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Trump calls for comedian Samantha Bee's firing after crude Ivanka slur


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7 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

The most tasteless Donald Trump is one who should be fired from his position.    His comments have insulted and affected many people. I guess he has not been

recorded saying the words that he wants others fired for but he has said many other tasteless words. frick, P*ssy, curse words and other politically incorrect stuff.

I also guess he has forgotten his most tasteless remark of all time in saying that if the irritating "I. Trump" hadn't been his daughter he would have been quite happy to pursue her in a 'romantic' sense, (or similar wording all meaning the same thing) - which is almost the same as saying "I'd like to give her one!" - how tasteless is That?

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Not to disagree with the points made above, but I think something more important in the OP has been overlooked.


No doubt, I don't care for uncivil words on the media.  However, the following part of the OP, which appears at the very end, concerns me more:


"TBS is owned by Time Warner Inc, which is seeking to merge with AT&T Inc in a move opposed by the Trump administration. Disney is seeking to merge with Twenty-First Century Fox Inc."


So, whatever happened to anti-trust?


As I recall, the Communications Act of 1934, a US federal law, provided that the communications system in the USA is regulated for and in the interests of the American people by Congress and its regulatory body, viz., the FCC.  I see a problem with such a system dominated eventually by a possible huge conglomerate named TBS-AT&T-Disney-FOX and whomever, Inc. 


Now, that would justify some foul language. 






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8 hours ago, NanLaew said:

It's just another manifestation of his incredibly this, tissue-like skin.


Any Queenslander's remember when the eminently unlikable Joh Bjelke-Petersen was your Premier? His wife's name was Flo. On his last election rodeo, the t-shirts circulated by his antagonists loudly but subtly proclaimed, "Flo has one but Joh is one!"


And I recall around the same time queensland senator fields made the 'there are no homosexualites in Queensland', and jo bjelke reinforced his remark.



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13 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Unfortunately, I suspect that there will be more of these discussions...


absolutely, and they all aim to distract from the political achievements of The Donald.

"See what I mean, He is such a great philosopher as well, that he has an opinion about everything that is said on TV and the time to Tweet about it. No other President had such time management and prioritization skills, let alone the writing skills, much more to the point than those boring 10 page stories that scientists are reading and other philosophers are writing."
? I  know who I would vote for !! ?


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It is not the role of presidents to call for the firings of media workers. That's up to the policies of the media worker's employers. "trump" is totally out of line in doing that. That is the issue here. Not Bee's speech.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It is not the role of presidents to call for the firings of media workers. That's up to the policies of the media worker's employers. "trump" is totally out of line in doing that. That is the issue here. Not Bee's speech.



So  he should just suck it up ?


Bee’s comments were offensive in the extreme; she over-stepped the mark and should be sacked...... not because Trump called for it. -  but he wasn’t wrong.

Edited by Jip99
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On 6/2/2018 at 4:13 AM, smotherb said:

It seems if you agree with Trump, then Trump should get fired. He has said similar things and used similar crude terms numerous times. Worse yet, he is not trying to be a comedian and stirring the political or social pot; or is he?

Trump is good at keeping the ball at the other half, and stay away from it. 


First of all, how the hell did he get in position? And wow, how are Usa going from here? Populist win all over the world in the socalled free world, and where is the end to all of this stupidity? Total chaos before it all turn around and start all over again? 


When a president of the world most powerful country, have time to waste on stupidity on social media, and tv shows, I have no idea how he can run a country. I just feel sorry for the world. 

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7 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Trump is good at keeping the ball at the other half, and stay away from it. 


First of all, how the hell did he get in position? And wow, how are Usa going from here? Populist win all over the world in the socalled free world, and where is the end to all of this stupidity? Total chaos before it all turn around and start all over again? 


When a president of the world most powerful country, have time to waste on stupidity on social media, and tv shows, I have no idea how he can run a country. I just feel sorry for the world. 

That is how Trump relates to his followers. Social media, TV shows and stupidity are their common ground.

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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 6:40 AM, canuckamuck said:

Roseanne is train wreck and that has been her appeal. But it's hard to keep it up and she finally self destructed. It's a shame she has to be pinned onto a political movement. She was only trying to eek out a following among the Walmart crowd. Samantha Bee isn't funny and her show is boring. But she isn't the first person to use that word. It is up to the shows producers on who to hire and fire. If they can't do any better than her show, I guess she will stay. But she will probably have to keep up the blue humor now.

Overall I think the lack of quality television is the real story. Time for TV producers to up their game a little.


I never watched the first version of Barr's show, and wouldn't watch the new one ( I find few American sitcoms funny- except 2 and a 1/2 men when Sheen was in it ) as infused with PC. Even that most popular long running show MASH became so vomit inducing PC that it was a mercy killing when they ended it.

The old British comedy shows were always verging on the cruel side of humour, but always funny.

BTW, Monty Python would be banned now for the overtly "racist" things they had on their shows.


Bee sounds like she needed to make offensive remarks to attract an audience.


The issue here is nothing to do with "racism" vs "offensive"; Barr was fired because she was seen as a Trump supporter, and everyone knows it, even if they won't admit it.

Here's a thought- if a right wing "comedian" said exactly the same line about Obama's daughter, would he still have a job?


Overall I think the lack of quality television is the real story.

Spot on! Free to air tv back home is pathetic and apart from a very few shows is unwatchable. Pay tv isn't much better, except for the BBC shows they put on.


In the UK recently, the only good show I could find was re runs of Top Gear with Jeremy and co. The rest was mostly low grade garbage. Even the "news" is PC rubbish.

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22 hours ago, Hummin said:

Trump is good at keeping the ball at the other half, and stay away from it. 


First of all, how the hell did he get in position? And wow, how are Usa going from here? Populist win all over the world in the socalled free world, and where is the end to all of this stupidity? Total chaos before it all turn around and start all over again? 


When a president of the world most powerful country, have time to waste on stupidity on social media, and tv shows, I have no idea how he can run a country. I just feel sorry for the world. 

Seems some think that "democracy" is only OK if it elects someone they agree with!

News flash, Trump won, and he IS the president.

If people don't like it, elect someone else in 3 years.

Some of us had to put up with Obama for 8 years, so just live with it.


BTW, the president doesn't "run" the country. There are bureaucrats that do that.

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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 7:02 AM, mikebike said:

The general consensus is that television is experiencing a golden age of creativity at the moment. Of course not everything will appeal to everyone, and there is still crap, but to claim there is a lack of quality programming since the Sopranos to the present is quite a stretch.

I know Sopranos was popular, but I fail to see how a show about criminals doing evil things is "quality" tv. I see that other popular show "Breaking Bad" is also about scum bags, but it's not "quality", IMO.

I like shows that make me feel good, not ones that make me angry and stressed out.

Conversely, Dr Who would never be described as "quality", but it was always about winning without being evil, and on the whole was a very enjoyable show. Popular too, despite it's low production values and cheap costumes.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I know Sopranos was popular, but I fail to see how a show about criminals doing evil things is "quality" tv. I see that other popular show "Breaking Bad" is also about scum bags, but it's not "quality", IMO.

I like shows that make me feel good, not ones that make me angry and stressed out.

Conversely, Dr Who would never be described as "quality", but it was always about winning without being evil, and on the whole was a very enjoyable show. Popular too, despite it's low production values and cheap costumes.

In general the "quality" of a TV show is determined by its writing, directing, acting and production values. Subject matter is generally unimportant because, as your subjective experience makes clear, not all shows are everyone's cup of tea. This is why such diverse offerings such as Roots, Sopranos, The Handmaid's Tale, Twilight Zone, All in the Family are considered "quality" television.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems some think that "democracy" is only OK if it elects someone they agree with!

News flash, Trump won, and he IS the president.

If people don't like it, elect someone else in 3 years.

Some of us had to put up with Obama for 8 years, so just live with it.


BTW, the president doesn't "run" the country. There are bureaucrats that do that.

yes, and we know how he got in to the position, or is that also fake news? What kind of eyeopener do you guys need? And I know it is impossible to even try to explain. It is a dead end. 


BTW, are you telling me he is just a marionette, a naughty one to? 

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1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

You said that, not me, but has Trump ever called someone that publicly as that is the word that is relevant.  What offends me is not relevant.

I said what? not you?

What offends you might not be relevant. but what offends others it certainly is. You might be offended by a comedian who in the course of her job uses a slur, but others are more offended when the  clown occupying the White House demeans the office by  the use of slurs.

If a comedian should be fired by such conduct, don't you think a president should?

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20 hours ago, mikebike said:

In general the "quality" of a TV show is determined by its writing, directing, acting and production values. Subject matter is generally unimportant because, as your subjective experience makes clear, not all shows are everyone's cup of tea. This is why such diverse offerings such as Roots, Sopranos, The Handmaid's Tale, Twilight Zone, All in the Family are considered "quality" television.

Ah, we are talking about different things. You refer to high production value, good script writing etc as "quality", whereas I include subject matter in the equation.

I agree with you about production quality in the shows you reference, but I don't watch such as Sopranos or Breaking Bad, as I find the content offensive.

IMO, it's a pity that so much money and talent is used to make shows about evil people, when they could make shows about uplifting the human spirit.

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20 hours ago, Berkshire said:

As usual, you're not making a whole lot of sense.  If Barr was fired because she is a Trump supporter, why was she hired in the first place?  I don't expect a coherent answer.

Perhaps they started it because they expected it to fail, in which case they could point fingers and say "see how unpopular Trump is", and were surprised when it became popular.

Anyway, I'm not psychic, so how could I know what the reason was? I suggest that if you care so much you ask the people that made the show.

The point I was making, is that IMO they were just waiting for an excuse to close her show, but it is, just IMO.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Ah, we are talking about different things. You refer to high production value, good script writing etc as "quality", whereas I include subject matter in the equation.

I agree with you about production quality in the shows you reference, but I don't watch such as Sopranos or Breaking Bad, as I find the content offensive.

IMO, it's a pity that so much money and talent is used to make shows about evil people, when they could make shows about uplifting the human spirit.

I believe the history of written, and acted, entertainment is rife with evil characters and unpleasant subjects.


Homer and William Shakespeare come to mind...

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps they started it because they expected it to fail, in which case they could point fingers and say "see how unpopular Trump is", and were surprised when it became popular.

Anyway, I'm not psychic, so how could I know what the reason was? I suggest that if you care so much you ask the people that made the show.

The point I was making, is that IMO they were just waiting for an excuse to close her show, but it is, just IMO.

You're not psychic, but you claim to know that Barr was fired because she was a Trump supporter.  With zero evidence.  Come on.  Personally, I wish the networks would fire every dumbass Trump supporter, starting with Fox News.  America would be a better place.  But this episode had nothing to do with Trump.  It was all on Barr.     

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