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EDITORIAL: Lowlifes in lofty places


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How many of these corrupt government civil servants will actually be punished for their crimes?

We have seen it all before. A few slapped wrists and a lot of seat shuffling reminiscent of musical chairs where only one person gets sacked.


I remember when many MP's in the UK were caught fiddling their expenses. A few were punished but most were allowed to return the cash and carry on.


When those doing the investigating have too much empathy for the guilty ,  justice has to take the back seat.

Edited by Denim
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This is not news to the everyday Thai as they know corruption is still (and has been during their lifetime) rampant in the government...both local and federal level.   It's just the nature of things in Thailand...it's just expected....assumed.   As Donald Trump would correctly say in this case:  Sad.


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3 hours ago, meechai said:

Yes it could be worse & it is worse! Much Worse !!


Just look at the top tier that taught these thieves it is ok to steal from citizens.

Shown by their actions that when you have a post high enough it is like pulling up a chair at the public trough of $$$

with their many rolex watches or billions in undeclared bank accounts that far exceed their positions income.


It is a classic animal farm where

"all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"


Is it any wonder that these lower branches now think it is also their turn?

This tree of authority is rotten from the top down in Thailand


When lower branches look up what do they see is deemed acceptable?

They see things like Red Bull BS, they see things like those with $$$ hunt rare species for fun

They see self proclaimed leaders have everything & they now also want their share




"...This tree of authority is rotten from the top down in Thailand..."


Unfortunately it's also from the bottom up.


SImple example; the local villagers analysis of their village chief: 'yes he's corrupt but it's OK because his wife now has a BMW.'



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it will interesting to see them sing like canaries ,ratting out family members and friends to save their own hides...but then again...it may just blow over like everything else in ''the land of deniles ''..

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

One honest person hopefully will bring the downfall of hundreds if not more of people  who should be classified as dogs or lice, for such appalling and shameless activity. These scum need to be identified, prosecuted, and where found guilty stripped of every asset they have, with such assets being reinstated to the fund for the destitute they stole from.

Prison? Life sentence at minimum.Name them, Shame them! Pensions? Strip them. Leave them destitute, so if they ever get out of jail, leave them at the mercy of the system they systematically robbed. 

The problem will be that this is probably the tip of the iceberg and those who are responsible for prosecuting and jailing these scum are more than likely mixed up in some form of corruption as will not want to split this open for fear of their own lives. The government in its corrupt role is gradually creating a climate of serious concern among the thais and will soon erupt into something that no one wants to happen, move over Syria.

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Just now, tigermoth said:

The problem will be that this is probably the tip of the iceberg and those who are responsible for prosecuting and jailing these scum are more than likely mixed up in some form of corruption as will not want to split this open for fear of their own lives. The government in its corrupt role is gradually creating a climate of serious concern among the thais and will soon erupt into something that no one wants to happen, move over Syria.

To add to my above comment. There will always be low level corruption here, obtaining various forms of licenses, visas, permits, traffic fines etc., this is not uncommon in western countries, but it is totally unacceptable when the government scams its own citizens.

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Nothing less than a bureaucratic or civil servant reform or restructuring is urgently required. Studies have shown that bureaucratic corruption thrive when there are period of loose management due to unrest, truncated elected government and coups. Reform is long term effort and coups are disruptive to meaningful reform. Thailand need a period of elected government to implement bureaucratic structural reform. 

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