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sold assets

Blue bruce

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21 hours ago, SteveK said:

Another good reason not to spend more in Thailand than you are prepared to just walk away from if the brown stuff hits the fan.

I couldn't live here without owning a motor car.

Actually couldn't live anywhere on the planet without owning a car.

I've owned a car from the first day getting my drivers licence back in Aus. 

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40 minutes ago, Blue bruce said:

thought our relationship was good. A few days ago when i called she said all happily i have a surprise for you

 Then she shows me a pic of the new car.

So the "happiness" in your Marriage/ relationship is ruined over this car fiasco you think?  

Can I ask how old you are and she is? Are you still working in the USA periodically? 

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Contact Sebastian Brousseau from Isaan Lawyers. He is Canadian, so speaks English. Is working in Thailand for years as a lawyer. Website: http://www.isaanlawyers.com/?fbclid=IwAR3qTVXjiIFy6ujwBLaST5gGF7WWtb0JXlPYoZLcdr6t3fOMZ2NBw910p74

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On 11/7/2019 at 6:05 AM, baansgr said:

Forget the house, its hers you can't get nothing....welcome to the club of ripped off foreigners...file a police report about the stolen car, three month window, after that is a civil offence...yet another example of thievery here by someone's different tirak

That's not true. The land could be constituted as hers though if he has the correct paper work and documentation to prove that he purchased them both then a good lawyer could argue his case.

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3 hours ago, hilfinad said:

Contact Sebastian Brousseau from Isaan Lawyers. He is Canadian, so speaks English. Is working in Thailand for years as a lawyer. Website: http://www.isaanlawyers.com/?fbclid=IwAR3qTVXjiIFy6ujwBLaST5gGF7WWtb0JXlPYoZLcdr6t3fOMZ2NBw910p74


foreign lawyers are not allowed to work in  ... THAILAND


is what he said...   he might own the firm, that's it

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She must have forged your signature to do so. 


 I've bought a big bike from a dishonest Irish guy who lied to me that the owner would come to Thailand on New Year's Eve, but he's only trying to make some money.


We had the book, but there's no way to get the bike in my name without the signed after a printed copy of her ID card.


The problem was that we didn't know where she lived, and we finally found an address in Korat. But the lady had left Thailand many years ago and lives in the US now.


It wasn't lovely to beg for a copy from her, and we went through hell. There's no way to get it in my name without the signed copy. 


That gave me the creeps, and we needed six months to solve this problem. Luckily the bike wasn't stolen, including the book.


OP, go to the cops and do all you can to get all your stuff back.


Best of luck!!!






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1 hour ago, eisfeld said:

Just in case people have the wrong impression. Foreigners are not allowed to work as lawyers in Thailand. It's one of the protected professions. He's the Managing Director of that law firm. So he can talk to you and understand your problem but he can't directly provide legal advise, that's the job of the Thai lawyers he is employing.


Materially I don't think it changes all too much in this case but if you ever see a lone foreigner pretending to be a lawyer without having Thais perform the actual legal work then run.


Never worked with Isaan Lawyers but they might be worth a try for the OP. At least to get an initial impression of his legal situation.


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19 minutes ago, Brickbat said:

In Thailand, esp in association with a Thai partner, only invest what you can afford to lose. Advice for those who have yet to cross the line.

I'm not sure of the point you're making. 


What I can gather from your statement is that you have an extremely boring life here in Thailand with no possessions. 

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29 minutes ago, justin case said:


Section 341 Whoever,  dishonestly  deceives  a  person  with  the  assertion  of  a  falsehood  or  the concealment  of  the  facts  which  should  be  revealed,  and,  by  such  deception,  obtains  a property from the person so deceived or a third person, or causes the person so deceived ora  third  person  to  execute,  revoke  or  destroy  a  document  of  right,  is  said  to  commit  the offence of cheating and fraud, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.


Wow - a fine "not exceeding 6000 baht",  Cars cost how much? 1 - 2.5 Million baht? 

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On 11/7/2019 at 6:24 AM, bkk6060 said:

He can try, but probably a big waste of time.

With proper connections ownership of a bike can be transferred in a day.

Also, maybe she used the abandonment excuse.

Which is probably what she did prior to sale.

Should be an interesting case.

buying the car was a good choice..

buying the house was a good choice...

but your girl was a big mistake.

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5 hours ago, eisfeld said:

If you purchased these after marrying then couldn't it be considered marritial property and not 100% yours/hers anymore? I'm not sure how Thai law works exactly in this regard but it's something to consider. If you divorce then for example you'd have also a claim on 50% of the property value even if it is on her name.


You should note when he said this............


the house is in her name of course with myself signing some papers at the land office.

That usually means although married when they bought the house he had to sign papers at the property office stating he fully understands he has 0% rights to this property.


As others have said at "That Time" he could have set up something stipulating a 30 year lease on house or that the land was hers but the building his/hers etc







Edited by meechai
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Section 71 If the offences as provided in Section 334 to Section 336, first paragraph, and Section 341 to Section 364 are committed by a husband against his wife, or by a wife against her husband, the offender shall not be punished.

This seems to indicate that there is no CRIME involved, in such a circumstance.  It does not negate the possibility of recovery in a CIVIL lawsuit.

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6 hours ago, Blue bruce said:

I will return to Thailand in 17 days. I will try a d gry it sorted out than. As of right now she thinks every thing just fine. I have not made an issue on the phone. I dont think this going to end well for me. 

Police help ha ha. Thanks for all the responses

Do u have Any solid advice for newbies going to Thailand?

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1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

That's not true. The land could be constituted as hers though if he has the correct paper work and documentation to prove that he purchased them both then a good lawyer could argue his case.

Ok, that paper he said he had to sign for the land purchase.  That is a declaration that none of his money was used to purchase the land.  The land and building are separate from each other.  The ah bah tah does the paperwork for the building.  But if his name is not on that either then nothing he can do.

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