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Thailand's "biggest spoiled brat" gets 300,000 baht from mum - but there are conditions


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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

gained notoriety earlier in the year when he smashed up 13 cars belonging to neighbors in Sisaket because mummy wouldn't by him a "Big Bike".


13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

she has had to bail him out countless times as he has repeatedly fallen foul of the law.

@aslimversgwm..... I think I’ll save my well wish’s, understanding, empathy, sympathy etc etc, for someone... anyone.... friend or foe, with just a wee trace more of character, than this brat, who would probably be better served by signing up in the army.... or actually spending time inside for his many foul fallings in with the law.


lol.... and it’s more realism, than cynicism.... or I sure hope so for the sake of 4MyEgos left nuts future :cheesy:

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13 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

To help him change his ways, just give him more money... wondeful Thai elite logic.

Its Thai logic alright. My Thai wife has 2 daughters One is 16 nearly 17 goes to school still Why i dont know? When she turned 15 school rang and said they did not want her to go on waste of time. Cant learn should get job Mum went to school threw some money kid went to next stage wasting every bodies time Lazy and never tries but mum still hands over the money to her. Second daughter 20 goes to Pvt university. Cost mum 40000 Baht per year plus allowence 10,000 plus per month Plus she took mums new car totally acceptable Lucky she did that before i came because no way that would have happened. At 20 could get part time job when university  No way Saw her marks by mistake because she hides them they are so bad. 9 subjects she got 1 in 8 of them so bad should have job not university cant learn Cost Mum over 3 million Baht over 3 years so far. And for what may i ask if she gets degree might as well flush it down toilet Its is worth nothing

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12 hours ago, chippendale said:

Very stupid mommy. Her no-good son trashed other people's property and she pays him 300,000.

One suspects this won't be the last time he comes begging for more cash. Mommy's little darling.

the next time he needs money, he will brown-nose up to 'mummy', whining and tearful, telling her all about she being his loving, caring, generous mother of all mothers and he loves her sooo much.


If, (and I write this already knowing it won't happen), "if" mummy refuses to fund him, he will probably throw a massive screaming, vindictive and tearful tantrum - and then possibly kick the shit out of his previously "graaped", dearest mother.


Or, he will just viciously murder her, go on the run, wai the police when he is caught, join the monkhood, pay a 500 Baht fine to the court because he is sorry and "It won't happen again", 'cos I've learned my lesson, (again),  and then promptly  inherit his deceased mother's wealth. He will then join the ranks of the wealthy, self- entitlement brigade until his money runs out.


That sounds about right in my own personal opinion..................... for what it's worth.

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I can t believe how cynical the posters on this thread are. The young man is only 20 years old and who amongst us  wasn t a litle lost at 20.  He has graaped his mother publicly and promised to change his way.  He is entering university and training as a boxer at the same time as well as learning to express himself through photography.  I think the young man deserves our endorsement and best wishes.
I guess haters gonna hate

There is always one.

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:

Curiosity demands.... prey tell, what will you be doing with an extra left one, once you win this bet, should anyone be foolish enough to match your proposed wager?

Hmm, didn't give that too much thought at the time, God forbid an extra testy, the extra weight would be enough to send me over, oh dear, oh my, all bets are off !!!


Funny cartoon about man with saggy balls ... Getting old

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16 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

There is always one.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Two, actually. There is another p'ratt post later on. Both posters have no idea about:


Parenting in general

Thai style parenting in general

The difference between hatred and commonsense 

The difference between hatred and cynisism

The difference between hatred and sarcasm

The ability to see past problems re-ocurring at some time in the near future

Thai kids being the product of wealthy, influential fathers in the police and politics or others, (Red Bull for instance)


I don't hate them, I just despise them.


They need to grow up and thankfully,  I don't have to meet their kids, (if they have any)!


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PARENTING CLASSES are needed everywhere in the world, including Asia. Parents think of thier children as little entertainement units. 


The bigger question is WHY very few countries offer any of those classes or demand any understanding of what parenting is about? Countries NEED babies to renew the workforce. If parents are told the truth about what parenting IS, CAN and SHOULD be, most would rather die than to be a parent.

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9 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

PARENTING CLASSES are needed everywhere in the world, including Asia. Parents think of thier children as little entertainement units. 


The bigger question is WHY very few countries offer any of those classes or demand any understanding of what parenting is about? Countries NEED babies to renew the workforce. If parents are told the truth about what parenting IS, CAN and SHOULD be, most would rather die than to be a parent.


Most countries have superannuation, pensions and social security. The Thai equal is hoards of kids supporting the parents and keeping them poor and unable to advance. Just like the elites and military want.

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2 hours ago, aslimversgwm said:

Agreed absolutely with all you say sir. There are so many really nasty pieces of work posting on here. Living the life of Riley in their ivory towers and nil empathy for anybody other than their own very limited circle of friends  - if they have any that is! The hatred they express is borderline psychotic.


I was from a family of seven with a widowed mother and I was working part time from the age of 11 washing up weekends in restaurants, Friday evening 6-12 midnight, Saturday 10am-2pm, 6pm-1am split shift and Sundays 10am until 5pm, for 7 GBP a week, as my mother could not afford spending money. By 16, I was in the Royal Navy. By my very early twenties I was married with a mortgage and a child and a full time job working 80 plus hours a week.......... Hardly the stuff of ivory towers!!!


I'll tell you what I wasn't doing. I wasn't smashing 13 cars up because I didn't get my own way, I wasn't getting thrown out of school, I wasn't bringing grief to my mother, who had enough problems, I wasn't behaving like a piece of ' entitled ' crap!


I GAVE my mother money to help with siblings and household expenses from my limited earnings, I didn't take from her or scrounge it!!!


My circle of friends is wide and ranges from guys working in factories to multi millionaires, I have friends Muslim, Christian, Buddhist. friends from all walk of life from students to University teachers, from soldiers and sailors to guys collecting street waste. All I class as friends and my ' circle '  is not limited. I have good friends all over Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and NZ as well as S.E. Asia.


I neither drink nor smoke, I also do not criticize anybody that does,  nor do I have hatred for anybody and I do not think or feel I am borderline psychotic. Unless, you want to call old fashioned values such as being respectful to elders and others, being tidy and clean, speaking to others how I usually like to get spoken to myself, and neither hurting or damaging other peoples person or property.


I do get cheesed off by goody-two-shoes, all is rosy in the garden, liberalist ideas who think ' giving in and allowing this behaviour ' will result in a solution, you guys are part of the problem!!!


You are not given respect in this world, you earn it. This guy who the thread is about has constantly been a thorn in the side, well known to the police, a known trouble maker, and is the son of a parent who obviously knows little about parenting.


She thinks giving money will solve this behaviour?.................. she is pouring oil on the fire! and why the necessity that she feels she has to hand over this amount of money in a very public place with press and cameras present is totally off the charts and off my radar!!


By the way, I am not some 75 year old reminiscing about the good old days, I am 53.

Edited by Scouse123
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15 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

When he was doing his "graap", someone should have given him a big boot up the arse.

Very Thai problem. Wonglert, Thai name, not Sino; mother a civil servant, Thai not Sino. So, doting mother, eldest (or worse, only) son is a "prince" and he knows it. The witnesses are useless. The kid has no face to lose. Misery ahead.

If the family were Sino-thai, the father would take him out the back and "explain" things, keep him on a short leash and make him earn his keep.

Thai-Thais are charming but hopeless. Sino-Thais (who actually run this country) are OK. Dependable, energetic, reasonably honest. After 35 yrs here my only male "friends" are Sino-thai. Women from either side are of course wonderful, though Sinos are generally smarter. Note: Never ask a Thai if he's Chinese. If you can't see it, it doesn't matter. 

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58 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Two, actually. There is another p'ratt post later on. Both posters have no idea about:


Parenting in general

Thai style parenting in general

The difference between hatred and commonsense 

The difference between hatred and cynisism

The difference between hatred and sarcasm

The ability to see past problems re-ocurring at some time in the near future

Thai kids being the product of wealthy, influential fathers in the police and politics or others, (Red Bull for instance)


I don't hate them, I just despise them.


They need to grow up and thankfully,  I don't have to meet their kids, (if they have any)!


That's a lot of "hate". Any childhood problems about that? Take the couch. Tell me about it. 

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16 hours ago, Gracas said:

It's not 300K Baht that he needs.      But I suspect mum has always let him have his own way since birth.

You believe the kid actually got his hands on the 300K? Dumb farang will fall for anything.

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16 hours ago, Gracas said:

It's not 300K Baht that he needs.      But I suspect mum has always let him have his own way since birth.

It's just poor / lack of parenting. If the mother is a high ranking official she is probably away a lot or busy. Where is the father?

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16 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

One wonders when his mother will learn, money only encourages him to do it again, bet my left one, she bails him next time it happens, most mothers are weak, fortunately our kids are being raised by both parents who have balls 555

if you both have balls how did you give birth?

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