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Trump administration moves to advance coronavirus treatment, possible vaccine - reports


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3 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


Thats because the same person you've been hating on for years is at the helm. We could shut the country down completely and use the guard to blockade the streets and might get covid under control but wed also cause untold misfortune in doing so. 


You dont know how it would have played out if another politician was at the helm and assuming you did is laughable. 

Just so you know I’ve been aware of trump for decades he’s always been the poster child for the east coast con man your continued support for this obvious fraud is what’s laughable and hey let’s use ny as an example it got wayyyyy out of control there but with competent leadership it was brought back under control so there’s one example for you 

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There are international laws that stop any vaccine or medicine being released to the world market without long term trials and approvals. Medicines must state what possible side effects may be so that's why there must be long term trials.  Or can Trump overturn all that ?  Only he thinks that he can !

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine Trump could spend 100 billion USD tax money on

a) To make sure he gets reelected and/or stays in power

b) To save the lives of thousands of American citizens

c) To make sure the elections will be democratic and fair 

What would be his first priority? And what would be his last? No more questions.

I can't help but think about how Trump himself would respond to this question....


"Are you kidding me?  Are you stupid or what?  Of course the answer is a).  No way b).  Most Americans didn't vote for me so screw them all.  And c)?  Please.  I'd have zero chance of winning if the elections were fair.  So quit asking stupid questions and go get me a couple of Big Mac's, large fries, and a big as* cup of Diet Coke.  Pronto!"   

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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:
3 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Sorry to say but Mama Noodle is spot on and the attempts to twist the story are coming from elsewhere..


If what you say is true then hydroxychloroquine treatment is valuable.  Yet every success story using it is passed off as anecdotal and it's use is universally derided by those here who are ridiculing convalescent plasma as a treatment.  Why?  Because Trump suggested it.  Your statement is false.

Who is 'ridiculing convalescent plasma as a treatment'? Again you twist statements to fit YOUR narrative.

People are rightly saying there is still some doubt about convalescent plasma as an effective treatment as the study done so far did not include a placebo group for comparison BUT the FDA is saying it is showing a lot of promise and VERY importantly, doesn't have the downside hydroxychloroquine has been PROVEN to have. This is why the FDA are happy to endorse convalescent plasma but still won't endorse hydroxychloroquine.  


This has nothing to do with 'Because Trump suggested it' and everything to do with what the FDA and other scientists are saying (you know, the experts). 

But why we are on the subject of Trump, he obviously is wanting this or indeed anything to work to try and prop up his flailing popularity 4 months before the election. And don't give me all this nonsense about 'for the good of the people'. If he cared about the people he wouldn't have tried to ignore it, minimalise it or call it a Dem hoax at a time when it really mattered. He also wouldn't have urged/forced states to open up early or force schools back before they were prepared and he would have been ordering everyone to wear a mask. 

Trump cares about Trump. Always has, always will.


So many false statements in your post above that it's difficult to find a place to begin.  I could point them out but you would just deny or spin.


Just some of the quotes from recent threads:


"They’re currently at Power-Buy/Walmart buying up all the ‘Plasmas’ they can lay their hands on."


"Just where did this bloated, blowhard, idiot of a man get his medical degree from. I need a second opinion on my strange disease and would like to book an appointment."


"Probably still busy laughing about the ingestion of disinfectants and uv lights!"


"The nonsense this man comes out with. His narcissism was bad enough, but now paranoia is setting in as well."


"Well, i "heard" it's the blood of virgins that must be injected into the lungs, for a cleaning, or perhaps brought into the body, somehow.  and now you've "heard" it, too."


"What amazes me is that his redneck followers cannot see what a fool he is, come on rednecks, OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS!..........Maybe there is no hope for them either!"


No, this isn't ridicule at all.  These are intelligent responses expressing concern as to the efficacy of convalescent plasma, that's all.  And no, the sky isn't blue.  LOL

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22 minutes ago, Berkshire said:
6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine Trump could spend 100 billion USD tax money on

a) To make sure he gets reelected and/or stays in power

b) To save the lives of thousands of American citizens

c) To make sure the elections will be democratic and fair 

What would be his first priority? And what would be his last? No more questions.

I can't help but think about how Trump himself would respond to this question....


"Are you kidding me?  Are you stupid or what?  Of course the answer is a).  No way b).  Most Americans didn't vote for me so screw them all.  And c)?  Please.  I'd have zero chance of winning if the elections were fair.  So quit asking stupid questions and go get me a couple of Big Mac's, large fries, and a big as* cup of Diet Coke.  Pronto!"

Yes, that sounds familiar.

And if he would really say it his supporters would cheer and still vote for him. Amazing USA.

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7 hours ago, scorecard said:

Well any real/proven positive progress on a vaccine will be very good news.


But I wonder why many folks will say he's more interested in something/anything that will improve his re-election ratings rather than any real interest in a vaccine and the health / reducing the unbelievable infection and death rates of Americans?


Further, it would be interesting to hear some comment on this development from Dr Fauci.


it would be interesting to hear some comment on this development from Dr Fauci.


A few quotes from an article linked below...


According to a knowledgeable source, Dr. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health; Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Dr. H. Clifford Lane, who works under Fauci at NIAID, were among government health officials who had previously been skeptical there was enough data to justify emergency authorization of plasma for Covid-19.


Those treated with plasma containing the highest levels of antibodies had a 35% lower risk of dying within a week compared to those treated with less-rich plasma.



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56 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

So many false statements in your post above that it's difficult to find a place to begin.  I could point them out but you would just deny or spin.


Just some of the quotes from recent threads:


"They’re currently at Power-Buy/Walmart buying up all the ‘Plasmas’ they can lay their hands on."


"Just where did this bloated, blowhard, idiot of a man get his medical degree from. I need a second opinion on my strange disease and would like to book an appointment."


"Probably still busy laughing about the ingestion of disinfectants and uv lights!"


"The nonsense this man comes out with. His narcissism was bad enough, but now paranoia is setting in as well."


"Well, i "heard" it's the blood of virgins that must be injected into the lungs, for a cleaning, or perhaps brought into the body, somehow.  and now you've "heard" it, too."


"What amazes me is that his redneck followers cannot see what a fool he is, come on rednecks, OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS!..........Maybe there is no hope for them either!"


No, this isn't ridicule at all.  These are intelligent responses expressing concern as to the efficacy of convalescent plasma, that's all.  And no, the sky isn't blue.  LOL

What are you on about? I've looked through this thread and not a single one of your 'quotes' has been written by anyone on this thread. Are you taking them from somewhere else and trying to say they are from people talking here? If so, then that's just downright deceitful. 

My original post still stands 'Who is 'ridiculing convalescent plasma as a treatment'? Again you twist statements to fit YOUR narrative'.

If you would like to show someone FROM THIS THREAD ridiculing the treatment then I'll listen but please do not try and use other peoples quotes from other threads to justify your stance and twist statements to fit YOUR narrative. Again. 


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3 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

What are you on about? I've looked through this thread and not a single one of your 'quotes' has been written by anyone on this thread. Are you taking them from somewhere else and trying to say they are from people talking here? If so, then that's just downright deceitful. 

My original post still stands 'Who is 'ridiculing convalescent plasma as a treatment'? Again you twist statements to fit YOUR narrative'.

If you would like to show someone FROM THIS THREAD ridiculing the treatment then I'll listen but please do not try and use other peoples quotes from other threads to justify your stance and twist statements to fit YOUR narrative. Again. 


Same topic, same posters, different thread.


Trump touts convalescent plasma as a coronavirus treatment


Time to reciprocate?

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6 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


He wasn't the only one minimizing the threat for so long, bud. 

Right. All Trumper posters were doing the same in this forum, blaming Dems, MSM, and so-called experts for creating panic by extensively and continuously outlining epidemic risk.

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1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

The other day, Trump floated the theory that the FDA (or “deep state”) were stalling the approval of possible corona vaccins, just so that they would not become available before the election. Just one of the many cockamamie brain farts he throws out there on twitter. 

Exactly. How can one have any doubt about his true objective?


"The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd." ????


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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

So many false statements in your post above that it's difficult to find a place to begin.  I could point them out but you would just deny or spin.


Just some of the quotes from recent threads:


"They’re currently at Power-Buy/Walmart buying up all the ‘Plasmas’ they can lay their hands on."


"Just where did this bloated, blowhard, idiot of a man get his medical degree from. I need a second opinion on my strange disease and would like to book an appointment."


"Probably still busy laughing about the ingestion of disinfectants and uv lights!"


"The nonsense this man comes out with. His narcissism was bad enough, but now paranoia is setting in as well."


"Well, i "heard" it's the blood of virgins that must be injected into the lungs, for a cleaning, or perhaps brought into the body, somehow.  and now you've "heard" it, too."


"What amazes me is that his redneck followers cannot see what a fool he is, come on rednecks, OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS!..........Maybe there is no hope for them either!"


No, this isn't ridicule at all.  These are intelligent responses expressing concern as to the efficacy of convalescent plasma, that's all.  And no, the sky isn't blue.  LOL

These quotes are all so nasty, they could have been composed by Trump himself.

And if false statements about plasma are your concern, why is none of that righteous ire directed at Trump?

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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Same topic, same posters, different thread.


Trump touts convalescent plasma as a coronavirus treatment


Time to reciprocate?

So lets just get this staright. You are taking quotes from a post from 4 days ago THAT I'M NOT ON as a reply to my quote here?

And you think that's acceptable etiquette? You think you've got me? Truly only a total Trump fan can think that way. 

Ok, I'll amend my post:-

'Who ON THIS THREAD TODAY (NOT INCLUDING THE ONES FROM THAT OTHER POST, YOU KNOW, THE ONE 4 DAYS AGO THAT I'M NOT ON) is 'ridiculing convalescent plasma as a treatment'? 




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6 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

So lets just get this staright. You are taking quotes from a post from 4 days ago THAT I'M NOT ON as a reply to my quote here?

And you think that's acceptable etiquette? You think you've got me? Truly only a total Trump fan can think that way. 

Ok, I'll amend my post:-

'Who ON THIS THREAD TODAY (NOT INCLUDING THE ONES FROM THAT OTHER POST, YOU KNOW, THE ONE 4 DAYS AGO THAT I'M NOT ON) is 'ridiculing convalescent plasma as a treatment'? 

"Just some of the quotes from recent threads:"


Don't act so surprised.


Remember, too, that you jumped in my reply to scorecard.  My reference to the ridicule in my reply to scorecard was made with those other threads in mind.  When you jumped in you said, "What ridicule?" and weren't aware of my reference to other threads and assumed I was referring to this thread only.  I think you're all mixed up here.  Hope that straightens it out for you.


Saying you're sorry, you got it wrong, is not that hard to do.  I did it with you.  Time to reciprocate. 

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1 hour ago, rcummings said:

These quotes are all so nasty, they could have been composed by Trump himself.

And if false statements about plasma are your concern, why is none of that righteous ire directed at Trump?

Because I'm not a Trump hater and don't share your bias towards him.  I look at things objectively.  That causes me to see things differently and without a pre-choosen slant.  So I have no ire towards Trump on this issue.


I'm glad that you admit to the utter nastiness that's displayed here towards Trump.  Those of us not in the Trump hating club have been pointing it out for a long time.

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3 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

"Just some of the quotes from recent threads:"


Don't act so surprised.


Remember, too, that you jumped in my reply to scorecard.  My reference to the ridicule in my reply to scorecard was made with those other threads in mind.  When you jumped in you said, "What ridicule?" and weren't aware of my reference to other threads and assumed I was referring to this thread only.  I think you're all mixed up here.  Hope that straightens it out for you.


Saying you're sorry, you got it wrong, is not that hard to do.  I did it with you.  Time to reciprocate. 

There's only one confused person here Tippaporn and it's not me.

Perhaps in future you can keep the threads seperate on not 'cross-quote'. It'll make life a lot easier.

And I'll apologise when i need to. Which isn't in this instance.  

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