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"Foreigners throw trash too, you know!" - Thais reject notion they are solely to blame


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Did you know that it’s legal to dump trash in the ocean?

Yes, there are limitations for what you can and cannot dump. But it is perfectly acceptable to dump your raw sewage, paper, rags, glass, metal, bottles, or similar refuse, as long as you are at least 12 miles away from the nearest shoreline. It is not permissible to dump plastics anywhere.


When it comes to cruise ships, this trash can add up. An average-sized cruise ship would house 3,000 passengers and crew. The largest cruise ships can have up to 5,000 passengers and crew. Of these cruise ships:

  • One average-sized cruise ship dumps about 30,000 gallons of human waste into the oceans each day. If that cruise ship is within three miles of a U.S. shoreline, the sewage must be treated, but if they are outside of three miles, they can dump raw, untreated sewage into the oceans.
  • In addition to the 30,000 gallons of sewage, each cruise ship dumps, on average, 255,000 gallons of gray water per day. Gray water includes water used for showers, laundry services, and dishwashing, and will contain soap and chemicals, even toxic chemicals used for photo-processing and dry-cleaning!
  • An average cruise ship will produce seven tons of garbage and solid waste every day! In a year, approximately 15 billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the oceans.
  • The pollution produced by the emissions of one cruise ship in one day equals that of about 12,000 




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20 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Oh come on,i have seen large groups of Thai's all sit down to eat and leave all the foam/plastic box's cup and plastic cutlery in a big heap under a tree,not many foreigners do that.

Have you ever seem a group of Thai People sitting in the back of a Pick up having Lunch while on the move and distributing the leftovers including the bags freely in the landscape? so its a case of Monkey see Monkey do.

Haben Sie jemals eine Gruppe von Thailändern gesehen, die auf dem Rücksitz eines Pick-ups zu Mittag gegessen haben, während sie unterwegs waren und die Reste inklusive der Taschen frei in der Landschaft verteilt haben?

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10 minutes ago, Flemo said:
18 hours ago, HooHaa said:

It's hardly a uniquely Thai issue, the same thing happens in the Philippines during holidays, only they bring tents which they abandon as well. 



Indonesia is the same

This phenomenon is called “Lack of Education”

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yes most foreigners are educated to use trash cans not just closest hole or mass of water


thai's of course don't give a fuk


i remember going to a conference on clean energy thai were saying how dare europe talk about the cost of alternative energy


very pissed off they were

Edited by manchega
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im sure some foreigners do drop their rubbish --but im also sure that thais make most of the rubbish--too lazy to go to bin--maybe its about saving face--picking up rubbish is'beneath 'them.

they mostly give me very strange looks, when they see me picking up rubbish, in my condo area..some toot and give thumbs up--not often though--im crazy farlang ....

in my area--most of the rubbish , is caused by the 'rubbish collectors' they leave such a mess after their scavanging, then the dogs spread it even further...

there is ample rubbish bins---even in pattaya , the collectors always leave a trail of rubbish behind themselves....

it would cost f..all for local council to pay un-employed people to DAILY pick up rubbish off the beaches and central roads---they get huge income from tourists---more tourists would definitely come here if cleaner--

i have family who wont return to to the filthy beaches..

it would also ease the flooding problem a lot= less blocked drains..

i think the recycling scavengers are great---if they didnt exist -there would be lots more rubbish lying around...


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Would be ignorant to say no foreigners throw rubbish. But in my time, Thais are woeful, and if you are not sure about that, go to a remote township with minimal to no farangs residing, and see the crap everywhere. 

Phi Phi island, has rubbish boats docking regularly. I haven't been there for some time now, but last time, the boats were overloaded, rubbish was not contained and fell overboard easily. From the mainland to the island, one could just simply follow the path of floating crap, you wouldn't get lost.

It is very sad, as Thailand has some beautiful coastline. 

Having a shoreline with a distinct waterline marking of rubbish doesn't really get one interested in taking a dip.

I try my bit, however insignificant it is, by picking up said crap everywhere, and asking for my one bottle of chicken soup not to be double bagged in hardcore plastic bags, and reuse the shopping bags ( with startled, shocked expressions on Thai faces ).

It's probably more about education....

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21 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Remember being on Kho Samed walking along the beach with a local girl I was dating at the time. Along the way there was an empty 5 liter can of oil on the beach. I rhetorically asked, “Bloody Hell! Who goes round throwing crap like that on the beach?” She replied, “Yea, foreigners often throw their trash on the beach”. 


Foreigners throwing their rubbish on the floor really is a pebble in the ocean compared to the locals doing it. 



I agree. There are 65+ million Thais and how many money spending foreigners on any given day? Logic would dictate the more people of any group, the more opportunity for anti-social behavior.


Additionally, the country is a trashbin in many areas less frequented by foreigners.

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The robot burnt out after just three weeks of non stop cleaning of one beach.. Has been scrapped and dumped in the bushes on Rok-Nok, along with all the other rubbish on Rok-Nok. That those bloody "Foreigners, keep taking there, then dumping on the beach. Has anybody been behind the taverna on the beach there, and walked down the path? It is where the water monitors now hang out in the trash!!!

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1 hour ago, Grusa said:

There is only one answer to Thailands' many problems. We need to colonise the place, and run it properly for a century or so. 

Indeed, I also hear the economy is doing not so bad though with a country currenlty ruled by a corrupt dictator its anyones guess the truth

none the less the queen could scrape some resources from this shithole

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22 hours ago, baansgr said:

I suppose thats why Jomtien beach is relatively clean most of the time but once its a thai holiday, the rubbish is unbelievable....saw a girl in a restaurant yesterday picking her nose and rolling her bogies....dirty unclean nation

She was getting her revenge on the smokers.

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From what I have seen, there is no treatment of stormwater runoff.  what I mean is all the garbage around the drain just goes right out to sea!  All they need to do is run it over a large grate, and stop the garbage from flowing out.  And dispose of the garbage.  Its not coming from people littering on the beach!    This is the Thai governments fault.  They also need better refuse collection as a whole.  They need to clean up the place, we are suckers for not complaining.  Complain to your hotels, travel agents, anyone who will listen, and say you won't come back.  Its the only way to fix the problem.

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23 hours ago, happy chappie said:

You won't catch a Thai walking the beach and collecting rubbish for sure.i don't mind doing it really as I hate sunbathing.bit of exercise,clean the beach up and feel good for it afterwards.oh and I once found 5 baht.so a good deed doesn't go unpaid.

On my local beach, a Thai lady from the village cleans a good stretch of obvious litter every day. My wife and I often speak to her. On rough days when it is stormy she cleans a frontal stretch of the pedestrian esplanade surrounding the local reservoir lake. Locals rod fishing from there frequently leave trash despite litter bins being provided.

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1 hour ago, hsovereign said:

20 years ago when I was a kid I saw tractors going on to the Spanish beaches early in the morning.  With a big rake behind them,  picking up any garbage and making the sand look pretty awesome.  Why can't they do that in Thailand?? 

To lazy,  Can't be bothered,  Some else's problem. and so on, and on, and on. 


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What they (Thais) do not understand the issue really is....nobody regularly cleans anywhere!!  The residential streets, the highways, unused roads, outside of shops, throwing litter out of cars, Beaches, national parks, stinking rubbish bins, cooking oil etc down drains etc, they just don't care!!

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