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COVID-19: Thailand adds UK, USA and others to list of high risk countries - new “self-monitoring” measure for travellers

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10 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

Matt Hancock, the health secretary, has said people aged over 70 will be asked to self-isolate for up to four months in the coming weeks in order to protect them from Covid-19.

Do you understand the difference between 'proposal' and 'law'? Thailand stated that the points system on driving licences would be implemented last December - has it been?


Your original post said that those over 70 WILL be quarantined for 4 months. Being asked to is completely different.


At the moment these measures are just part of a series of measures the government has under consideration.


Please do not post things as fact, when they are just proposals. And I repeat again, the proposals, if they are introduced, will almost certainly be advisory - stop scaremongering!



Edited by KhaoYai
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good but thai must be understand, western peoples have lot better hygien than asian peoples western understand how important hygien have but thai not newer has understand, goverment minister has totally wrong hi say dirty foreign, yes have, chinese have wery dirty peoples, same russians,englands, all africans have dangerous dirty peoples, but normal europe peoples have lot better hygien than thai or all asian country, because europe culture have all keep good hygien, thai not have newer make all same good and clean than european normal peoples,

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11 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

Matt Hancock, the health secretary, has said people aged over 70 will be asked to self-isolate for up to four months in the coming weeks in order to protect them from Covid-19.



How much clearer do you want it??

Please show where Matt Hancock has stated that the measures you mention are actually going to be introduced. He is just about to be interviewed on the BBC.

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Matt Hancock has just stated that self isolation for over 70's forms part of the government's action plan and that if it is introduced, it will not be mandatory.


So now, how much clearer do you want it?

Edited by KhaoYai
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20 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Thailand was one of the first countries to report a case of Covid-19 outside China. Iong before Italy. There was according to Thai government figures some 2 million Chinese here at that time, many from near the epicentre. Surely, if if we were going to get hammered it would have happened by now?

Valid point.  The new epicentre is Europe where the virus is spreading far more rapidly than in Asia.  It would be understandable if people from there travelling to South East Asia were being monitored closely.


Easter will be a test on just how many people will be travelling on holiday, but the real test will be in the summer.

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On 3/14/2020 at 3:00 PM, JCP108 said:

This is good for me to know as I am heading to the U.S. tomorrow via Japan and returning via the same transit in about ten days. Will prepare to "self isolate" at home for two weeks upon my return. Let's just keep it at that, though. So, no new restrictions, please. I just need the U.S. to not ban people coming in from Thailand or Japan in the next 48 hours. 

If I understood the article correctly does this mean you will be required to get tested for covid in the states before returning to Thailand?

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On 3/14/2020 at 3:21 PM, keith101 said:

People will just stop coming and the economy will hit a new rock bottom so maybe all countries should close their borders except for there own citizens returning home .

rock bottom then pound will soar to 90 baht to uk pound GBP I MIGHT CONSIDER BUYING A CONDO IN THAILAND THEN 

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4 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

rock bottom then pound will soar to 90 baht to uk pound

I hope you are right but in fact, since the virus numbers in the UK have gone up in the last week, the pound has actually dropped against the baht.

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5 hours ago, Max69xl said:

Automatically, I think not, but they can get the info of course, the official way. 

I believe, but cannot guarantee, that on the newer high-tech passports, your travel history, your ins and outs from countries comes up on their screen. I believe that is WHY so many countries stopped the stamping - waste of time, just like it is a waste of time for IOs to page through passports looking for stamps and dates. 

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On 3/14/2020 at 11:30 AM, scubascuba3 said:

I think it's crazy to come to Thailand for holiday now, travel insurance companies have stopped cover that's how uncertain it is

absolute rubbish

readily available to buy in the UK


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23 minutes ago, HollyChandler said:

Im Travelling to the uk on Thursday for 5 days then returning bk to BKK.... have no idea how I'm going to get a health certificate due to Drs being busy! Any Ideas?!



cancel your trip.  I've cancelled mine.

Edited by Yorkshire Tea
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5 hours ago, 448glb said:

Big news is coming out tomorrow in Thailand, everyone should stock up on supplies. You have been advised.

My Thai sources are telling me the Government want to effectively close Bangkok from tomorrow, with everybody working from home...........

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26 minutes ago, HollyChandler said:

Im Travelling to the uk on Thursday for 5 days then returning bk to BKK.... have no idea how I'm going to get a health certificate due to Drs being busy! Any Ideas?!



No doctor or hospital is going to have the time to issue a certificate if you are not exhibiting any signs of the disease, this is also the case in Thailand, my company asked this to get clearance for the people working offshore, we were to told to go forth and multiply.

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5 minutes ago, Mattd said:

My Thai sources are telling me the Government want to effectively close Bangkok from tomorrow, with everybody working from home...........

From my Thai sources:

Public hospitals are over full in Bangkok and gov't is sequestering space in other specializes hospitals, for certain patients.

(of course this could be for frontal lobotomies)!

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On 3/14/2020 at 4:58 PM, RichardColeman said:

So, what are they going to do with all the foreigners turning up with no health certificates and no phone ? I'm due back in the UK in June for 48 hours. I can isolate here in Thailand no problems, but getting a certificate in that time in uk to come back will be next to impossible. Said it before , Thailand making too many hoops to jump through now. It's getting to the point of silliness - 800,000 baht, 90 day report, insurance, health certificate, phone apps - its not worth it any more.


I safely predict soon a new decree all foreigners to have health certificates on them at all times, all hotels must see approved certificates translated in to thai, all certificates to be no more that 48 hours old

You missed the part where you'll be required to jump up and down on one leg while juggling three durian and singing Chaat Thai.

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Hi everyone, 

just joined TV. Been an avid reader of this site for a few years, really enjoyed the knowledge and banter. Currently packing for my 5th trip to Pattaya, departing tomorrow from London.

i hope for a trouble free trip and entry into Thailand, if not I will endure. Looking forward to meeting old friends and making new ones. The world is a little crazy at the moment. I’d rather do that crazy in Pattaya 

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12 minutes ago, connda said:

You missed the part where you'll be required to jump up and down on one leg while juggling three durian and singing Chaat Thai.

and do it all the way through September....I am good until November with my visa, 90 day reports on-line, sequestering in my humble abode, looks like Netflix will be making some money and in 9 months time there may be a baby boom.....

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On 3/14/2020 at 3:37 PM, GeorgeCross said:

i can't see all the backpackers self-quarantining


or their hostels appreciate being turned into makeshift quarantine centers either


they tried this with a hotel in tenerife with 700 guests ordered to stay in their rooms. following day 240 of them were counted swimming and sunbathing by the pool. and they were older crowd!


A very good point , esp as they often stay in dorms mixing people from many places in close proximity, shared bathrooms etc , of course same risks be in prsions, psychaitric hospitals, army barracks. As incomes drop I imagine the entertainment industry will have to have special offers, oddly in all my   years here hotels usually charge more when empty to make up for lost sales according to a Cat that waved!

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On 3/14/2020 at 9:00 AM, stephenterry said:

I would reason it's inconceivable that Thailand has such a published low Covid 19 infection rate

I completely concur with your assessment. With over 25% of its tourists coming from china and the fact that for someone to have a fever is not classed as abnormal especially in children.

I have always said that the children here have to spend 10% of there youth in a sick state until they get the immunities necessary to combat the various viruses that often occur here.

The times i have heard 'oh he has fever'

They all share the same cup and glass when drinking, whether it be water or whiskey and

share the same spoon when eating

The place is a viruses heaven in the making 


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