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Talk of coup rears its ugly head again


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6 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

Oh my god, he cannot be serious. This is the PM saying, listen if you don't do what I say, I will just stage another coup.


TIme to apprehend this person and put him to trial. 


After all is said and done, he and he alone is responsible for this mess. Dodgy constitution which isn't even the one that got 'approved' two years back. 


You cannot call a dictatorship a democracy.

If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck it is a DUCK. - -

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6 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

Oh my god, he cannot be serious. This is the PM saying, listen if you don't do what I say, I will just stage another coup.


TIme to apprehend this person and put him to trial. 


After all is said and done, he and he alone is responsible for this mess. Dodgy constitution which isn't even the one that got 'approved' two years back. 

Sjaak 327

i would be very careful if I was you. Your mouth is moving in the wrong way, before your brain is active. It is a military government, you have been allocated the red spot on your forehead. 

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6 hours ago, neeray said:

The only viable solution is to call for another election. But !!! A fair and square one this time. And the appointment of the 250 senators should be nullified first.


Yeah, I know, dream on.

ANNND let the people vote for both houses!


The hand-picked senate is an absolute joke! -

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5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

As I said earlier, he is dispensable. His usefulness and his protector have expired. Only the manner of his exit. 

Perhaps another reason why he is unable to form a government because someone does not want him too????

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Not really surprising is it. Right from the very start the election conditions & rules were so confusing that no one could interpret them...or there were many interpretations. The junta and its puppet EC etc. probably knew in would end in chaos so that the junta to stay in power.

Edited by TKDfella
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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What would happen here, if the Thai people were to behave like the people of Hong Kong, and show some resolve, show disapproval of this incompetent government, and decide it is time for the army to depart the scene? Nobody likes them, nobody approves of them, and they are despised by most. They are harming the economy, utterly devastating tourism (Western tourism, the kind that bring in the money), and have no vision for the future. Get rid of the goons. Another coup? Or would the army finally get the memo?

Reminds me of the Millwall FC song, ''Nobody likes us, we don't care''

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Democracy = of the people by the people for the people.


Thai 'democracy' means, of the military by the military for the 'rich and powerful'.  Sad, eh?


It will take a rebellion by all ordinary Thai persons to change that but, I don't think they have the guts for it. :sad:

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6 hours ago, BobbyL said:

It is a shame that the Thias aren't as passionate about democracy and politics as the Hong Kong citizens.


Perhaps in another generation or so. 


cannot compare hk's education system to thailand.  night and day

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

It would be interesting if there was another coup.

First thing Prayut would still want to be boss, but just think about the present army boss, he gonna stage a coup, then sit back and not want to be the boss, no way, it would be an interesting time.

None of them will be the decision maker.

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7 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

Oh my god, he cannot be serious. This is the PM saying, listen if you don't do what I say, I will just stage another coup.


TIme to apprehend this person and put him to trial. 


After all is said and done, he and he alone is responsible for this mess. Dodgy constitution which isn't even the one that got 'approved' two years back. 

months and months ago there was  a picture of this guy.....and underneath it.....it said "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT TO DO" so this must be what he is doing NOW !!!

anyone else remember this PHOTO???

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All the gossip that one hears about different army factions in competition is TOTALLY irrelevant to the freedom and wellbeing of the Thais: either way, the Thais lose (or rather, continue to lose) their liberty.


The power games are not for the benefit of the ordinary Thais; they are solely for the benefit of the 1% of the Powerful !

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6 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I agree and assume you are referring to this mean looking critter General Apirit Kongsompong now the present army boss. He has coups in his genes being the son of a previous military coup leader, General Sunthorn Kongsompong.



 Is he being sponsored?  I'm sure I've seen the same stickers on foorballers . . . 

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If the military are such a big part of events here in Thailand, why don't they do what army people do and use code-words? 

So, instead of saying, "I predict a coup," how about using a code-word (or words) for the key phrases. Like sink your teeth into and candyfloss.

So, when they say, "Sink your teeth into the candyfloss," we'll all know that the diesel engines are warming up and the boots are being laced.  When we see, "Mmmmm, they've just taken a big bite with this candyfloss", we know "stuff's" seriously going down.

However, those not in the know, i.e. tourists will think, "Wow, Thailand's now the Land of Candyfloss. I want to go there right away."

The results being, the military stay in power, the number of tourists increase, an entire industry of sickly sweet, rot your teeth, sugary stuff is spawned, medical dental-tourism quintuples overnight, and Thailand remains both a premium holiday destination as well as the world's candyfloss eating chart-topper.

Seriously, no need for thanks; this one's on the house.

Edited by Odisan
Comma omitted.
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7 hours ago, BobbyL said:

It is a shame that the Thias aren't as passionate about democracy and politics as the Hong Kong citizens.


Perhaps in another generation or so. 

You may want to take that up with the many Thai citizens who have been jailed over the last 5 years on dubious charges as well as the many Thais who have died at the hands of the army going back to when the monarchy was over thrown and became a constional monarchy. Do some research on Thai history and learn a bit

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9 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

Given the frequency with which Thailand has had coups in the past, you have to say the next one is probably overdue already.

The last Coup has not ended yet!!!!!

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Was planed from  the very beginning. The problems with minister posts are self-inflicted, but ON PURPOSE. It will secure another 4 to 5 years in the hand of weirdos. If the people don't love you like your father, you compensate with an iron fist.

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7 hours ago, londonthai said:

it well might mean, that they are the same person writing under different nicknames. They do came in waves. Log out and comes another poster

I don't think so. I've had dealings/discussions with Baerboxer using the PM system on a couple of unrelated topics, and I count him as a genuine fellow, albeit with very set personal opinions on certain things in the field of Thai politics which can come across as obsessive (I tease/take the mickey on those along with many other posters). I don't think he is manipulating the system as you suggest. Scorecard has a totally different style.

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