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If alcohol were illegal, would you still live here?


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If it was banned,there would be a lot less accidents and deaths on

the roads,also loss of life by drunk people with guns,trying to save


It will never happen as too much revenue derived from the sales,

of alcohol,the ones that cannot do without will be scrambling to

stock their fridges before the election. used to drink as a youth.but not for donkeys years,and better for it.

regards worgeordie

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2 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

If it was banned,there would be a lot less accidents and deaths on

the roads,also loss of life by drunk people with guns,trying to save


It will never happen as too much revenue derived from the sales,

of alcohol,the ones that cannot do without will be scrambling to

stock their fridges before the election. used to drink as a youth.but not for donkeys years,and better for it.

regards worgeordie

Dont be so sure, they said that about tobacco 50 yrs ago, and look at it now.

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9 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

If it was banned,there would be a lot less accidents and deaths on

the roads,also loss of life by drunk people with guns,trying to save


Meth may be causing more of these than alcohol, in Thailand especially.

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1 hour ago, Boomhauer said:

So, should it be banned outright because some people dont need it? Why should others suffer and have liberties snatched away because a few dont like it? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Did i say it should be banned ? You asked if i would live here if it were banned. I would.


I don't think it should be banned actually i think weed should be legal here too. 


I do think they should revoke the visa and kick people out who drive and drink (or get high) and far more alcohol checks should be done.


Like you I hate it when liberties are taken away because some people abuse it. Its an easy way to solve a problem, instead of letting the police do their work and check more cars and bikes for alcohol.  So no I don't think it should be banned.

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Years ago on a trip to Kuwait, the fact that I couldn't (easily) get a beer was hugely frustrating! If it were openly-available, then I wouldn't have got stressed.  I had to settle for one of those revolting malt drinks...


Nowadays I drink very little alcohol.  A ban wouldn't affect me.


Now if there were a ban on sex in Thailand....????

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10 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

i reckon many did, back when they could still get it up.

I have seen many transition.  They come here for sex and some drinking, and end up with just the drinking.

Several guys the bottle is their best friend. Their gf.

I think it is sad but not uncommon here.

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A decision like that would be another major red flag for sure, and would likely send the country and the rank and file military, into full blown uprising against the *___________ .


* Can't say the word cause it's banned.  ????

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The question should have been, when you first came here and alcohol was banned would you live here? Then my answer is not a chance. But since like a lot of you out there, I have tapered down myself but I still do enjoy a drink now and then. But if banned, there is still somewhere to get it and drink it under wraps. So yes. 

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some interesting answers for sure. it seems that for the most part it wouldn't prompt many people into moving elsewhere. I do worry we are treading a worrying path at the moment regarding alcohol, and I truly hope that it remains legal despite all the media horror stories. 

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Drank last night for the first time in a few months...The wife even 1/2 a Blue Moon wine - which she might have once a blue moon....

So - nope, it wouldn't bother us.....

We do keep a couple of bottles of wine around when RVing for a few months when stateside (basically because they don't have it here) - same deal, could be weeks or months between sips....

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Banning alcohol only leads to it going underground. Take a look at the Middle East, especially Saudi. Never a problem there as most people brew there own, especially the Saudis !!!

Sure, the price of the real stuff is expensive, but there are loads of alternatives.

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I will not miss alcohol, I can drink beer light with my dinner , no problem . 

But if they ban alcohol it will be available on the market anyway, just like weed and yabaa. So people who can't live without it will always find a way. 




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20 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Dont drink the stuff, wouldnt bother me in the slightest, each to their own. I can never understand those that get upset/bothered when for one reason or another they close for 1 or two days and they seem to almost panic!

I think the sentiment is that a government doesn't have the right to tell adults of legal age whether or not they can have a drink more than anything else. Like on election days or religious holidays. If people want to drink, it should be up to them. 

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Absolutely not. Why would I want to live amongst a bunch of wowsers and teetotallers in a foreign land run by a kill-joy military junta with no legal access to something I enjoy on a regular basis. I stayed for 3 weeks in a condo complex in Lumpini, Thanyaburi where the 7/11 stores didn't sell alcohol on the orders of the body corporate and had to walk a kilometer to buy beer. Couldn't understand the mentality behind banning the sale of alcohol there in a land in which legally you are allowed to buy it. I would not remotely entertain the idea of spending even a few days in this country if alcohol was outlawed.  

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10 minutes ago, phuketsub said:

but I still can't pick up a can of Leo at 7-Eleven at 4:59pm.


Disgraceful embarrassment.


I would love to see one of these new blowhard political parties pick up this issue.

Go to a mom and pop shop, they usually don't care. Can't be so hard to say "Beer Leo, Sam Kuat, khrap!" insert number as appropriated.

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