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The French fishermen who could sink Britain's post-Brexit ambitions


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52 minutes ago, jonwilly said:

Once again.

The only thing the EU wanted from Britain was MONEY.

Oh they were quite happy to take it in produce.

I knew that Edward Heath was awarded a prize of £50K the following year after UK joined and that UK press has now said that was £65K equivalent to over £1.5 million with inflation.

Britain was robbed blind and is now lucky to be out of it.



You can fool some of the people most of the time but not all of the time.

Sorry to quibble, but the actual quotation, attributed to Abe Lincoln, is -

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

But I fully understand your meaning.

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43 minutes ago, kamahele said:

So, you think the the UK will have access a better deal with the USA than the EU has or even equal to the EU deal? With Trump in office? Doubt it. There is strength in numbers and the UK has weakened itself as far as trade negotiations.

Just let them find out ....the hard way .....that reminds best..????

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33 minutes ago, vogie said:

"To continue impartial reality, mantra, oft repeated by the BBC, that the EU holds all the cards, is not true either. The Eurozone is teetering on recession, it depends hugely on massive balance of payments surplus with UK. No deal would tip it into recession." (Andrew Neil)

Keep rehearsing that in front of mirror   ...or you would start doubting that from now....????

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42 minutes ago, vogie said:

"To continue impartial reality, mantra, oft repeated by the BBC, that the EU holds all the cards, is not true either. The Eurozone is teetering on recession, it depends hugely on massive balance of payments surplus with UK. No deal would tip it into recession." (Andrew Neil)

Fog in the channel.

Europe cut off.

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38 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

I have an idea ! Why don,t the French fish in French waters, and the British fish in British waters ????

Let me see if I understand this correctly, The British want to be granted a  special deal for access to EU markets but they don't want to grand special access to their fishing grounds.  

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