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Obviously, it is a major factor initially, simply because of the way life is out here.  But as the relationship develops then normal motives come in to play.


I think one has to be honest and say that in a perfect world, many young woman would not choose to be with a man past his prime for the same reason most men prefer a younger woman over a more mature one.




One of those topics that the OP knows will obtain lots of replies.


Is he referring to Thai women or all female partners in general? The OP seems to be suggesting that women are gold diggers, if not he would not be asking the question.


Men get the women they deserve and if guys let women or anyone else use them as biological ATMs, then more fool them.


A Male Farang at 65 looks old.

A Female Farang at 65 looks VERY old.

A Female Thai at 65 looks not so old.

A Female Thai at 45 looks far better than a Male Farang at 65.

At this point, money comes into play. All said.

If that's not an honest answer, then I don't know what is.


Mine never brought up money, sin sod, etc. Felt like a regular western style relationship where family and her put no financial pressure whatsoever, which I appreciated. However they did want to make sure I was stable in life, no shadiness, etc—same questions I was asked in the States by exs’ parents. She’s from Chiang Mai, artist. I think there are plenty like her out there.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

4 minutes ago, swissie said:

A Male Farang at 65 looks old.

A Female Farang at 65 looks VERY old.

A Female Thai at 65 looks not so old.

A Female Thai at 45 looks far better than a Male Farang at 65.

At this point, money comes into play. All said.

If that's not an honest answer, then I don't know what is.

The OP has not specifically mentioned Thai women, so how is this topic even Thailand related? In-fact this is rather derogatory against women. Why not ask, does your husband treat you like a servant and only want`s you for sex. 

7 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

The OP has not specifically mentioned Thai women, so how is this topic even Thailand related?

Because OP  has posted in a Thai-Forum.


17 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

The OP has not specifically mentioned Thai women, so how is this topic even Thailand related? In-fact this is rather derogatory against women. Why not ask, does your husband treat you like a servant and only want`s you for sex. 

Good idea for a next topic. Coming up soon on your forum :signthaivisa:

15 minutes ago, swissie said:

A Male Farang at 65 looks old.

A Female Farang at 65 looks VERY old.

A Female Thai at 65 looks not so old.

A Female Thai at 45 looks far better than a Male Farang at 65.

At this point, money comes into play. All said.

If that's not an honest answer, then I don't know what is.


Relative attractiveness certainly plays its part, but there are other imbalances to do with age, and life experience, eg, outlook regarding kids, life plans, and just what one finds interesting and the other not.  That's not to say that some are not perfectly suited, and, after all, many ideal matches within peer age groups falter too.


All people tend to look old as they age:smile:  Some age better than others.

2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Obviously, it is a major factor initially, simply because of the way life is out here.  But as the relationship develops then normal motives come in to play.


I think one has to be honest and say that in a perfect world, many young woman would not choose to be with a man past his prime for the same reason most men prefer a younger woman over a more mature one.



I strongly disagree with your last sentence. Personally i prefer mature women over young women who look good. More sustainable in my opinion.

1 minute ago, Been there done that said:

I strongly disagree with your last sentence. Personally i prefer mature women over young women who look good. More sustainable in my opinion.

I said 'many' and 'most'.  I didn't say all.  I would suggest that there is a minority who are sexually attracted to older partners- whatever floats your boat.  But it surely would be true to say that most people would go with the conventional route of a small age difference either way if available. At 56, I can certainly understand why most women under 45 would not find me at all attractive by age alone, and that's before other factors are considered.  One has to be aware of these things or there could be a great deal of emotional pain to come.

1 hour ago, swissie said:

A Male Farang at 65 looks old.

A Female Farang at 65 looks VERY old.

A Female Thai at 65 looks not so old.

A Female Thai at 45 looks far better than a Male Farang at 65.

At this point, money comes into play. All said.

If that's not an honest answer, then I don't know what is.

It's a universal concept that has been in place for at least the 6000 years (Thailand included).
- I am prepered that soon the "my wife is diffent from the rest" brigade will join in, claiming that an age difference of 25 years has nothing to do with any sort of financial constellations whatsoever. Very funny!
Not critizising the concept as it were. Far better to wake up in the morning to a 45 year old Thai-Female than a 65 year old caucasian woman. As long as the Farang can uphold and finance this concept.
OP asks for "honest answers". I just did.     You?


Hard to figure most women out. I do know that I have a hard time trusting any of them. Even my current one. I have been with her four years now and never a money issue. I'm back in the US for awhile banking big money. Here five or so months so far. Planning on being there soon for six weeks and she doesn't want me to bring her much at all. Maybe she sees the big picture. The long con. Maybe she is really a good choice. I just have twenty five years of living there full time under my belt and have become very pessimistic towards them.

15 minutes ago, swissie said:

It's a universal concept that has been in place for at least the 6000 years (Thailand included).
- I am prepered that soon the "my wife is diffent from the rest" brigade will join in, claiming that an age difference of 25 years has nothing to do with any sort of financial constellations whatsoever. Very funny!
Not critizising the concept as it were. Far better to wake up in the morning to a 45 year old Thai-Female than a 65 year old caucasian woman. As long as the Farang can uphold and finance this concept.
OP asks for "honest answers". I just did.     You?

Personally I think my wife appreciates my attitude, to life, to our children, to her, to her family, to Thailand, to work....oh yes and to money too. Being relaxed is just a good way to be :smile: Does that make me a member of the "I am different from the rest" brigade :shock1:




We really don't need another thread about this subject, you can just copy and paste the replies from the other threads. 





When coupling and pairing of 2 people has started to form back in the

dawn of times, the prerequsits of a female for a prspective male was

his abilities to provide for her and her offspring, it's still the same

in the animal kingdom, although the concept still evident in choosing

a mate now days, is just that greed, lust and selfishness are part of 

the game now... 


I have the opinion that any foreigner who has taken a bar girl as a partner is just another ATM machine.  Can you really believe any young 20 year old bar girl from Soi 4 is going to fall in love with a 50 or 60 year old Farang booze guzzling geezer?  You see it all the time with the old guys and a pretty young girl. She will love you until the money runs out and she will be "friends" with other beer guzzling Farangs, as soon as you are gone for a day or two.

Those of us old geezers who have married girls from the small villages, girls who have never worked the bars will probably wind up giving our wife money for a new home, a Rubber Tree farm and money for 20 Rai of land for sticky rice, not to mention money to take care of a sick mom or other extended family member. I know I have done all of that and am still feeling like an ATM machine.  Does my wife love me?  All I can say is I think so, but in the back of my mind I wonder if she is putting up with me because she knows I have a monthly income of about 180,000 baht. Maybe that is why she does not mind when I have fun with her younger sister; maybe that is why she let her best friend sleep with us, with all the benefits a man could want,  for a year. She has never taken money from my wallet or abused my AM card, but still, in the back of my mind I think she puts up with me because I am a good, big hearted foreigner who pretty much gives her what she wants.


5 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

No. My wife married me because she wanted to brag about my Serbian sausage.


I did not know that you are a chef. :smile:

2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

yes ....  money ..... and if it's not in her palm at the end of every month by 5.00pm she's leaving me. :shock1:



Give her a Goldcard like I do, takes the risk away...

4 hours ago, NickJ said:

Hard to figure most women out. I do know that I have a hard time trusting any of them. Even my current one. I have been with her four years now and never a money issue. I'm back in the US for awhile banking big money. Here five or so months so far. Planning on being there soon for six weeks and she doesn't want me to bring her much at all. Maybe she sees the big picture. The long con. Maybe she is really a good choice. I just have twenty five years of living there full time under my belt and have become very pessimistic towards them.

The long con can be noticed early on in a relationship with a thai person. Pay attention to the details and trust your instincts.

16 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

she knows I have a monthly income of about 180,000 baht.

You must have to cut back on some things occasionally i guess.  I get around 260,000 but we do eat out alot.


Money always comes into play ... old,  young makes no difference. No such-a thing as free or unconditional love (which is something that is earned and then falls due for services rendered when you can longer wipe your ass) - contingencies always apply, especially for old farts who want arm candy (which personally disgusts me and a few others I know = delayed pedophilia). That being said, pay up or <deleted>.

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