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Thailand and Hoteliers want the Chinese over Western Tourist


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Thailand and Hoteliers want the Chinese over Western Tourist

By Dan Cheeseman 




If you live in the main tourist areas of Thailand you cannot but help notice the huge influx of Chinese tourists, mainly packaged holiday makers but some independent travelers too.


Around 10 million visited Thailand in 2017 and that figure is likely to exceed 13 million in 2018, all in all around 10% of all Chinese tourists visit Thailand; with 135 million of them having traveled abroad in 2017. And, get this, currently only 5% of Chinese have passports. The Chinese numbers will only get bigger in Thailand.


Local Expats Views are All Wrong


Up until my recent meetings with both the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) Governor and many hoteliers in Thailand, I agreed with the popular expat view. That view was the Chinese were doing nothing more than causing terrible traffic from the coaches and bringing no money into the local economy by virtue of the tour operator controlling their every move. On top of that their rudeness and bad behaviour was off putting for hotels as it ruined it for other nationalities staying at the hotel.


Well it turns out that is not entirely true.


Thailand is ready to turn its back on Westerners and get behind China first and Indians second. Hoteliers would rather have Chinese in their hotels than Westerners too.


Hoteliers WANT Chinese over Western tourists


Don’t believe me? Here are the facts. At this years ITB Global International Travel convention in Berlin the consensus is global travel is booming and the Chinese are fueling this. It is no longer a buyers market but a sellers in the hotel industry – and that is very much the case in Thailand. Hoteliers can pick and choose who they want now. (Quick note: Hoteliers are still frustrated that room rate in Bangkok is far lower than neighbouring Asian countries and that this needs to increase).


The Thailand hoteliers all agreed they preferred the Chinese traveler. You see us Westerners like to moan about everything and this often results in a rebate on room rate. Plus with Western tourists, given the mode of payment, the hotels often don’t see the money for a month (e.g. Agoda etc). With the Chinese tour group they pay immediately and upfront, and – and this shocked me – they pay more than the Western room rate. Western tourists are driving the room rate down and the Chinese tourist is driving it up.


Full story: https://danaboutthailand.com/2018/04/04/thailand-and-hoteliers-want-the-chinese-over-western-tourist/


-- DAN ABOUT THAILAND 2018-04-05

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Makes perfect sense, the hotels will take anyone's money for a profit.

With regards to the online complaining from Western tourists vs the Chinese; perhaps those sites are blocked in the black hole of Chinese censorship?

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18 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I can't really comment on the hotel occupancy rate; I'll leave that one to people who know better.


The issue that I see and hear about from friends in the tourism business is where the money from the Chinese people is going. To oversimplify a bit, it seems that certain hotels, certain tourist sites, and certain shops are doing very well.


However, as I chat with friends in the business, from shop-keepers to market stall people to small restaurateurs, they are really getting pissed off. The complaint that I hear is tourists come but spend no money at my (place of business).


I suspect that this is going to be a big issue; I can't argue with the numbers of Chinese people, I think the numbers are large and growing. BUT, if the money isn't spread around a little better, you are going to see a lot of unhappy people. And when Thais achieve a certain number of unhappy people, actions/protests start to occur.


Tourism is a great business for a country like Thailand, but only when it benefits large numbers of people. The trend here seems to be lots of money going to fewer and fewer people; that isn't sustainable on a social level.


If the wealth/profit isn't spread out better, trouble will ensue...


Tend to think if businesses in general have not moved with the times and the trends to cater for the current main market movers who are the Chinese it is really their fault and should not be complaining but finding out why they are not attracting the money.

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The (some...) hotels might want the Chinese - but the bars and restaurants, where the real bucks are spent don't. And I would also expect that boutique hotels, not in the 'high value tourism' (55555) segment could pretty much care less.

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"Thailand and Hoteliers want the Chinese over Western Tourist"

I would bet that none of these hoteliers have an "All you Can Eat" buffet.

Next it will be the bars want the Indians over Western Tourist, till they find out they need to stack up on boxes of straws.:cheesy:

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Here we talk about only 10 million Chinese and a million Indians. Thailand still has more than 20 million tourists. Where all the money from these people trickle down? May be Chinese tourists book every thing in China but they still do spend money here on many things and on many occasions. Even the studies and the numbers show that Asians spend the most a day. Check the number of back packers from the west and from the east. Where do these cheap Charlies stay and what do they spend every day. I spoke with many tour guys and all of them say openly that they get money from the Chinese and of course they are noisy rude etc... even in many islands I see Russians n their cousins from the erstwhile USSR. They stay in decent hotels. They  aren’t cheap charlies. 

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9 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

What claptrap!

Some 2 or 3 star hotels may like to have the rooms full.....no matter that the Chinese tourists fill them, as it's all about occupancy and cheap rates.

I know where I live, most hoteliers hate them!




As soon as I see the name "Dan about town" I press "delete"!

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There is no doubt that there are fewer Western tourists that come to Thailand- the simple eye test will attest to this.  Several reasons for this are the exchange rates; the lack of an elected government; corruption and scams;  turmoil in their home countries ; and other more affordable choices not to mention the closing hours of Pubs/Bars and the ongoing war on alcohol.


If you are American- why travel 20 hours to Thailand when South America is closer and more affordable; If you are European or Australian- why go to Thailand again where the airports are overcrowded and the prices have gone p when Vietnam; Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries beckon.


China and  India are close and these countries have an expanding middle class with money to spend. However, these nationalities do not spend money on the same things that Westerners spend money on-  hardly any mongering; visits to pubs/bars; mostly tours and shopping. The local businesses are hurting as Westerners  are more likely to visit these places as Westerners are not tour minded and travel individually.


Hoteliers have simply figured put what is  obvious there are more Chinese and Indians coming and they want the business.  If there were more Westerners coming the reverse would be true.

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