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Supreme Court jails Boonsong 42 years on G-to-G rice deal


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10 minutes ago, halloween said:
12 minutes ago, Becker said:

Don't know. The junta leader has warned off anyone trying to look into the finances of himself, his family and his fellow junta members.


(Man, that was easy!)

So you just make up BS. Really easy.


No he didn't.


Everyone has to declare assets, except Prayuth and cohorts.


When some journalists asked some difficult questions at the time he sold the land for hundreds of millions, he warned the journalist to stop investigating.


All this is well documented on this forum and elsewhere

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Just now, tomas557 said:


No he didn't.


Everyone has to declare assets, except Prayuth and cohorts.


When some journalists asked some difficult questions at the time he sold the land for hundreds of millions, he warned the journalist to stop investigating.


All this is well documented on this forum and elsewhere

Sure. But let's get this measured to scale, are we talking the multi-billions of Shinawatra corruption or penny-ante stuff.

Yes, we are talking the same sort of crime, but getting robbed of $10 hurts a lot less than getting robbed of $10,000.

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5 minutes ago, halloween said:

Sure. But let's get this measured to scale, are we talking the multi-billions of Shinawatra corruption or penny-ante stuff.

Yes, we are talking the same sort of crime, but getting robbed of $10 hurts a lot less than getting robbed of $10,000.

Difficult to know which amount we're talking about if not allowed to investigate, isn't it?


And if we were talking about peanuts, I think there would be no need for a a blanc amnesty for the junta

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11 minutes ago, halloween said:

Sure. But let's get this measured to scale, are we talking the multi-billions of Shinawatra corruption or penny-ante stuff.

Yes, we are talking the same sort of crime, but getting robbed of $10 hurts a lot less than getting robbed of $10,000.

So in other words when you called what I wrote BS, it was BS?

Have the Shinawatras been convicted of multi-billion dollars of corruption, or is that BS? And when you admitted that the junta leader is guilty of "penny-ante" stuff, exactly how do you define penny-ante? Several hundred million Baht sure is a pretty penny-ante!



If I didn't know any better I would say you are full of the stuff you were raised on (by your own admission).


Oh, and robbers who get away with only 10$ rarely get sympathy from the judge when declaring that "it hurts a lot less" than if they had gotten 10,000$.

That's just.....well, you know.

Edited by Becker
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10 minutes ago, halloween said:

Sure. But let's get this measured to scale, are we talking the multi-billions of Shinawatra corruption or penny-ante stuff.

Yes, we are talking the same sort of crime, but getting robbed of $10 hurts a lot less than getting robbed of $10,000.

Really!!!.....does it matter corruption is corruption and when the self appointed leader is blatantly doing it then that is hypocrisy of the very highest standard and makes the man and all he stands for a complete travesty


How can anybody have any respect for anything this complete and utter hypocrite ever utters, he is completely lacking in any semblance of honesty, integrity and is clearly a bit dim.... 

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1 minute ago, Becker said:

So in other words when you called what I wrote BS, it was BS?

Have the Shinawatras been convicted of multi-billion dollars of corruption, or is that BS? And when you admitted that the junta leader is guilty of "penny-ante" stuff, exactly how do you define penny-ante? Several hundred million Baht sure is a pretty penny-ante!



If I didn't know any better I would say you are full of the stuff you were raised on (by your own admission).

You'll have to wait until next month, wont you, because she took a runner. But there Boonsong, a Shinawatra appointee, and Apichart, close Thaksin associate and highly preferred rice agent, just gone down. And there is the KTB court case waiting defendant#1 currently abroad, along with many other cases. Just BS right, nothing to do with your little tin god?

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


How many years would a US federal court have handed down for such a significant fraud and breach of office?


White collar crime is now considered as serious as murder in some countries.

Don't know.... I have no idea about the US judicial system and completely fail to see any relevance to the point at hand...

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Just now, mark131v said:



Do you mean the predetermined punishment that was decided by the kangaroo court??


What a childish comment.


So do you think government ministers committing serious fraud is trivial? Or perhaps they should be let off because they're Shin cronies?


Shame more corrupt elite politicians, of any side, aren't dealt with the same.

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Just now, mark131v said:

Don't know.... I have no idea about the US judicial system and completely fail to see any relevance to the point at hand...


I'm not surprised you fail to comprehend any relevance.


The comparison of approaches to crimes and sentencing in different countries should help to understand mean sentencing and therefore identify extremes which may be unreasonable.


In China, they'd have been shot for instance.


Or perhaps you think they should have been let off?

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


What a childish comment.


So do you think government ministers committing serious fraud is trivial? Or perhaps they should be let off because they're Shin cronies?


Shame more corrupt elite politicians, of any side, aren't dealt with the same.

Nonsense this is a blatant stitch up and is politically motivated


They are all corrupt and I doubt a single person involved in Thai politics has anything other than self enrichment as their prime motivation but the junta are a step up from the rest


They have taken it to the next level by blatantly committing treason and stopping democratic process, they then have the brass neck to grant themselves a blanket amnesty and forbid anybody investigating their own misdeeds


Absolutely shocking but sadly unsurprising.... 


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1 minute ago, mark131v said:

Nonsense this is a blatant stitch up and is politically motivated


They are all corrupt and I doubt a single person involved in Thai politics has anything other than self enrichment as their prime motivation but the junta are a step up from the rest


They have taken it to the next level by blatantly committing treason and stopping democratic process, they then have the brass neck to grant themselves a blanket amnesty and forbid anybody investigating their own misdeeds


Absolutely shocking but sadly unsurprising.... 


Which part of the evidence presented don't you believe? Or do you simply dismiss all evidence because it doesn't fit your bias?

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1 minute ago, mark131v said:

Nonsense this is a blatant stitch up and is politically motivated


They are all corrupt and I doubt a single person involved in Thai politics has anything other than self enrichment as their prime motivation but the junta are a step up from the rest


They have taken it to the next level by blatantly committing treason and stopping democratic process, they then have the brass neck to grant themselves a blanket amnesty and forbid anybody investigating their own misdeeds


Absolutely shocking but sadly unsurprising.... 



I can certainly agree with generalized comments regarding politics.


But are you seriously suggesting that there was no fraud, no fictitious G2G sales, no deposits in bank accounts, no fictitious export orders, etc etc - and that it was all made up and false? Seriously?


Some posters on here spout " politically motivated" without having a clue. 

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1 minute ago, halloween said:

Which part of the evidence presented don't you believe? Or do you simply dismiss all evidence because it doesn't fit your bias?


Many posters seem to want to dismiss anything and everything with the mantra "politically motivated". How convenient.

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

I am quite happy to discuss supply/demand elasticity theory with you, are you familiar with it? There are quite a few other good reasons why it wouldn't work, eg.

higher price will encourage other suppliers into the market, farmers elsewhere will grow more or switch to rice. That there are so many suppliers made this inevitable

other foods are available, and suppliers may drop prices to encourage consumers to change

many consumers are poor, with price increase they will buy less (you know, STARVE)


But you knew all that, right. Try looking at The Economist's view of the scam, BEFORE it started, no hindsight, no bias, just a suppressed giggle.

Ahhh the bliss of the unaware.

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2 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

Ahhh the bliss of the unaware.

I'm glad you are happy. If you are suggesting I am wrong rather admitting you know very little but have a big opinion, why don't you try pointing out my mistakes, preferably with supporting evidence and links?

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


I can certainly agree with generalized comments regarding politics.


But are you seriously suggesting that there was no fraud, no fictitious G2G sales, no deposits in bank accounts, no fictitious export orders, etc etc - and that it was all made up and false? Seriously?


Some posters on here spout " politically motivated" without having a clue. 

Yes, there was fraud. 

But was it 46 years of fraud and pay back the money of which changes every other hour. 

Yesterday in 1 story the loss was 700 billion. In the next story 600 billion and the next story 400 billion. And did they lose all of that through corruption or was a large part of it because of the poor policy of the scheme itself. 

Lastly , do you think think present government is free from corruption?  Nobody knows. There is no checking mechanism and will not be one for many years to come. This is a very sad day for thailand. 

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You are ok with a former government minister committing a serious fraud and then running to escape justice?


Oh yes, of course, he's a Shin's boy,

of course Boonsong is a Shin's boy, Mr Beerboxer

and, as mark131v said already:

Are you completely unable to see that the whole 'justice' system is bought and paid for by the little general and his merry band and is totally rotten to the core...

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2 hours ago, halloween said:

You'll have to wait until next month, wont you, because she took a runner. But there Boonsong, a Shinawatra appointee, and Apichart, close Thaksin associate and highly preferred rice agent, just gone down. And there is the KTB court case waiting defendant#1 currently abroad, along with many other cases. Just BS right, nothing to do with your little tin god?

I'll have to wait until next month for what, the verdict in the case where she's not charged with corruption?

Tin god??:cheesy:

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Does being a complete hypocrite but expecting the rest of the country to obey you make you a fit and proper person to listen to and obey....


If somebody was to forbid authorities checking into their finances when the rest of the country has to allow it would that be fit and proper...


If somebody was to commit treason and over rule democracy at the point of a gun because they fear they are losing their grip on power, would that be acceptable...


Does taking power to stamp out corruption and then actively being seen as endorsing corruption and nepotism would that be ok...


Is it alright to make a song and dance about an elected politician trying to get an amnesty bill passed through parliament then when you have seized power to give your self and your cronies a complete blank amnesty for all past or future misdemeanours..... 


Lot of questions there....

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3 hours ago, mark131v said:



Do you mean the predetermined punishment that was decided by the kangaroo court??


You need to look again, the evidence is as clear as a bell, all mentioned many times before in the media.

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Just now, scorecard said:


You need to look again, the evidence is as clear as a bell, all mentioned many times before in the media.

Is that the same evidence that has been checked by the juntas judiciary the same one that can be replaced on a whim or sent for AA if they say anything that laughing boy and his mates don agree with, do me a favour...


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On 8/25/2017 at 9:15 AM, Tilacme said:

You are missing the big flaw, other countries filled the gap so there was no under supply, simple as that.

Here I thought the big flaw was there at the onset.


'Shinawa Inc.' knew full well this was a taking from taxpaying citizens to line the pockets of their rural base with well more than the usual electoral payoffs, in the *guise* of a 'market corner' play.  


The Nation's economics be damned has long been these 'populist' poobahs' protocol: the Kingdom's coffers are *theirs* for the taking, and if things get too hot with the courts or the generals, then beat a hasty retreat to an Emirate where who the Big Boss *really* is never  bears ruminations regarding what criticisms need silencing, and one can recover one's presumptions of plutocratic pre-eminence while waited upon by 'lesser Asians' who damned well better know their place , or be dealt with summarily . . 

(^sarcasm . . somewhat)

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