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"Drive slowly if drunk" - New Year Thai road sign stuns the Japanese


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One thing to remember is that alcoholics are worse drivers if they don't have a drink and are suffering hallucinations and delirium tremens. 

They should still be banned and fined but remember they suffer from a disease.


I passed my driving test in the UK after a few drinks. I'm not proud of the fact.

I'm proud that I've never driven with ANY alcohol in my system in 25 years in Thailand.

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It may sound weird but living in issan a couple of years and having  a grasp of their mindset this warning/advice makes perfect sense for me. In  some areas they realise that people will drinkdrive around the holiday seasons and you can't stop them doing so no matter what. Hefty fines/loss of licence will not deter most. A polite warning may actually help stop speeding people who think they are the reincarnation of Ayrton Senna when drunk. A slow drink driver definitely safer than a fast one.

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5 hours ago, Chazar said:

thats  right  i  mean  driving  head on  into  the  opposite  traffic  lane  when  doing 20kph slowly as  drunk  and  the  other  vehicle 90kph for sure would  mean everyone just walks away with a  minor  nick............u cant make up some of the replies here can you!


so doing 80kph and the other vehicle 90kph is a better outcome then?


i swear u cant make up some of the replies here can you!




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one thing that always make me laugh about these threads is that despite the universal condemnation, outside of Bangkok i can count on one hand the amount of times i've seen an expat grab a taxi or tuk tuk home after a skin full


especially true the younger the expat and the further he/she is from civilisation.. samui for example


Edited by GeorgeCross
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7 hours ago, tifino said:

at least with the same story running on multi threads...

one gets to have a second laugh ???????? 

the problem is not enough alcohol.

When a Thai drunk has enough alcohol ,he will not stop drinking until he

falls asleep. The problem arrises ,when his bottle is empty before he passes out .

He is still able to get in his car ......and do some stupid accident. His already ,more drunk and sleeping friends , did the right thing "drink til you drop"

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20 minutes ago, revup said:

Decades ago, I had a college lecturer who reasoned that since we cannot stop drunk driving, then perhaps we should teach people to drive safely when drunk.


in Europe years ago they set up drug testing kits at rave parties because the authorities reasoned that the young were going to take drugs regardless of anything they could do.


they saved a lot of young peoples lives doing that



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21 minutes ago, GeorgeCross said:


so doing 80kph and the other vehicle 90kph is a better outcome then?


i swear u cant make up some of the replies here can you!




Quite right. 

Laws of motion and mechanics comes into play.

A vehicle that is doing say 80kph if hitting a stationary object, wants to continue at least another metre or two.

And its contents obviously. 


If a vehicle is doing 80kph on the road, once the traction on the road is removed its effectively doing 160kph airborne. 


All this means little to the average drunk driving a vehicle... 


Just contributes to the 60+ daily news of carnage. 

Edited by dallen52
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6 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

What do they mean 'sometimes'. 


The irony being that nothing about the problems on Thailand's roads is a joke. It is a 'deadly' serious problem.

Its not a problem for thai people. 

They drink, get drunk,  fall down,  get up, No problem. 

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6 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Perhaps  this  clip displayed on  big  screens beside the roads and text saying This is what happens when you drink and  drive! might  have some  effect?

Or maybe  not. It will be the other driver.

It should show in slow motion how person's bones are getting crushed, arteries burst, blood coming out of everywhere, brains getting crushed and skill breaking up.... then roll the video back, with the guy having the last drink and pop the question - was it worth it?

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8 hours ago, DLock said:


How else could you interpret it? That's exactly what it says.


Thailand is an intellectual wasteland of recent tree dwellers that cannot look at other countries that don't have 60 deaths per day and simply follow their lead. Their arrogance and loss of face will not allow it.


It's not that hard.

And yet so many of us ex-pats choose to live there.  Funny that

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This is another prime example why the entire problem needs to be taken away from the Thai government itself part. The PM needs to impose Section 22 then the W.H.O. need to stop providing money to Thai unless they allow an outside group to impose what is really needed until of just providing money each year this sign are most likely paid by the W.H.O.


You don't continue to provide money for a drug addict to buy drugs so this needs to stop and stop right now funding hoping they will improve the honor system doesn't work neither the driving habits of Thais!


Sadly, they don't actually see what is wrong with this sign it is the habit of the Thai police to tell a drunk driver to slowly go on their way and be careful! 

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8 hours ago, cyril sneer said:
11 hours ago, tifino said:

doesn't matter how slow... the result will be the same


not sure about this example you've given

his/her drunk brain may be operating at shown speed... as the world whizzes past...

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