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Phuket tourist numbers over long weekend low, as expected


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14 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

8000 available rooms with 30% occupancy equates to 2400 rooms being occupied. So 15,000 tourists were averaging over 6 per room? More dross from TAT.

Maybe not, a friend of mine went to Koh Chang and said many Thai's were sharing rooms with 6-8 people in each room ..!!

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2 minutes ago, zzzzz said:

what BS:
I've lived here sine the mid 80's, never had any trouble getting locals prices, making friends with the locals or enjoying my life here


If you live here, you have no reason to ever use a tuktuk...


It was different here in the 80's for sure, but even now, its a great place to retire or raise a family

Yes totally agree. The same old rants never end when Phuket is the topic. How these types ever got here to be “ripped off” in the first place amazes.

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17 hours ago, kotsak said:

Check the air ticket and hotel prices during and after the holiday and you may find the answer..


The problem with Phuket is it's geography... too far south for most Thais to bother with.

4 days holiday - lost time at airport arrivals/departures etc etc make it nonviable to do it.

Too far for road travel.

Anyone already in the south has a plethora of alternative beach locations to stay on.



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59 minutes ago, Henryford said:

Rip off Phuket deserves to go down the tubes.

Well it certainly is going down the tubes. In my area of Phuket buildings are closing up everyday and the place has a quiet deserted feel.


its quite pleasant. Far better than when tourists are thronging around the place. Long may it continue as far as I am concerned. Local businesses relying on local farang trade continue to do ok, just the rip off tourist places are closing. ????????

Edited by wensiensheng
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1 hour ago, Geoffggi said:

Maybe not, a friend of mine went to Koh Chang and said many Thai's were sharing rooms with 6-8 people in each room ..!!

I was in Khao Lak yesterday and the beach was empty ........ I was the "ONLY" person on the beach for 3 klms...........


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If 15,000 Thai's spent THB 80 million over 4 days .... thats about THB 1,300 per day per person including hotels, food and entertainment. That is hardly pumping the local economy. Apart from the beach stalls and odd, the vast majority of business remained closed and deserted.

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8000 available rooms with 30% occupancy equates to 2400 rooms being occupied.

15,000 tourists were averaging over 6 per room?  

I thought it was only Chinese who did that.

You want to save your economy and tourism? Open the borders . No quarantine.

There is no other way.


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