serve "at the pleasure of the President". Prez not pleased, cans him, end of story.


That is most certainly not the end of the story, if the democrats get a senate majority in 2018.  Trump has since admitted his objective in firing Comey was, at least partly, to stymie the FBI's investigation into the Russia angle.  The charge  of 'obstruction of justice' figured prominently in the articles of impeachment for both Clinton and Nixon.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As I forcast way back on this thread, it has been taken over by the Trump haters. There is no point for me to continue contributing to this thread as no one wants to debate anything ( as seen by the response to my just posted reply about illegal spying ). It's just a tirade of anti Trump abuse now, pages and pages of it. So I'm off this thread now, and you can all share your Trump hatred without me.


Trump's got about 33% approval rating.  You're out-numbered 2 to 1 any where you go, not just this board.

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9 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

another one bullied off from debate you might like to know many of us don't bother anymore as we just get abuse and flamed

Asking for evidence to support questionable claims is bullying?

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2 hours ago, iReason said:


Sure. And no need for "inside" information.

It's on the news.


FBI agent groups dispute Trump's rationale for Comey firing

'His support within the rank and file of the FBI is overwhelming.' (sub-title)


"In interviews with POLITICO, the heads of the two associations representing current and retired FBI agents, analysts and other personnel said that by all available measures, Comey enjoys enormous support among the 35,000 people who work for him, and the many thousands of others who have retired or left the bureau."


"The FBI Agents Association, which O’Connor said has 13,000 members, issued a statement Tuesday night urging caution in the naming of a new FBI director given the job’s importance, and praising Comey for his “service, leadership, and support for Special Agents during his tenure.”



You would have already read this on this thread if you were paying attention...

That's a good one! "It's on the news". OK, Thanks. And my standard response to such a claim by politico or any other MSM source would be the infamous - Yes, but is it true?


Comey should have acted in a professional manner last July and afterwards and kept the confidences of several of the chain-of-command he was below or working with other than the rank-and-file. He wasn't working for Obama and Lynch any more and his position certainly was not ensured.


Do you suppose their are interactions between Trump / Sessions / Rosenstein that we're not privy to that sealed Comey's fate? Did you read Deputy AG Rosenstein's memo to AG Sessions?

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5 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

What's all the helabaloo?


trump fired a commie! About time!


trumps got balls and brains. He knows how to take charge, make stuff happen, and make sure your team is up and running. 


You leftys are going to have a long 8 years squealing like girls. 

"trump fired a commie!"


Hilarious!  Do you know what a commie is?


The only thing happening under Trump is Trump businesses are raking in money as he uses the White House for personal enrichment.

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14 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Comey should have acted in a professional manner last July and afterwards and kept the confidences of several of the chain-of-command he was below or working with other than the rank-and-file.

Agreed, but if Trump considered Comey's performance was so heinous (which it was, but as you know Trump praised him for it) , then he should have fired him immediately upon taking office as part of the transition . BUT, he did not. He fired him when Comey was getting too focused on the Russia investigation. That matter is not lost on the vast majority of rational intelligent Americans.  In his last interview, Trump has now implied that one of the reasons for sacking was Russia.


I imagine if Spicer is sacked or on 'gardening leave'  he will be one of the most relieved men on the planet today in that he does not have to stand and defend this lying clown.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Agreed, but if Comey's performance was so heinous, Trump should have fired him immediately upon taking office as part of the transition . BUT, he did not. He fired him when Comey was getting too focused on the Russia investigation. That matter is not lost on the vast majority of rational intelligent Americans.  In his last interview, Trump has now implied that one of the reasons for sacking was Russia.


I imagine if Spicer is sacked or on 'gardening leave'  he will be one of the most relieved men on the planet today in that he does not have to stand and defend this lying clown.

Trump has stated that Comey told him that he was not under investigation.


Do you have proof that there is even an ongoing investigation because the allegation of an ongoing FBI investigation should not be publicized, yes?


In any event, I recently heard a quote from Trump where we was encouraging such an investigation by the FBI or maybe I'm hearing things these days.

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4 minutes ago, iReason said:



Couldn't find it on Info Wars?

Frankly, didn't even look there. I must be slipping. :biggrin:


Anyway, thanks for the video snippet. Whether or not the rank-and-file liked Comey is moot.


People at high (or any level) level can go irrational and do egotistical and nonsensical things and can still treat their subordinates well, yes? Or maybe Comey is a good guy to his subordinates and began making bad professional decisions for some reason.


It's still moot at this point, isn't it?


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2 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Trump has stated that Comey told him that he was not under investigation.

Why after all the current evidence that has been revealed concerning Trumps difficulty with the truth do you believe a word of what comes out of the lying sacks mouth?  His interview last night sums it up. Faced with overwhelming criticism, in a bid to try and get some brownie points, Trump changes the account of the White House as to the process in which Comey was fired. The man is a pathological liar and you are clever enough to have seen the countless interviews and rally's where Trump has blatantly lied. What Trump says (and after the last 48 hrs - the White House) has no credibility at all any more.

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7 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Trump has stated that Comey told him that he was not under investigation.


Do you have proof that there is even an ongoing investigation because the allegation of an ongoing FBI investigation should not be publicized, yes?


In any event, I recently heard a quote from Trump where we was encouraging such an investigation by the FBI or maybe I'm hearing things these days.

Yes, and Trump's statements should definitely be believed. It's just so extremely likely that Comey would have told Trump not just once, but 3 times, that he wasn't the target of an investigation. How could that not be true. Just like how could it not be true when he recently asserted that Democratic rep Elijah Cummings told him he would be a great President.  


Trump has acknowledged that there's an ongoing investigation. The acting head of the FBI confirmed there was an ongoing investigation. No one I know of except you and presumably the fake news websites you frequent would maintain otherwise.

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