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DEATH ISLAND RIDDLE:  Koh Tao mystery deepens as ‘healthy’ dad becomes TENTH Westerner to die in suspicious circumstances


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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

So from 2012 to 2018 there have been 10 deaths of foreigners on this island, I don't think it would take much to work out who did it, just see who was on the island on the those dates and go from there, but then again, do they want to expose who did it, that is the question, money talks, corruption walks.


RIP, gone far too early

My guess is that 99% of the inhabitants of the island were on the island on those dates. So that makes it easy???

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Never heard of a farang being bitten by a land snake in LOS . Anti venom is readily available even in remote provinces. As for actually dying ????? Could be suicide by harrassing and encouraging a snake to bite him.


I would definitely be following the Germans money trail and see who benefits from any Thai assets.

Alot of healthy and  cashed up  farangs die here suddenly and cops always say heart disease or suicide.

KohTao is a bad arse island controlled by gangsters and corrupt cops.Over on the mainland is a very powerful gangster family with the highest political connections in Bangkok.

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35 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:
1 hour ago, H1w4yR1da said:

Why do tourists still flock to this island given its reputation?

1. They are unaware because they most likely occupy the part of the  Bell curve that is to the left of the median.

Knowledge of Koh Tao, has little to do with ‘left of the Median’, or Bell curves. It gets publicized in direct relation to the number of people who tourist Thailand form a given country. I imagine in England and Europe it is high. In the North American not so much.

Now what happened with the Quebec sister on another island and  Jill St Onge on that same island has raised awareness … still most just don’t know. One defect with guide books telling about dangers leads to reduced sales of guide books so  Guess What Happens

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2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

And for anybody new on the scene, "suspicious" is the code word for a murder at the hands of the blood-thirsty serial killer still roaming at large and with impunity on the island.

I knew he was a snake

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Just now, Samui Bodoh said:

Why the hell would anyone, ever, visit the god-forsaken place!


Haven't enough people died there under unusual circumstances to trigger a response? What more do people need?


"...The father-of-one’s family in Ingolstadt, Germany, said authorities told them he died of “heart failure” or had been “bitten by a snake” - but they don't believe a word of it.

They claim they have still not received an autopsy report and say his body was sent against their wishes to the same Bangkok hospital that carried out botched reports on the bodies of two Brits murdered on the same island in 2014..."


Yet more discrepancies...


"...The father-of-one’s family in Ingolstadt, Germany, said authorities told them he died of “heart failure” or had been “bitten by a snake” - but they don't believe a word of it.

They claim they have still not received an autopsy report and say his body was sent against their wishes to the same Bangkok hospital that carried out botched reports on the bodies of two Brits murdered on the same island in 2014.,,"


Yet more...


"...Bernd is the tenth known foreigner to die in suspicious circumstances on the notoriously corrupt island in recent years.

Brits Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were bludgeoned to death on the beach in September 2014.

And last year, Belgian backpacker Elise Dallemagne was found dead and half-eaten by lizards having apparently hanged herself on the island - an explanation rejected by her family.

Other unexplained deaths include Brits Ben Harrington, 32, in 2012; Nick Pearson, 25, in 2014; Luke Miller, 26, in 2016; and Christina Annesley, 23, in 2015.

Russians Dimiti Povse, 29, and Valentina Novozhyonova, 23, also died mysteriously in 2015 and 2017..."


How many more?


Boycott the place.




Get it right journalist. Dimiti Povse was a Frenchman who left a suicide note in French, he wasn't Russian, and as for Valentina Novozhyonova, who said she is dead??

Christina was taking a combination of drugs and drinking, Luke Miller was drinking and living it up.

Elise Dallemagne had psychological problems.

there is not a grain of evidence these folks were murdered.

Trash tabloid writing.

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My friend from US was just there 2 months ago with his family and said it is still nice after years, although built up since we went over 25 yrs ago. I plan on taking my kids in December for their first time. I may think twice again now and look at other options.

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4 hours ago, tagalong said:

Those learned above surmising about a snake bite...As I know very well, snakes have 2 teeth to inject venom...

Did they find 2 snake teeth marks on the body?  NO!...So why say it without proof first...

Maybe truth a victim also ?

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

So from 2012 to 2018 there have been 10 deaths of foreigners on this island, I don't think it would take much to work out who did it, just see who was on the island on the those dates and go from there, but then again, do they want to expose who did it, that is the question, money talks, corruption walks.


RIP, gone far too early

I can understand getting rid of 'competition', but that would not include normal tourists. What could they possibly gain from this?

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Dimiti was reported to be in high spirits when he left his friends and went home, be was later found with his hands tied behind his back hanged from his balcony.


Valentina left her belongings behind and disappeared without taking a boat from the island, has not accessed her banks accounts or contacted anyone, she is missing and presumed dead.


Christina is reported by the police to have died from drinking while on antibiotics, but how they know this is a mystery as no toxicology report was made.


Luke was found at the bottom of the pool with a head wound and bruises all over his body, however no one knows how he was injured.


Elise did have problems, it very much looks like a suicide.

Dimiti also wrote a suicide note in French.

If Valentina is dead, which we cannot presume, it is almost certainly from diving.

Christina's Facebook account described the dangerous mixtures of drinks and alcohol she was taking.

Luke believed in yolo- you only live once. Pictures on his facebook showed him living life to the full and dangerously.

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