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For those who use visa agents ... A heads up.

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17 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

There are lot of expats that don't meet the requirements. The very same expats that live throughout los single or with families and enhancing the joint. And if they are truely serious get rid of all income statements from embassies. This stuff belongs in a Monty Python scene or perhaps Yes Minister.

It's not for Immigration to ban income letters because three or four embassies throw their toys out of the pram. Anyway, a lot of expats move to small villages to get away from  'enhancement' by their peers....

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17 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The whole thing is quite entertaining, and while I understand that the idea was to stop agents putting through dodgy applications, and making money into the bargain, it does not seem to have achieved that. Talking to two agents I know today, they have already found a way around it, but guess what? They will now be charging more money than before, so the system seems set to continue as before, with the agents Big Joke was trying to put out of business, simply making more money, while causing major inconvenience to all the rest of us. Way to go there BJ, another epic fail!

And in answer to the OP, in Pattaya, you can apply 60 days prior to the last extensions expiry, so your mate can do his in time.


It was obvious from the outset that a mere variant (probably more expensive) of obtaining "a way around it" would be the main product of the initiative.


Because the system is up against a creature of its own making:


Top to bottom, the endemic and rampant culture of buying and selling......."a way around it".


They would need a Cromwell to change it.


They might get one.


But it would then cease to be a dream destination for expats.





Edited by Enoon
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2 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

You're blaming the system for a lack of clarity from Thai Visa posters?


its 30 days at Jomtien but they are somewhat flexible. I've done several extensions slightly more than 30 days early without a problem. Last December I went in 42 days early. I was told they'd accept it if there was a good reason such as travel plans but otherwise it would need to be closer to 30 days. 


Never heard of any office allowing 60 days.


Since most people use  the same office each year, all you need to know is what your office accepts. The fact that it may be different at other offices shouldn't really matter to you.

Even in one particular office, different officers can tell you different things, at the end of the day, dealing with Thai IOs can be a hit or a miss.

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5 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

The embassies did not "throw their toys out of the pram". Thai immigration realised that the 4 embassies were not confirming the details but rather just stamping the application, so they said that they could not accept them.

Immigration could have read what the letters said All This Time - it was printed right on them exactly what they were.  In the case of the USA, it is a "sworn statement under penalty of perjury."  They did not recently "realize" anything.


Do all of the other embassies verify the information provided back to the income-source?  Or did getting rid of the letters from the USA, UK, and AU simply get rid of "enough" income letters to ensure much higher agent-money returns this year?

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13 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

The embassies did not "throw their toys out of the pram". Thai immigration realised that the 4 embassies were not confirming the details but rather just stamping the application, so they said that they could not accept them.

Thai immigration have "never" made any such statement. If you could somehow still get an income letter from the embassies, Thai immigration will still accept it. They are still accepting them today, long after the embassies stopped issuing them.

The only reason they stop accepting later this year is the letter need to be under 6 months old.

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17 hours ago, sumrit said:

I'll wait for an update on what your two agents can/can't do. 


I find it hard to believe they've already found a way around the system when the rules and regulations on how the three monthly finance checks on the money in the bank haven't even been released yet. They might be confidently quoting more money for the service now but let's wait and see how they get around the rules.......once they know what those rules are of course.


Well maybe they have found a way around the 'new rules', but the general seems to be determined to clean this up so don't totally discount that he might introduce further rules or processes to  stop the errant imm. officials or whatever is needed to stop any corruption. 


Let's not forget since he got promoted to a very high rank and came so strongly into the overall picture he has quickly sidelined / sacked many officials and cops. 



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35 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Let's not forget since he got promoted to a very high rank and came so strongly into the overall picture he has quickly sidelined / sacked many officials and cops. 

Low level IOs doing "action on the side," are what I have seen, so-far.  If the big-name agents are rounded up and forced to testify in exchange for lighter sentences, and their IO-contacts are forced to testify on the amounts they had to pass up the chain, taking down those with higher-ranks, and so on up the chain - then I will be convinced. 

I am not suggesting this would be easy, regardless of an honest desire to accomplish the goal (I cannot read his mind).  It would take the threat of long jail sentences, and a team of investigators who are not connected to those "on the take," to make that happen - as has worked to take out similar systems elsewhere in the world.

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