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Pattaya: No wonder tourists aren't coming - pack of ten attack "just arrived" Irishman

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8 hours ago, Nkpjed said:

I honestly don’t understand why anyone would go to these places. You couldn’t pay me enough money to go to pattaya.

I doubt anyone is offering.

I know this venue and yes there are a few too many youths lounging around acting as security thinking they are tough. But they don't start problems. I also expect this venue is struggling, last time I visited there were few customers. Same as the rest of that street. 

If indeed the security attacked him like a pack of hounds, the place should be closed down... the owners 2 other previous venues already have closed. The one on Walking St used to be good. I remember being in there when it got raided once. 

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49 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

You, Jastheace and Sanemax are confusing me.

IRISH Teds, Mods, Rockers?


No, Mods and Rockers were referred to as holligans in the 1960's and the word predates that by 70 years .

  Just do a websearch . 

Your Brit Bashing attempt has failed 

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6 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

Dont hear of too much trouble from the Indians or Chinese????.

Different types of issues. 

1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

The expression was introduced in Europe as "football hooligans", after the Heysel Stadium disaster in 1985.

Not many Irish football teams are known in Europe...

Later the expression was used with no connection to football.

Google presented me with :-

The Compact Oxford English Dictionary states that the word may have originated from the surname of a rowdy Irish family in a music hall song of the 1890s. Clarence Rook, in his 1899 book, Hooligan Nights, wrote that the word came from Patrick Hoolihan (or Hooligan), an Irish bouncer and thief who lived in London.


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Must admit when I saw large belly on pavement, it was a please don't be Brit moment. :whistling:


Excuse further cynicism, but wouldn't surprise me if the army would condone this kind of carry on. It would go with their current MO... to further quell this side of Thailand and dissuade others from coming for the other.

But, more likely - as mentioned - the ole puffed up bar bill. Pay as you go, chaps, and of course avoid doing any Quasimodo-esque bell ringing.

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5 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

Same old story? Namely, guy runs his mouth, gets a ass whoopin' - then whines to the cops.

yep , wait for todays 'news' story. but usually irish guy states he is mafia

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18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Sounds a totally innocent man...

So as expected there is more to this story than a lot of the snowflakes on here were hoping. Sounds like the pack of 10 was a massive exaggeration and the newbie Irishman decided he didn't want to pay the bill.


Nothing makes staff more angry than that as they have to pick up the bill

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no, this is distraction from the basic parameters,

we want sun, and while we are anyway at it, bang for buck sun.

safety comes way down on the list, far below convenience such

as electric.

if they truly want more tourists the value of baht has to come down,

but its a bit of balance act here, preferably as high baht as can be done

before customers look for cheaper alternatives,

just like any other business


2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Here is a different perspective. If that is what a tourist likes to do with his holiday that is his business. Not everyone enjoys climbing interminable temple steps or watching ladies wave their fingers about with fake long nails on. It would be nice if a guy can stumble home safely, Pattaya owes him that, if he has otherwise been well behaved. 

The 'beauty of the country, the culture and the food' is not what Pattaya is about....

Where do you get off telling people to stay home when they need tourists. 

Yes indeed, each to his own.  I spent many a happy night stumbling home in my first few years here, never got into the culture, but never got into trouble either.  It's a matter of attitude in the  bars, if yours is bad you have to be aware that theirs will be a lot worse! 

1 hour ago, gmac said:

Yes indeed, each to his own.  I spent many a happy night stumbling home in my first few years here, never got into the culture, but never got into trouble either.  It's a matter of attitude in the  bars, if yours is bad you have to be aware that theirs will be a lot worse! 

As they say, if you go out looking for trouble, it will find you. 


The good thing about Pattaya


me 30yrs here, feel always afe,no issue, no overchraged cheatet in BArs , never.......


But some (drunken) Guys looking for trouble,they will get it even in Pattaya, Guyswith no human sense, in other countrys they would be knockedd  down more quick than here



less income/earnings in the city = increase of crime


and the responsibility for less income/earnings in pattaya ,  is the fatal thai goverment....with all the stupidness of no smoke,no this ,no that,massive checks,immi laws,coonstruction any street  and so on,i could put up a list.... somehow i feel in a policestate here now......not the same like bfr


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20 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

As they say, if you go out looking for trouble, it will find you. 

Some places you dont have to look for it. But in this case the less tourists like this not a problem.

10 hours ago, sanemax said:

.............why dont you just state where you think the word Hooligan originates from ?

Instead of pretending to know things, why dont you just state what you know ?

I think Hoolihan and Hooligan might be variants of the same name.  Of course the most famous use of the word is "football hooligans", typically from the UK if I am not mistaken.

9 hours ago, Redoubt said:

Life teaches that 'there are two sides to every story'. 

There are actually '3 sides'.

His side.

Her side.

And the truth.

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In all of the years I have been in Thailand, I have never once been involved in an incident involving violence by Thais. When I lived on Samui I had some close calls with drunk Brits and Aussies in bars. But never Thais. I think as long as one is respectful, does not do anything stupid, and if an incident does happen, if you have a good and respectful attitude toward a Thai, it is unlikely you are going to be harmed. 


Of course there are always going to be exceptions. And some of the bouncers in Pattaya, and Patpong are out of control.


1. But, you stay clear of them, and you do not give them the opportunity.

2. Never go into one of the upstairs bars on Patpong. Better yet, never go to Patpong.

3. Do not go into Karaoke places, unless you are with a Thai friend. Not worth the risk of getting ripped off. Avoid any sort of confrontation with a bouncer. They love to engage. Do not give them the opportunity.

4. Do not confront a Thai man. It is not worth it. You will never win. If you kick his butt, his buddies or some bystanders may get involved, or he and his friends will kick your butt. Lose, lose, regardless.

5. Keep your distance from drunks and do not give ladyboys an opportunity to rob you.


As long as you follow some real basic sense rules, Thailand is as safe as anyplace in the world. 

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If what the venue manager, Ms. Naruemon, claims to be true, and confirmed with CCTV footage, I can understand the initial defense of her by staff.


I do not accept the subsequent beating of the customer, as some sort of punishment, or revenge, by up to 10 staff members. I would be interested if his wallet or money was taken from him during the assault.


On the basis of such a ferocious assault, regardless of fault, Ms. Naruemon, I will never be going to your establishment, and will be advising visiting friends not to also.  

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I always tell tourists do do say f word with dealing with locals, they do not understand the difference of just saying f that or f you. When they hear the f word they instantly assume you telling them to F off .


irish and Brits love to use f word quite frequently 

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There is a simple answer to how this confrontation could have been avoided.

Had the Irishman been an upstanding, interactive reader of TVF like all the rest of us old farts, he would have been fully informed of the DOs and Don'Ts when out partying and drinking in Pattaya.


Take me for example. I've never been there but have probably read most of the posts that related similar situations. I would be street savvy, pub savvy. Same for all the other rules that go along with drinking and carousing. It's all there on TVF.


(And I'm not even running for POTY. Take that NCC170).

20 minutes ago, Leaver said:



You say you have been paying, they say you haven't paid anything, even when they know you have, and you know you have. 



30yrs in pattaya , never happend ,even i am a frequent visitor to the bars. ( but with human sense)


.but how often i see customers espec from GB,IR,AUS ...who had always  such a problem,,and sometime when i see the situation, i wonder why thais can stay so nice and not bang them,,,,,,,,,,,,,the attitude of some of this guys are just horrible

but buissenes getting more taff, so the rejection is getting more taff


and if this happend, can only in the cheater bars.when y go with the promotors to supid ping pong show.. than pay it once and dont do it again

if bill far to high , pay it, go to the police and claim it..i will be sure  you get part of the money back, bcs nobody want get involved with the police at this time

19 hours ago, hotchilli said:

But they can't seem to learn the lesson.

As others have mentioned, when tourist numbers and spend are down, things get tough and as I and others have said previously, crime and beatings will increase because of the tension.

It is no different to where I live, although the beatings don't seem as regular, but just the other evening there was a scuffle outside a bar between a farang and two Thai guys, and another farang was standing there trying to calm things down, doing nothing as regards being involved in this scuffle, and suddenly from behind a Thai came and king-hit him on the side of the face, knocking him down.

I have seen this sort of behaviour and much worse in the past and it would seem that there is a growing resentment against farang's here, quite possibly because the farangs have money and the Thais don't, so hatred and jealousy abound.

The problem is, that the problem will only get worse if things continue as they are.

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21 hours ago, dallen52 said:

Yes, and how many times did he say "get an ambulance "

They will be putting ambulance points along Beach road the way it is going. 

He was swearing to the police and nobody knows if they didn't already ordered one.

22 hours ago, baansgr said:

Its not funny or amusing anymore.....hence the lack of tourists or even expats bothering to go out...bill padding at almost every venue, police stops every few klicks and getting robbed or beaten up....rip patters

Several places on walking street are putting a 10% service charge on the bill.

Just to add insult to injury..

So chance is you get average service and food.

You possibly get a bit of bill padding.

You give the expected tip.

And then find a 10% service charge on the bottom. 



5 hours ago, cdemundo said:

I think Hoolihan and Hooligan might be variants of the same name.  Of course the most famous use of the word is "football hooligans", typically from the UK if I am not mistaken.

What does football have to do with this ?

What do hooligans have to do with this thread ?

Hooligans exist in every Country and its rarely happens in the UK these days 

Anyway, lets get back to the Irish hooligan in the story

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