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Proposed additional two-day holiday for officials rejected


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1. Nowhere in the article as translated does it actually make any case for how giving a bunch of lazy civil servants extra days off would do anything to expand tourism here.


2. Another dead on arrival proposal from the Tourism Ministry, following hard on their heels of their keep the bars open until 4 am in tourism areas proposal that also appears to be going nowhere. Not off to a very auspicious start for the new minister.


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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

Common sense prevailing for a change,civil servants only work mon-fri,while

most of the working population have to work 6 day weeks,notwithstanding,

it would have inconvenienced a lot of other people.

regards worgeordie

You think civi servants only work Mon - Fri...? Officially yes, but  lot put in may more hours than that. My wife works at least 12 hours a day in office and also at home. And when there ARE extra holidays....she uses them for meetings! I asked her why - she said there is not enough time in the week to have meetings during the week. Last weeked she was at work both Saturday and Sunday in meetings. Look at immigration; they are open well beyond office hours many days. Not all civic servants do this, as it depends on their position, but it's wrong to think all civil servants work 8am-4pm weekdays. 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayut said he was fed up with critics who also attacked the e-wallet measure for boosting tourism.

"To be eligible for the subsidy, Thais must register for an e-wallet with the government and the Bt1,000 in the e-wallet must be used in certain shops taking part in the government programme."


Yeah, I don't understand why people might be critical...because its stupid.


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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

2. Another dead on arrival proposal from the Tourism Ministry, following hard on their heels of their keep the bars open until 4 am in tourism areas proposal that also appears to be going nowhere. Not off to a very auspicious start for the new minister.

1.  Stop all the double pricing of foreigners when entering  parks and attractions and charge the same price as Thais pay.


2.  Double the Amount one can bring in duty free/


3. Reduce the tax on alcoholic drinks by 25%


4.  Reduce the tax on Hotels by 30%

5.  Stop harrasing tourists who enter the country.

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