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The pound could fall to a 35 year low.

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3 hours ago, 1Gringo said:

not just the pound, sorry to say.

You mean the Baht is going to crash................................Oh Noooooooo.......????


Think I can safely say there are few more opposed to Brexit than I am but its a done deal now.

The turkeys voted for Christmas so lets get on with it.

The damage it does to the economy, social cohesion and indeed the union are now consequences not deciding factors.

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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

it seems everything must be done to help those in debt

No, those who are not allowed to work because of the lockdowns.


Brexit started the decline for Sterling, and the people I feel sorry for are those folks that retired here when there were Thb 70+ to the pound. Anyone who retired here in the last 5-7 years should have calculated a drop in the £ value in their “what if” calculations. I know I did, and I’m managing it.

Is the Thb too strong?  Probably , but we’ve got to play with the cards we’ve been dealt. Lots of negative occurrences over the last 5 years such  Exchange rate, interest rates, stocks devaluing and general escalation.

other currencies have suffered similarly, so not just Sterling. Look at the Aus’ Dollar.

Not a great hand to play with right now.

4 hours ago, gamini said:

Its Johnsons obssession with brexit. Threatening to leave the EU without a deal. Britain has one of the highest mortality per capita rate in the world from the virus. It should be the governments top priority. Brexit can wait.

There is actually a Brexit negotiation team in place, specifically for Brexit negotiations....no need to release them from that project. I wonder if remainers are secretly happy about this virus....all was lost with their moaning,. whining and backstabbing, now they have a new reason for yet another extension....

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6 minutes ago, baansgr said:

There is actually a Brexit negotiation team in place, specifically for Brexit negotiations....no need to release them from that project. I wonder if remainers are secretly happy about this virus....all was lost with their moaning,. whining and backstabbing, now they have a new reason for yet another extension....

The virus is mannah from heaven for the leavers because the brexit “benefit” to the economy can now be blamed on the virus. Don’t believe me now....just wait. As for moaning.... look at your post!

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It's always the soothsayers.

The pound could go down to its lowest for 40 years, it could go up to its highest in 40 years. But most people fail to indicate down or up against what other currency.

Currencies fluctuate against other currencies. I have yet to see anyone, including the Bank of England, accurately forecast exchange rates a day in advance, let alone a week or month. Live with it. I whinge and moan when it goes below 40 baht per GBP, but I have to live with it. Nothing I can do and I never try to forecast the exchange rates, because I know I'll be wrong.

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5 hours ago, gamini said:

Its Johnsons obssession with brexit. Threatening to leave the EU without a deal. Britain has one of the highest mortality per capita rate in the world from the virus. It should be the governments top priority. Brexit can wait.

But he made a promise.


I just hope they sort it before my baht here runs out and I'm relying on my UK income. The current level I can live with. A slight increase in the exchange rate would be nice. Surely we've reached bottom. Talk of it tanking even further is a little disconcerting.

4 hours ago, Guderian said:

After 2008 the markets know full-well that the BoE will do nothing whatever to support Sterling. Indeed, under Mark Carney the central bank actively tried to trash the currency (and largely succeeded, too, unfortunately). If you're a trader looking for a safe bet, shorting the pound is a dead cert when there's bad news or lots of uncertainty around.

That is correct.  The BoE are the true enemies of the economy and have been since that moron Carney was recruited, now this latest nonentity running that mad house is doing the same thing.  Every announcement they ever make is negative, and usually wrong. Remember all the warnings by Carney that interest rates would be going up and mortgage payers would be in trouble?  It never happened, but he kept on spouting that rubbish for years, even as they were cutting rates. Mervin King was the last great boss of the B o E.  

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3 hours ago, Paul DS said:

It is not just the UK just that has problems, it is ALL countries that look after there people.


Most 1st World Countries have stepped up and "bailed" out industries, they have assisted everyone with Government aided income, they have massively upped there medical services, they are doing everything possible to maintain a real life with a future.


What has Thailand done?  Nothing, (apart from a few gifts of cash ie 1-5000 bant)

There businesses simply close. (Think about Thai Airways, maybe going Bankrupt absolving them of investor debts)

There medical services continue as before (have you ever been to Banglamung Hospital and seen patients lying on the floor)  (apart from miracle herbal cures!)

1000's standing in a line wating for a meal...not assisted though from the Junta Government.

Its back to the villages, farming a meagre existence.


Do you REALLY believe the infection / death rate in Thailand? If you looked you will see that virtually all the countries that have a low rate are poor destitute countries, ie Sudan, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, Haiti, Mozambique, Venezuala, Congo, Morocco, etc etc  and of course Thailand!


Enough said!!


Thailand has no state debt, because they do not look after there country!



Their, their (sic). Not really the poor countries, more the police states.

2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

That's been said for years and the EU is still there, the pound has fallen against the dollar and Euro. Yes Germany's exports were falling before covid but Merkels much maligned housewifes attitude to debt while a mistake in one way (lack of borrowing for investment when Germany could have borrowed money for nothing) it also puts Germany in a good position to weather the downturn because they have comparatively little debt whereas the UK is rolling in debt, despite having North sea oil, it was all squandered instead of having a sovereign wealth fund like Norway to invest in the future. The money was used to make up for having almost no industry. Banking in London and burger flipping elsewhere wont cut it these days.

Keep it straight. Pound / Euro has remained fairly flat for the last 3 years.

1 hour ago, pagan1 said:

For decades the UK has had a bunch of muppets running the Country. The standard of MPs has declined significantly and successive Governments have played the game of 'Kicking the can down the road'.

I firmly believe in a Welfare State but not one that allows a person / family to spend 40yrs on benefits. I believe in supporting industry & commerce but not a nation of Call Centers, CDCs, burger bars, minimum wage jobs for migrants whist encouraging 'jobs for the boys' and CEOs earning 300 times the average pay of an employee, Then I ask myself why does the UK treat its Pensioners so badly (lowest pension in Europe)  

The result is that we had a growing National Debt (1,600 Billion, 87% GDP in 2019) and the pound was low.

Now look at all the money that has been found on the 'magic money tree'. Bailouts, Capital expenditure, vanity projects etc and how much additional Debt the country will incur (something north of 350 billion so far this year). The justification is that Debt is cheap at the moment !!! That's the same mind set that said house prices will never fall and led to the Financial crisis (2008)

Now consider Brexit. Our Chief Negotiator (David Frost) this week stated that the EU was being ideological in their approach. What do you expect ? The UK wants all the benefits of being in the Club without any of the costs. Try that with your local Gym and see what the reaction is.

So bottom line is the UK is deep in debt, the debt is getting larger and we are about to strike a no deal Brexit with our biggest trading partner.

Is it any wonder the pound continues to sink and the forecast is concerning


47 minutes ago, nausea said:

I just hope they sort it before my baht here runs out and I'm relying on my UK income. The current level I can live with. A slight increase in the exchange rate would be nice. Surely we've reached bottom. Talk of it tanking even further is a little disconcerting.

I hope so too.


As nothing to find about Brexit , in last resort  I am reading the torygraph , and what a fun reading the COMMENTS part  from the Boris boys from each topic….. pure steam is coming from the comments ????, I think a locomotive could run on it ????,  seems they are furious only already as the E.U. does not give in …..marvelous steaming reactions , fun times in sad virus time …...I think they start being worried a bit ….????



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2 minutes ago, david555 said:

As nothing to find about Brexit , in last resort  I am reading the torygraph , and what a fun reading the COMMENTS part  from the Boris boys from each topic….. pure steam is coming from the comments ????, I think a locomotive could run on it ,  seems they are furious only already as the E.U. does not give in …..marvelous steaming reactions , fun times insad virus time 



Yes, from these headlines we can all see how difficult the EU is being. Thank you.

  • Thanks 2
2 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

No, those who are not allowed to work because of the lockdowns.

The historically low interest rates have been around much longer than

the virus.

regards worgeordie


The pound has always had downwards trend,

its the only way it knows.     Its value is

measured with a hot fiat printing machine.


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