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The week that was in Thailand news: Mayday! M'aidez! - Captain Tom to the rescue as we're allowed out again!

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What many Thais forget....

Even if they Chinese tourists come back, how can you sure they not carry the CCP virus.

Many people are still too ignorant against the truth and the whole picture.

China isn't really a blessing to the world. People still not recognize, that China's Communist party only want to gain more influence and power.

Then Thais will also lose their rest of freedom.


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22 hours ago, rooster59 said:


You know, Rooster, I understand 'your spelling', but to really spell the sound out of Suvarnabhumi, it should be 'Suwannapum' or 'Suwannapoom'. I had to transliterate my Son's name to English 17-1/2 yrs ago. At the time I thought my choice was between the proper Thai pronunciation of 'porn' or 'phon'. I chose the later 'phon'.  I heard a farang recently pronounce it 'fon'. If I'd have had all my thinking cap on that day, I would've thought of 'pon'. You and I are accustomed to pronouncing ph correctly in the transliteration. I don't think most TV readers are.


I really enjoyed your article today!!

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23 hours ago, rooster59 said:

struck me that there are an awful lot of heavy drinkers on the forum, the same curmudgeons who are frequently slamming the Thais for their lack of forward planning. So why didn't they stock up then? Bars remain off limits for now.

Brilliant 555

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52 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Your comment about keyboard warriors and meeting (or knowing) any Thais is spot-on, it seems the most verbal have the least exposure to the real Thailand. 

What is the real Thailand?

Come to that, what is the real UK or USA?

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43 minutes ago, Ricebarnandrooms said:

Brilliant 555

Some of us did stock up, FOR A 10 DAY LOCKDOWN!! Now, where I am they have extended it again until the end of May. So planning ahead can only work if the people whose plans you are planning for actually have a coherent thought that lasts more than 24 hours. And that'll never happen here!

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Compared with other countries I don’t really believe the restrictions faced by people living in Thailand have been particularly onerous ( apart from the people who have lost their jobs) 
We live in the North and have been practicing social distancing avoiding unnecessary visits from home wearing masks and have become obsessive hand washers and sprayers.

Sure I cannot have a daily coffee in my favorite coffee shop or eat in one of the small eateries but there is a service called takeaway.

I have always bought my wine in bulk so that hasn’t been a problem and I don’t normally go out after 10pm 

Last Friday we should have arrived in Sydney for a two week trip where on our arrival we would have been taken under escort to a hotel room that we couldn’t leave for two weeks

After being confined to a room with my wife and young daughter for that period of time I think I would have been taken elsewhere under a different form of escort for a longer period

It didn’t happen though as as flights were cancelled, always another day.

So I don’t think it has been too bad compared with a couple of very good friends in the U.K. both in their eighties who have been compulsory required to remain in their home for twelve weeks.

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20 hours ago, bluesofa said:

'brought a tear to Rooster's eye' You and me both. My wife asked why I was crying.


Just to be pedantic, apparently it was 125,000 birthdays cards.

I am able to access U.K. TV and watched a number of new items featuring this great gentleman, being born in 1950, unlike my father and grandfather I avoided fighting in any war but watching this great man and his efforts made me feel very humble.

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With regard to the alcohol ban, I actually fore saw that a massive lockdown was coming and stocked up accordingly, I even shared my stash with close friends who had not looked beyond the 10 day mark, it's called the buddy buddy system, an old army term that ensures you & your mates will always look out for each other, so they called it off earlier than people thought, it won't take much to reimpose it if people don't behave & as we all know there are a lot of people out there, both Thai & foreigners that will screw it up.

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23 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

An interesting read as always...


... and I very much share the delight of things easing a bit. This is a small, first step in a very long journey, but it is good that it occurred. That said, it'll be a very, very, very long journey indeed.


Now that a beginning has (hopefully) started, there are two areas that I think Thailand needs to look at; I think that there will be an attempt to go back to the way things were, but I desperately hope that they don't.


The boxing match at Lumpini Stadium in March, occurring AFTER events like that were banned, needs a reckoning. That event was directly responsible for thousands of cases and several deaths (I do not know the precise numbers) and responsibility must be placed on the Army's doorstep and repercussions must be exacted; I think a minimum is the immediate removal of the stadium from the army's control. Why the hell does an Army own a boxing stadium anyway? If Thailand is ever going to break free from the awful corrupting influence of the military, coups, grants of immunity, etc, this is a very good place to start. I would love to see names named, people photographed and publicized, and the responsible parties (NOT one poor scapegoat) tossed into the street like a dog. I know, I am not holding my breath, but...


Where were the multi-billionaires? Yes, I am sure that some of the Hi-Sos made contributions, and yes many, many, many Thais who had some money helped, but there has been a deafening silence from those who really have/had the means to help. Where are/were the super-rich? I hope that Thais do not forget to both ask the question(s) and demand answers.


Yes, I know... I have lived in Thailand long enough that I do not expect anything near a reasonable reckoning, but I desperately hope that Thai voices emerge asking the questions; if it all goes back to the same nonsense as before, then what hope Thailand?


PS Happy Birthday Captain Tom. I am at a loss for comment; Wow! Just Wow!



"if it all goes back to the same nonsense as before, then what hope Thailand"?  Indeed, let's hope nobody forgets next time at the elections......... Or should i say the charade they call elections....  Sadly as we all know, power that's taken at gun point has to be taken back at gun point....... 

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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Can you imagine the phone call that must of come down from the PI*& Barons to uncle Tu, "Hey Toad, drop the ban or you'll be fertilizer by next week"  Capiche ??  The question is now, when they've all had a good drink and sobered up, "what are we gonna do with this bunch of Shysters" ?   ......... Ha ha..... 

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4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

Compared with other countries I don’t really believe the restrictions faced by people living in Thailand have been particularly onerous ( apart from the people who have lost their jobs) 
We live in the North and have been practicing social distancing avoiding unnecessary visits from home wearing masks and have become obsessive hand washers and sprayers.

Sure I cannot have a daily coffee in my favorite coffee shop or eat in one of the small eateries but there is a service called takeaway.

I have always bought my wine in bulk so that hasn’t been a problem and I don’t normally go out after 10pm 

Last Friday we should have arrived in Sydney for a two week trip where on our arrival we would have been taken under escort to a hotel room that we couldn’t leave for two weeks

After being confined to a room with my wife and young daughter for that period of time I think I would have been taken elsewhere under a different form of escort for a longer period

It didn’t happen though as as flights were cancelled, always another day.

So I don’t think it has been too bad compared with a couple of very good friends in the U.K. both in their eighties who have been compulsory required to remain in their home for twelve weeks.

I liked your post. I especially can relate to the part about confinement with wife and young daughter - but, AFAIK, there is no "compulsory" requirement to remain in their home for twelve weeks, for UK people in their 80's.

My own mother (spritely 85-year-old) is self-isolating, voluntarily.

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On 5/2/2020 at 12:11 PM, rooster59 said:

The numbers looked increasingly optimistic whether you believe them or not.

Well, I said it yesterday already:

Thailand's testing number is about 10k a week whereas EU countries are testing up to 500k a week.

It's quite obvious that the number of cases is increasing the more you are testing.

So the real number of cases will be much higher but if you get in mind the Chinese to come back it"s much better to keep the number of corona cases low. Business and money is everything....unfortunately.????

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20 hours ago, overherebc said:

Over an hour and no one can tell me what the 'real Thailand' is.

I really want to know.

For me, to gain the true or 'real' view of a population in any country one must travel broadly in the rural areas, where people display a more natural approach to life and co-existence with others. While the rural attitude can be transferred into the city, cities provide an illusion, where close proximity camouflages the actual disconnected existence for many

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1 hour ago, 473geo said:

For me, to gain the true or 'real' view of a population in any country one must travel broadly in the rural areas, where people display a more natural approach to life and co-existence with others. While the rural attitude can be transferred into the city, cities provide an illusion, where close proximity camouflages the actual disconnected existence for many

That means a four week holiday in pattaya and getting married to a farmers daughter who is half their age isn't the 'real Thailand'?

Your answer may upset a few posters.

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It just never seizes to amaze me how you Brits just can't get past the Hun characterization (no I am not German) when, at the same time, you fawn all over your royal family who are as German as sauerkraut (with the odd Greek thrown in for good measure).  Baffling. 

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1 hour ago, 473geo said:

For me, to gain the true or 'real' view of a population in any country one must travel broadly in the rural areas, where people display a more natural approach to life and co-existence with others. While the rural attitude can be transferred into the city, cities provide an illusion, where close proximity camouflages the actual disconnected existence for many

Respectfully, this is the expressed world-view of Sarah Palin and her followers (for real!). @473geo; I have seen enough of your posts over the years to know that you belong in better company.


The idea that a rural community or communities represent the 'Real' part of a nation is as ridiculous as saying that an urban community or communities represent the 'Real' part of a nation; one doesn't really exist without the other.


More importantly, I would reject that there is a 'real' view of a nation or a population as that assumes that humankind is static, when it is pretty clear that one universal aspect of human life is constant change (What were you doing 4 months ago? The same as today?). Yes, people do have some standard activities, views, past-times, etc, but they change in a myriad of ways on a daily basis, even if sometimes on a minute level.


Humanity is a giant, living, ever-evolving organism that changes every nano-second, and nations are merely part of that organism which are slightly more internally constant than other areas.


The only true constant of humanity is that there is no constant.


Okay, waaaaaaaay too philosophical for a Monday afternoon.





Why yes, I have been suffering from cabin fever; how did you know? 


(Er... sorry)  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:




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lack of coffee
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18 minutes ago, Nobbie49 said:

It just never seizes to amaze me how you Brits just can't get past the Hun characterization (no I am not German) when, at the same time, you fawn all over your royal family who are as German as sauerkraut (with the odd Greek thrown in for good measure).  Baffling. 

Don't forget that there is a good chance of a bit of scottish 'rough' in the mix 

( John Brown ).

Who knows, if she had been a big younger there could have been a touch of Indian thrown in as well.


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On 5/3/2020 at 4:29 PM, overherebc said:

What is the real Thailand?

Come to that, what is the real UK or USA?

Real Thailand is understanding the full gambit of Thai people, not just what is portrayed in Thaivisa. com - - - same for UK, USA etc. 


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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

Real Thailand is understanding the full gambit of Thai people, not just what is portrayed in Thaivisa. com - - - same for UK, USA etc. 


And isn't 'understanding the full gambit' something that is an individual concept?

One man's meat blah blah.

Some will claim to know the 'real Thailand' as being the idea that if you marry a Thai then you accept the 'extended family' concept. Others will say if you you marry someone from a family who don't want or need your money is the 'real Thailand'.

As far as I'm concerned those who post on the lines of 'you don't know the real Thailand' are just trying to 'up' themselves to appear better than others. None can actually post 'why' they know the real Thailand, and it's no different in any other country.

Do I know the real Thailand? No I don't, same as I don't know the the real UK. 

In short, there is no real anywhere. It's a concept, not a reality.

So people/posters should stop using it as a public put down on other posters just to make themselves feel important on TV.

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