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Protests worldwide embrace Black Lives Matter movement

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2 hours ago, teatime101 said:



Thailand leads the US in Violent Crime/Murder rate per million over the US if you looks at the stats you provided


94 Thailand 49.67 2011  
95 Suriname 46.14 2009  
96 Laos 45.45 2008  
97 Yemen 44.54 2009  
98 Turkmenistan 42.28 2006  

United States

42.01 2010  


Then with a firearm they also lead the US...




So please try and find something else to prove my point is wrong as Thailand is just above the US when it comes to murders with firearms... I did like you providing the Stats to prove my point.

8 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

You have got it in one, these protests have been all over the UK today, even a motorway was held up by 100 of them near Coventry. The trouble is the under 30s are bored, some have lost their jobs, some are not getting educated, some are looking for a fight, some are anti government, some are genuine BLM, some are hard core lefties. Every fringe of society is joining up to protest under the BLM banner, but I noticed today anti government and anti Boris chants in the live stream. One of the chants was "where are your horses", unless Boris gets a grip soon, then it's total anarchy.

I was having a pleasant afternoon stroll along Southend on Sea seafront when this lot appeared next to the pier. 

The Council have employed people with to patrol the seafront to ensure social distancing is observed but this crowd of around 100 were allowed to wander around backed up by a couple of overweight PC’s who were struggling to keep up with them. 


The hypocrisy is unreal. No doubt we will have Boris or Handjob telling us tonight at their daily briefing how we can now have one more friend from outside your hone at your bbq this weekend. 


The Government and Police have lost all credibility re Covid. They watched an unlawful demo happen and did nothing. How are they gonna stop 10 lads having a BBQ this weekend when they stood and watched 10,000 breaking the same rule. 




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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:




Try Again as Thailand is just above the US when it comes to murders with firearms....but it was a nice attempt.  I did like you providing the Stats to prove my point.

Indeed. He was probably only picking out the total crime numbers, rather than the per capita, per 1000, per 100k, per 1 million stats. In most of those (except rape, but that's probably because it's underreported in Thailand. This is a pure assumption on my behalf, though) Thailand has the higher rates, esp. with intentional homicides, violent crimes, gun crimes, etc. AND Thailand also has the larger (per capita) Police force.

  • Like 1

It is noticeable how no-one seems to be complaining about how black police in Africa treat blacks with their brutality and crackdowns (remember the massacre at the gold/mineral mine in South Africa), especially the SA or the Nigerian police and so on, which make the EU/US cops look like boy scouts ... but of course that's OK as there is only racism in majority white western countries. How about calling out countries like Thailand where they openly racially profile foreigners on stereotypical judgement with things like Operation Black Eagle etc? Maybe the Indian police's brutality too? I guess though that it doesn't fit the narrative of some.


I would hardly call the UK police racist as they are barely allowed to do anything anymore ... although, it's thought and speech crime division is flourishing and overactive.

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Most solutions to our current problems can be found if we examine our past histories. The problem with this is, most people don't like to take responsibility for past actions as it is seen as "Not my problem" however, this attitude does not make the problem go away. America is now in the sh*t not solely because of slavery which, should have been addressed properly after it was abolished but for what came after slavery and compounded this situation which included the calculated division of race due to Systemic Racism.


I had my own personal opinion of what Systemic Racism is. Seeing this issue raised more and more, I wanted to see if I really understood the meaning and effect raised by this issue. I found this easy to understand video explaining in very layman's terms what is Systemic Racism and how it effects the community. It's less than 5 minutes long and I think it explains the issue very well.





23 minutes ago, FarangULong said:

In theory the constitution guarantees a lot of things. However in practice (and by judgements of the supreme court etc) is a different story.


While people do have the right to assemble, protest, petition etc., in MANY cases (esp. concerning mass protests) they do NOT have the right to do so always and anywhere they want & how they want. Most places require that demonstrations/protests are first registered AND approved, for multiple & mostly valid reasons.


And all that being said, the media uses the term "protesters", when in many cases the term "rioter" would be far more applicable. Even if every single protester, in this particular comment of yours, was 100% peaceful and they did have a permit (which is required as soon as they are blocking traffic, regardless whether it's vehicular or pedestrian traffic, but I am sure "your friend, the lawyer" knows as much...), the Police STILL has the right to tell them (and if they do not comply FORCE THEM) to either move, to make way so people can pass through and/or CLEAR THEM OUT.


Also why should the POTUS bow and cow-tow to a crowd, that clearly hates him, insults and belittles him on a daily basis (orange man, orange ape, imbec1le, r3t.ard, and what not), when he too has the right to talk a walk and enjoy public places? Rights are only rights, as long as they do NOT infringe on the rights of others. Again, ask "your friend, the lawyer" to please explain this to you. It's sad, that a non-US citizen (me) has to explain any of this to you.


These "protesters" are mostly the same people, who have made it their mission to divide the country more and more with each passing day (thanks to aforementioned "liberal" media whipping them up to do so), yet blaming Trump as the dividing factor. These are in many cases the same people (but surely not all, some actually believe that there is a real problem with "racist"/"fascist" Police killing Blacks; granted, in the case of George Floyd many mistakes were made, and the situation was extremely badly handled and the death should NOT have happened, however the vast majority of other high profile cases, touted as examples of the racist-fascist-oppressive Police Force killing Blacks by BLM & the media, were mostly justifiable homicides, even Tamir Rice), who pelted, attacked and even beat up on (usually in groups of 10+ on one) people outside places where Trump rallies were held (pre-election/-nomination), for wearing MAGA hats, etc.


If they keep this <deleted> up, and maybe even escalate, I say <deleted> them and their rights. They - especially those AntiFa mongs/sorry excuses for thugs, AntiFa is NOT a "new" phenomen where I am from, so I have dealt with those <deleted> bags many times when I was in my mid-&late teens, as well as my early 20s - yammer on about oppressive/fascist tactics supposedly used by the Police and Trump administration, yet are openly willing to engage in violence and intimidation against political "opponents" (as in people having differing views/opinions, than them), in order to further their own cause. Which is part of the definition of terrorism. And last I checked, terrorists do not (and should not) have the same rights, as you or I do...


Again, since some people like to read very selectively:

I DO AGREE with the right to protest.

I DO AGREE with the right to free speech, in fact far more so than these BLM, AntiFa, etc. types.

I DO AGREE, that lives matter. Regardless of colour (which is probably going to result in me being called a racist, because "All Lives Matter" is a "racist" slogan).


I DO AGREE with the notion, that if there's an unjustified killing of a suspect/person by Police officers, said officer(s) should be held accountable.


But I do NOT agree with a head of state bowing to a vocal minority (even if it's sizeable one), especially one that berates him, his policies and his supporters, and who won't in some cases hesitate to assault the latter (and probably would assault him also, if given the chance, hence the option of just clearing a path wasn't really an option to begin with).

Strange post quoting something I never said.........LOL.

5 minutes ago, curious297 said:

Most solutions to our current problems can be found if we examine our past histories. The problem with this is, most people don't like to take responsibility for past actions as it is seen as "Not my problem" however, this attitude does not make the problem go away. America is now in the sh*t not solely because of slavery which, should have been addressed properly after it was abolished but for what came after slavery and compounded this situation which included the calculated division of race due to Systemic Racism.


I had my own personal opinion of what Systemic Racism is. Seeing this issue raised more and more, I wanted to see if I really understood the meaning and effect raised by this issue. I found this easy to understand video explaining in very layman's terms what is Systemic Racism and how it effects the community. It's less than 5 minutes long and I think it explains the issue very well.





Puh-Lease.... I knew someone would actually show up with this <deleted> (not this particular video "explaining" - rather using selected facts, some half truths, and a whole lot of <deleted> - "systemic racism").


There is no systemic racism anywhere in the West.


In fact most of the Black-American community problems were either created by the Democratic Party (starting with LBJ and welfare), or are product of modern Black culture in the US.


And while there probably should have been some sort of compensation for slavery, there is no point (let alone is it justifiable, unless you are an illogical bleeding heart leftist OR a Black who would profit from it) to do so almost 155 years later.

There ARE "compensations" (at the cost of discriminating against Whites, especially White males, and partially against Asian-Americans) of another sort, however, such as affirmative action, numerous non-White only (esp. for African Americans) student grants & foundations, support groups, etc. Hell there are even universities, which are almost exclusively for Blacks only. And while they do usually have a handful (mostly 1 or 2) White students, the White students often face open hostility for "taking away" some Black guy's/girl's opportunities, and thus "helping to keep a ninja a down".


I could list many more such examples. Systemic racism is a lie. In fact, if there was such a thing, it would be "Systemic racism+sexism+sexual-orientationism (yeah, I just made that up, I think)", aimed at straight White BIOLOGICAL males. But even that is a stretch, and not even remotely accurate, by any means.

  • Confused 1
  • Haha 1
7 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Strange post quoting something I never said.........LOL.

forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1167419-protests-worldwide-embrace-black-lives-matter-movement/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-15493957 (had to take out the http stuff, as to not put your whole ocmment in here)


No, you didn't phrase it quite like that. You did, however, copy paste an e-mail, which was probably one of those forwarded chain e-mails, maybe even copied from a facebook post or whatever, rather than from your personal "friend, the lawyer".


And in said e-mail "your friend, the lawyer," essentially claims that people have the right protest and assemble no matter what. In the closing (or among the closing) statement(s), of the e-mail in question, he goes on to essential say, that a "good POTUS" should and would have bowed to the "peaceful protesters".


But yeah, I guess if you do not have an actual counter-argument & are unable to refute any of the points I made, you could just point out that you never said what it says in the quote (in a lame joke sort of way), and be factually correct. If that makes you happy, good for you. After all you DO have the constitutional right to persue happiness. ????

  • Confused 1
On 6/7/2020 at 10:52 AM, Jingthing said:

...The original sin of the American culture is slavery of black people which was never addressed after it ended. Instead we got lynchings, Jim Crow laws, systemic racism, and wildly unequal treatment of black people in the injustice system...

After the abolition of slavery, blacks were rewarded for 200 years of working for no pay with sharecropping. Their previous slave owners now allowed them to work their land and took a percentage of the crop as payment. Many of the sharecroppers had to buy their provisions from the company store. Their share of the crop was held in leui of payment of the bill. 


19 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd, sky and outdoor




I think that I understand it now .

It isnt Black people rioting that is violent, no, its me who is being violent for not shouting out "*Black lives matter* .

  I hope that the police dont come around and arrest me 

Assuming you're white, they won't. 

  • Like 2
29 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd, sky and outdoor




I think that I understand it now .

It isnt Black people rioting that is violent, no, its me who is being violent for not shouting out "*Black lives matter* .

  I hope that the police dont come around and arrest me 

So when I gave my ex-wife the silent treatment then I was committing Violence.  Wow if that was the case then I guess she would have been given a restraining order, and I would have lost a whole bunch in the divorce for being a Silent Violent man...Puhlease....Those TWA piloTS need to get a better view...

38 minutes ago, FarangULong said:

Puh-Lease.... I knew someone would actually show up with this <deleted> (not this particular video "explaining" - rather using selected facts, some half truths, and a whole lot of <deleted> - "systemic racism").


There is no systemic racism anywhere in the West.


In fact most of the Black-American community problems were either created by the Democratic Party (starting with LBJ and welfare), or are product of modern Black culture in the US.


And while there probably should have been some sort of compensation for slavery, there is no point (let alone is it justifiable, unless you are an illogical bleeding heart leftist OR a Black who would profit from it) to do so almost 155 years later.

There ARE "compensations" (at the cost of discriminating against Whites, especially White males, and partially against Asian-Americans) of another sort, however, such as affirmative action, numerous non-White only (esp. for African Americans) student grants & foundations, support groups, etc. Hell there are even universities, which are almost exclusively for Blacks only. And while they do usually have a handful (mostly 1 or 2) White students, the White students often face open hostility for "taking away" some Black guy's/girl's opportunities, and thus "helping to keep a ninja a down".


I could list many more such examples. Systemic racism is a lie. In fact, if there was such a thing, it would be "Systemic racism+sexism+sexual-orientationism (yeah, I just made that up, I think)", aimed at straight White BIOLOGICAL males. But even that is a stretch, and not even remotely accurate, by any means.


I appreciate your opinion however, I was referring to the past, some 400 years back until now. Your post reflects modern society. Should there ever be such things as a black school and a white school? So let' look at it from your angle. We all watch the news in some shape or form. What was once considered impartial, unbiased news has now come with left, right, liberal, democrat, whatever, you name it opinions and biased news reporting. In this current situation of riots, let's take a look how the media reports on such events. Would this be considered modern systemic racism or do you find this acceptable? Make up your own mind.


Oh, and please, if not too much to ask, explain to me what you meant when you wrote ""helping to keep a ninja a down" ? I hope it will provide us with context.


The following is not racial profiling but a comparison of modern day news reporting that is stacked with political agendas. As a stark reminder of the modern society and confronting the police, Keep an eye on 2 minutes, 11 seconds into the video. Had this been a person of colour, what do you think the outcome would have been? 






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6 hours ago, mr mr said:

why are none of the previously most stringent save the world covid people not speaking out about these mass protests ? it's not like the virus packed up and walked away right. it is supposedly still there right ? social distancing and track and trace ? please what a farce. 


if these mass protests worldwide do not cause a huge 2nd wave....me thinks something is a foot with the whole plandemic. 

You have to ask? Most of us know why.

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Tell me/us.....????


1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

He isnt beyond help.

Why dont you be helpful and explain the difference ?

Now, THAT would be a total waste of time and energy!

I'd rather talk to a wall!

2 minutes ago, transam said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, your "get out clause".......Oh well..............:coffee1:

Is this the equivalent of "I bet, you are too much of a coward to jump off this bridge"?

Like I said: you don't see the difference...no matter how much I explain, you would not get it!

Some people just don't understand "things"!

Have a nice day!

  • Confused 1
  • Sad 3

Grant Napear,  announcer for the NBA’s Sacramento Kings, was asked about the protests by DeMarcus Cousins.  He replied “All Lives Matter”.  He had to resign because he has been accused of being a Closet Racist.  Jacob Fromm, rookie Quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, tweeted in 2019 the following about guns”. Make them so expensive so only Elite White People can buy them”(of course this is stupid). .  This comment has now been classified as Racist and he has been forced to apologize over and over again.  Welcome to the “New Normal”.  


Dreee Brees, Quarterback fo the New Orleans, was asked about the American Flag.  In essence he said he could not stand with anyone who would not stand and respect the flag. Brees and now his wife have been apologizing for the last few days.  


In America’s Pro Sports the option of expressing an opinion is now gone.  Just fall in line and play.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, FarangULong said:

No, you didn't phrase it quite like that. You did, however, copy paste an e-mail, which was probably one of those forwarded chain e-mails, maybe even copied from a facebook post or whatever, rather than from your personal "friend, the lawyer".

Wrong again.....from an American lecturer based here actually.


1 hour ago, FarangULong said:

And in said e-mail "your friend, the lawyer,"

Wrong, not what I said.


1 hour ago, FarangULong said:

and be factually correct

Yes that is true, the comment was.


1 hour ago, FarangULong said:

After all you DO have the constitutional right to persue happiness.

You "persue" your happiness and I will pursue mine.


The sooner that poor dumb excuse for a human being gets kicked out the better. He has been more divisive than any other president and is a stain on the presidential office.


That is my argument and as per a previous post is a; Cockwomble through and through. LOL.

  • Like 1
24 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 Yes it does seem to be nearing an end of nations era. In the US and also the UK. They are pulling statues down, erasing our history to be replaced by leftist propaganda and the "greater good" globalism. White is bad, black is good. Ending our freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. Wanting to scrap police forces. Time to either stand together strongly against this force of evil, or be conquered by it. Our choice, although time is short.


George Orwell. 1984

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

The statue was a representation of a falsified history.






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3 hours ago, Kadilo said:

I was having a pleasant afternoon stroll along Southend on Sea seafront when this lot appeared next to the pier. 

The Council have employed people with to patrol the seafront to ensure social distancing is observed but this crowd of around 100 were allowed to wander around backed up by a couple of overweight PC’s who were struggling to keep up with them. 


The hypocrisy is unreal. No doubt we will have Boris or Handjob telling us tonight at their daily briefing how we can now have one more friend from outside your hone at your bbq this weekend. 


The Government and Police have lost all credibility re Covid. They watched an unlawful demo happen and did nothing. How are they gonna stop 10 lads having a BBQ this weekend when they stood and watched 10,000 breaking the same rule. 




Southend, I'm in Rayleigh 555

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