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Autopsy confirms death of key witness in Red Bull heir’s case was accidental


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5 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

That statement doesn’t hold any water generally speaking. There’s quite a few cases in which an autopsy can determine whether someone died accidentally/due to suicide or murder. Let’s say they find someone with a bullet hole in his head. If it was suicide then the wound will show all the hallmarks of a contact shot, plus there will be gunshot residue on the hand he used in places that are consistent with the angle at which the bullet entered the head etc. as opposed to a bullet that entered at the back of the head or a fatal knife wound in the back.


In this particular case the injuries he sustained are consistent with a motorcycle crash, if they did examine the blood as well they would’ve found any poisons or the likes and since the deceased was the one who hit the other bikes from behind it’s pretty safe to say that it was either an accident or maybe a suicide, but not foul play. 

Wonder if the poor man's family agrees with you.
from the source article:
"Although no traces of assault, which may have led to the victim’s death, have been found, Pol Lt-Gen Prachuab said those in charge of the case have not ruled out assault or suspicions about the victim’s personal wealth."


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What the autopsy did not even attempt to answer, is if it was a deliberately planned accident, or not. Accidents come in all shapes and forms. Some are caused, some are due to recklessness, and some are just accidents. As usual, these incompetents have told us nothing. 

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9 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I didn't know an autopsy could confirm that a death was an accident. Only in Thailand can autopsies confirm intent! 

With the spleen damage as well as the rest it sounds similar to self inflicted suicide by baseball bat

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2 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

The guys food or drink was drugged.  There are enough dangerous drugs out there will not show up at autopsy unless the examiner is looking for the drug or signs of the drug.

Or this poor sole suddenly after becoming a key witness got drunk with the other bike rider, who never knew him and then were in such a hurry to go and seek a female that he decided to ride behind and follow him to a local comfort house. On the way his helmet fell off and he turned back briefly, could not find it then realized that he better catch up to the man that never knew him or miss out on the action. 
He then rode at high speed to catch him up , the man that never knew him wondered where he was, turned his head back to look for him lost control of his bike which turned on its side and before he could say ouch, he was run over by his new friend who now I hope rests in piece 

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10 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I didn't know an autopsy could confirm that a death was an accident. Only in Thailand can autopsies confirm intent! 

only in Thailand do the BIB and military run the whole show - therefore the finding is valid.

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6 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

If I intentionally run someone down with a vehicle, will the autopsy be able to indicate whether it was an accident?

in Thailand yes, if that's the desired outcome.

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6 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

An autopsy can not confirm whether an accident or not....


injuries causing death...


how can pathologist determine if he was off the road or ran into something or something ran into him? 

that is not their job.... 


This statement treats the public as stupid...

correct, as it should be - according to those in power.

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6 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

Shows the danger of jumping to a conclusion without properly examining the evidence and all the options of how that evidence could have been caused. Contact shot and gunshot residue only shows that the gun was in contact with the head and not whose hand was on the trigger. Gunshot residue can be transferred after death by the perpetrator. The CCTV "evidence" could have been manufactured and the injuries from the "accident" could have been caused by a number of incidents. Only by eliminating all the other possibilities can you be confident how the injuries were sustained. I would be calling for, interviewing and taking statements from all the witnesses to the collision, gathering CCTV evidence from other cameras on the route from the bar to the collision scene, and taking statements from staff and customers at the bar. That would constitute part of a thorough investigation, especially with all the "coincidences" that occurred.

But you're not in the position to call for anything, not that it would make any difference to the required findings. 

Edited by Artisi
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On 8/3/2020 at 1:57 PM, Fex Bluse said:

I didn't know an autopsy could confirm that a death was an accident. Only in Thailand can autopsies confirm intent! 

 agreed!  What a load of cr**....


The autopsy in a case like this can identify the nature of the medical injuries and how those caused the guy's death. But NOT anything about the non-medical factors/circumstances that led to the crash that took the guy's life.


But at least, if the announced results are to be believed, it tells us the guy was not shot....



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Please can someone tell me how this is possible??? Am I missing something here? Autopsy confirms accident? What rubbish that is.


I wonder how much it cost for that report to come out?

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10 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

You can tell someone to look at the video , but what the video doesn't show is that just before the accident , he had a meeting and maybe during that meeting they put something in his drink . That's why they should have the toxicology done properly and look if he is drugged . That surely would have caused him to swerve into whatever was on the road that he hit .

Death by Deposit Theory.

Drug victim 

Take victim outside

Run victim over

Check that there is no pulse

Stage death location 

Deposit body.

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I have a theory! who apart from the RTP have any proof of the deceased identity, as cover ups are a plenty in LOS, Lord Lucan

springs to mind. 


Maybe Mr Julachart and his family are spending his brown envelope money in some hideaway without extradition. 

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"An autopsy who confirm it was an accident...."

This just confirm that this is definitely not serious, because an inspection or an autopsy will NEVER conclude something about any intention, NEVER, it is not the job of a medic specialist team to conclude an intention, but just to show facts of statement and give something who can be used for any clues.


they just have to provide facts like: "is there any drug in the blood, how long time before the accident this drug should be eat/drink, what is the degradation of the body at time impacted, the body has been moved or not, do he die from this accident or before, etc.... They didn't talk about all of this, and it is the only one target they have to talk about.


The authority to investigate to find intention(s) are only the policemen in charge to investigate.


So now, maybe the journalist are to bad to just talk about this subject without know anything really in relation (but in Thailand, the freedom expression is not on to level position all around the world, and it is not a reputation without clue, i think it is difficult for a journalist to be more stupid than the population also...), or if the communication is official, it is an other one proof of 1/ incompetence and/or maybe, 2/ lie. Do they understand this kind of communication is very suspect ? Or do they think people are so stupid ?


Maybe it is really an accident, but never the medic special team can investigation can conclude this, i'm very surprise someone in 2020 can not understand this, it is very simple to understand. Maybe it is a problem of translation, it is so stupid, it can not be possible this communication to be intentional, stupidity has a limit, after that, it is lie at 100%.


And for this kind of story at this level, it is incredible.

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7 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Apart from the autopsy confirming that there was no 9mm hole to the victims head....what possible other cause of death could of autopsy find?

...could be hundreds of causes!


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45 minutes ago, LennyW said:

I guess you did not watch the video then, very clear to see.


As long as there is no blood test investigation, and as long as someone want to make thinking that medical experts are in charge of investigation and not just provide examination tests, no one can said if it was so clear. But... you can deny, it doesn't cancel leakage of knowledge on many points.

And then, it is also a kind of evidence that a policeman is dead and someone was driving too fast, hurt the policeman, then not stop to assist the injured policeman, but flied and hasn't been charged for that (suspected that can only possible because of rich people there, because, 100% sure if it was a poor people this one will finish is life in jail).

Witness die (maybe an accident, not sure 100% actually, because the communication show something strange about who is really in charge to investigate and what has been done and how fast can it be possible to do that...).

This story is very strange and everybody see that, not you ?

Edited by jerolamo
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and meantime mr red bull is still free and will no doubt return to Thailand soon where he will resume the good life of being rich enough to buy his way out of any future crimes....no problem do what you want when you want and have entire court system, police, government all take an envelope to make sure that it's all swept under the rug with a made up story that a ten year old kid can see is BS.

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