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Hello.  I'm late twenties and have a lot of grey hair.  I got my first grey hair at about 17.  I'm not the sort of person to care about grey hair, I'm a confident guy, but over the last couple of years I've noticed I'm less able to pull the prettier girls.  I just put it down to getting older i.e. guys in early twenties will be more attractive to women than comparable guys approaching their early thirties (at least when your target age range is girls under 30).  I also considered that there might now be more competition from other younger farang guys in BKK (and Thailand as a whole) than ever before.  But I read some in-depth posts online about women really not finding premature grey hair attractive (it's probably less of an issue when you get to 40-50) and figured maybe this is the problem.


I find that you will rarely get Thai people to tell you honestly if you look bad, because they worry about making you feel bad.  Except if you get fat, they're quite comfortable as a society discussing fatness.  So it's good to get opinions from online, maybe post your picture on one of the reddit 'rate me' forums.


Anyway long story short I died my hair with the cheapest product in Big C.  I don't remember the name but it's 36 baht and comes in a small box.  I chose the brown colour.  I thought my hair is more of a dark brown but I'd read online to choose a shade lighter than your natural colour as the dyes sold here are aimed at the asian market where hair is naturally darker.  It says on the packet 5 minutes which is a lot quicker than some of the others like Just For Men that you're supposed to leave in for longer.  Just For Men costs about 250 baht here, for comparison.


I got a friend (female) to apply it, since I figured girls are good at this sort of thing.  You could do it yourself but you'd need 2 mirrors to be able to see the back.  Make sure to use vaseline or another type of cream to protect your skin around sideburns etc or you will dye your skin and it will take a bit of scrubbing to get the dye out.  She used a kind of brush to apply it (not included in the pack) but I guess you could probably just use your hands with the gloves (included).


It looks really scary in the mirror before you get in the shower to wash it.  And even after you've showered twice it still looks quite dark.  But a day later it fades to a more natural colour and I look like I did when I was 20.


Over time you don't notice your body aging because it's such a gradual process.  It's not like one morning you wake up and you have a load of grey hair, so you get used to it.  It's only when you make an immediate change that you realise just how much better you look.


Anyway hope this is useful to anybody, particularly younger guys who get grey hair early.  It really surprised me how cheap and easy it was, and how natural looking the end result is.

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Might work if not too much gray.....You'll notice it growning out after 3-4 days.....


They have kits for that too.....


Congratulations - you have a new hobby.....


Some Grey on a young bloke looks cool. It's when your 60 with a limp and massive beer gut that combo starts to fall apart

I seriously doubt your not getting attention because of it.

Weight gain is usually the culprit or lack of confidence believing in Grey streaks

Dyed hair looks dreadful but never to the owner for some reason [emoji3]


Strictly on topic, if you are dying I don't suppose what colour your hair is.




My hair is full-on grey, going white, I keep a crew cut and find it less noticeable.


Merry Christmas!!


The brush your friend used is important when doing follow-up dye jobs.  You use the brush to apply the dye to the new growth, like around your temples, sideburns, nap of the neck and your part, if you part your hair.  Let that "cook" for a new minutes, then comb the dye thru the rest of your hair. 


If you just glop the dye onto all your hair for a follow-up job, you'll find it gets darker and darker and you'll start to look like the Thai matrons in their 70s who still color their hair a harsh black color.


Pay attention to how quickly your hair is going grey and once it's more than 60% grey, you should "embrace" the grey.  PM me and I can tell you about some products that enhance grey and white hair so you it can look as good as Anderson Cooper, John Kerry, the Queen of England, etc.  Premature white hair can look very good on a young person.

4 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

Some Grey on a young bloke looks cool. It's when your 60 with a limp and massive beer gut that combo starts to fall apart

I seriously doubt your not getting attention because of it.

Weight gain is usually the culprit or lack of confidence believing in Grey streaks

Dyed hair looks dreadful but never to the owner for some reason emoji3.png

OP..... this posters advise is spot on......


Don't worry about grey hair.  It is very sexy to a lot of people!!!  It's only the media making it an issue and making people worry and get self conscious about it... so they spend money on their hair dye products.  


If you are good looking, you are good looking with grey hair just the same as if you had no grey.  


In my opinion, having some grey hair and being natural shows that person is a confident person and happy with themselves, which shows that are a strong and confident person... which is what most people look for in a guy.  


I (and I suspect the majority of people) don't like it when a man dyes his hair.  It always looks fake and kind of looks sad.  Also shows he might not be very happy with himself. Now if you dye it crazy colours and have wacky style, that is different... as that too shows confidence.  


PS you can not be loosing out because of grey hair here in Thailand.  Men can look like a deformed maga obese gorilla with bad BO and a messed up mentality, and the girls will still go with them.  


Maybe you are not being confident enough?.... only a guess.  


I'm confident, I have a fairly big ego.  And I was getting better results 3 or 4 years ago, when my confidence was exactly the same level.  And I'm in better shape than I was then.  So it's either I'm looking older (possibly where the grey comes into play) or because there's more competition, or maybe it's because I'm trying to punch more above my weight than I was then, but I don't think so.


Really I couldn't care less if I have grey hair, but my guess is (I could be wrong) that Thai girls do care.  Bear in mind I'm usually going for early twenties sort of age range.  Maybe they're more shallow than older women, or maybe when they see grey hair, they see their Dad, and it's more of a deal-breaker for them.


Anyway, we'll see if this makes any difference in the next couple of weeks.  I'll report back with the results.  I'll try and post some photos as well.

2 minutes ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Really I couldn't care less if I have grey hair, but my guess is (I could be wrong) that Thai girls do care.  Bear in mind I'm usually going for early twenties sort of age range.  Maybe they're more shallow than older women, or maybe when they see grey hair, they see their Dad, and it's more of a deal-breaker for them.

You're right OP, Thai girls do care.  A Thai girl told me once that there's no such thing as a "distinguished older gentleman."  You're just old.  And if you're carrying a head full of gray, it also means that you just don't care anymore.  Which is fine...but it also means that they shouldn't care about you.  It's not just the hair.  People who just let themselves go, whether it's weight, personal hygiene, clothing, bad teeth...whatever.  It's certainly your right.  Maybe when I get to 90, I won't care anymore.  But today, I do just a bit. 

1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

You're right OP, Thai girls do care.  A Thai girl told me once that there's no such thing as a "distinguished older gentleman."  You're just old.  And if you're carrying a head full of gray, it also means that you just don't care anymore.  Which is fine...but it also means that they shouldn't care about you.  It's not just the hair.  People who just let themselves go, whether it's weight, personal hygiene, clothing, bad teeth...whatever.  It's certainly your right.  Maybe when I get to 90, I won't care anymore.  But today, I do just a bit. 

Ridiculous...at 20 or 30 I understand the need to color hair...but there is nothing more grotesque than a 50/60/70 something guy trying to look like a teenager. These are the guys Thai girls really laugh at behind their backs.

Just now, tonray said:

Ridiculous...at 20 or 30 I understand the need to color hair...but there is nothing more grotesque than a 50/60/70 something guy trying to look like a teenager. These are the guys Thai girls really laugh at behind their backs.

I don't know any 50/60/70 year old trying to look like a teenager.  Do you?


I see many older men with dyed hair, i really don't like it, doesn't look natural, it just says a man desperately trying to be younger than they really are.

I've not noticed younger guys with dyed hair so maybe it looks more plausible.

Better than a wig though

1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

I see many older men with dyed hair, i really don't like it, doesn't look natural, it just says a man desperately trying to be younger than they really are.

I've not noticed younger guys with dyed hair so maybe it looks more plausible.

Better than a wig though

Perhaps we should get some women's opinions.  I mean, who cares what other guys think.  Well, unless one's gay....and there's nothing wrong with that.   


Pictures don't really show it that well because I had my hair quite short when I dyed it.  If I let my hair grow for a week or two the grey was really noticeable, which is one of the reasons why I usually kept it short.  Thai girls aren't really into short/shaved hair though, all my exes told me to grow it.  I should be able to grow it a bit more now.




Perhaps we should get some women's opinions.  I mean, who cares what other guys think.  Well, unless one's gay....and there's nothing wrong with that.   
Unless they are blind the girls will think the same but most are paid for anyway so won't care either way

problem is mens ego's & those that cant accept the truth about themselves. Much easier when you are comfortable with who you are, not having to put on a fake front every time you go out or meet people is much less stressful, the ones with the problems are the ones with big ego's. Any relationship based on looks is bound to fail, its who people are and what your personality is that will attract genuine women, the only ones chasing ego driven men are the ones after what they can get, being genuine/faithful is not in their make up. 

5 hours ago, seajae said:

problem is mens ego's & those that cant accept the truth about themselves. Much easier when you are comfortable with who you are, not having to put on a fake front every time you go out or meet people is much less stressful, the ones with the problems are the ones with big ego's. Any relationship based on looks is bound to fail, its who people are and what your personality is that will attract genuine women, the only ones chasing ego driven men are the ones after what they can get, being genuine/faithful is not in their make up. 


I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship.  If you're aware of the ladder theory (where people keep climbing to the highest rung that they can), I think that applies to the majority of the population, before you get to that age when you want to 'settle down'.  There are very few people who are solely interested in your personality i.e. how you look is of little to no importance.  I would guess that 80%+ of relationships are based on looks (at least initially) because if the other person doesn't like how you look, likely they will never bother to get to know you/your personality.  It's shallow but I'm exactly the same and I think most people are, especially in the age of Tinder.


There's been several correlations linking the chemicals to several different cancers among practitioners ....

I don't think I'd want those chemicals repeatedly soaking in about 3/4" from my brain....

I've always had long hair but started graying in my 20's & the women liked it.....Oddly enough it never showed in photographs....

I think I noticed it more in the mirror than others did in life....I'm 6'4" so that might have helped....

5 hours ago, grollies said:

Sounds like you've reached your top rung.


Yes maybe.


I adapted this theory and renamed it the snakes and ladders theory.  Because you can just as easily let yourself go and slide down a snake.

6 minutes ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


Yes maybe.


I adapted this theory and renamed it the snakes and ladders theory.  Because you can just as easily let yourself go and slide down a snake.

Yes, at your tender years of late 20's, you are beginning to attempt an assimilation of the world, where one's appearance is important.


Hair colour isn't important, but to some people it is.


I'm not saying this to criticise you.





Why go to the dark side?


For a few years I let my hair grow out a bit then colored it blond!

Easier coverage and looked pretty good.

Now back to short hard and no more fussing with combs and gel.







I would think you made one big mistake in going for the cheapest you could get. It is cheap for a reason. Use quality for something like this mate. Don't start crying when your hair starts to rot or drop out.

Just now, impulse said:

I'm wondering what it's like to still have hair into your 30's?


Yep, mine started falling out when l was 18, what l had left was white by 40, but all my family were the same except the ladies kept their hair...:smile:


I started going bald at quite a young age , and i can remember a prog on tv where guys were blaming everything and why they could not find a girl on the fact they had lost their hair , bunch of losers ,ive never had a problem ,just be confident in what you have works every time losers . that and the millions of pounds i have in the bank :passifier:

merry xmas to all the grey haired men .

19 minutes ago, transam said:

Yep, mine started falling out when l was 18, what l had left was white by 40, but all my family were the same except the ladies kept their hair...


Just for giggles, I grew a goatee while away on a trip and it grew in pure white.  (Which, BTW doesn't match the brown everywhere else on my bod, why is that?)  I ordered some "hair coloring for men" from Lazada while I was gone and applied it the evening I returned, before I had shown off my new look around BKK. 


It was eezy peezy, just like the OP says.  And the results were impressive.  I realized immediately I had made a mistake, but didn't have the necessaries to reverse the coloring   Oops.  Still, I sported the beautiful, matching brown goatee (shaved head, BTW) for a few days just to see the reactions.  Got a lot of people saying I looked a lot younger, but others said they didn't like the look but wouldn't elaborate exactly why.  (Sadly, no young chippies got to see where my facial hair now matched up perfectly with my manbits, but that's life...)


In the middle of a small social event a week later, I quietly excused myself to a gas station rest room and shaved it off.  Strangely, nobody at the event even noticed my clean shaven face when I returned 20 minutes later.


FWIW...  Which is exactly what you paid for it.  I did leave 20 baht on the gas station sink to pay the poor schlep who cleaned up after me, though.

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