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Another one bites the dust (me)


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48 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Continue from #192


How many of you foreigners in relation have been ask to be 100% Thai, first time I was asked this I was thinking what the hell does that mean. I asked a Thai man he couldn't answer and I speak enough Thai to more than get by whenever the opportunity came I even asked a number of Thai doctors who lived in the West and they just smiled and went silent. Today, I keep it inside but the last thing I ever want to be is Thai if die today and given a choice by god what I would like to come back as sadly I would like to return as an assassin full time instead of part time so I can kill as many Thai men as possible but of course that is a joke! Inside I think I love Thai people more than their leaders because I think I have a understanding they have been short change particularly the poor to be brained washed in their schooling to believe Thailand is the center of the earth thus the worse excuse for anything in Thailand " This is Thailand "  my family knows today if they want to see the mean side in me just say those words!


Maybe I'm so Thai that in a number of situation I've heard Thai women say in conversation " foreigners treat us like dogs "  I've seen many races including my own who treat women like dogs and Thai men are no exception and I've been in a number of situation in my village that I had to break a Thai man from beating the shit out of my wife friend next door.  I'm somewhat of an gold standard of foreigner look like them, speak like them, eat like them but in the end I'm still a goddamn ATM. Rarely do I give advice to another Thai women how to catch a foreigner I keep it all to myself due to language barriers a word might mean one thing to us but an insult to them. But if they seem receptive to what I have to say I pretty much tell them your interest comes from one thing and that is money when you get comfortable with it you will do what human nature does that is show off and when you can't that is went the trouble starts.


Another thing that is bad here is Thai women getting together and drink they start to talk and compare as to what they get from other foreigner they insult each other and don't even know it and when you lack education to be secure about yourself you start to buy into what their friends are selling. On a personal note my brother close friend married a Thai women had a baby, he was pretty financially set, moved here with closed to 50 million baht purchased home, car the American dream today it is all gone. Started the socialization women group drinking comparing she wants to keep up with the Jones gamble it all away today everything is gone. 


Many foreigner when I meet them for whatever reason they tell me their girlfriend or wife went to University met her job this job that why I didn't ask because they were bargirls, in Pattaya whenever I see a old couple I can generalized and say 9 out of 10 she was in the business and I would be right. I'm Asian unless you grew up in the West you want to be with your own kind speak their native tongue. It is about upward mobility money wise why go down or straight across some do because they think foreigners are holding out on them so they stick it out hoping your were lying or they can change you like all women do around the world.


Thai women that have been burned and brainwashed think to get as much as they can before they leave health wise or because they know why we come to Thailand first and foremost for the pussy and as men like Thai men we will leave for greener grass trading up for a younger model So being with a foreigner is status and if you provide none like a Thai then it is all about losing face pure and simple you can't rid what is breeding into them for generations you just hope it had be reduced to a point you can balance out the relationship?


When we say wired, Thailand culture many only see the colors but if you spend a lot of time with Thai people they are oppressed and depressed particularly with their feelings. They don't like to talk or communicate keep it all short and sweet asking question makes them look stupid the reason even when they are lost they won't stop to ask for directions. The keep everything bottle Thais walk around like a ticking time bomb you never know what is going to set them off even the men. All this Sawasdee Ka/krup Mai pen rai is all nothing but B.S. one wrong one word especially if it is from a foreigner the bomb goes off.  I've been in a number of situation as a Asian once they realized I wasn't a Thai Boom!


Today, my son is all grown up has a Thai wife and a 1 year old daughter everyone is living in my mansion. My wife and son are more low key and I'm getting use to her comes from a very poor family but when she talks it drives me up the wall it is her regular demeanor and tone how she was brought up by her parents in their household. I watch my son at times its as if he is going to go off and whenever we are alone I have that man to man talk this is what women do all over the world particular here even if it is "This is Thailand"  get this get that instead of asking they seem to be yelling? I'm a believer never to touch a women that has been taught to my son but I've seen some Thai women go off that makes one think " that women needs to have her ass whipped ".


For myself, years ago I was given a choice if I wanted to stay I wasn't going to be blackmailed so I took my son to a church here in Pattaya make sure he understood why I was leaving but I will see him everyday and I kept that promise to the letter that is the difference between some of us westerner instead of a dead beat Thai man. I left and later she told my brother wife I didn't really mean it I should have know like a Thai man. I looked at my brother and we were thinking is there a Thai school for men that teaching you the opposite. When someone tells you to leave you leave right!  No here they mean silent treatment and after a while they get over it!


So don't leave yet but honestly you were unhappy before this happen if there isn't anything to keep you and need a break then do it!  If she doesn't call she doesn't call because it take two to make things work there is got to be some foundation and foundation can't be build on money alone. Today is it perfect for me the grass greener the truth is no I have good and bad moments but we have an understand she tries to meet me in the middle today she see many of the things she refuse to listen or see in the beginning there is more respect on her part. 


Today I actually give her much less than the beginning she has come full circle knowing that I'm more than a ATM that when I'm hurt or cut I have feelings and my blood is red like everyone else just like a Thai!


Good luck sir and best wishes hang it there you are lucky to have choices to be able to go back home. Myself I've pretty much burn most of my bridges stuck here so all I got is time to vent thanks everyone for listening!


Fascinating and depressing. 


I have no idea if I want to stay in Thailand now. 


If you didn't burn the bridges, would you go back home?

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59 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

How many of you foreigners in relation have been ask to be 100% Thai, first time I was asked this I was thinking what the hell does that mean. I asked a Thai man he couldn't answer and I speak enough Thai to more than get by whenever the opportunity came I even asked a number of Thai doctors who lived in the West and they just smiled and went silent. Today, I keep it inside but the last thing I ever want to be is Thai

Assuming that you are Thai with the phrase "you foreigners".


If not, "Today, I keep it inside but the last thing I ever want to be is Thai". Don't blame you mate. I presume the Thai doctors told you that it involves having your penis shortened by 50%.

Edited by Spidey
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3 hours ago, Pravda said:


If I did I'd feel like even bigger idiot now.


Here's a good question.


Her parents built us small house after we got married. Yes, they paid for it. Do I have any claim to this asset? Maybe I should make the divorce interesting a bit and lawyer up?

Yes, it is half yours. All assets acquired after the wedding day are split 50/50.

Everything she had before the wedding day is hers, and everything you had before that is yours. 


Go see a lawyer. She will have to pay you out. Play hardball.

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1 minute ago, metempsychotic said:

what is stopping you from getting another visa, or even going through the extension process.


I think I explained this in previous posts. The only Visa I can get is a tourist visa, but I'm a bit nervous about that as the immigration will see I was living in Thailand for almost 5 years.

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1 minute ago, Pravda said:


I think I explained this in previous posts. The only Visa I can get is a tourist visa, but I'm a bit nervous about that as the immigration will see I was living in Thailand for almost 5 years.

Its the truth! and surely anyone could see that, if when/if questioned you explain exactly what happened and you are being open and honest in having the correct visa for your situation at the time.

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6 minutes ago, Pravda said:


I think I explained this in previous posts. The only Visa I can get is a tourist visa, but I'm a bit nervous about that as the immigration will see I was living in Thailand for almost 5 years.

living in Thailand for 5 years with the correct visa.

I fail to see why a ivsa change would prove problematic if done correctly and you don't start stacking them.

i used to do non immigrant B for 10 years, changed to non immigrant O for a number of years and now i come and go every few months on tourist exemptions, but thailand is no longer my main residence now, although i maintain a house there and am frequently in and out, though rarely for more than 2-3 week at a time as i work in the region.

also, are you certain your wife would not co operate to get you one more marriage extension?

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Hey man, if it was not a supportive relationship, why hang around. However, if you have sunk considerable finances (home, car(s), farm, etc.) and have a usufruct then stay in the home independently.

Whatever you do, best wishes.

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Thanks for the reassurance guys. I'm just scared my next thread is not going to be here I am locked up in idc. I guess if all fails I'll get a tourist visa.

Edited by Pravda
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7 minutes ago, Pravda said:

Thanks for the reassurance guys. I'm just scared my next thread is not going to be here I am locked up in idc. I guess if all fails I'll get a tourist visa.

You would only get locked up in IDC if you're caught overstaying, if for any reason you are refused entry with a Tourist Visa/Visa Exempt you'll be denied entry and sent back to where you came from.


If you're really concerned, Tourist Visa at a friendly Land Border is best + you're allowed 2 Visa Exempt entries (each can be extended) per calendar year.


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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

Assuming that you are Thai with the phrase "you foreigners".


If not, "Today, I keep it inside but the last thing I ever want to be is Thai". Don't blame you mate. I presume the Thai doctors told you that it involves having your penis shortened by 50%.

Foreigners? out of habit trying to be P/C since I'm Asian myself should I have just use " white guys "?

Maybe it was being born Asian in the U.S. the healthier food and milk etc. but I've never had any complaints even from white chicks I had dated.  Girls here in Thailand think they are going to get it easy when I BF then in the room I hear complaints about too long or big I joke all the time told you Made in the USA. Younger days and past my cousin in Hong Kong and China when in the bathroom use to try to get peek while I was peeing the Chinese girls say I have a big dick said my nickname was hunglo. Never had a complaint never really thought about it too much until I came to Thailand and started to hear the 3-3-3. 

I was the only Asian on my Junior college basketball team the guys on the team said: " you noticed the black guys don't like to shower at the same time with you ".

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3 hours ago, Pravda said:


Fascinating and depressing. 


I have no idea if I want to stay in Thailand now. 


If you didn't burn the bridges, would you go back home?

Sorry didn't mean for it to be so fascinating or depressing. I've been told by many close to me if they didn't know me would say I was bullshitting. Been told to write a book about my life living here told by many living here longer never had heard of such stories. To be honest I'm glad because I would never wish what has happened to me on anyone I know I'm a minority so don't let staying here stop you from staying. I say to many although I'm a minority don't think it doesn't happen and keep your head in the sand just don't get too entrenched into being Thai and enjoy the time you have left.

I go with the moto if you put yourself in the position for something to happen the chances it will happen? 

I made my bed and not I got to sleep in it, regrets yes I have many but when I wake up and see my wife, son, and granddaughter it puts a smile on my face the last few years have been better. There was a time I felt I would crack and die here very violently growing up in America I experience prejudice and racism and done more than my share in my life but living here the discrimination and racism beat all by a long shot and I'm Asian.

As for bridges, they are burned I could never go back for good and even the short trips I make back home it isn't safe for me. I came here pretty liberal as a person very negative about my country but after living here no matter what is going on in America it gave me many things I just took for granted things Thai people should learn it would make their lives richer so they can lead instead of being lead and treated like dogs by their own government. If I could turn the clock back I without hesitation take my wife and son back to the U.S. I feel guilty that I short change my son.

Edited by thailand49
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44 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

I hear complaints about too long or big I joke all the time told you Made in the USA. Younger days and past my cousin in Hong Kong and China when in the bathroom use to try to get peek while I was peeing the Chinese girls say I have a big dick said my nickname was hunglo. Never had a complaint never really thought about it too much until I came to Thailand and started to hear the 3-3-3. 



You're on to something here.


I'd like to add more, but not sure if the post will be removed.


What's 3-3-3

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Is there a reason she won't sign the marriage papers so you can stay in Thailand even if she wants you out of her life? That don't cost her anything right? Is there anything you could do to convince her to change her mind? That would be my focus. Id tell her I won't make problems if she would help you with that. If it has passed the point where she would help you that's says a lot too. I know there are women you just can't reason with. She Is not the only one who waisted 4 years. Sometimes things happen for a reason and you could end up in a better place once this is all through. Wish you the best.

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8 hours ago, Pravda said:


You're on to something here.


I'd like to add more, but not sure if the post will be removed.


What's 3-3-3

3-3-3 is a term used (IMHO by jealous old Expats) in the Philippines to describe the Koreans & stands for...

3 inches,

3 minutes,

3,000 Pesos


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15 hours ago, thailand49 said:

Continue from #192


How many of you foreigners in relation have been ask to be 100% Thai, first time I was asked this I was thinking what the hell does that mean. I asked a Thai man he couldn't answer and I speak enough Thai to more than get by whenever the opportunity came I even asked a number of Thai doctors who lived in the West and they just smiled and went silent. Today, I keep it inside but the last thing I ever want to be is Thai if die today and given a choice by god what I would like to come back as sadly I would like to return as an assassin full time instead of part time so I can kill as many Thai men as possible but of course that is a joke! Inside I think I love Thai people more than their leaders because I think I have a understanding they have been short change particularly the poor to be brained washed in their schooling to believe Thailand is the center of the earth thus the worse excuse for anything in Thailand " This is Thailand "  my family knows today if they want to see the mean side in me just say those words!


Maybe I'm so Thai that in a number of situation I've heard Thai women say in conversation " foreigners treat us like dogs "  I've seen many races including my own who treat women like dogs and Thai men are no exception and I've been in a number of situation in my village that I had to break a Thai man from beating the shit out of my wife friend next door.  I'm somewhat of an gold standard of foreigner look like them, speak like them, eat like them but in the end I'm still a goddamn ATM. Rarely do I give advice to another Thai women how to catch a foreigner I keep it all to myself due to language barriers a word might mean one thing to us but an insult to them. But if they seem receptive to what I have to say I pretty much tell them your interest comes from one thing and that is money when you get comfortable with it you will do what human nature does that is show off and when you can't that is went the trouble starts.


Another thing that is bad here is Thai women getting together and drink they start to talk and compare as to what they get from other foreigner they insult each other and don't even know it and when you lack education to be secure about yourself you start to buy into what their friends are selling. On a personal note my brother close friend married a Thai women had a baby, he was pretty financially set, moved here with closed to 50 million baht purchased home, car the American dream today it is all gone. Started the socialization women group drinking comparing she wants to keep up with the Jones gamble it all away today everything is gone. 


Many foreigner when I meet them for whatever reason they tell me their girlfriend or wife went to University met her job this job that why I didn't ask because they were bargirls, in Pattaya whenever I see a old couple I can generalized and say 9 out of 10 she was in the business and I would be right. I'm Asian unless you grew up in the West you want to be with your own kind speak their native tongue. It is about upward mobility money wise why go down or straight across some do because they think foreigners are holding out on them so they stick it out hoping your were lying or they can change you like all women do around the world.


Thai women that have been burned and brainwashed think to get as much as they can before they leave health wise or because they know why we come to Thailand first and foremost for the pussy and as men like Thai men we will leave for greener grass trading up for a younger model So being with a foreigner is status and if you provide none like a Thai then it is all about losing face pure and simple you can't rid what is breeding into them for generations you just hope it had be reduced to a point you can balance out the relationship?


When we say wired, Thailand culture many only see the colors but if you spend a lot of time with Thai people they are oppressed and depressed particularly with their feelings. They don't like to talk or communicate keep it all short and sweet asking question makes them look stupid the reason even when they are lost they won't stop to ask for directions. The keep everything bottle Thais walk around like a ticking time bomb you never know what is going to set them off even the men. All this Sawasdee Ka/krup Mai pen rai is all nothing but B.S. one wrong one word especially if it is from a foreigner the bomb goes off.  I've been in a number of situation as a Asian once they realized I wasn't a Thai Boom!


Today, my son is all grown up has a Thai wife and a 1 year old daughter everyone is living in my mansion. My wife and son are more low key and I'm getting use to her comes from a very poor family but when she talks it drives me up the wall it is her regular demeanor and tone how she was brought up by her parents in their household. I watch my son at times its as if he is going to go off and whenever we are alone I have that man to man talk this is what women do all over the world particular here even if it is "This is Thailand"  get this get that instead of asking they seem to be yelling? I'm a believer never to touch a women that has been taught to my son but I've seen some Thai women go off that makes one think " that women needs to have her ass whipped ".


For myself, years ago I was given a choice if I wanted to stay I wasn't going to be blackmailed so I took my son to a church here in Pattaya make sure he understood why I was leaving but I will see him everyday and I kept that promise to the letter that is the difference between some of us westerner instead of a dead beat Thai man. I left and later she told my brother wife I didn't really mean it I should have know like a Thai man. I looked at my brother and we were thinking is there a Thai school for men that teaching you the opposite. When someone tells you to leave you leave right!  No here they mean silent treatment and after a while they get over it!


So don't leave yet but honestly you were unhappy before this happen if there isn't anything to keep you and need a break then do it!  If she doesn't call she doesn't call because it take two to make things work there is got to be some foundation and foundation can't be build on money alone. Today is it perfect for me the grass greener the truth is no I have good and bad moments but we have an understand she tries to meet me in the middle today she see many of the things she refuse to listen or see in the beginning there is more respect on her part. 


Today I actually give her much less than the beginning she has come full circle knowing that I'm more than a ATM that when I'm hurt or cut I have feelings and my blood is red like everyone else just like a Thai!


Good luck sir and best wishes hang it there you are lucky to have choices to be able to go back home. Myself I've pretty much burn most of my bridges stuck here so all I got is time to vent thanks everyone for listening!

..thanks for your great experiences and insights into the complexities of Thai women.

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Look at it  this  way, I spent  15  years with a  woman in the UK  (not  married) came home  one night and she calmly said she hadn't missed me whilst Id  been away for a week. I said  in that case I may as  well leave and did that very  night.

The end result was after  giving it 6  months with no contact at  all she called  round to my house to say it was definitely over.

I started  chatting online with Thai  women and married one ...14  years ago.

Long  since moved to Thailand and I thank the day the old  girlfriend dumped me.

Look at is a   new chapter that may be better than the old.

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On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 8:48 AM, Pravda said:

I was expecting to be ridiculed by now, but hey I'll take the good wishes.


I am actually in a very bad mood today. Haven't slept all night. This is one way of venting.

You should go out and play with the bar girls. Maybe you will notice how much fun they can be.

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3 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

3-3-3 is a term used (IMHO by jealous old Expats) in the Philippines to describe the Koreans & stands for...

3 inches,

3 minutes,

3,000 Pesos


I was told that by a Flip bar girl, although I never gave more than 2k.

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16 hours ago, thailand49 said:

Continue from #192


How many of you foreigners in relation have been ask to be 100% Thai, first time I was asked this I was thinking what the hell does that mean. I asked a Thai man he couldn't answer and I speak enough Thai to more than get by whenever the opportunity came I even asked a number of Thai doctors who lived in the West and they just smiled and went silent. Today, I keep it inside but the last thing I ever want to be is Thai if die today and given a choice by god what I would like to come back as sadly I would like to return as an assassin full time instead of part time so I can kill as many Thai men as possible but of course that is a joke! Inside I think I love Thai people more than their leaders because I think I have a understanding they have been short change particularly the poor to be brained washed in their schooling to believe Thailand is the center of the earth thus the worse excuse for anything in Thailand " This is Thailand "  my family knows today if they want to see the mean side in me just say those words!


Maybe I'm so Thai that in a number of situation I've heard Thai women say in conversation " foreigners treat us like dogs "  I've seen many races including my own who treat women like dogs and Thai men are no exception and I've been in a number of situation in my village that I had to break a Thai man from beating the shit out of my wife friend next door.  I'm somewhat of an gold standard of foreigner look like them, speak like them, eat like them but in the end I'm still a goddamn ATM. Rarely do I give advice to another Thai women how to catch a foreigner I keep it all to myself due to language barriers a word might mean one thing to us but an insult to them. But if they seem receptive to what I have to say I pretty much tell them your interest comes from one thing and that is money when you get comfortable with it you will do what human nature does that is show off and when you can't that is went the trouble starts.


Another thing that is bad here is Thai women getting together and drink they start to talk and compare as to what they get from other foreigner they insult each other and don't even know it and when you lack education to be secure about yourself you start to buy into what their friends are selling. On a personal note my brother close friend married a Thai women had a baby, he was pretty financially set, moved here with closed to 50 million baht purchased home, car the American dream today it is all gone. Started the socialization women group drinking comparing she wants to keep up with the Jones gamble it all away today everything is gone. 


Many foreigner when I meet them for whatever reason they tell me their girlfriend or wife went to University met her job this job that why I didn't ask because they were bargirls, in Pattaya whenever I see a old couple I can generalized and say 9 out of 10 she was in the business and I would be right. I'm Asian unless you grew up in the West you want to be with your own kind speak their native tongue. It is about upward mobility money wise why go down or straight across some do because they think foreigners are holding out on them so they stick it out hoping your were lying or they can change you like all women do around the world.


Thai women that have been burned and brainwashed think to get as much as they can before they leave health wise or because they know why we come to Thailand first and foremost for the pussy and as men like Thai men we will leave for greener grass trading up for a younger model So being with a foreigner is status and if you provide none like a Thai then it is all about losing face pure and simple you can't rid what is breeding into them for generations you just hope it had be reduced to a point you can balance out the relationship?


When we say wired, Thailand culture many only see the colors but if you spend a lot of time with Thai people they are oppressed and depressed particularly with their feelings. They don't like to talk or communicate keep it all short and sweet asking question makes them look stupid the reason even when they are lost they won't stop to ask for directions. The keep everything bottle Thais walk around like a ticking time bomb you never know what is going to set them off even the men. All this Sawasdee Ka/krup Mai pen rai is all nothing but B.S. one wrong one word especially if it is from a foreigner the bomb goes off.  I've been in a number of situation as a Asian once they realized I wasn't a Thai Boom!


Today, my son is all grown up has a Thai wife and a 1 year old daughter everyone is living in my mansion. My wife and son are more low key and I'm getting use to her comes from a very poor family but when she talks it drives me up the wall it is her regular demeanor and tone how she was brought up by her parents in their household. I watch my son at times its as if he is going to go off and whenever we are alone I have that man to man talk this is what women do all over the world particular here even if it is "This is Thailand"  get this get that instead of asking they seem to be yelling? I'm a believer never to touch a women that has been taught to my son but I've seen some Thai women go off that makes one think " that women needs to have her ass whipped ".


For myself, years ago I was given a choice if I wanted to stay I wasn't going to be blackmailed so I took my son to a church here in Pattaya make sure he understood why I was leaving but I will see him everyday and I kept that promise to the letter that is the difference between some of us westerner instead of a dead beat Thai man. I left and later she told my brother wife I didn't really mean it I should have know like a Thai man. I looked at my brother and we were thinking is there a Thai school for men that teaching you the opposite. When someone tells you to leave you leave right!  No here they mean silent treatment and after a while they get over it!


So don't leave yet but honestly you were unhappy before this happen if there isn't anything to keep you and need a break then do it!  If she doesn't call she doesn't call because it take two to make things work there is got to be some foundation and foundation can't be build on money alone. Today is it perfect for me the grass greener the truth is no I have good and bad moments but we have an understand she tries to meet me in the middle today she see many of the things she refuse to listen or see in the beginning there is more respect on her part. 


Today I actually give her much less than the beginning she has come full circle knowing that I'm more than a ATM that when I'm hurt or cut I have feelings and my blood is red like everyone else just like a Thai!


Good luck sir and best wishes hang it there you are lucky to have choices to be able to go back home. Myself I've pretty much burn most of my bridges stuck here so all I got is time to vent thanks everyone for listening!

I have herd/read similar from other farang.  Stuck here sums it up, later to be forced out by draconian immigration...

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maybe you took your christian vows; better or worse, blah blah blah and broke vows to God!!!  Lol.  i don't care about that, but some do.  OK you gave up in a marriage, probably gave up in other things in life, ok ok...it's probably more you than you think.  


to MARRY (marriage isn't a joke, but serious) someone and you are not super, super, super fluent in their language (or vice versa) is the dumbest thing I ever heard.  impossible to be great friends with lack of communication.  impossible to work if your minds cannot connect.  


and no good laws here for idiots that buy a house and then lose 100%.  so horrible business decision as well.  


hopefully no kids are involved.  hopefully families aren't destroyed, and the lady can re-marry (likely difficult, or with another farang, then another divorce).


farangs are very, very selfish and then it doesn't work.  not surprised.  marrying a girl 20-years younger who doesn't understand English......really just a lack of education on both sides.

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On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 9:14 AM, Lacessit said:

The OP is well out of it. Nothing worse than a complaining, whingeing woman. Be grateful it's only been 4 years of YOUR life wasted.

The worst thing the OP could do now is try to patch things up.

But it seems he is proud to be together with a career woman - independent of all her other "qualities".

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