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New coronavirus infection in Thailand takes tally to 42


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the "magic" way of reporting in Thailand, they all went to the same "military" mathematics..... Italy with minor quantity of Chinese tourists when compared to Thailand and has more than 600 infected people.... but magic Thailand has ONLY 42 cases, who are they trying to mislead, are they that stxxid, any person with a little bit of a brain will understand that their numbers are almost impossible to accept

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12 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

one has to wonder where are they hiding the bodies.... and the local press doesn't question their reporting or are they in bed with the junta for the "covering" business

Where do you reckom Singapore, HongKong, Taiwan are hiding their bodies?

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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Probably an 0 missing off the end of 42, heard of two cases but might get done for spreading fake news if I went into it.

Bit of a problem with the flu comparison, this virus is at least 20x the death rate, lives a long time on surfaces and has a very long period with no symptoms while you can infect many others. It is more likely to kill you if you are older but not just the old, the Dr who discovered it and who had the best attention in his own hospital died in his 30's, as have many others. Everything is certainly not going to be back to normal in a month, no matter how many are killed on the roads or by malaria.



It’s important to keep perspective, experts say. This winter, the flu has hospitalized about 280,000 Americans and killed 16,000; there are 60 confirmed COVID-19 cases nationally and no deaths. - USA TODAY


Coronavirus Is Spreading Quickly — but It’s Relatively Mild If You Get It


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...well what do you expect..we live in SE Asia where a great percentage show little care or respect for others by coughing, sneezing, hoiking and clearing out their noses whenever and wherever they want...some real personal hygiene and health care drastically needed...IMHO based on observations.

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1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

This is a normal with influenza every year in every country. 

The recovery rate is still very positive, and the death rate is nowhere near pandemic levels...



Society, travel, business and everything else runs along normally with influenza outbreaks. There are also vaccines available for that. If the world just sat back and carried on as normal with the COVID-19 outbreak, it would be a very different picture now

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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:



It’s important to keep perspective, experts say. This winter, the flu has hospitalized about 280,000 Americans and killed 16,000; there are 60 confirmed COVID-19 cases nationally and no deaths. - USA TODAY


Coronavirus Is Spreading Quickly — but It’s Relatively Mild If You Get It


Forgive me for being skeptical but that article looks like it was written so as not to frighten delicate people who might scare easily.

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I give it a month and everything will be almost back to normal, the panic served it's purpose and the rich just became richer, make of that what you will.


Yes fear creates panic, but what is the panic about, nothing more than another strain of influenza which kills 500,000 plus people a year worldwide, but we don't hear of that, do we.


If your old, 80+ and have a weak immune system, or have a pre-existing respiratory condition or diabetes, I would be worried to go out until a vaccination is made, as for the rest of us, soldier on as tomorrow you could get bitten with a mosquito and get Malaria which kills around a million, yes a million people a year, or if you get influenza it kills 500,000 + a year, road deaths 1.25 million a year. Now do you feel better ? 

I sign on every word you wrote. It is shear world wide hysteria/panic.

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This virus did not start in the USA, it has been transmitted to the US, and now there are some cases there. The virus did not start in Iran, or Italy, or other countries, but they also have cases

and will have more. I am so relieved that there is so many experts on this forum, people who

seem to be doctors, or scientists like David Suzuki, HA!  I will wait a month to see if any of the experts here get sick with this virus. Good Luck!


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36 minutes ago, Mung said:

Society, travel, business and everything else runs along normally with influenza outbreaks. There are also vaccines available for that. If the world just sat back and carried on as normal with the COVID-19 outbreak, it would be a very different picture now

I also wonder about this. Perhaps Thailand's more relaxed approach will prove to be the right one after all, when compared to countries that have caused themselves huge inconvenience and disruption as well as financial pain.

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11 minutes ago, KruZik said:

I also wonder about this. Perhaps Thailand's more relaxed approach will prove to be the right one after all, when compared to countries that have caused themselves huge inconvenience and disruption as well as financial pain.

Interesting perspective. Russia is also downplaying this virus by not reporting any cases, even if it covers half of the planet ????

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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Probably an 0 missing off the end of 42, heard of two cases but might get done for spreading fake news if I went into it.

Bit of a problem with the flu comparison, this virus is at least 20x the death rate, lives a long time on surfaces and has a very long period with no symptoms while you can infect many others. It is more likely to kill you if you are older but not just the old, the Dr who discovered it and who had the best attention in his own hospital died in his 30's, as have many others. Everything is certainly not going to be back to normal in a month, no matter how many are killed on the roads or by malaria.

Not forgetting the Dr who blew the whistle just might have been helped along the way - whistle blowing in that country is a very risky occupation. 

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It may be of interest ... I listen to the daily reports that NZ health give,( MrsJ has a holiday booked, down the pan I think) it was stated the the person who has the virus ... the one case so far.  They did three tests, nose swab, throat swap and sputum. Only the sputum showed positive..... 

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Thailand has not yet had a death from the virus, although 28 patients have recovered and 14 are being treated in hospital.


I'm afraid that most government hospitals could not deal with an outbreak of the virus.


They do not have rooms to isolate patients, so how should that work?










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5 minutes ago, Mung said:

The same applies to most countries. Where I am now in the UK for example, every single case is carefully looked at and people related to that person tracked down. If you have the virus you are not discharged until you provide 3 negative test results. Thailand has either been very very lucky due to the climate / weather, or people are not being tested enough. There is a fellow Brit in a medically induced coma right now down in Pattaya, he's only 32 and a football coach. The reason is because he has pneumonia. I remember reading a poster on here also claiming 2 of his expat friends have pneumonia as well. Maybe these people are never tested and simply labelled as having pneumonia. 

Unfortunately, I can tell you from personal experience that misdiagnosis is the rule rather than the exception in Thai hospitals.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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1 minute ago, Mung said:

The same applies to most countries. Where I am now in the UK for example, every single case is carefully looked at and people related to that person tracked down. If you have the virus you are not discharged until you provide 3 negative test results. Thailand has either been very very lucky due to the climate / weather, or people are not being tested enough. There is a fellow Brit in a medically induced coma right now down in Pattaya, he's only 32 and a football coach. The reason is because he has pneumonia. I remember reading a poster on here also claiming 2 of his expat friends have pneumonia as well. Maybe these people are never tested and simply labelled as have pneumonia. 

Anything that seems to be a considerable problem is downplayed because it is considered a "loss of face." 

I'm confident that there were many deaths, but as you've already stated, perhaps the wrong diagnoses. 


Just thinking about how only one infected prostitute after sex with an infected Chinese man could spread the disease is frightening. 

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The new victim is a man, correct?

Why the Coronavirus Seems to Hit Men Harder Than Women


Let me summarize...


1. Women's immune systems are able to mount a more vigorous attack against COV-19 (more estrogen, more X chromosomes).


2. Men are more likely to have diabetes, high blood pressure and COPD than women.


3. 50% of Chinese men smoke cigarettes versus 2% of Chinese women.


4. Women are more proactive about seeking health care than men.


5. Men may have a “false sense of security” when it comes to the so-called "corona beer virus"...


See what I did there? ????


6. Men are less likely to wash their hands or to use soap than women.


Ouch!  Guilty as charged.









Edited by SiSePuede419
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5 hours ago, Tony125 said:

You are ill informed. This virus does not have a death rate 20 times that of yearly flu breakouts and where  young children and older  persons  seem high risks for reg flu  this virus has not killed anyone under 9 years old.


Age of Coronavirus Deaths

COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:

*Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). This probability differs depending on the age group. The percentage shown below does NOT represent in any way the share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.

confirmed cases
all cases
80+ years old
70-79 years old
60-69 years old
50-59 years old
40-49 years old
30-39 years old
20-29 years old
10-19 years old
0-9 years old
no fatalities

Seasonal influenza has been quoted as having a mortality rate of 0.1%. Your quoted statistics would make covid19 at minimum 10 times more dangerous for all age groups aged 10 and over.


So what was the point you was trying to make exactly? 

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They say the safest thing in Bear country is to go with someone who runs slower than yourself.  Too bad this virus is different than a bear because it will not stop when it catches the naysayers they will just help spread it to the rest of us smart people. I wonder what the age and schooling and upbringing of all you naysayers is?  Hopefully you are mostly aging people who will soon go the way of the dinosaurs. 

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So if this is just like the risk from normal flu why did Thailand's  Ministry of Health decree that all doctors and dental  offices pre-screen patients near the "door!" and not treat anyone who has traveled from  risky countries within the last 14 days.  ( Travel questions and check temperature which we know means nothing)  I don't have any links to my sources but this is FACT! The word went out Friday!!

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5 hours ago, Elkski said:

So if this is just like the risk from normal flu why did Thailand's  Ministry of Health decree that all doctors and dental  offices pre-screen patients near the "door!" and not treat anyone who has traveled from  risky countries within the last 14 days.  ( Travel questions and check temperature which we know means nothing)  I don't have any links to my sources but this is FACT! The word went out Friday!!

Because we have many barstools epidemiologist on TV that estimate it's like the flu. They also drank corona before and while they don't like it's skunky after taste they deemed it safe for human consumption. 


On another note "18:05: 3 new cases and 1 new death in Washington state, United States. This is the first U.S. death from coronavirus." 


This mean Thailand win I guess? 

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