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Corona Virus - How does it enter the body?


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A question for the medical experts (no layman opinions please).


My understanding is that the only way to get the virus is by the virus entering the body through the mouth, either as an air borne virus or on fingers, which have picked up the virus,


And the virus can be picked up on the fingers (or other parts of the body) from touching furniture, doors, hand rails, vehicles etc., which have picked up the virus from the air breathed out by a carrier.


Please correct me if this is wrong.


If I am correct and the fingers can so easily pick it up, then be inserted in the mouth when using the fingers to eat etc., I wonder why haven't the authorities haven't pushed for everybody to be wearing disposable gloves and changing them regularly? 



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17 minutes ago, stouricks said:

And then take your money wearing the same gloves.   555

Thanks to all for the answers. All understood.


So, in my layman view gloves initially sound good, but only if changed continuously and especially must be changed when other items, people, equipment, furniture etc., have been touched.


And the reality is that (like in the subway example) the gloves won't be changed at every change in the processes.





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The basics for COVID 19 is that it is a strain of the Flu.  If you treat it like you would flu season then you should have a good chance of beating it.


Everyone has covered the main areas.  The interesting fact is that the Surgeon general is telling people not to wear masks as they can actually make it worse because of your hand contact with the mask



BTW if you see a thermometer  be it digital or anal og then get it China is not shipping any as they are all out and factories are closed.  Just talked to a supplier that said earliest they think they can ship is MAY

Edited by kingstonkid
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As Khun Sheryl pointed out, we are only at the initial stages of understanding the etiology, transmission mechanism, infectiousness, morbidity, of Covid-19 ... compared to what is known about SARS, MERS, etc. 


What's known about influenza, SARS, MERS, etc., does, of course, frame the current study of Covid-19, providing a source of hypotheses.


I would assume that infection via sexual activity (all those orifices, and fluids) is happening. How the "blind watchmaker" of evolution failed to evolve organs of reproduction located far enough away from organs of excretion to avoid admixture of wet stuff ... well, maybe it was just design constraints.


How wonderful if the primate reproductive gear could be, say, under the armpits ,,, with a complete rig under each armpit ! Perhaps coiled up in some ziplock pouch, spring-loaded when aroused so it can leap out when needed for action.


cheers, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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The best advice I've heard so far is to try to not touch things with your hands, things like door knobs, elevator buttons, toilet flush handles, etc.  Basically, anything that someone else has already touched frequently.  If you try to use your arm or elbow more, rather than your hand, it will help reduce your risk.  Also, the frequent use of hand sanitizer with alcohol content in excess of 60% is highly recommended, as are baby wipes.  These two items are said to be much more helpful than masks.  I read an interesting fact that was news to me:  a human involuntarily touches his/her finger to his/her nose at least 90 times a day.  So it shows how easily virus germs can be spread from hand/finger to the respiratory system.  When coughing or sneezing, it is best to cover your mouth with a tissue, rather than your hand or arm and then the tissue should be properly disposed of.   

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2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The basics for COVID 19 is that it is a strain of the Flu.  If you treat it like you would flu season then you should have a good chance of beating it.


Everyone has covered the main areas.  The interesting fact is that the Surgeon general is telling people not to wear masks as they can actually make it worse because of your hand contact with the mask



BTW if you see a thermometer  be it digital or anal og then get it China is not shipping any as they are all out and factories are closed.  Just talked to a supplier that said earliest they think they can ship is MAY

It is NOT a strain of flu (influenza). It is a corona virus.


It is not possible to treat this Covid-19 as flu for several reasons:


1. Humans have been living with the flu for a long time and that stops it from being a huge killer. Some immunity among humans affects its ability to transmit and the symptoms are less severe.

2. There are flu vaccines but there are no vaccines for corona virus in humans. So while the vulnerable can be vaccinated against flu, they cannot against corona virus. The flu kills about 450,000 worldwide per annum - if the corona virus gets to infect 60% of individuals in a year (which is entirely possible), it would kill 4 to 5 million. And that is assuming it does not mutate. And it does not affect the really poor parts of Africa.

3. The reason the health authorities are asking people not to wear masks is that it is rather weak, possibly ineffectual, as an all-day prophylactic and if everyone starts wearing masks there will be none left for medical staff who need them for work

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I am not sure for this virus, as noone knows yet. But if we talk about virus in general there are three ways. Through the airways by breathing it in (your finger in the mouth example fit in her as well), through the eyes, and then the third, that I have not hear anyone speaking of in this case, through open wounds. You might for the last case say, that this virus harm your lungs, but as you know our blood  gets oxygenated there and it is just those parts that the blood come in contact with that this virus attack. 

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2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

BTW if you see a thermometer  be it digital or anal og then get it China is not shipping any as they are all out and factories are closed.  Just talked to a supplier that said earliest they think they can ship is MAY

just got this from Lazada






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1 hour ago, orang37 said:

As Khun Sheryl pointed out, we are only at the initial stages of understanding the etiology, transmission mechanism, infectiousness, morbidity, of Covid-19 ... compared to what is known about SARS, MERS, etc. 


What's known about influenza, SARS, MERS, etc., does, of course, frame the current study of Covid-19, providing a source of hypotheses.


I would assume that infection via sexual activity (all those orifices, and fluids) is happening. How the "blind watchmaker" of evolution failed to evolve organs of reproduction located far enough away from organs of excretion to avoid admixture of wet stuff ... well, maybe it was just design constraints.


How wonderful if the primate reproductive gear could be, say, under the armpits ,,, with a complete rig under each armpit ! Perhaps coiled up in some ziplock pouch, spring-loaded when aroused so it can leap out when needed for action.

"Normal" sexual ativity probebly not could give you the virus, if you shower directly after. A mouth kiss, yes, oral sex, yes.


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2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The basics for COVID 19 is that it is a strain of the Flu. 

Nope. All strains of the flu are from a variant of the influenza virus. Covid-19 is a coronavirus. Influenza viruses have been in humans a long time so there is some built up resistance. Coronaviruses are transferred from animals to humans and therefore have no resistance built up.

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My understanding is that the only way to get the virus is by the virus entering the body through the mouth




Eyes, nose, mouth, vagina, anus and by sharing intravenous needles with an infected Coronavirus victim.


Same as any other virus--rhinovirus, flu virus, HIV virus, SARS virus, MERS virus etc.


Different than bacterial infections, such as strep throat, which can't be transferred to the vagina.  Don't ask me how I know that. ????



Edited by SiSePuede419
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5 hours ago, orang37 said:

How the "blind watchmaker" of evolution failed to evolve organs of reproduction located far enough away from organs of excretion to avoid admixture of wet stuff ... well, maybe it was just design constraints.

Indeed it makes one wonder about God and his design for humans. With woman, he put the pleasure gardens between the water works and the sewage farm!

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2 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Indeed it makes one wonder about God and his design for humans. With woman, he put the pleasure gardens between the water works and the sewage farm!

There is a life lesson in that design, a slip of the tongue and your in the sh**, a lesson learned by many.

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21 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The basics for COVID 19 is that it is a strain of the Flu.  If you treat it like you would flu season then you should have a good chance of beating it.


Everyone has covered the main areas.  The interesting fact is that the Surgeon general is telling people not to wear masks as they can actually make it worse because of your hand contact with the mask



BTW if you see a thermometer  be it digital or anal og then get it China is not shipping any as they are all out and factories are closed.  Just talked to a supplier that said earliest they think they can ship is MAY

I see that you have already been corrected, but I will  repeat, Covid 19 is not similar to a flu virus. if it was, we wouldn't be without treatments or vaccines.


Covid 19 is a  strain of SARS not  seasonal flu. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.  The proper name for the causative virus is SARS -CoV2.   WHO selected  Covid-19 for the disease name.  We are dealing with a SARS like infection and the sooner people   understand that, the better off we will all be. Responding to  SARS infections requires a different response than that of seasonal flu.  there is a reason why there are  descriptive words such as Severe and Acute.

Tomorrow there will be a press release detailing the mutations that have already occurred.

There are variants of the virus, with one more lethal than the other. It will come as a surprise for some, but the  experts had predicted this a month ago based upon the original SARS pandemic  data.




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3 hours ago, PPMMUU said:

Just keep unwashed hands away from your face.


That's the main method to prevent many respiratory illnesses. (including COVID19)

Correct or better still wear a mask so that your (unwashed or otherwise) hands cannot make contact with your face. 

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On 3/4/2020 at 8:21 AM, scorecard said:

A question for the medical experts (no layman opinions please )


Oh well , you came to exactly the right place. Pull up a comfortable chair because they are legion here.


Before this thread is done we will be discussing the virtues of a keto diet.

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